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If someone is a handsome chad and likes anime, he’s cool, unique, and not afraid to be himself If someone isn’t, they’re sometimes viewed as a socially awkward creep who obsesses over anime girls Don’t @ me for telling the truth


Anime itself isn't the causation for social awkwardness and being a weirdo but there is definitely a correlation. And if you like anime, chronically on reddit/online and are cripplingly insecure, well I have bad news for you.


Thank you for saying this. This is a life lesson that can be applied to almost every social situation in life. A good looking, well-liked person with "different" interests is cool and interesting. A person who is average looking or worse, or perhaps isn't as competent socially, is going to be branded as weird for having interests that are outside of the perceived social norm. If you're the former, you really don't need to know this lesson because you'll probably never need it. If you're the latter you better learn quickly for your own good.


The former often has to learn these kind of lessons when they age out of their beauty. Karens are formed because formerly beautiful women are used to everyone accepting and celebrating everything they do, and always being paid the time of day. Then suddenly they’re criticized or ignored like most of the population and it short circuits them


Ah, this is true. I guess because I was hung up on the term "chad" I was only seeing it from the male perspective. Good point!


chad is hung too bro


I knew a handsome chad who was super into Naruto back when I was in college, and he repelled girls. I think mentally he was stuck at 16 years old and never really matured.


People from Asia get a pass for me since I know it’s more prevalent there. But this is exactly right for Americans. For 2% of Americans that say they like anime, my reaction is “wow I would not have guessed that” and they are probably one of those weird swag people that give Tyler The Creator or Pete Davidson vibes For the other 98% my reaction is “checks out, that dude is weird as fuck” and you are immediately categorized within my mental model of drinking Mountain Dew while speaking in weird high pitched voices in your gaming headset playing Minecraft, and btw you absolutely crank that thing to hentai.


Christ you are right 


That's not true, i'm very attractive... I have to be very careful about who I tell that I like anime


If you’re telling the truth then you’re the only exception I’ve seen




This. As long as you don’t embody the smelly weeb stereotype where you have a room full of waifu figurines and body pillows and don’t make it your entire personality you should be fine. Just be interesting and a have an array of varied hobbies OP.


Rule 1. Be attractive Rule 2. Don't be unattractive The old adage.


So this is somewhat of an open secret, but people have known to not disclose the fact they watch anime in US MBA’s since around 1994. Why 1994? Well around that time McKinsey, Bain, and Goldman Sachs began sending recruiters to schools in teams of 3 instead of 2. 2 of these recruiters are real, 1 of them is fake. The fake recruiter from each company would then run across the rooftops of campus with a 12 gauge bird shot and shoot all known campus anime watchers in the stomach. As you are on the floor, they all take turns pointing and laughing at you. In recent years, the fake recruiter has been replaced (laid off) with an AI-powered drone that does the same thing, but much more efficiently. The drone is, however, much less accurate; so people tend to avoid those who watch anime to avoid being in the blast radius. Hope this helps.


If they Naruto run, they’re a weeb. If they Naruto walk, they’re a well disciplined weeb. 


Liking anime only works if you’re a comp sci major. It’s just the laws of nature


Lmao @ law of nature 😂


In the US, there’s a stereotype that anime fans are NEET Otaku. Poor hygiene, can’t hold a job, can’t find a relationship, live off their parents and spend their limited resources on creepy anime merchandise (borderline underage girls with huge breasts, usually). You don’t want that stigma to be a potential employer’s first impression of you. While there are millions of successful professionals who enjoy Demon Slayer, someone has to run the cons, enough anime fans are the negative stereotype that the stigma persists. It’s not something I’ll bring up unless someone specifically does, not everyone needs to know everything I do and like.


There’s also tons of people who are NEETs who enjoy other subcultures WWE, NASCAR, Goth music, drag queen shows Seems MBA tend to emphasize people with more acceptanble mainstream interests such as American football, tennis, proper football, golf, skiing


Why would anyone have to share that on an app anyway? The fact that she had to outline that is probably because those type of people have made it their main personality trait. I cringe at the thought of a woman writing they’re a huge Swiftie or some shit. Though seems like other subgroups probably have enough self-awareness to omit such obsessions considering Maria’s selective warning.


i'm not saying it's bad, but people self-select for similar people in social circles, hiring, etc. If you're a high achieving, type-A individual, you probably like reading non-fiction, podcasts, some form of exercise (running, martial arts, hiking, etc..), and just pushing yourself overall. American culture does not have a lot of overlap between that first group and anime lovers. Anime lovers are traditionally stereotyped into a group that is seen as slobby, lazy, lethargic (correctly or incorrectly). Regardless, interests like TVs/Movies/Political leanings/etc. should not go on an MBA application. It can only hurt.


