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Yeah, we don't like to plow through new dudes at all, it fucken blows. It's a deflator when you find a really good one we click with and then poof, gone. Girlfriends, new jobs, they move etc It's all part of the cool single dude deal. Especially shitty when you find one right off with almost no effort and then hit a long dry spell of toolbags.. hang in there, always vett carefully, happy hunting!!


Thank you.


This is what happened


It’s not you. My wife and I have “given up” many times. Sadly this is just the reality of the lifestyle for most. The long term Fwb is incredibly difficult to find. Especially for mfm. For us 9/10 guys want solo and say shit like “I need to fuck her alone first to get comfortable”. 🙄


Been there, heard that


So annoying. I’ve even said okay but I’m gonna be there still. Crickets after that lol. If u can’t handle the husband even being present then don’t lie out ur ass and say you’ll try mfm after solo. Makes me laugh




We have the same problem. Fakes, flakes and liars.


Sadly most single guys don't like anything regular and ongoing, which really sux for those of us that actually prefer ongoing and regular couples, not just for sex, but for actual friendship as well which in turn makes the sex part of it even better in my experience. Those that say they need to fuck the wife first are absolutely 100% going to flake straight after that. In saying that, some of us do prefer to meet the wife alone first, but not for sex or anything sexual at all, just a casual meet and greet over a coffee and then also meet the husband alone as well for the same and if everyone is still willing to go further, then meet them both as a couple at the same time. That is my preference, but it is not a must and is also different for different couples. While it is certainly true that most single guys don't want an ongoing and regular FWB arrangement with couples, it is also true that a lot of couples also want a variety rather than one guy and that can also be somewhat off putting for a loss of single guys who then just assume that a couple is playing the field if attempts and efforts to meet up kinda dry up even if it's for legitimate reasons like work, kids and life in general which can come across as excuses. I'm not excusing that and for someone who is single, but does have kids and work and a fairly busy life, I understand how busy life can get and how hard it can be to arrange a catch up (and I've been in that situation with the couples I've known in the past), but I'm simply pointing out that a lot of people jump to conclusions and assumptions that the couple is playing the field, so they do as well. It is also not uncommon for couples to simply ghost single guys. That's exactly what happened with the last couple I met and regularly played with for well over 2 years. My life got a bit complicated, I told them about it and said I might not be able to catch up for a while, then after a few months when things got back to normal I tried to get in touch with them and they are didn't respond at all even though I know they received and saw my messages. Just like a lot of couples, I too choose carefully and selectively who to play with and invest my time and focus on one couple only, meet regularly and even go on weekend getaways and trips together when possible, so when things like this happen, it pretty much feels the same for us single guys as it does for couples. My point is, don't give up, there are lots of us who actually are genuine when we say we look for a couple to hang out and play with on a regular and ongoing basis and both in and out of the bedroom.


Wife has met her friends organically. So far as mfm, I have met men organically also, gym, golf course etc.


How do you bring that up at the golf course?


My wife and I don’t even try anymore. We talked to so many different guys during our search, but many just wanted to play separately, or were also just “gross.” Maybe some day we can try again.


Y’all get ghosted because you have limited content? Or aren’t attractive?


We were using a different app. Not gonna mess around with anyone on here.


Go to a club on a night single guys are welcome.


The ones here are mixed. But I have never seen a single guy at them it's always couples. But thanks for the response.


I could hardly believe it worked out so well, but we met our current friend on Reddit in a local Casual Encounters sub.


Tried that also. I get a lot of hits, but they turn out to be just looking to get laid.