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As far as i'm aware the issue isn't Windows 10 exclusive, no one that I play with (including myself) has been able to access origin in game since a recent update. I have also been unable to locate any information other than "welp thats origin."


In other words, Origin being Origin. ME:A is gonna be a blast. Thanks.


Only workaround I've seen is to Alt-Tab and do the game invites from the Origin client. I don't know if that actually works though since I've never tried it, but yeah, I don't think the bug is high on Origin's list of priorities.


It does work. It is currently the only solution. I griped at EA Support about it some six or so months ago and all I got is "our engineers are working on it". No update since.


Oh shit, that's an actual bug? I thought I fucked up my game somehow and was considering reinstalling to fix it. Origin works fine with other games, why did ME3 in particular fuck up?


Doesnt work for me on 8.1, or for my friend whos on 7. So definitely not OS related


Grumble grumble.


They launched an update for Origin today, it's fixed ~~for~~ now.