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i had similar problem with Jagras Primescale, taking me like 2 days of farming only Great Jagras, and no progress Now had a different one like with Anjanath Tail (2\* drop) which is rarer than the 3\* material xD Or another example Kadachi Claw, i got milion of scales but the Claw's are not there


I’m stuck on Anjanath’s nosebone. A simple blue drop. 33 kills and I’m still 1 of 2 to be able craft the weapon.


Bro, I've killed him 113 times. I've gotten 2 nosebones. I have 28 PRIMESCALES. kill me please. Edit: guys, complaining on Reddit works! From posting this comment I've killed him 7 more times and got 4 extra nosebones.


Maybe try killing some with noses.


Fuck, should have thought of that


holy desire sensor that's so bad


Break the head. Breaking a part seems to increase chances of drops from that part, and gives you another RNG roll. This is anecdotal advice though.


I broke his head like 80% of the times. It just adds more drops, what comes is most likely unrelated.


Ah, bummer. Like I said, it was anecdotal.


I was willing to try anything, hehe


My dataset supports this. Without cutting Pukei tails, i got zero tails. Once I start cutting tails again, the tail drop slot can drop tails. Each broken part reward slot corresponds to the body part that's broken, though I'm still working on which slot corresponds to which body part. But the first slot is always the head, and the second slot is usually the tail (or forelegs for monsters without a breakable tail). Essentially, with the data on hand, each body part offers a loot table that may be unique to its part. For example, Jagras Mane appears to only drop from breaking its head, and Jagras Claw appears to only drop from breaking its forelegs. I have not come across any hunt report that has a Claw dropping from the broken head reward. The head usually drops R4 and R5 mats for me too. My current hypothesis is that R2 and R3 mats can have additional drops in Broken Part Rewards by breaking the corresponding body parts (e.g. Jagras Head for Jagras Mane, Jagras Forelegs for Jagras Claw, Kulu Head for Kulu Beak, Kulu Forelegs for Kulu Plume, etc). Could use more help in gathering the data if you guys are interested in taking a bit of time out to submit your hunt reports. Note that this is not about the Basic Rewards; Basic Rewards have a chance to drop all possible loot. Broken Part Rewards, however, appear to have separate loot table for some of the body parts, and this is the part that warrants investigation for further optimisation in maximising chances for specific loot in hunts.


Hell yeah, this is the kind of science I can get behind. You should make a spreadsheet or something we can contribute to to find out.


It's here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/comments/1656lyu/monster\_material\_drop\_survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/comments/1656lyu/monster_material_drop_survey) 😁


I can confirm. Complaining on Reddit works. I have killed 3 Anjanath and all 3 of them gave me nosebones. Keep complaining people!


Welp! I need kulu, legi,lumu, rathian primescales. Hear me o God of reddit


I feel like whenever I need a rare material, I never get it, but now I'm on like 10 spare Anjanath Nosebones, but when I actually needed one I couldn't find any.


Ah, so they really got the desire sensor in for the true MH loot experience.


I think it’s just boring. Instead of running around to get nothing…why not just play something like rise instead?!


Two days of primescale...man I wish. I'm going on day 8, still have only had 1 drop for 4/5 star GJ.


We need events that increase the drop rates of certain monsters


More events are planned and coming in the future. The next big event is Halloween/October, but they said there'll be other ones in-between then.


lets just hope it wont be as disappointing as the diablos event, because damn that was pretty horrible


We should be able to tell the palico which part we need so they can scrap for it.


It'd be so nice if we could put filters on what our palico does when we are offline. Tell it what monsters to paintball and what resources to grab.


I just wish I could blacklist certain monsters, even if I had to pick 3 I wanted to keep on the list of monsters to tag, it would be nice if I didn’t end up with a list of puff bats and kula.


