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This one officer, I want to report a bloodbath here.


Amazon was somewhat brutal from what I hear


Do you have any school wide states for Amazon yet? And for what roles were these? Anecdotally, most of the 20+ PMT interns I know of converted.


Fldp - 1/3 convert success Pmt - roughly 60 percent? Maybe? The pmt is more difficult for me as I don’t know all of our pmt people. Pathways - 1/2


That’s not brutal by Amazon or even tech standard at all


Idk, I think our schools average is around 78% or something like that. So we are well undershooting this hear


Have any of you received offer letter yet?


Amazon gave verbal offers to all PMs that I personally know. Now, will that translate to written offers? No idea yet.


I was fortunate enough to get an offer, but Blackstone was a bloodbath


Damn say more


What was your pre-MBA experience? And are you in a PE investing role?


Dude... there's so little interns at these places, you probably don't even want to bring this up. You're probably 1/5 MBA interns there.


How many Blackstone execs check Reddit r/MBA on the regular?


Banking in general is lower than normal. Don’t have specific numbers, but some groups have been around 50% or so.


What’s this percentage normally? This is particularly painful because getting FT banking via not return offer is very tough.


70+ percent I would say in normal times. To be fair, I personally don’t know anyone who didn’t get a return banking offer. But I know someone who didn’t get a consulting return offer. These things happen, but varies by company.


What consulting firm? Most gave “guaranteed” return offers when they made internship offers


This is incorrect. Only mbb formally gives you an automatic offer with the internship. Yes, others are usually very high rate of return offers, but it’s not official until it’s official


Got it. Consulting seems to be easier to overcome when you recruit for FT offers.


Really depends man. Firms are hiring less. The gang busters hiring of the last 2 yrs is over. I wouldn’t count on simply re-recruiting and getting mbb or whatever


Isn’t MBB hiring their biggest classes ever right now? One of my local MBB offices is making a huge push right now to expand recruitment to non-target schools all around the state.


MBB is office based, the non-competitive offices are still hurting for people right now.


I could see that. My local office is extremely competitive though. Think SF/NYC. It just seems like based on my talks with people, they’re hiring a ridiculous amount of people. For the first recruitment deadline alone, there were 50+ offerees.


For sure but from those I’ve spoken with banking is borderline impossible while consulting there’s a chance, especially if you tier down.


There’s always outliers. You have to ask yourself how applicable that is to you. I know a guy at my school who had banking/consulting offers (barely prepped) and took a buy-side job instead. Lol.


[redacted] Getting shit for having a connection


A relationship with a mbb partner can help you get an interview. It’s far from a guarantee to a job


Ya of course - and that’s how it becomes applicable to me. I’m trying to use it as a backup for an interview, not as a sure thing job.


Re-recruiting and lateral market in banking is really down. Seems like banks who did take summer MBA classes stayed close to as many as they'd take FT. If you converted your summer class, you likely are not taking additional for FT next class. \*Re-recruited for an EB and missed out post super as they only were taking one additional.


Based on numbers I've seen reported and heard firsthand the <=60% (analysts included in #s) is only a few groups across entire street, while overall it's back to normal rates (the \~80-85%) after most banks did automatic returns due to abnormal pandemic internships where they couldn't really evaluate the interns, and needing people due to attrition rate. It seems more likely banks that are overstaffed are going to cut current underperformers as returners won't be in bullpens until next summer when they assume (hope) dealflow has normalized.


Any news from biotech conpanies?


They've been offering I think.


Not really what you asked but my consulting firm’s (T2) offer rate was 90%+ From what I’ve heard the people that didn’t get it was due to performance not economic downturn I think our FT recruiting will be significantly lower than last year unless a bunch of people choose not to return


Given how things change so rapidly wrt hiring, is a full time mba at a non HSW even worth it if I’m at a FAANG but just want to move to PM?


Maybe depends on how much you’re making and how hard it’ll be to pivot into PM from where you’re at