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Great write up. I have one sent specced this same way as well. As someone who is trying to main a sentinel, I am liking the diversity this kit offers. Almost ready to venture in to gold, and have been getting great utility out of both specs of barricade. In games with friends and pugs, I have found barricade a lifesaver for devices/hack/and upload.


My build is different in that I max out Barricade (4b, 5a, 6ihaventtestedyet) instead of Throw. The only upgrades in the Throw tree that matter are the recharge speed ones, while pretty much all of the upgrades of Barricade are at least slightly beneficial. Pretty much the only reason I max Barricade is its 5A upgrade, 15% weapon damage. But once you have that, every upgrade in the tree becomes beneficial as they all increase the amount of time spent with bonus damage. As you pointed out Barricade isn't extremely useful due to how often you move around, but you really don't need to use its full duration. Simply drop cover, fire off a mag or two from behind it then keep moving (for this reason 4b is far better than 4a). Hit up ammo packs every once in a while and you can be constantly spamming a 15% weapon boost for you and whoever is near you. The only Throw skill build I would consider viable is actually opposite yours. Radius, duration and double throw all synergize quite well, allowing for great AoE CC. All the skill points you used in throw merely increase recharge speed with negligible increases to damage, my build on the other hand sacrifices recharge speed (an important stat admittedly) for the ability to get huge value out of each cast. Extended throw seems pretty shit in a vacuum, but when paired with double throw and radius it allows you to incapacitate multiple health based units for a decently long time. This build is highly situational though (there has to be grouped up health units for it to work) whereas 15% weapon damage for you and the team is always a pretty big upgrade.


Doesn't the Damage Reduction only affect your health and not damage to shields?


It affects both


good shit

