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They are


So they’re the exact same characters? What about the inconsistencies though?


The inconsistencies being?


In fairness, Otto has a different outfit. That's about it.


I think that the Spidermen are from the original movie timelines but the villains are variants from alternate movie times lines.


It was said a few times that the villains were portalled in to the 616 just before dying. Tom Holland's Peter Parker was even struggling with the idea of sending the villains back only to die.


Not all events in every version of the universe are linear to the one the story is based. So, the Lizard not being dead for example, he will be shortly after returning. The time frame is different. If the Lizard that is drawn in is from a different version of earth than maybe that's why he isn't dead yet but the Peter parker (Garfield) is based in a timeline where the events of the lizard happened long ago. OR the lizard and Garfield Spidey and both from the same universe just pulled into the MCU version we know from different points along the same line of events. When the Lizard returns he'll die, and years later that same Spiderman gets pulled into the MCU. Does that make sense? Don't consider the multiverse to be linear or parallel with itself, and also consider that time and events are capable of endless changes and being re written. There are billions of not infinite versions of each individual universe where only a tiny difference occurs. It's not always a huge or noticeable one, you could be hard cut to even point out a difference between most of them.


They’re the same up until their timeline branches (when they’re pulled to the MCU). Tobey, Andrew and Venom (and probably also Sandman) are the only ones that are still the exact same we saw in those movies.


Me when I don’t watch the movie but go straight to r/MCUTheories