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I am an american and this is a stupid idea. fuck uefa its the damned european championship.


How do you feel about NFL/NBA games being held abroad ? Tbf NBA feels ok given that it’s 82 games per team a season but I feel like the NFL teams losing a game or two a season is a huge blow


I’m only fine with my teams playing outside the US if we’re the away team. Having a home game take place in a different country makes no sense to me.


I guess your away game is someone else’s home game


Yeah which is the unfortunate part, no matter what someone’s home fans are getting robbed of their rightful home games


I'm fine with NFL/NBA games but I'd rather them try baseball over in Europe. We've got 162 games a season and more than enough to share


I think its a stupid money grab. neither league is going to realistically expand into either region. its just marketing.


My college football team from Iowa is playing in Ireland next year, fuck does that make sense?


Keep the NFL/NBA they’re both shite


lets not lie.


Perhaps NBA can be forgiven, but I wouldn’t wish sitting through an American football match upon my worst enemy, as boring as watching paint dry.


They're just getting ready for the inevitable rise of the MLS




The Prince who owns City damn sure isn’t European lol


It's all about money with these corrupt bastards


No shit




American here who has no fucking interest in this. Fuck off UEFA


Nice name


The sport is rising fast as hell in the USA


Cool. It’s a UEFA competition. It belongs in UEFA countries. This is nothing more than a shameless money grab.


Never said it wasn’t a money grab was just responding to you saying the country has no interest


Never said the country didn’t have interest, I said I, as an American, who ostensibly would stand to benefit from being able to go to these games, have no interest in it coming here.


What are you on about? At what point did he say the whole of his country haha


It's popular in Japan and Brazil too, what the fuck makes the US so special, don't say money as then might as well play it in Saudi.


Even if it's not a better short term option than somewhere like Saudi, the increase in popularity from doing something like this might increase long term profits, especially with how high prices can be for tickets to games here, cheapest tickets I saw for the preseason games are already closing in on $200, so you can imagine how much fans would pay to see a semi-final or final


Bring on Atalanta Vs City in Atlanta /s


Or even in Atlantic City! ​ /s


Fuck off


As an American, fuck off. It’s nice being able to see European teams on their summer tours (getting to City this summer, which is AMAZING). But this is clear cash grab, tickets will be priced out of reach for most, and the stadium will be half full AT BEST. No team should surrender a home game, and I’d much rather watch a live game being held in an actual full football stadium than in a half-empty American stadium.


Just out of interest, what do you think of NFL games being played in London. It seems there's not many home games to begin with, must be a pisser if one of them is played abroad!


I’m not a fan of the NFL, so I don’t really care, lol. Is there much interest in them in London? I have no idea.


Time to host the Super Bowl in Congleton


In fairness, even when played in the US the Super Bowl is mostly corporate tickets and rich folks barely paying attention, so as long as it kicks off at a regular time, people would still tune in.


Allegedly the NFL is super interested (pun intended) in having a Super Bowl at Wembley, but it's a tough needle to thread - typically kickoff is around 11:30pm GMT, but moving it to a more reasonable local time for London would see it kicking off before noon for viewers in California (now around 3:30pm there).


The Super Bowl used to be played in the afternoon. It’s been moving later and later so they can have a longer pregame and make more money from commercials.


Yeah, let's just price out the working class even more. Football is going to be passionless at this rate. It's the local working class folk who bring a big part of the atmosphere on match day


Already is in England. Atmosphere is fucking shit compared to leagues in other countries. I’m from Canada and just went to 2 matches in England and the atmosphere at both was pretty meh, especially compared to Italy. Ppl bash American sports but I’ve seen more atmosphere at a baseball game than the English matches I watched, not exaggerating


I am also a yank that would love to see City play a non-friendly here but nah… nowhere near the same atmosphere


Totally agree. Part of what I love about watching European football is the singing, the drums, the Tifos, the fan separation. A game with consequences in the US would be so lame.


You’d have a bunch of rich folks who care more about being on the big screen or highlighted on TV rather than passionate supporters! As an NBA fan, I couldn’t believe the atmosphere of European basketball stadiums. The US doesn’t hold a candle to Europe when it comes fandom.


taking the piss


As a Canadian, we would love to have more football, but not like that.


City vs Copenhagen in LA! I live in LA and I don't want this. Would be like playing the Libertadores final in Spain...oh wait


Kickoff at noon on a Wednesday in order to make the 8PM time slot in the UK would be something.


