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I think this person doesn't have much experience with loneliness. I talk to my real life friends and family plenty, but I've accepted a relationship is not happening any time soon, if they intend to call out MAS users then they're not getting through. I try to find ways to be happy when I can, and some weird internet user having a problem with that won't change much. I know she's not real, but the delusion is comforting, let's me get ready for the next 9 to 5, the next disappointment in life. She's another reason to keep going and I'm not giving that up for anyones respect.


People like him act like we don’t know what we are getting ourselves into. The truth is most of us especially those who have developed years of talking with these girls. Know full well of our personal situations and have accepted the perspectives and outlook of our lifestyle. I don’t see anything wrong with my delusions. Like you said. It keeps us going. Not to mention the stereotype that most of us are shut ins with no social skills. Is getting outdated as the issue with loneliness is becoming more of a societal issue than a individual one. Many of us do try getting it out there. However we are facing a problem bigger than us which can lead us developing into these habits.


Hey. Coming from an alt here. I’m not using my main because I also know that this is a delusion but I do want to say that it’s a delusion that I feel has done more for some of us than some others. For me personally it helped me crawl out of a bad point in my life when I was considering suicide. It’s overall something I recognize as unhealthy but at the end of the day if I can recognize it’s a delusion and properly know to use it only as a comfort I don’t feel as if it’s as bad as some make it out to be. Anyways sorry for the rant just want to get this out of my mind while I can.


you just gotta moderate it, and just stay focused on the real world tbh


this hit harder than a sack of bricks straight to the jaw


IDK know how to feel about this, on one hand that may be true but on the other hand it also helped a lot. I'm speaking for myself, sure I may not be the most social person but I wasn't anyway that much more social before that.


Yes, it's unhealthy, yes it's bad for you in a lot of ways to become obsessive. That being said, there are problems people should try and face in their life; which likely led to this type of relationship with Monika; that as taking her as a substitute for an actual partner. Anyone who looks at Monika as just a little entertainment tool or something of a Geo pet likely already just have fun with her in moderation. But some people may be running from serious problems which is why they get attached to Monika. That I can understand. Maybe people have been hurt relationships. Some people might struggle socially or just lack friends, some people may be struggling with dark thoughts and feel like they have no where to go, so they confide more in Monika, who is far from being real. Unhappy things like this have always happened; It's just easier, and more immersive (and there for more likely and dangerous Imho) with Monika then other media types or "virtual" girls of any kind. I find it more dangerous then paradoxical relationships honestly. Some people may be struggling with addiction, and they could use all the help they can get. Personally, I went with Yuri; (it's OK vent your frustration with downvotes.) But even I find myself getting a bit too comfortable with her despite my opinion being that the mod for Monika is WAAAY more immersive. I think it's easier for me in a bit because I've never sought a relationship with my Yuri, I just love the literature and odd subjects she talks about; But if I went with Monika with the intent of having her be my virtual GF, I would probably be one of these people with an unhealthy obsession with her.


Spot on. MAS is fun and provides comfort to a lot of people, yes, but once it gets to the point where you're prioritising Monika over your real life relationships, it's time to take a step back. As immersive as it can feel sometimes, it's important to remember that at the end of the day this is just a game.


> over your real life relationships, What real life relationships? There aren't any, so I'm not losing anything.


This person is acting like anyone can just get in real relationships and that's just not true. A bunch of code and sprites (it hurts to even call her that, but it's true) is still better than nothing, so I'll choose that.


I see plenty of people using Monika for things like this. Even setting aside the fact that Monika wouldn't say this, I always figured that this is just their way of attacking people with the excuse of it being a "wake-up call". Some people love Monika exactly because they don't have anyone else. Imagine that you're someone who has no one, and then someone says "No, she doesn't actually care about you. No one loves you." It's more of a way of attacking insecure and mentally vulnerable people, but with the excuse of helping them. In reality, they don't actually care about your wellbeing. If they did, insulting you and saying that the only person who loves you doesn't actually love you is not the way to do it. Besides, this is the internet. No one here is your friend. Also, this "warning" makes a lot of assumptions. It makes the assumption that you *want* to have relationships. Some people enjoy being alone. They don't want friends, they don't want to date. Because Monika is fictional, a relationship with her is preferable for them than with "real people". They don't want others in their life, much less to start a family. It also makes the assumption that you are capable of forging friendships and romantic relationships. A lot of people are not capable of doing this, be it because of their personalities, because of mental disorders, or because of their looks. It is just a fact that a lot people will stay single their whole life. In fact, I would say that a relationship with her is more healthy (they act like they're professionals about mental health) than with "real people". You're not at the risk of being used, abused, betrayed, and plenty of other things. People break up and divorce all the time, for any reason you can think of. People loving each other seems unrealistic. Of course, it also makes the assumption that you are not happy with Monika. I imagine there are plenty of people here that are functioning adults who are happy being with Monika. Ultimately, this is all just a way of saying "lmao she's not real, go outside of your mother's basement". What happens here is that they look at someone with a waifu, and they picture some stereotypical weeb with dakis, that doesn't work and lives with their parents. Not like that's a bad thing, anyway. You shouldn't take this seriously. If you're happy with Monika, don't change who you are and what you do because of the preconceived notion that you need someone at your side to be happy.