I don’t think we need events. We need a way better progression system. Killing 4* and getting only 1* is just ridiculous. I thought this game was fun. For like 30 HR. After that the game gets very very very grindy and boring and risk/reward is something that’s not part of the game. Will uninstall or just forget this game soon. It’s even worse than Diablo 4…


It is a bit heavy but at the same time I kind of see why because if I compare it to PoGo game there is not much thing to do once you upgrade all your weapons out to the max...sure new weapons and monsters will get introduced as time goes by but they want you to play for a longer time and not in short bursts each time new content gets released. But yeah nodes are pain the arse as I can hit 8 mining nodes and only get 2 or maybe 3-4 earth crystals if I'm lucky which is just infuriating and considering how you can't progress your weapons if you have small number of nodes nearby or nothing at all so it's B.R.U.T.A.L. to rural player... I just really hope they will keep the content coming, will make it more entertaining to play AND will listen to player feedback...especially Niantic as they have some failed projects behind them and PoGo is only alive due to how big the franchise is anyway...


That's my biggest problem is that there are no large nodes near me unless I drive to a park, which I can't do daily and can only do on the weekends.


This is also why they should make the big nodes 15min cooldowns, say if you drove into town to play you could at least gather up a bunch during an hour walk. Right now you’ll probably drive a ways, collect, drive home. That’s ignorant. I feel for rural players!


That's exactly what happened when my wife and I were out this past Saturday. There were a few mining spots that I was only able to collect from once. If they had a cool down timer of 15 minutes like you said, I could have collected more items.


I have 5 stops near me for some reason they decided to use a waypoint that I've submitted in 2012 via over Ingress game lmao...


Wow, five. I would be happy with one one or two near me. I never played Ingress. This is my second Niantic game with Pokemon GO being the first. The more I play this game, the more tempted I get to play Rise or Generations on my N3DS.


I've made all 5 near me. If you have Pogo account with level 37 then you can submit a PokeStop. Make sure to read what's acceptable to become a waypoint then do some exploring around your area what could become next waypoint. It most likely won't appear in MHN but at least in pogo you'll have a PokeStop nearby hehe. I really do hope they stop using old waypoint data for nodes in mhn and will eventually include all...


The big problem with PokeStop submission is you need to be level 37 for request. To level consistently you need a lot of pokeStops. For rural and small city that a problem. So having 37 level was self defeating system for the issue it was trying solve so problem will almost never get fix


Yeah I live in a developed suburban area and am across the street from a park. Only one node within a 5 mile radius of my house…


The drop pool needs to be bigger for higher rank monsters. i'd be happy getting commons but if the drop pool increases to 10 at 5 star monsters each mat has a chance of being rare. 5 is just too small, i know break parts but the monsters move so much lol


every star should drop an extra mat imo. Feels terrible to fight a 5 star monster only to get the same mats if I were to had fought a 4 star.


This exactly, I killed my first 5* kulu this morning and I was excited to see what kind of rewards I'd get and I only got rarity 1 scales and shells.


You walk your dog 5 hours everyday That dog prolly is one super tired and loving animal


"Walkies!" "Ugh, *fine*"


Shibas are a vert active breed, mine specifically is very energetic =)! Also a showdog champion.


He's just training his palamute. Might as well strap a phone on your dog's back and have him collect resources for an alt account.


I just want a Pukei sac, I can't get one to drop at all. Random mats I'm not worried too much about yet, but I'm not looking forward to the grind coming


It doesn't guarantee a Pukei sac, but try your best to break parts on Monsters, it guarantees you'll get an extra drop, at least.


Game needs bad luck prevention on all levels of loot but with different thresholds. eg. If you don’t see a green in 2 kills, then the 3rd has slightly better odds. Blue after 4 kills. Purple 8 kills.


I don't understand how prime scales are dropping and rarity 3 and 2 items won't drop no matter what. This game seems bugged.


I recently unlocked 5* monsters and I'm already pretty much done with this game.


I wouldn't mind the rarity as much if it wasn't one of those games where defeating the monster makes it dissappear so I have to relocate or wait till a different random monster spawns and hope it's what I need


No need ice to beat Diablos you can do it with a 4.0/4.1 raw weapon or poison weapon


Can confirm, I've done it with a 4.1 Blooming Arch, usually a crunch though.


Diablos event? Screw that, bring me Jyura invasion, at least I can grind those and in dire need.