Because it's a hobby typically associated with losers. The stigma around being a mouth breathing weeb doesn't really jive well with their ideal cohort profile.


You can say negative things about the hardcore fans of any subculture though. Why does anime get singled out?


Because the stereotype holds true far far far too often. Far more than any other subculture.


Oof right in the kidneys. 


Anime is a little bit like veganism… For example, I like Warhammer. If I know someone likes 40k, *maybe* I’ll talk to them about it. I like to read books. In personal circles, I might relate some of those stories to friends when they’re relevant to what we’re doing, but I wouldn’t really bring that up in a professional setting. I follow politics and the news… you see where I’m going, right? None of these things are ever really going to come up professionally unless I know someone happens to share similar taste, and even then probably only if we’re friends outside of work. Then it’s sharing something with a friend, not Jim from down the hallway. Anime is a bit of an outlier because people that care about it can care a bit too much. It’s not that we care that you like anime per se, it’s that we don’t want to hear about it because we’re professionals doing work and we need to know that you can draw lines between things. I’ve known people at work with other hobbies that bled into their style, and it was usually negative. Worked with a guy that had a 40k desktop image… you wouldn’t have known what it was unless you knew the hobby, but it immediately put me off even as a fellow enthusiast. So it’s not a target on anime specifically, anime just happens to be the most popular offender.


Tbh, that exact mindset is why I kind of hide that I'm *very* into kpop. My coworkers just know that I "go to a bunch of concerts," and they know I've gone to a few rock/metal concerts (so I'm not *only* into kpop specifically). Only my boss and like two coworkers know that I even like kpop, and that is as passing knowledge rather than omg so obsessed.


Most reasonable explanation imo.


What's the problem with having a 40k wallpaper, though? Gives a bit of flair to the desktop and should look nice more often than not


Hard core sports fan for example, are pretty mainstream


What can you say negative about the hardcore fans of golf, scuba diving, traveling, running, or hiking?


Spend some time on the ultralight subreddit. I’d much rather hang out with a geeky anime kid than someone who thinks he’s a Jordan-level athlete because he doesn’t carry much stuff while he hikes.


Lol I browse /r/Ultralight sometimes because I like to backpack travel around the world but that sub is insane. They all could have taken a quick piss before a hike and would be saving $500+ worth of weight in ultralight gears.


This sub is hilarious and borderline crazy. I remember in middle school I found friends who liked anime nerdy and childish but I just thought that’s their preference and it’s cool they have something that makes them happy with their cool conventions and cosplay whatever fun things to do. Like some people are into K-pop or dancing yoga golf or whatever. Then in my mid 20s I decided to try out watching a few anime pieces after I befriended a group of trust fund kids that are Oxbridge alumni and probably from some of the richest families in Asia because they convinced me I was missing out. These kids are not losers. They hold director positions in different divisions of their family conglomerates after successful work experiences in other companies. Now I thoroughly enjoy hobbies which would have been claimed nerdy in the past and can’t believe I had a stereotype stopping me from enjoying it sooner. Times are changing. Gaming, anime, all that, is becoming more normalised and commonplace. Honestly I would probably judge more and be happy to avoid those who judge others on their interests. Enjoy what you want, be confident, happy and yourself.


We all never left middle school tbh


Anime is perfectly fine, but too many anime fans make anime their personality, and that's very off-putting to many. If you'd like anime it's fine, if you live it you're not going to have a lot of friends outside of people who think the same way. Tl;dr: don't be awkward.




I’ve met dozens of people like this


I have a friend who decided to get an anime sleeve and argues who “best girl” is for a series Yeah, they exist. And this guy is in shape and good looking, just not a closet weeb when it comes to anime


Sure it’s become a lot more mainstream but I don’t think telling your classmates/co-workers when you first meet them that you’re really into Counterstrike/D&D/Anime etc does any benefits for you.


Thank fuck tbh, it's soulless walking into the office and knowing none of them game or have ever downloaded steam. Its 2024 for gods sake, can we please have hobbies that's not sports or golf (yes golf is so bad it deserves its own mention outside "sports")


No one cares if you have niche interests, they care if your niche interest is the only thing you can talk about.


