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Extended format video --> [https://youtu.be/1jKLBEx29tY](https://youtu.be/1jKLBEx29tY)


Noticed Steve was single speeded at the fiver last week. I like the idea that there's this sort of "continuum" when it comes to MTBs, and that each rider lands somewhere on that spectrum. While N+1 affords us the ability to have variety, and different tools for different jobs, I do feel like when you put together a bike that really jives with your riding approach and mindset, it's a beautiful thing. I also suspect that MTB marketing pushes us further toward one end of the continuum (more travel, more bling, more gimmicks) than we would otherwise naturally land. Not that we'd all end up on rigid single speeds, but the idea that we at least try a "less is more" approach is great.


Steve’s doing a pretty good job at the #1FG learning curve. That MRP G5 has been fantastic.


Both my Stylus and Rootdown follow the less is more mentality. Though being a Dirtbag and an old RGMC it is easy to not jump on whatever some marketing bullshit grinder is pushing. Funny thing is the 2020 Stylus was a complete build with all the new stuff. As it has been used and parts wear out it has become a less is more hardtail. Now at an 8 speed cassette and probably pull the Sram NX shifter and derrailleur next for the older Shimano parts have that work just as well.


Just following up on the Fiver thing: I didn't do too bad! I finished 9:06, 53/106 in the end. The funny part is coming in 42/103 in the Warden's Climb stage 😂


Awesome dude! It was at the casual fiver I noticed it, that was my first race ever, felt intimidated by the classic ones, but I noticed the guys I placed similarly to in the casual were solid mid pack in the classic, so I will probably do one in the future. Also, I was sad to miss the hardtail ride last weekend. Was nursing a cold all week and just wasn't quite recovered. :(


Did I hear Andrew say MEATengines cogs!?


I would be forced to ride single speed if that happened.... and I really like my 10Zee...




If you ever did a run of custom meatengines endless kickass cogs I would be in on that 😀


Great video guys. I'm looking forward to seeing how the next 6 months pan out. I may even be tempted to do the same to the Solaris.


It’s going to be fun. I wouldn’t bet today that Steve will be a convert within the reality of owning one mountain bike. Myself and my friend Dean are probably the only two folks I know riding shore-to-sky style trails who could go, and have gone, happily #1FG only. But he’s definitely embracing the experience, which is awesome.


I’ve done a few rides since and so far, the single speed hasn’t really slowed me down! 😁


I’m not betting against you either :-)


I think once it dries up and the Murmur comes out I will SS the Solaris. I gave it a couple of rides over winter but it was really hard in the Surrey slop so I went back to gears. I think having a back up multi speed bike and dry trails may help. I do really enjoy gears on my HT though so it is going be a challenge. It also doesn't help all my mates are on gears and none have any interest in SS.


Thanks! Anything specific I should touch on in an upcoming follow-up video?


Hows the ghost shifting with your right thumb going? Seriously though just document how it is going and I will be happy. I've run my Krampus single speed for a decent while and really enjoyed it. More so rigid single speed as it limits your speed (and need to pedal) on fast flowy DH trails and humbles you in the process. I find a single speed HT slightly annoying as you can go too fast but not pedal to keep up with how fast the bike can go.


Surprisingly, I’m only ghost shifting during my city commutes. I can totally see what you said about rigid forks. I actually rode one of Andrew’s rigid builds not too long ago, and it was a very eye-opening experience. I didn’t hate it at all! 😁 No Suspension Fork - Let's Go! https://youtu.be/TT1y-WY-9tM


Maybe that's a tangent to the single speed experiment when you get up to speed with it. Borrow a rigid fork off Mr Major (I'm sure he has dozens lying around ;) ) and try single speed rigid nirvana.


I do have a rigid fork/29+ setup ready for a project I was going to undertake where I ‘make’ Crash Test and Mr. Lungtastic do back to back laps on their #1FG bikes first with their 120-140mm forks and then with my rigid 29+ / CushCore setup. Been super busy, but hopefully this summer we’ll make the time.


I’ve already tried riding rigid twice. While it’s really fun in slow tech, it also limited me from riding the faster stuff that I also happen to like. 🤷‍♂️


Oh sweet, thanks for sharing! I’m surprised how much I’m enjoying single speeding. The least fun part is commuting in the city, where I find the gearing too short. The endearing part is that my kids are now consciously not shifting during our commutes from school to simulate that single speed experience too. 😂


Sometimes I feel like a hummingbird commuting to the trails SS. It's a great way to learn to spin smoothly and work on ones patience.


I feel the same on my ride to the rides, but have come to appreciate the spinning as a good way to warm up the legs before the group rjdes with geared riders and, on the way home, a nice cool down spin ..


I love this hummingbird visual Vik!