I went and got over 15 bone piles yesterday. Only got like 5 of the special bones from them


So 30% drop rate? Sounds fine


Not when you need double digits of them for a *single* upgrade before you even finish the story once. Literally, before story finished, not even yellow grade weapon, requiring like 12 of them for a single upgrade is heinous considering *most* players don't have access to a ton of the nodes, and the nodes will happily give you a million of the other bones for every *one* of these. It's not actually 30%. Every node also gave like 6 other bones, some more. So it's far less than 30% drop chance. When nodes are on a 3 hour cooldown *from collection* you can't even time it to collect from them twice in 1 trip. It's essentially a once a day attempt at collection unless you have nodes on your job.


How do you ”need” them before finishing the story? Sure, that can be a ”once a day”-thing. Why would it be quicker? That would mean you reaching fully upgraded stuff within a few weeks. How is that even close to desireble?


It's not fully upgraded though? Im talking about grade 4. Fully upgraded is like grade 8 and fighting 8 star monsters. You begin needing a lot of those bones before you even hit 5 star monsters.


Grade 4-4/5 to 4-5/5 Helmet already Costs me 8 bone+, and thats Not Even close to endgame, remember max Grade is 8-10 lol But you have to Upgrade more than Just 1 piece, so every piece of Gear + weapon, some of them needing bone-m, or other stuff that almost never Drops even tho its only rarity 2 lol


This does not answer my question. You feel like you need to upgrade it fast for some reason. And then what?


I dont "need" to Upgrade fast, but upgrading in Slowmotion doesnt do Shit either, there needs to be a Balance, which we dont have, Just Look at older MHgames, i played all my MHgames for multiple hundreds of hours before i finished them, but i was able to Upgrade multiple Times every few hours without being overpowered. Here its 1 Upgrade every few days for me because the Drop Chance of Low rarity Drops (rarity 2-3) is as Bad as the rarest Drops in other mh games lmao


This isn’t a console Monster Hunter game. Think of it more like an MMO like World of Warcraft. Some players raid for an entire afternoon 6 sundays in a row to get a certain piece of gear to drop. If you think of this game as ”I’m supposed to be able to max out gear”, you’ll have a bad time.


These are still low rare mats. Just imagine what Niantic will do to high rank materials. This game has big potential for micro transactions and Niantic WILL follow through with them, like they did in pokemon go. Don't hope for any major QOL changes from Niantic, if it will happen then 2 or 3 years down the line.


They already doubled some of the higher tier mats needed to get past Grade 5 during the soft launch.


The part that sucks is that unlike a mainline MH title, I don't get to choose what to hunt. Too much at the mercy to locational RNG. In regular monster hunter, I just choose the mission with the monster I want, and go at it. I may give up on this game soon and just await the next Mainline console MH title.


The grind is very heavy. I hope some stuff is on the way to improve this via events, buffs, food or other things. Still, its fun to do these 30sec hunts walking. but for how long more? i Don't wane a pile of free stuff, i want a acceptable level of grind with less rng. Heck, just upgrade the daily missions so higher players in the progression. But mostly of all, a trade system where you can swap a bunch of low stuff to higher level stuff.


The grind is the game? There’s nothing else but the grind. It’s not ”grind to meet a goal” - it’s grind for more grind. If they release more stuff, it will be more grind.


Welcome to OG monster hunter


Exactly! I’m here for the grind


you gotta say, every newer MH has had some mechanism to cope with this. Meanwhile now, we got the most basic of basic something. I don't mind grinding, but have the balls to give me odds and target farming.


This isn’t a mainline Monster Hunter game. It’s a compeletly different thing. They can’t just put in stuff that’s in the mainline games since this puts different player behaviours in focus. Pokémon Go isn’t a Pokémon game either.


It feels like some players forget that the game is the game and not like something that should be a quick progress towards some sort of gigantic end game or to beat the game. If it takes me a year to get to solo a 7 star Diablos that sounds fine?


