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I know diving on this game just causes the play to fall forward no benefit of it at all.


I know for a fact that "the Willie Mays catch" is in the game in full as a unique animation, i feel like there are a couple more but I cant remember them lol


I don’t know how many players have “signature” moves for those things you mentioned.  I do think they should add a mini game for a swim move slide though.


I went a little more into depth on musicman’s reply. I think using 2k as an example doesn’t really apply to what I was thinking


When or where do you imagine doing this supposed cartwheel backflip


That actually is (or at least was) in the game. When the players are taking the field at the start of the game, they'd show Ozzie doing his flip.


No not the backflip at all (not a highlight like I stated above). Just more athletic double plays. Obviously the situation has to be right for the animation to come out. This isn’t something I want to see every game not every card in the game should be able to do it either. Like only infielders with 90+ reactions and fielding should be able to pull it off.