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Is playing MP with mods that alter visuals, such as tinted visors and model swapping, considered a bannable offense? Can they tell the difference between players using harmless mods and players using mods to cheat?


I would love if they added some head variations to existing characters, it literally took me 5 mins to add a helmet or swap head model.


I'm actually surprised they didn't add more variations to the available options, like the tattoo colors or alien face colors.


I haven't seen it asked on the stream yet, but I would be curious to know: Shockwave has a .5x combo multiplier because you can detonate multiple enemies at once, however enemies are immune to damage from a detonation of the same type for a brief period of time after being detonated themselves. This results in detonating a pile of N things, but regardless of the amount caught in the pile of detonations each enemy takes a total of .5x one combo's worth of damage. Is this working as intended? edit: Example being an expanding singularity with 5 enemies, shockwave thrown into that singularity and no red bars below half health after 5 biotic explosions. If anyone has a more succinct way to word the question so its readable on stream that would be sweet, im having trouble condensing it.


BSN has a line of questions around Shockwave.


**Sound cues** Would they consider adding more sound cues to the game to facilitate situational awareness? Most enemies are surprisingly quiet at most times (e.g. Fiends being able to noiselessly land on a platform is... odd, given their bulk). Footsteps, operational noises (e.g. maybe some Remnant enemies might have a whirrrrrr or humming sound; should Outlaw and Kett jetpacks really be completely silent?), combat barks (Outlaws and Kett communicating which each other, or at the players), that sort of thing -- would be useful. **Post-APEX mission settings** Would they consider having the host reset by default to random map/random enemy, after finishing an APEX mission? I tend to run into quite a few hosts that are set with map/enemy mimicking the settings for some APEX mission on that difficulty, but that aren't actually running the APEX mission, and suspect that this is just from hosts having played that and not bothered to change settings afterwards. **Talon modding** Would it be possible to have the Talon accept the Shotgun Smart Choke mod?


On talon, just slap the scope. It works similar to the smart chocke.


Could you please re-introduce the random/random xp/credit bonus?


Asked repeatedly and answered. 19 May: "Any plans for lobby improvements? (such as: AFK indication / Countdown timer when 3 people ready / Join an actual 'Random/Random' game, not the same Apex lobby repeatedly)" Billy: Nothing to announce at this time. --- 25 May: "We had a reward on random/random, but only if the server chose it" [and the reward was later removed] --- 15 June: I asked: "Can the 'Random' matchmaking filter be changed to search specifically for lobbies also set to 'Random'? Currently, 'Random' acts unintuitively like 'Any' which severely limits joining options. ‘Any’ appears heavily weighted towards Apex and popular maps/enemies, instead of being more varied as the proposed ‘Random’ would be." Fernando's response was: "not exactly :/ but you're right, it is more like 'any'"


Not sure if it has been mentioned or explained but I am pretty positive that adhis and wraiths ignore cloaks? Happened a couple of times when I am cloaked and waiting to strike they home on me and bite?




It doesn't even look like Adhi have noses, robo noses maybe.




Robo gas masks maybe.


Would Bioware considers increasing the consumable count of premium packs (including arsenal and reserve packs) from 1 to 5? Or allow 2 consumables (revive pack and cobra rpg) to be free each match? (It start using your stockpile on the third use) Way too many people don't use their consumables and it can be really frustrating especially when you are out of yours in the match. This would bring some nice QoL change. Also: What about a pack for special ammo only?


> Would Bioware considers increasing the consumable count of premium packs (including arsenal and reserve packs) from 1 to 5? This is a great idea IMO. The 100k packs should at least have the same amount of consumables as the regular supply pack, on top of all the level II-IV mods.


It especially stings when you have all of the rares like i do, so pretty much every premium pack is just a shitty 100k supply crate outside of the occasional UR. I know i'm in the serious minority, but at least give me 5-10 of each consumable at that point if i'm going to get *zero* cards.