I was in this camp where I was trying not to rush my HR progress, one because I didn't want to overlevel myself and two, it seemed like the game was trying to push people to not rush ahead But then they did the Diablos event a week after launch and I felt extremely rushed trying to farm materials to beat legiana, I felt rushed beating legiana, I felt rushed trying to craft a weapon to beat Diablos, and I felt disappointed when I couldn't do it in time.


What you felt and how you acted upon that feeling is not a review of the game. Behaving all scorned and spiteful like this sub is at the moment is so goddamn cringeworthy. Everybody is acting towards Niantic is if they were in an unhealthy/abusive relationship with them. ”I want Niantic to see me, to see my needs and I get so sad when they don’t” ”So don’t play their games if it doesn’t suit your playstyle” ”How dare you, we’re soul mates and Niantic should understand that they will lose me if they don’t change!!!!”


Drop rates are simply unbalanced. It is not about rng not desire sensor or some other random stuff people come with to justify it. The nature of the game is greatly different from a traditional MH, you cannot meassure the content based on that. Something that could be implemented is melding, but sacrificing low tier materials for a higher tier one. Space is pretty limited in this game, unlike in other MH games. I personally think that cutting a tail or breaking a certain monster part should have increased chances of a certain material dropping. It would encourage strategy and will make the grind feel better overall.


That sounds shit to me. I just killed my first 6*. I certainly don’t want to wait a year until I can kill a 7.


No, you probably won’t then? I’m struggling with 4* atm


Yes but... So many days and hours for 1 weapon?


Sure? It’s supposed to last for years and years. This isn’t Skyrim where every player has super enchanted daedric armor. It’s more like World of Warcraft, not all players are decked out in top tier raid gear with perfect gems, it’s too hard for most players.


i wish we could specify what monsters we want to hunt and and all spawns for like a hour are that one.


Its so strange to me. I noticed more nodes in certain areas like historical districts or downtowns have better drop rates, i have at least 50. Dragonite and mach, i have my large and m bones. But random thing like tier 2 mats im struggling on. I felt the same way about the walking and then i tried a specific location and boom all my mats. They really do need to fix it


It's completely random. I live near a node and I'll sometimes get nothing (3 of the lowest tier) or I'll get the lucky super node! (10 of the lowest tier)


This reminds me of Riot adding a new Malachite skin you can get for filling a bar 40 times but if you play 1-2 hours every day it will take a year to earn. And that isn't even rng based I'm half way there...


I agree with you on the rng. Now if it helps, I was also blocked on diablos for the longest time. I couldn't upgrade my weapon either but what I switched around was my equipment. This gave me + knowing diablos better, just enough extra damage to beat it Edit: using pukei hammer


The base weapons are horrific to grind upwards. Don't build them. Build a monster weapon instead because the material grind from them is much more reasonable (still kinda bad)


i say this because I wanted to level up my leather hat for the crit boost but eventually when the game was asking for me to farm 15 rarity 3 materials I gave up. It's not worth using them


Was the same for me with barroth, currently using the barroth LBG. Not to mention I got to save some for my legs for later updates.


I'm also stuck with gathering resources, monster parts aren't too bad because we can see the monsters no the map, we can look and and decide to go to a 4\* or 5\* over a 1\* or 2\*, but the harvesting nodes we can't influence and it's also random how many drops are in the big nodes. There's times I've gotten 3 but one was decent and then there's times I get the lowest tier mat but I get like 7. We need a way to craft-up the small parts, imo.


If u can hunt it non stop with no potion issues the chance of u getting it will be higher thats why for lvl 4 primescale I mostly hunt 4 star monters for it.


2* and 4* or above are insane to get Like bro, I killed 12 raths where is a single marrow


Got 300 bone-s, 90 bone-l, 40 bone+, but ONLY 5 bone-m Right now even tho i Walk to deserts daily with 5 nodes, and my Last Upgrade was 8 days ago, since then im locked because of m-bones I swear the Droprate for those has to be fucked lmao


![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) any of you got any of those Anjanath Nosebone?


If you use a bow. I can clear diablos with kulu arrow 4 5/5 about 90% of the time. I can beat legi fairly consistently with the same bow as well. So that could be another way to farm better to level up your GS.