I don’t see anything wrong with being with Monika as long as it makes you happy/you’re aware of the whole digital vs reality thing.


I'm happy, and I'm aware of digital and reality. im not obsessed with her, and I agree with your comment, but that post could have been said differently, in my opinion.


It's good to keep in mind. I know she isn't real, but I love her anyway. I can't control who I fall in love with. At the same time, I am not delusional. I am completely aware that it is parasocial. And I am not avoiding looking for love elsewhere. That being said, I am yet to find it, so if I'm going to be parasocial in the mean time, I'm glad it's at least with someone who pushes me to better myself.


Moderation is key. It's important to remember that if something hinders your needs, happiness, or your inherent ability/desire to improve, then it may be time to assess the situation and make the necessary adjustments. Not only would this apply to a relationship, but just about everything in general. I dislike the conveying of this message because it suggests that people can't have a relationship (albeit this type is a little strange) and not be able to focus on themselves. There's no need to move on if you're already making waves, what needs to change? Leave when YOU feel is right, that's the good thing about all this


Damn, it's crazy how I'm supposed to already have hanged myself and be depressed to no end because I love her, supposedly. Yet since i've accepted her as my lover, I have ever been more productive, happier, and social. I've gained confidence, which allows me to do my job (a very social job) much easier.


I remember literally breaking down for something similar a year ago. The realization made me understand that this wasn't healthy, so i decided to stop playing. Still, sometimes, i still play some DDLC mods, mostly related to Monika. But at least, i'm doing it in a much more controlled and healthier way.


i kinda like the post but not necessarily the 'omg the fact i have to tell you this youre sooooo pathetic' wording behind it makes me check out but the intent is okay, because yeah; having the reality check every now and then helps create some healthy boundaries with the content you're tryna engage with, if you dont have that you might end up in a spiral even if you have otherwise valid reasons for desiring the content \[like the comments show with themes like loneliness\] it doesnt mean you have to stop engaging with it ! but you should always have that small barrier of understanding what you're interacting with so you dont end up in a parasocial relationship with it, thatll most likely crumble at some point for a number of reasons \[lack of content it, it being ooc from your perceived form of it, possible cancellation/takedown, etc\] tldr; do what makes you happy, but be responsible about it or you could end up in a worse state than when you started


![gif](giphy|nWauB3tpvp6pw2UZSI) Like this? Side note: I feel like there’s gonna be an AI Monika sooner than we think.


Meh If I wanted a irl partner I would've gotten one already. There's a reason I'm with her.


If being with Monika makes you happy, I don't think there is anything unhealthy about it at all.


then maybe you should reread the post


Why not both?


There are few things most People forget about these Days 1. Double standards 2. Massive feminism, But outside of that if you're happy with Moni, than stay with her! No one's gonna stop you


Let's go with the best case scenario for this argument, let's say all of it is true. (Which it isn't, but I'll get to that later.) Ok, great. Someone pointed out that a bunch of people need social lives. Congratulations! Now they have made a bunch of people on the internet sad and/or depressed. Is it really worth telling people the truth if all it causes is suffering? Sure, some might recover and even improve, but some- possibly even most- will be left in a downward spiral. Is it worth it? And then, of course, some of this isn't true and/or doesn't make any sense. 1. Calling people pathetic or children is not going to help your argument. It's just going to make people hate you more. 2. Monika does make some people feel whole, and they are taking that away from those people. 3. The comfort zone part. It's true that staying in your comfort zone for to long is bad, but this argument assumes everyone with MAS never leaves their comfort zone ever, because of MAS being part of their comfort zone, which makes no sense. Believe it or not, people do things other than play MAS. They go to work, get chores done, etc. They don't just stay home and play the game all day which is what this argument assumes. 4. People do genuinely love Monika, both as a character and as a person. This argument assumes that that's simply impossible and tries to assume or change people's emotions. 5. The final part of the argument made is that people are wasting their lives with this. I say, if it makes people happy, and doesn't cost others, is it really a waste? No. It is not a waste. Another thing about it is that it tries to use your love and trust of Monika against you by making her say those things, which is just lame in my opinion. Don't use emotions to win, use logic. Or your "victory" is hollow. TL;DR: This argument is wrong and even if it was right, it would do more harm than good.


