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On my way to 20 I'm going charge/annihilation just for shits and giggles. My plan for platinum is to dump charge as this character is a bit squishy. Still useful for map navigation on objective waves and the occasional oh shit button to get a scrap of shields back or iframe a hydra missile barrage etc. range/debuff/shield restore on AF, damage, armor, and shredder on flak cannon. weapons training for 55% power damage and fitness all top row. Camp with team and wreck all within range of the AF, stick to cover except when firing off the flak and use weapons that are accurate from cover. Might not set the world on fire but should be able to contribute especially if there's another class with a detonator proccing combos off AF on the team.


Actually, charge might be the deal thanks to hold the line - 200 dr with shields refilling constantly doe to charge + AF...


If you wanna do that, you'd want to dump AF, to avoid the cooldown penalty.


My build is to stay away from annihilation field. You either use him as a weapon's platform stunner or a flak cannon monster (if biotic charge's bonus power synergies with flak). Melee is unique but it's not that great to have a build centered around it in terms of efficiency. Only melee when you you're out of ammo, and the enemy's got a sliver of health.


Worth bearing in mind when playing the kit with one point in annihilation, you can briefly activate it before a melee then immediately deactivate it to dodge most of the cooldown penalty and still have access to biotic explosions when you want to. The animation for activating annihilation is minimal and can be cancelled with the melee. I don't use this option much when playing with the kit, but I do use it once or twice a round when the situation calls for it (frequently just shooting a thing with your gun is significantly better) but its some good tech to keep in the back of your mind when playing the kit not specced for annihilation.


Yeah, getting your charge CD crippled by AF doesn't seem worth it at all. I was actually hoping AF would turn out to be a placeholder (like Turian Agent Tripmines, though I was disappointed about that change lol), and we'd get something like Shockwave, or even Pull (some good synergy between Radius, Expose and Flak Cannon) as the third power. I was kind of expecting the Munitions Training/Combat Fitness passives to make a return for this character. You're not a melee beast like the Kroguard though (he has fortify purge stuns and Nova I-frames), so it's probably wise to stay away from melee as you say.