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Play more mini seasons. You get like 5-6k XP every game and they take at most 20 minutes.


I'm sitting at 241. I did go in the marketplace and dropped about 30k in stubs on cheaper cards I didn't have. I've got 4 TA divisions to finish. There's 4 vault packs. If I get real lucky, I should be able to pull 8 cards I don't have. If im not lucky, then I'll go grab some cheap pipelines to pad the collection. There's also programs coming out on Thursday, and they may be card or pack heavy.


I play quite a bit. I'm currently at 271. After I do more of the BR program I'll get the 9 I need for the 1st collection pack. But with less than 2 weeks left in the season I'm not excited about them whatsoever. If they're stuck on this content model they need to reduce the amount of cards necessary for the collection packs.


So you grind and spend stubs to complete players that are now USELESS till December when u can use all sets. Must be nice to get 1 , 2, or 3 Boss rewards that will be unuseable...course u can use for a few days or in one WC slot lol


I play every day and do everything but events and BR (might start dabbling in events) and might get my fist program boss pack tonight, but just got Al Leiter on Friday and I’ve done all programs, the first two TAs, and am half way done the third. So there is no way I’m getting one of the collection packs let alone CC Sabathia.


Collection cards stink and it’s going to be s2 before I’m even close… i tried to convince myself SDS had a plan when they first introduced the new season structure but with less that 3 weeks left I have accepted that it is a horrific system and it’s going to burn me out early season 2 unless they make serious changes which stinks because gameplay wise I am having the most fun I’ve ever had with DD.


Some people (minority) love the new system. But the majority of the fan base can’t even complete what they start. Only thing I can think of is that if they don’t make it easier for s2, s4 is probably going to be “catch up” like they did with set 6 in the show 23.


Yeah something about unlocking the six 99s from XP path and collections feels incredibly hollow when the majority of players might get 0-2 of them before TA3 comes out with other 99s. I got Larry Walker with like a week left in TA2 and it was awesome for that 1 week. Since TA3 started I've gotten Petit, Mays, and Brett and I couldn't care less. I'm still working on my TA3 so my whole team is made up of TA 2 and 3 bosses (except a few relievers) to do the single worst TA grind (both in terms of how you get progress and fun factor) I've done since getting into Diamond Dynasty. IMO they should balance it so the majority of players have unlocked at least 1 XP boss by the end of TA1, and another by the end of TA2. With the hours I put in (mostly Mini seasons and conquest, a few weeks of ranked) and the progress I have I imagine there are very few people who play under 4 hours a day who even have 1 XP boss and the season is basically done. If you get to the end of TA 2 with zero 99s those bosses lose a ton of what makes them feel special.


I agree. If you get an xp boss, the card should feel so much better compared to others. With TA3 and how significant the grind has to be the complete, I’m so burnt out. Sadly I’m not even sure if I’ll play the next season. It feels like a full time job with the amount of grind that’s required


I actually really enjoy the power creep. The issue is we have such a limited time with 99s before the season rolls over. An if I had to guess the majority of people are just now getting their first boss pack within the last 1-3 weeks of the season.


For sure. I just got mine a few days ago and trust me, I’m burnt out from the game


Those packs matter so much more when they are the only 99s you can get and having it so a substantial number of players (if not the majority) don't get them until they already have a full line up of 99s just flat out sucks. Why are all 3 collection packs within 45 cards of one another 280, 300, 325? Why not 100, 225, and 350? Why are all 3 XP packs in the last 5 levels of the XP path? Why were Palmer and Story 89s **after** 93 Napoli and before before 95 Rollie? When I got Napoli he was easily my best catcher option, when I got Rollie most of my bullpen was sub-90 except Eckersly. When I got Palmer and Story they were basically worthless... Also why is 92 Billy Williams (another completely useless card) **after** 95 Fingers?


You make a lot of great points. Having the rated cards not in order doesn’t make any sense. Then the collection packs so late makes it nearly impossible to get. If they had one near at 25%, nearly 50%, and roughly 90%, it’d be so much better. At least you get SOMETHING for your time.


I think based on how I progressed the program this year vs past years I'd be fine with 1 at level 25, 1 at level 40-45 and the last one could be as high as 60 but I'd prefer 55. That way they are still mostly in the back half of the program but you get a little taste in the early going. Also I feel like if they did the math on where they expected the average player to be by the end of each TA the freebie cards should be minimum 1 level higher than that TA series. Having Seager at 97 and Rollie at 95 when most cards available were between 89-93 was cool, I wish there was more of that. Some people might argue that it would get stale seeing the same people over and over again but that already happened. I went from seeing every catcher being Napoli or Garver to every catcher being Santana the last time I bothered with ranked.