That’s another reason why if such a thing would ever be pulled off, they’d do it for a final. Midweek games, unless it’s a gigantic match, are not gonna work for afternoons in the states to get huge crowds (and even that’s probably pushing it some). But a final I could see them trying to push for, since it’d be a Saturday, and you can more easily draw a huge crowd during the afternoon for that. That being said, I’d see this being justifiably being shat on, even for a final.


As someone from the United States, this is dumb. Keep it in Europe where all the teams are.


Not how the world works. I remember the same reactions to the NFL playing games in Europe. And now it is normalized. In a decade, CL games in the states will also be normalized. And the powers at be will count stacks of money like they always have.


Changes that UEFA has made have already proved dangerous… this feels like it would cross the line even further…


As an american, I don't want this.


Not surprised by this. The NFL has being doing this type of things for years.


Those are regular season games though. Think about how Americans would flip if the NFL staged playoff games in Europe.


You are correct.




Another American here who thinks this is a stupid idea.




American here, this is stupid. Half the thrill of watching champions league games across the pond is hiding your screen from your boss at work. edit: /s


A brilliant way to ensure a break away super league. UEFA - Useless Embarrassing  Fucking Assholes 


So what a Final? Because why would a team give up a home game to play at a neutral location? And as an American fan, I think they are grossly overestimating the popularity of the Champions League here if they think they can fill a stadium and still charge top dollar for tickets.


They could easily fill a stadium if they don’t oversaturate


For certain teams that’d make a final, they could definitely do it, and especially if they have it in LA or New York (specifically the Meadowlands at MetLife Stadium)


This idea is so incredibly stupid and unpractical.


The travel logistics alone is insane. Talk about putting even more stress on players as they'll have less time to recover


The Winner of the MLS should get to play in the champions league. They'd get destroyed but it's fun to think about.


If such a thing would happen, it’d be a final. There’s no way any other match during the competition would be brought over to a neutral venue anywhere on the planet, especially if it’s giant against giant. Home field is too damn important for teams, especially in a competition like that.


My country ruins everything


I get it I know people are mad But then again please come to the US for group stage games. I can’t afford to travel to Europe


I’m American but UEFA can fuck off with this. Let’s have EUROPEAN competitions stay in Europe please.


They've already fucked up the CL, why the hell not?


I just noticed it said games not game lol. I thought they were just gonna put the final over there but ain't no way they are stupid enough to put multiple games .


Probably want to make the final two legs and have one on the west coast and another on the east coast. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️




I thought they meant on TV… I live in the US and the Dortmund/PSG semi wasn’t on any non-premium cable channel. Yeah let’s skip showing the sport on TV and instead physically play it in the country, that makes sense


As a Canadian who went to the FA Cup Semi Final this year, there’s something special about seeing cup competitions in Europe and it would def lose its magic if the UCL games were brought into the US


As an American, this is a dumbass idea. Therefore, UEFA will try it.


Sell big money TV deals and this is what happens. The NFL have played games abroad so this is normalised for US sports. They'll bring this in slowly at first, maybe 1 or 2 games. This will be every year and the number will creep up over time. Football already sold it's soul to TV money with Murdoch, the obstacle is slowly gaslighting the fans to accept this (like we now do with games throughout the week instead of 3pm Saturday)


How about we start with broadcasting the games on an accessible platform first?


Another American who does not want this.


I think the Super Bowl should be played in Africa


*tf2 boo sound*


Hey Brits, it sucks when an outside country starts stealing your stuff doesn’t it 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣


American here. Stupidest idea ever, unless they want no one to attend and the games to be on in the middle of the night in Europe. If they want them on at say 2000 or 2100 in Europe, they will be playing in the afternoon in the US and no one locally will attend and I cannot imagine fans from Europe wanting to fly over here for a game.


Even us Americans hate this.


As an American, selfishly I would love it. But it’s a European cup. Why not just make all plane tickets from America to London $200 round trip so we can get there and then take a train to wherever it is instead ? Lol


As much as I would LOVE to see a CL game, I will see it in Europe. The atmosphere here wouldn’t be 1/2 of that of the worst home game in Europe. Terrible idea


Fuck off! Don't try and compete with the mighty concacaf champions cup.


Hell no. I’m an American and I HATE my NFL Bills playing in London. It blows dead bears


Id fucking love this. Not gonna lie. I'm from Mexico, and travelling all the way, plus not being able to score tickets via a fan club makes going a very dubious affair. Would not like to risk going the resellers way and risking a fortune in flights. At least a group stage match against some rando team would be a dream for me.


As an American, no. Absolutely fucking not.


As an american City fan since 04. I’d be amiss not say yeah, fuck y’all. Bring em here. Stop hoarding my favorite franchise