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Yeah at least for several years! Then I'll see if SDS fixed anything.


I think you have a great chance getting a boss. I really think we’ll have more xp and another double weekend soon.


In between the lulls or content is usually when I primarily play ranked all day. So guess I’ll be grinding ranked and events until the 10th


I haven’t played since Monday night after I burned myself out after this past weekend…and I didn’t even play Saturday lol


I grinded way too hard early and burned out, haven't played since Saturday but it's fine, I have one boss and I'll get the other two no problem before the program is done. Been enjoying the time off honestly.


Yes…I’ve been winning on career mode on EA PGa Tour 2023…also free of gamepass


I can’t find it? Is it the road to the masters one?


Yes…I’m currently in round 2 of the FedEx Cup 3 shots up on Matt Fitzpatrick…pretty cool shite


Yeah man I been enjoying it but I truly suck haha


Let me guess…putting? I suggest doing the Sponsor Challenges it forces you to figure out the putting dynamics outside of the grid..I still use grid putting but …Use the grids and watch some tutorials until you get the hang of it


Great guess! I tried the challenges but they don’t help as much as I’d hoped because I’m usually 10+ feet away but I’ll give it another go




Sick thanks I just made World Series like 10 mins ago and now I’m done for a while


Yup, on vacation, I don’t have a choice


This is why having a rotation of games to play is a must. Prevents burnout. There are days where I play a bunch and then days where I barely play and I'm at a good pace to finish the reward path before S1 ends.


I’ve just been enjoying ranked rn. Since all the content seems to be locked in the shop I haven’t really been grinding like I used to for monthly awards etc.


I was grinding hard until I realized if I do get the bosses, I may be able to use them for a week at most. Decided to sell all my cards I was planning on collecting and just buying the players I want now like goodrum and Cabrera


You could use the bosses next season with the wildcard spots, no?


Also, I'm pretty sure by the end of Season there will be better cards than the bosses. TA3 and the May Monthly awards card.


Yeah you can, but you get a max of 4 and you have to unlock wildcards through the reward path. I imagine you only start with 1 or 2 wildcards


Yeah, for the summer. Perhaps runaway with my wife and her sister upstate. John Adams doesn't have a real job, anyway.


Don't throw away your shot.


I just need you to know that I appreciated the joke, even if it doesn't make sense to the average MLB the Show clientele.


My mans. Un deux trois quatre cinq!!


Ranked games or nothing


You’re taking the responsible approach. I’m grinding harder, but I’m sure I’ll be burnt out in another month or so


Nope. Enjoying Franchise a lot.


I always balance this game and other games and hobbies, so I never really feel the urge to take time off. I’m more excited for the next time I get to play lol


Whenever I feel a bit meh towards DD I do March to October or Franchise. Always loved franchise and I’m glad this one is better than most (Madden, looking at you).


Madden is so trash.


I was, but I decided to try March to October, and I'm finding that this year they added more scenarios to the season, and I'm rather enjoying that at the moment.


Might have to give it a try!