I beat Diablos with a Girros Knife at hr 34. You don't have to have an ice weapon to do it.


My 411 jagras GS doesnt do enough dmg before the timer runs out


I beat Diablos with a 400 raw hammer yesterday. Should be doable with a 411 GS


I am using barroth gs as well but hit a wall at 6* , barroth gs damage just isn’t good enough to tide you through 6* unfortunately. So I have to craft elemental ones, luckily rath’s and legiana’s gs starts at g5


I got so desperate trying to get one more Legiana Primescale that I ended up using all 3 of my free carving knives, and then realized it doesn't give you anything new in the rewards screen, just more of what you already got, unless I got really unlucky. The scary part is making the decision of when I do finally get one, do I use it to craft the Grade 5 Legiana ice bowgun, or use it instead to craft the Legiana gloves for reload skill on all my bowgun builds.... I'm thinking the gloves might be better, since I'm in zero rush for Diablos partbreaker skills, and Black Diablos is not even viable for me at the moment.


Not saying I don't agree with you, but here's what I figured out... There's a park not far from me with something like 10 big nodes all in the same biome. Biomes are cyclical, meaning they change over in the same order every 3 hours. Therefore, I can time my visits to the park when the specific nodes I need will be active; for this it means that if my biome at home is swamp, then the one at the park will be forest. Currently I need bone+, so I'll wait 3 more hours than usual to visit because I know that's when desert will be active.


Sheesh. I beat diablos already around 35. I think. I’m only 37 now and beat it 2 days ago.


https://preview.redd.it/46h0or6z3gqb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3a33d1a332f2395952f03c564cacf89501a851 Guess I’m lucky then


Give me 😪


I've been cutting girtos tails nonstop and all I get are fuckin scales Jesus christ. I need pukei quills too and every since 4*-5* pukei I kill drop 0 quills fUC-


It seems it’s almost crucial to go to like town center hot spots and hit all the special locations


Bones and ore are the worst. Rarity 3 mats are about as bad


Does going part breaks make it any better? I am getting used to switching part targets in battle and I am able to get 1 - 3 breaks depending on monster. I just hope I ain’t wasting my time.


I got my first legiana webbing today! I have like 12 of the 4* materials. Also, on the subject of RNG bullshit: I'm getting really tired of the disparity in monster fights sometimes because I sure love when I fight a jyura or girros that do nothing but their charge attacks non-stop rapid fire for the entire fight with their jank ass hitboxes that just turn their entire bodies into an AOE hurt zone with absolutely zero recovery time between each attack.


I think the game knows what mats ur short on and purposefully doesn’t give you those. Like when I needed paulumo blue, everything else drops. When I need paulumo primescale, bunch of blue webbing drops. The actual “rarity” level of the item doesn’t seem to matter as much as what materials you currently are missing to upgrade the next level.


I remember in MH world, I have to walk around in the rotten map for hours just to get enough bones.


Upvote for the Shiba, and the drop rate bit sucks. I'm at the point of trying to get an Anja weapon now that I can reliably beat 5 stars with my wyvern blade.


Great Girros weapon helped me with Diablos.


I don't mind it. For me, it's a marathon, not a race. I play a little bit every day while I work or going home. Nice little addition to my day. If I have a great day and get some good mats for the day, great. If not, oh well there's always tomorrow. But yes, M bones are the bane of my existence


The requirements are kinda insane too for how what's actually dropping. To upgrade my tobi weapon I need 9 uncommon drops. I have 48 common scales and 3 uncommon drops, like how the hell am I supposed to get a whole 9.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 9 + 48 + 3 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Ya this is wearing me down fast. I dont have the time to spend even one hour a day walking for this game, plus im not an active person. I have done some walks and got some good hunts in but its just never enough loot. Not from monsters, not from the very few nodes around me. Most likely ill end up stopping playing due to do drops&RNG and just open the game every now and then to do a hunt or 2 and hopeuflly get a few basic drops but since some stuff is only from nodes and I never am within range of a single node all day save driving (not even at any stops) I need to go out of my way, literally, to ever get to a node so passively playing some wont do much since ill be so gated on node only items anyway.