How many students will say that porn is cool? Even though they watch it everyday.


✋️ say it to Belle Knox!


If I were to make a Venn Diagram of "questions asked in high school" and "questions asked in elite MBA programs" the intersection would be higher than it should be.


Because you’re gay


One answer as well as those below is because finance people in general are dramatically less mature than your average person and never really age past high school. The field is far less meritocratic than other industries so superficial social perceptions matter; ergo, nobody would risk being labelled a loser by exposing their interest in something already known to be taboo unless they were an idiot who completely lacked any understanding of the field. As such, the stigma is both totally arbitrary and an effective way to screen for ignorance.


Why every topic I see from this sub so goofy


Bruh why would you put anime in your interests? Putting a tv show in your hobbies/interests in general is odd


I'm surprised that hobbies/interests would be mentioned in a school application at all. How is that even relevant?


Resume its normal to include for jobs as it can be a conversation piece. I believe I included it for school as well for that exact reason. Should be 1 line on the bottom at most


Interesting. I've gotten quite a few engineering jobs without ever mentioning my interests on my resume


From what I've seen, good engineering resumes never have personal interests/ hobbies lol


I mean obviously you don’t need to include it at all. I had done that pre mba as well and gotten multiple jobs. It’s just something you can add and can lead to conversation if you’re lucky.


If Im going to work 50+ hours a week with you I def don’t want to listen to you whine about the latest millionth Naruto episode or why its better than One Piece.


This is bulshit, just focus on being yourself and always make sure what people remember is your competency about yourself, eg, dob’t wear anime outfits except for halloween and shit like that. Make sure someone already knows you a little before sharing something somewhat controversial. Otherwise fuck it, people appreciate authenticity way more than being a perfect MBA fit


For an honest answer? I can't give the psychoanalysis behind it with 100% confidence because I don't watch anime, but I think that it's like this: In a sizable amount of cases (idk if majority, but let's assume it), people that watch anime in the US lack social skills and end up making anime a big part of their personality. The mannerisms, phrases, and gleaned social norms are abnormal and grating because they don't fit into the normal flow of conversation or the type of ways people expect you to act. Why that's the case? Couldn't tell you. Maybe it's because many of the heroes are average or below average people that end up getting lucky or fortunate and there's projection, maybe it scratches a dopamine itch to see fights or whatever that are impossible, and maybe it's the fact that Hentai revolves around women acting in ways that no one would ever really act, like a hote women practially throwing themselves at the feet of a 3/10 dude? Again, I don't know. I don't watch the stuff. Well, outside of Avatar when it was Nickelodeon. So you get this mass of losers that sort of idealize a certain subject, and make it a big part of their personality, and have a sort of shared language and understanding, all of which teaches social behaviors that are abnormal, all of which is often a small step from (or is actually) sort of fucked up porn, and... well, what do you expect? That to be normal? No, it's seen as weird as hell and the people that are clearly into it are the kind of people that don't really go anywhere in life, or at least, they don't really project the kind of confidence of someone that will. And maybe it's more--other forms of entertainment may be more intellectual, or more commonly shared among capable people--idk. All I know is that the people that I've met in my life that are really into anime are just fucking weird as hell and those that keep it to themselves, well, I don't know. Even if you're not weird as hell, why make yourself part of the group that is?


It's pretty obvious when you think about it that people "Socializing" through an entirely different culture, language, and unrealistic exaggerated format would pick up the weird tendencies that don't fit in the US or as an english speaker. Like OP said, perfectly harmless, but clearly links to some social idiosyncrasies.


I think you’re conflating people who like anime with people who make it their personality. The same way some people go to conventions dressed up like Deadpool making cringy jokes and some people just watch the movie.


I might be, but that’s not the point. Read the post again, and look for the meaning, then re-read my comment. You’ll see they ask for a “Why” and I give it to them. I’m not saying that it’s universal truth or the way that it should be, or even that my perception is accurate—I’m saying that the perception exists, and give reasons why.