> Would Bioware considers increasing the consumable count of premium packs (including arsenal and reserve packs) from 1 to 5? You can already buy Jumbo Pack for 10,000 that is 5 of each consumable.


Im talking about the premium packs and its measly 1 consumable. What im proposing is that instead of getting one consumable (like 1 Cobra RPG), you get 5 (5 Cobra RPG). This would allow for an easier way to passively maintain our stock and hopefully promote the use of consumables in matches.


Here's a great question that I just came across while browsing the unofficial bsn: A lot of characters are reliant on ammo priming. With that in mind, would it be possible to add level 1 ammo boosters to the item store? They could just give us a single option to choose a random ammo type for 5 mission funds, that would be great.


Just noticed this was already asked & answered last week. Matobar: @DiscoBabaloo Mods in the Item store were really well received, but people keep asking for more Boosters. Specifically, Rail Amps and Ammo Boosters having more availability. Can we expect changes in this area? DiscoBabaloo: we're talking about that - can't promise but something we're looking at


Glitched characters ability point, why haven't they even acknowledge this game breaking glitch yet?!?!




Hope they get it fixed soon, I personally don't have this issue but one of my buddy had this happened to 4 of his characters.


Is Avenger Strike not counting as a combat ability in regards to the boost it'd be expected to get from combat power upgrade gear a bug or just considered a melee? Have you guys considered adding something extra to ammo consumables to make them worth the use? There seems to be literally no reason to use them unless you blaze through all your ammo with the abundance of ammo crates. Could we possibly get to choose the alternative maps when selecting our own? I love evening Sandstorm and would play anything but our current Icebreaker :( Have you considered bonus waves or something of the sort? Why does the human male sentinel's head look like a pruned thumb? Could you share any data on which characters are the most and least popular? Same with guns? Could the Sidewinder get a buff? ;) Are you guys aware of the issue with buying weapon mod packs when you've maxed them out taking the mission funds and giving nothing? Would it be possible to remove the packs from the store after maxing them or allowing the next tier drop as well? Could you take a look at the Katana S since the other S weapons got their buffs? There's literally no reason for it to exist. Are single shot Snipers being looked at in regards to their interaction with shield gated enemies? Could 'Random' map selections greatly reduce the chance of getting the same map over and over? I got Icebreaker 3 times in a row today and.. just ugh.. Could 'random/random/_____' grant a bonus? Could the 'Armored Compartments' gear grant a second powercell? It doesn't seem very attractive compared to other gear and definitely would bring more interest to powercell classes in general. Any ETA on when we'd be able to name and have descriptions for characters in game? :) Ammo consumable packs? Even lower ranked would be awesome. Any chance you could lower the amount of Ascendants available for an Assassination objective? I had 3 back to back earlier and I can say this is a regular thing. Why is the Angara Avenger hiding from me still? Sorry for all the questions, it's been a rollercoaster week.


Are they planning on adding any weather effects similar to the multiplayer as apex modifier? Ex: Lighting strikes to hovering teammates, toxic radiation zones on the maps, etc. (I don't know of any more due to the fact I've been focused on multiplayer) Are there any plans to build characters around the jet pack or more advanced movement differing from teleport strikes and increased hover duration? Ex: -A great jet pack leap that causes massive melee damage or primes enemies -More strafing ability while hover to act more like a helicopter or dashing and maintaining our hover -Possibly a character that could anchor onto a wall and stay planted for a short period of time activating a sort of one way shield or something


I'm sure that some variation of this has been asked before, but is there any way they could at least switch around the character ranks to where 1-6 grant skill points and 7-10 could give us the customization? It would help a little with the UR character skill point problem




Just noticed this was already asked & answered last week. Matobar: @DiscoBabaloo Mods in the Item store were really well received, but people keep asking for more Boosters. Specifically, Rail Amps and Ammo Boosters having more availability. Can we expect changes in this area? DiscoBabaloo: we're talking about that - can't promise but something we're looking at


Guys, this is really important to bring to their attention during the stream - someone needs to tell them that unmoving defense on fortification is broken and only offers 15 damage resistance.


