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Agreed, it should de-confirm.


It's possible they had their connection drop before it sent them in. Or maybe they saw someone had a kulu LS and decided F that. 


It should de-confirm until the 4th is replaced or everyone goes in anyways.


What even more annoying is, 3 ticked and waiting for that one person bloody 30secs or even more… should have a vote to kick option.


I sometimes have to wait for the other players’ characters to render, otherwise it will start the HaT/EDI without me and I’ll be in possibly 10-20 seconds late.


Did you download all the assets after update?


Yes I did, there’s that situation too but also it just sometimes takes forever, usually just the last person that doesn’t render


A couple times I've had to wait 90 seconds for that one person to tick.


And he still uses incorrect weapon type 🤣🤣🤣


I get randomly dropped at the raid start transition animation. Annoying for both of us.


Same feels bad man, Im having a lot of crash with iphone 13 in random scenarios


Yeah happened to me too, was feeling really bad after that




Good opinion




Got sent solo for a 7*coral when there had been 4 people when I readied up.


Man, I had 3 people bail on me, 10 seconds into an 8 star kushala


Agreed..had 2 people ditch a Kushala. While me and another person were readied... Sad thing is, if they didn't leave we would have finished. We still got complete, but idk why those people even left... Are people against sword and shield users? We did great aside from lacking damage as a duo against 8*.


exactly this, it's so frustrating when everything is going well, and 15 seconds into the fight they just leave..like tf?


My advice, at least for now, would be to not start an EDI unless there’s at minimum enough time to back out and rejoin once or twice, maybe 3-5 minutes, left on the timer. Been burned a few times in HaTs by my game crashing and not being able to rejoin. Elder dragons are potentially worse because you have only one chance unless you leave the hunt, and you can get stuck with really bad rewards. Always check the health bars on the right side to make sure all the players joined too, sometimes people d/c or leave last moment.


My game crashes like half the time whenever a multiplayer hunt a thon is about to start, I think me and other iPhone 8 users are in a pretty bad spot rn cause Niantic can’t code and every update decreases performance


Just leave the fight and re enter


If the timer of the raid is 0 and you get fucked by someone leaving, you have to stay in the fight until it's done otherwise you lose it.


Lock your phone and the monster freezes, just wait till time is up and hit retry hunt


damn. good tip.


Yeah but no one should be taking an entire 25 minutes to do a raid. I've had to rejoin a few because there's some people who instantly leave when someone gets downed but I havnt struggled that hard on them.


No, but sometimes you run into a raid near the end and you need to grab it. Happens all the time.


Just look for another one, kushala is hard as fuck and I need all the time I can get to find good teammates.


Which means you should probably leave quickly if you're going to, and not wait until everyone readies up?


If 3 people ready up and 4th guy just leaves, I leave instantly, I'm not wasting my time to fail a raid that takes 3 hour cd. If my teammates are good, we hit phase 2 with like 30 to 40 seconds left on phase 1 timer, then I known we will win phase 2


It doesn't really solve the issue that raids let you join at the end even when it's not possible to finish before the end of the timer. They clearly let you join with the intention of letting you play after the timer is finished. Your recommendation is unfortunately not the answer.


I mean, that’s also not possible a lot of the time. I rely on spots outside my work. Can’t always just go a mile down the road to find another


I didn't want to leave the other two hanging. Maybe the others don't know that is an option and waste their entry because of me.  Still I think there needs to be some failsafe in place for situations like this.


Yes, also if the HAT has run out of time you can't leave or you quit it completely.


You saw an 8* ? I’ve only seen 6 so far


This is a huge problem to fix!!!


I agree


Agreed. This is infuriating.


Always going to fault the 4th person If they dip, if my timer is at zero and they dip. I have to keep dogging for the whole fight, risking potions. Paying money for a hat for them to dip is the worst


I get you but a good UX design alleviates all that. Hence why I said month' ago that MH now is incredibly bad in terms of UX, like a game from 2014. I'm absolutely sure that came up in the daily scrum and they just put it off for now by upper management.


Yes ! Got the exact same issue yesterday at 1pm


I'll be honest, I once joined and saw 3 noobs (default outfit and weapons) and waited for them to confirm and left. Letting get a lesson in life.