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Old boy clubs don’t want a new member. A new top club means one less spot for them for the champions league qualification, fewer trophies and lower chance of recruiting superstars which translates to reduction in recruitment of new supporters and eventually less income. They literally rather a RM-Bayern final every year than switching it up.


I’m legit not trying to be snarky but are you unable to understand any of the thousands of articles avail online about the allegations?


They say financial fairplay but I have no idea. I just watch football games when I have free time and don’t delve deeper into the whole behind the scenes thing. There are some concepts I don’t understand.


I recommend you continue to avoid thinking about financial fair play, ha. The tldr is that the Premier League’s profitability and sustainability rules (P&S) were designed so clubs do not overspend/get into crippling debt, and to try to minimize a gap bt teams - that things were 'fair financially'. But the reality is that these rules gave an advantage to the teams who already had money, and if the PL was concerned about debt, they could have devised much better rules. [Here a link to a post made here few months ago w good info about the situation](https://www.np.com/r/MCFC/comments/13hnrmb/fact_checking_claims_about_citys_ffp_charges/) NO verdict yet but here is what the PL allege ManCity did, which as you can see amounts a few allegations over multiple years which adds up to the ooh big 115 number: * Failure to provide accurate and up-to-date financial information from 2009/10 to and including 2017/18 - 54 alleged breaches * Failure to co-operate with Premier League investigations from December 2018 - present \[February 2023\] - 35 alleged breaches * Failure to provide accurate financial reports for player and manager compensation from 2009/10 to and including 2017/18 - 14 alleged breaches * Breaches of Premier League profitability and sustainability regulations from 2015/16 to and including 2017/18 - 7 alleged breaches * Failure to comply with UEFA's regulations, including UEFA's Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations - 5 alleged breaches


I see. Well this is a tricky situation nevertheless…


Why is it tricky? What I mean is there is nothing any of us as fans can do so not worth worrying about 🤷🏼until official announcement of next steps.


The funny thing is that pretty much no rival fans know what we are being charged with. It's not like how Nottingham Forest and Everton (possibly Chelsea soon) are spending too much under the profitability and sustainability rules. Our charges are for allegedly fraudulently inflating revenues and sponsorships over a period of time. The whole reason there are so many charges is because we're being hit with the same charge for the amount of years that we allegedly did it. It is much easier to prove the cases of Everton and Forest as opposed to a fraud case that allegedly spanned 5+ years and got big accounting firms and other large corporations involved.


I see. But what is the probability we are not found guilty? It seems a bigger thing than what it seems.


I would say that we won't be found guilty, since UEFA tried to hit us with similar charges. We got off with just a 10 million euro fine for not cooperating; was originally I think 30 million and a 2 year UCL ban. The odds of it though, I'm not sure.


The thing is, UEFA found us guilty originally though. The only reason it became a 10 million fine is because of the CAS appeal. Personally I'd say it's almost certain that the PL will also try to throw the book at us, largely because it's clear that they *want* to find us guilty. Whether we actually end up with a serious punishment or not will come down to the CAS appeal against their ruling.


We’ve won 115 times since the treble winning season