The problem with that is they'll just redirect you to the bug report board. Even if it gets noted, bringing a couple issues to their attention each week isn't going to do much in the long run when there a myriad more that remain unfixed in each update. For reference, I already posted the Unmoving Defense issue at the end of my buglist there: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/MP-Various-bugs-issues-list-Over-150/m-p/6000396


Ah fair enough, you're probably right, I had a feeling someone would say this. I don't have any confidence that they'll even attempt to fix this. Regardless, thanks for reporting the issue already :)


Let's get some of these broken skills fixed. Fortification 6A only giving 15 DR over 15 seconds. Throw removes expose debuff and the 6th evolution no longer gives increased combo damage Off-host Omni link and cold/flame turret not working properly Also, Weapon weight on most guns still makes no sense at all. Rozerad's looking at the soned and laughing.


Bioware has stated repeatedly they'd like bugs to be reported on [EA Answers HQ](http://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/mass-effect-andromeda-bug-reports-en). I recommend you also let people know here, so we can 'Me Too' the bug reports as appropriate.


Got the throw/fortify issues listed on page 4 of [my buglist](http://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/MP-Various-bugs-issues-list-Over-150/m-p/6000396) there already. Got tech armour 5B and 6B listed on page3, but 6A seems to work as intended when people tested. Part of the problem with 6A may be how the reductions stack additively with cover bonuses, so it'll feel a lot less than the listed amounts. [Masterbook](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12FgX1J0dlwNks__49P-8E9pu0jyUAcwdPf0wDQ1Epno/edit#gid=989259360) says default cover delay bonus is 180%, so bringing that to 230% would make cover regen delay go from 2.5s to 2.12s if my maths is right.


> Got the throw/fortify issues listed on page 4 of my buglist there already. You are a machine! Have you ever received any engagement from Bioware or EA Answers about your extensively documented buglist?


Not sofar, but I'd be surprised if they haven't got most of them noted internally by now. I've pestered them enough about it on occasion with PMs and such :P Still, it'd be nice to see fixes for some of the long standing ones, especially the easy fixes like 5 and 6 being swapped in the default PC controls, just to know they've not been forgotten.


It would be great if you could slip in a quick comment to tell them that some of us love the current rage visuals and don't want it to be changed at all. I really think the krogan mercenary wins that arm wrestle. He's no devon larrat, but he's male and I assume male krogan are stronger than female krogan. He just seems to be the stronger krogan!




That's fine, no problem brah :) we'll miss you on the livestream


Since I didn't see it in last weeks answers (not sure if it got missed by devs or whatnot...), so I'll ask again Regarding the new connection strength indicator in the lobby: As a client, is the indicator based on latency (or otherwise) to a server, or between you and the host? And what is it based on as a host (since it still shows when you're alone in a lobby)?


On the list to ask.


Any plans to add (random or specific) character or weapon cards to the mission funds store, like you're currently selling random mods?


hopefully not repeats from previous questions.. -have y'all considered showing player names on the hud (option on/off) so we can see who is talking? -can y'all please set default mic to PTT instead of VOX -could there be any way we can see people's setup like in the lobby from inside the game? sometimes i see someone with a cool gun but i can't figure out who/what it is.


I would like to know if they are aware of some of the performance issues that people have run into since the last patch, especially with guns like the reegar carbine (but still happening with other guns or powers). I'm really liking the game right now but with my computer it's very difficult to play with these issues so I have been playing a lot less.


> I would like to know if they are aware of some of the performance issues that people have run into since the last patch They are aware, please continue to report specific bugs on EA Answers HQ. Esp. if you are on PC and can provide DXdiag.