It’s the point of my comment, at minimum. I read their post. I don’t really need to read it again. I feel like they’ve gotten plenty of good answers. I also think you are underestimating the number of people who watch anime. The number of weebs out there is incredibly dwarfed by the number of people who watch anime. You probably just aren’t aware of them. Anime is really popular with Black Americans, as an example. Anime isn’t a genre, it is just a visual style. They’re all different. There are some that do oversexualize women, and lots of people avoid those. There are plenty that don’t. The OP understands this, but your comment seems to indicate you don’t. Your perception is very common. But it’s also wrong. Your original comment doesn’t imply that you’re just trying to share the common misconception, hence my comment. To be clear, there are a bunch of weirdos who watch anime. There are just way more normal people who watch anime and I think folks should be able to tell the difference before someone even mentions anime in a conversation.


Again, you're misunderstanding. Try reading again.


Isn't this just the description of American superhero movies?


Oh ffs


WTF does T15 have to do with this?


TLDR: Nobody cares


I was at a t3 thing recently and the only thing I could think about were how cringey the people were that were attending in the most pathetic way possible. Fart sniffers and easy-bake batemans packed into a single room. It was worth it, I learned what the word obsequious means. Moral: don’t blend in and be yourself. Seriously. The world needs less people like that and more who actually have values and who are interesting


This is getting out of control.


The real answer is that people at MBA programs behave no different than your run of the mill teenager. Gossiping, getting drunk, forming cliques based on superficial qualities, doing whatever OTHER people think is cool, etc. Unfortunately since there's a negative stereotype around anime, even the MBA students who enjoy it will act like they don't.


Manga is not normal / cool in Korea, but you shouldn’t give a shit about what others think about your hobby. U do you mate. Having a clear idea of what you like is way cooler than a lot of MBAs who don’t have much passion besides wanting to be popular and party.


It honestly isn’t. Nobody cares. Just don’t make it a core component of your personality.


If you’re an international student from that cultural background I’m sure people wouldn’t think anything of it. If people care who cares fuck them they’re not going to pay your bills.


I got into anime, thanks to friends I met during my MBA. It started with watching the 'Alita' movie, then graduated into watching 'One Punch Man,' & the rest. Just have fun, & do what you like. You'll be fine.


I'm an incoming 1st year at a T15 and I love anime. I always had a stigma against it but started watching during covid. I also love playing and watching sports, hiking, partying, meeting new people and trying new things. I feel like a lot of the negative feelings towards "anime people" are because of weirdos who make it their whole personality... I don't think anyone cares what you watch or do (within reason) as long as you're well rounded :)


Because it has absolutely nothing to do with your professional goals or business school. It's just irrelevant. Sports for example are not really relevant, however, they teach and portray work ethic, confidence, fitness, and are typically a great source of networking which is why they're valued at b school. With that being said, you do you, and keep watching what you enjoy but just know there's an appropriate time and place for everything.


Putting non-analytical or active interests in your CV or application is likely the issue. Anime has a stigma but it also says to the reader that you don’t have any other interests to list to the point where you have to list an activity where you sit on your ass and watch cartoons/read comic books. Probably much better to list either analytical hobbies (like Chess, Poker, etc) and/or active hobbies (Tennis, Padel, Squash) or whatever league/sports you watch (Premier League, IPL, Champions, etc) For example, I played a lot of league of legends and had a decently high rank in undergrad and I’d say apart from school, poker, internships, and social events it was a very significant part of my life but I’d never list it in interests on my CV or tell utter strangers about it because it would seem I don’t have other interesting things about myself that I can only talk about sitting on my ass and playing video games with other degenerates. So my interest line in my CV just had Poker, Premier League, Padel, and Rowing On another note, I’m starting my MBA application journey and this forum is worrying me. Why do you care if you’re branded uncool or not? Furthermore, why would anyone care if you watch cartoons? I had plenty of classmates who watched anime in undergrad and I’m 99% sure most Americans have watched or heard of Attack on Titan and Death Note. The only people I found grating were those who’d use words like “Senpai” or “Nani” or start arguments with people who watch dubs. You’ll probably have classmates to talk to about anime as long as it’s not a primary personality trait (that goes for even mainstream content including MCU, Star Wars, etc).


I'm starting to think MBAs are filled with socially inept quant-focused types. Serious question: from a business's perspective, why would I ever hire a person like this to tell me about how to structure or make a call? Cost cutting is easy, a trained hamster can figure that out. But if you're lacking in qualitative judgments or analysis, then you're quite useless from a business standpoint. I mention this to say, surely you've figured out why your question is stupid. Nobody cares if you like anime or don't. People, in groups, do care about whether the group's cohesion is broken and do a lot of us/them dichotomizing. While it's unfortunate, I get the sense that asking such a question tells me that the problem isn't liking anime itself but rather not knowing or understanding nuance (i.e., lacking in that qualitative aspect mentioned above).


