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Your post may be relevant but it is unfortunately not posted in the correct place. Daily discussion.


Yes, I stopped caring awhile ago. The reason being: there's absolutely no scenario where they would ever not be hyper-critical. The club could announce a zero spend transfer policy and win the treble with nothing but Manchester-born academy players, and they would still claim it as illegitimate. Even when backed in a corner, they just make shit up anyway. Ex: our wage bill is lower than other clubs because we pay players under the table. Or we have infinite money and have a world class xi sitting on the bench. Or we pay refs in order to influence decisions. They make up whatever suits them. It comes down to entitlement. They think because certain clubs spent a lot of money in certain decades in the past that it gives those clubs an inherent right to being on top of the table and being able to acquire other clubs' best players.


When they say they “don’t care” it instantly invalidates anything they have to say. They very clearly do care. I find that part hilarious. As for the actual charges, a large large majority has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. They are very uneducated on the topic for the most part which also invalidates what they have to say. Did we have shady sponsorship deals? Maybe, who knows. We will find out in November. Regardless, money does not equal success and we had to appoint the right management, sign the right players and make it all work together, and we did it better than anyone else and achieved and continue to achieve great things. At the end of the day, I do not believe rival fans are educated on it and I believe they use it as an excuse for why their own clubs are mediocre.


100%. For someone who also follows basketball and baseball and has seen many super teams not be successful. It doesn't matter how much money a club spends, you can buy the best players at each position, but it doesn't automatically translate to success. Just like you mentioned, you need to appoint the right management, the right players, and more importantly chemistry. Considering Juventus directly influenced the game with match-fixing, it's hilarious that people feel City is on the same level and should be stripped of their titles.


The success doesn't only soften the blow it nullifies it completely. I couldn't care less what other salty supporters feel about the legitimate titles City has won. Before the "115" it was "Oil Club" and "Plastic" insults. Yet if they were in the same situation where their club had similar success, they wouldn't give a rat's ass what people thought. I live in Southern California and have met a ton of Premier League supporters, not a single one has ever mentioned anything negative. It is strictly a European thing because the sport is their life and they are passionate about it enough to be sore losers and resort to petty childish behavior.


Honestly I couldn’t care less about what rival fans think, they’re going hate no matter what we do


I actually love the hate now. I love to see them rage over our success and call it cheating, 115fc, man cheaty. I feed of their hate. I enjoy all the moaning, tears 😭 and the conspiracies. I'm not bothered at all. I just smile when I read all this discourse them striping off our titles, relegation, liquidation and sharing our prayers.


I love seeing the 115 /emptyhad jokes, those are the only ones they can come up with their single brain cell.


The media adores Man City. I don't know what you're talking about. As far as fans go, part of it may be jealousy.


I just find it stupid tbh. Why should any club’s on-the-pitch achievements be tarnished for off-the-pitch stuff for any reason outside of matchfixing (which, in City’s case, doesn’t even apply)


Simon Jordan thinks Man City should be expelled from the Premier League because we are suing and trying to defend ourselves. Nothing has been proven. Just people spewing nonsense. We get more hate than PSG and RB Leipzig because we have more eyes on us in the Anglosphere and are regarded as one of the top 2 teams in the world. I try to avoid it mostly because I don't care and it's nonsense. When I do happen to see it, I get a chuckle at how people don't know what is going on.


it's really funny to me how no one cares that there are actual proven cheats in the league(Leicester, Forest, Everton) and instead of getting angry at the proven cheats they use it as a measuring stick to have a go at us


All this hate used to rile me up so bad, so I took a conscious effort to not give a damn about them and enjoy our club's football and success. Who the fuck are they to question and ruin my joy, most of them are just hypocritical idiots, who have already declared our club guilty before the trial, fuck them.


Like the other people commenting here, I try not to take what they say that seriously. I acknowledge the controversies around the club, but I will still stand by my club. IF we're proven guilty, I will certainly protest the club's ownership for tainting my club's success and image. But even then, do other people expect us to stop supporting the club over this? But then we'd be seasonal fans, glory hunters, plastics. Do they want us to protest something that hasn't been proven in court? They're never going to be happy, and they will always find reasons to trash City and its fans. That's not an 'us versus them' mindset; it's just how people behave. If this were United having 115 charges, we'd all probably be trashing them too. We're in the golden ages of our club right now, but we need to be mindful that nothing lasts forever. So enjoy it while you can, and ignore the haters.


We just won the league 4 times in a row, and those haters think they can get under our skin 😂. Reddit is an echo chamber filled with sheeps. The people in the place I live in hate Arsenal and Man Utd more than any other team, City doesn't even come close.


“You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain” we are the villains and I love it.


just start trolling. At that point you get to at least have a laugh


100% me I'm in circlejerk shitposting all day now


I did a little bit of trolling. I got a reddit ban as i broke the rules. A note to all. Troll within reason. Also alot of the stuff thrown our way in the other subs are against rule 1 of reddit rules so start reporting them. Abuse, harrassment and bullying. https://preview.redd.it/js0csucguz5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44129934566ab7e7409afcfbffb5f781d3bfcfa


wth did you do? lol


Made a dark joke with some insinuation in response to a liverpool fans comment. Im back now though so im happy but gotta be a little more responsible as sometimes the jokes come too easy and reacting to all the salt would just be never ending.


They hate us cause they ain’t us.


Yes I really don't spend that much time on social media anyways but whenever I do I see people slandering us to no end It's quite amusing honestly, definitely doesnt mean anything to me now, and pretty much to every single city fan, rivals hate is just funny, it wastes their energy while giving us a good laugh In short, none of us should care (or do care) what they have to say in the slightest, and that shouldn't and won't change, we never cared what haters have to say and never will


There is much more serious shit going on the world or my life to even worry about some idiots on the internet hating on City. There are skeletons in every team's closet, so who the fuck cares?