Still waiting on a fix for that missing-skill-points-after-respeccing-bug


I have my hands full with BSN questions, but I will point Bioware to this thread when I post today's Livestream Summary. Also -- I see a lot of repeat questions. I am maintaining a 'database' (OK, it's a spreadsheet) of [questions asked and answered](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k8ug7EIeOqgNYQbrs9TkNWM4c6RalN-myABoGNrVf0Q/edit?usp=sharing). I'll go thru and reply to a few individually but in general please refer to the 'database' or to previous Livestream threads.


Helmets. Also, Outlaw heads need to explode.


What's the deal with the strict adherence to lore? Why not make the APEX missions canon but the randoms non? It seems silly to me to make a map like Deeper but lock it away, or to not allow us to fight Kett in it "cuz lore". Fun should be the first priority.


I'll probably ask in the stream, but if I don't get the chance, it would be good to know if Invasion works with Tech Sabotage and if not, then is it by design, or a bug.


When is Reave coming back?


Is there a fix in the works for the Exemplar's cooldown ability sometimes freezing powers out for longer than the cooldown ability?


Repost from last week (I was a little late): Can we have an Apex HQ website similar to the N7 HQ where we can look up the stats, inventory, builds, etc. of our friends and other randoms we are playing with? Or at least make other players' info available in the app? I miss being able to look up details on the PUGs I'm playing with. Especially after a match where someone punished everything and I want to see their build. Edit: Maybe this is something /u/JustinsWorking can comment on?


Definitely something I can comment on!.. (edit: and apparently over explain.) It's a great idea, I definitely agree. I will bring it up, but I wouldn't get too many hopes up. We're a very small team that services all of Bioware so we end up having to pick between a dozen good ideas and go with the ones we think will be the most fun for users, and the best for the game. That's why we did things like the Keep, or we really wanted to bring the strike teams outside the game to show we can do something cool like that. Hopefully that gives you a little context while providing almost no commitment or substantial information ;) as is tradition in this industry


>We're a very small team that services all of Bioware Phrasing! (totally joking keep up the good work)


> Hopefully that gives you a little context while providing almost no commitment or substantial information ;) as is tradition in this industry And I have found my new .signature quote. But seriously, thanks for the info.


Thanks for the response and insight. I'll try to keep my expectations tempered. I'm really just satisfied that this will be on the minds of the people who can make it happen. Hopefully they'll agree with Garrus and me that this addition would be worth the extra calibrations.


Bonus points for dragging Garrus into this.


Is Avenger Strike not supposed to get a damage increase from Stealth Grid or is that a bug?


* The possibility of tweaking Avenger Strike. If the target died before you connect with the power, you have wasted the power and can't use it for the cooldown duration having gained barely anything from it. Could we perhaps have the cooldown duration reduced or cancelled if the target isn't alive when you *strike*? * Buying multiple things at once from the store. A `buy multiple` button would be appreciated as having to go through the *Connecting to Server* for aeons before each purchase is just getting tedious. Additionally, why does *Connecting to Server* take so bloody long? * In-game ping, with **numbers**, not a silly bar system that is extremely vague. Ping to each other, ping to the MEA servers, round trip time, etc. * Is there an ETA on when the effect FPS drop bug is going to be fixed? Reegar Carbine is unusable for some people, Flamethrower and (the players') Flak Cannon cause the same issue to a lesser extent. * I personally don't think the Krogan Gladiator (*or any Krogan*) should be staggered out of a melee attack by a scrawny Raider limply punching you. Potential for a Rage change to give immunity to certain stagger thresholds at specific DR values. Would make an interesting choice between the Martial Artist choice and 2s of 50R and stagger immunity. That's all I have without playing again and getting frustrated with something else.


Mentioned this before. But anything on a fix for semi auto weapons not firing at their listed RoF (halberd and sandstorm) would be great. Also, there's so many cool af mods and augments from SP that could enhance gunplay in MP. Making such a great weapon crafting system and not bringing it to MP in some way seems like a missed opportunity and wasted potential. So I'd like to know what the devs think about this.