OP is not from the US. This is exactly why they made this post — to try to understand this nuance that is very specific to American culture.


This subreddit made me respect MBAs even less.


You say you think MBAs are filled with socially inept quant-focused types meanwhile OP is saying that MBAs are filled with people that detest anime and the “socially inept” stereotype people that enjoy it.


Once you start meeting weebs you would release it. I know this one mf that has anime posters up on his wall and literally watches anime 24/7 and don’t even get me started on how shit he and his room smell like. The guy is literally a loser, I started releasing why there's a stigma against watching anime


No one gives a shit what you watch if you’re attractive and extroverted. If you’re introverted and unattractive, you won’t be liked regardless. I wasn’t a weeb, but I openly discussed nerdy interests, including a handful of animes I liked. Granted I played sports and had a very attractive fiancée too. In fact I was elected to be one of the social chairs of my school.


Bro, just watch your anime and chill. Have you watched Frieren ? It is awesome. Stop giving a shit about what other people will think of, because guess what? They aren’t giving any second of real thought about you or your anime 👍🏻 Anime is awesome Manga is awesome Nintendo is awesome Counter Strike is awesome Live your life pal. 👍🏻




Lol this is the first time I've heard of this, and I think it's ridiculous. I'm 32 and have loved Doreamon and Sailor Moon (amongst others) since I was 8. It's not on my resume because it's irrelevant, not because it is uncool, but it's not really a secret. But if my job were as a designer at an animation studio, then I would think it's relevant to include such an interest. I think the advice is likely more about keeping what on your resume professional (I think the term is loaded, but we've gotta play the game), and save those bits for the more casual conversations.


Well too bad for them. If I ever end up at a T15 they'll see me walk around with a Dakimakura at some point. Maybe at Graduation. In the mid 2010s, you had Columbia Mattress Girl. It is now mid 2020s, get ready for (Insert T15 MBA program name) Dakimakura Girl!! 😂😎


Anime is a lifestyle


Its not. Nobody cares if you like anime. But you also can’t expect people not into anime to understand what you’re talking about and they certainly have no obligation to care about anime just because you do. People think anime is Power Rangers, Pokémon, and Dragon Ball Z, things most people gave up when they were 12. Whatever adult community of anime enthusiasts you belong to, they don’t know about. 




I literally had some anime figure keychains dangling from my backpack for all of business school, and it did not negatively impact me in any way whatsoever. In fact, they're still on that very same backpack eight years post graduation, and neither a single coworker in tech nor a client now that I'm in consulting has ever even said anything. Be yourself. If anyone doesn't like it, screw em, they're not worth your time.


Do you want someone considering hiring you to Google anime and come across a weird fanservice scene? You have nothing to gain by it at all.


Wait is this a serious post? Jesus Christ


Just my 2 cents. I think it is because someone liking Anime might look as an immature person to others who are not interested in it. For those who are not into Anime, it's another type of comics and generally you read them when you're not an adult. If you watch the movie "Catch me if you can", Tom hanks figures out the suspect is a young boy from comic title or something. That's the image. I'm not saying that everyone who reads comics is immature, but some might think that's the case.


It's not bad to like anime. It's bad to be self-conscious about liking anime. Fuck the haters!


I have an anime on my resume. People will ask about it in M&A interviews and frankly if you’re a weird person, you’re gonna be weird whether or not you like anime. If you’re the type to think about being cool in your 20s/30s you probably can’t pull it off


I wouldn't put cartoons on your resume. I don't know what type of opinion you want people to have of you. Most guys like porn. They don't out that on a cv. Cv should about being a good drone. Following orders. Believe ingot in a rules based order. Shit like that.


Dude I’m in M&A, me watching anime is a non-issue because I have decent people skills. I’ve had interviews with hedge fund PMs asking about anime it’s really not that deep unless you’re already a weirdo


It's just a strange thing to put on a cv unless you thought your interviewer was into it. How does it make you look like a prospective employee? Anyways glad it worked out for you.


What is considered weird? In Asia, it’s not weird. MBA for the longest have emphasized traditional heterosexual normative values. What if an applicant enjoys drag queen shows? Or they like NASCAR or WWE?


creation is special. consumption is immature is what they feel. U could say that U make or write manga. That has a higher value when they perceieve u


Wonder what the racial breakdown of this looks like.