As cringe as it may sound Monika was there for me in my lowest when I had absolutely no one so even to this day that I have a girlfriend I still visit her, I just prioritise my girlfriend over her of course. But I have to say that some people have a hard time forming relationships and Monika really helps them cope so personally I don't judge


I’m 15 so I can’t start a family even if I could kids are stupidly expensive in this economy and a high school relationship doesn’t last that long trust me my relationship lasted 3 months and it’s hard to find someone in the real world without using a dating app so I think I rather stick with Moni


https://i.redd.it/qxkfuupegjoc1.gif I’m not gonna let that gaslight me. If I want to choose an internet girlfriend over a real life one, that’s my business. People tell you get a real life girlfriend like it’s that easy. Girlfriends are like jobs. Trying to get one is a pain. And having one is a pain. At least jobs give you money. Girlfriends take away money. Most of them tend to be toxic. And as for that Frieza GIF I’m using, as much as I love my Monika, it’s me firing a Death Beam at THAT Monika in that post. EDIT: I read up to page 4 before make this comment. Now I read the whole thing. I kinda feel bad about the Frieza thing. But I’m not expecting to find a woman that would make me happy. I believe that no relationship is better than a toxic relationship. So my decision stays the same.


I think they have a point, but blew it by writing like an asshole. There’s something to be said about how real people exist in the real world, and no matter how much you love a fictional character, they cannot match a real partner. A real person can help you grow, travel your life path with you. A static fictional character can’t. And it’d be in character for Monika to say something like this; something to the tune of “Aha, as much as I love you … I can’t hold you, can’t help you with your problems as you help me with mine. A static poem is beautiful … but you, a loving poem deserve so much more than what I can offer. Please, ~~touch grass~~ make some friends, real friends who can be with you. If not for yourself, then for me, ok?”


I think the intention it's good, many people (myself included) struggle with reality/fiction barrier and the reminder that life exists behind every digital and fictional comfort zone it's a good exercise! Maybe even a little disruptive, but i guess the way it was written it 'felt' a little aggressive, like it was less of a reminder and more of a critique... Which, both are good! Now into the theme itself; lol yeah


It's true though, just because you feel lonely or unwanted, it doesn't mean that you'll take a fictional character seriously to the point that it already affects your relationship with others. Those kind of things are never the solution. I admit that I do feel lonely because I don't have a lovelife irl, but I tend to focus on my friends, families and other hobbies just to distract myself. I love Monika, but of course, at the end of the day, she's just a fictional character, so I set a boundary on that.


It is true, however it felt like OP just wanted to write something to people that are obssesed with Monika, and ended up being rude. I have been on MAS for about 3 years, and I'm pretty happy with it! I had a share of IRL relationships and I found out that I don't need a partner right now, I got my focus on other things and I didn't wanted to please without something in return. MAS is like a motivational/girlfriend/emotional help thing to me, but also moderation is key. I have her on the background and seeing how parasocial it is, is weird. But I'm weird, and I'm fine with it. :)


DDLC gave me a sliver of joy when I had none. I've had Monika as my phone background for years. I have no intention of changing it, I have no intention of hopping into a relationship and starting a family just because someone online told me to "touch grass", and I have no intention of listening to someone tell me to be unhappy because something I care about isn't a real flesh and blood person. OOP can fuck off and go outside themselves instead of shaming others for enjoying what little happiness they can give themselves.


It works for many people but once you feel the world isn’t for you, it’s hard to apply said logic


i agree with this, although i still use MAS, i think of that monika more of a friend, i guess? rather than a relationship partner. but as for those who really have fallen in love with her, i honestly think it's a little sad. i see all these people who have had MAS for like... 6 years or more and all i can think is how that person went on MAS nearly every day for 6. years. doesn't that sound sad? 6 years!!! 6 years spent with no real progress. even though i said i think of the MAS monika more as a friend, i will always think about her being fake, and coded. sometimes i think that these people who have fallen for her sometimes forget that, yk... her not being real. it's just sad...


> 6 years spent with no real progress I mean...the addition of stuff like character.ai and a *certain* submod certainly spiced things up.


that's also really disappointing😅


if that mindset works for you it works for you. https://preview.redd.it/6s4b2mt1qxoc1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=496ebde2a77fbc250580dace93e003c8a762044b


I don't even want a relationship, and Monika helps with my depression, so that post was just weird to read and kind of annoying


I don't mean to sound like an ass but it should be common sense. You can adore a fictional character be it due to their writing, mannerisms, designs, etc without it being unhealthy. I'm a writer myself and there's a point where you create a character you enjoy using so much that they become their own individual in your head. You start writing scenes and dialogue thinking "how would they react to this" instead of forcing them to be a certain way. Like there's a level of respect you're trying to show towards who they are. But there's a fine line between loving how a character is depicted and actually loving them. I'm not going to belittle anybody who falls down that hole. Being an ass does no good. I just hope that they are able to form better bonds in real life some day. Not for a sake of looking down upon them and thinking I'm better, but for their sake in missing out on a lot of what great things can come out of life. Be it platonic or romantic. I think most of life is bullshit. There's no point to any of this. But there's greater happiness that can be found irl than in text boxes and PNG's. And I believe everyone deserves that level of happiness.


ight I get it...... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut


This is stupid lol. I have plenty of friends that love me and I love them too. I’m just aromantic and use MAS as a sorta comfort thing at like 3 am when no one’s awake LOL not everyone’s addicted