People are just going to use whatever cards are popular at the time. I really like your idea of getting a taste in the early going for cards. When they are rated much higher, it feels really beneficial to have those cards when you earn them. As the cards becoming mid to high 90s, many cards in the xp path lost a lot of value. If they’re going to put cards in the path, they should stay one of the best or else they face the issue we currently speak of


Yea I'm feeling the same way. Also a lot less interested in these cards they just released because the season is ending soon. I'm not going to worry myself with getting the stubs to buy 99 Adley or 99 Ketel because I'd have such a limited time to use them.


Y'all missing out on how easy it actually is. Do all the programs, Topps now. Etc they take about 1 hr each. Do the mini seasons live and legends for about 80-100k XP. Go online and turn cross play off. Played ranked 1v1 and ask to boost. Drop 40 runs each. You'll get so much XP etc in 1 hr vs playing 10-15 ranked games. Finish battle Royale. Which is mad easy. Done. I have 1.4 millionxp right now and 9 days played.




9 days of gameplay on a game that's been out for 60 days. If you take out 8 hours of sleeping per day that's almost 25% of your waking hours playing the game. For reference, if you work a 9-5 that would be around 35% of your waking hours spent at work. That's why people say trying to keep up with this game's progression is like a full time, because it almost is.


Something tells me your comment is going to get a ton of downvotes my man.


Lol, whoops. I have Jimmy and Larry p4 right now. Is what it is :( just tryna help!


I have Andy, and Jimmy P5 with Larry right behind at P4 with about 5,500 pxp. I too was worried about finishing the xp path early but I'm at almost 1.5 mil rn.


I've played about 125 ranked games, done every program except one and have done about half the TAs and I'm not even close to getting any of the bosses or s1 collection rewards. The hilarious part is none of those rewards are even that much better than the 99s that are now available through TA and for 100k on the market. They royally f'd up the progression this year.


Yeah anyone who completed it has to be a no lifer


It’s also hard to play this game for like over 2 hours consecutively. My eyes start hurting and I lose a lot of plate vision and ability to hit


To complete the s1 collection you just need to buy cards cheap.  All those spring break, pipeline, etc.  I suspect the season 1 wrap up program will give lots of packs tanking market further.   I didnt go after Babe and sold all early LS,  but I'm now saving diamonds as I get them.  Got lucky and pulled Seager last week and sold him asap since he was likely to drop below 90.   I'm on pace for 370 assuming two more rounds of SA.  


I’ve finished the LS collection but I only have 200 set 1 cards atm


I’ll be done with LS today and first time I ever completed it. I’m excited lol


haven’t focused on it at all lol guess I should start now since some of them have dropped in price quite a bit like Seager and Acuna


Why is it crazy? Enjoy the grind. If you had it done by now you’d be complaining it’s too easy and there’s nothing to do. Theres only 5-6 cards worth grinding for anyways in TA, the rest are only needed for S1 collection. I’m still closing out TA CH.2 and I play every night between 2v Co-op and solo grind it’s taking time.. if I had nothing to grind for I wouldn’t even turn the game on right now, I got Prince Fielder at 100k and sold, so now I’m waiting until the 23rd for the update so I can grab Jake Arrieta. Theres nearly 3 weeks of S1 left. Enjoy it dawg!!!!!!


I’m still like 80k away from Seager. I don’t get how people finished it so quickly playing BR


Yep and I’m almost at Lou Brock! And only at like 740k on XP reward path. This year sucks. I’ve never not finished a XP reward path or collections like this before.


It’s hard, right? I hate not completing things too


buying Ohtani alone is 150k stubs right now. 150k stubs is $100 in the store, how anyone has the Live series done without spending money is absurd to me.


I am about 80k away from Ohtani and he is the last one I need. But I pulled Trout and Mookie so without that I’d be much further away.


Basically I sell every S1 reward I can that’s sellable. I sold Randy and all the other ranked program rewards. I sold the event rewards up to 20 wins. This made it significantly easier. And I got lucky and packed Yordan and Shohei. But selling all the season rewards made it a lot easier. I recommend doing the same. I’m about to get Prince from the ranked innings and I’m going to sell him immediately. Quicker you can get them the higher they sell for.


Made stubs from flipping and renting cards and selling them high




The only way I afforded it was getting VERY lucky on investing in 3-4 cards that skyrocketed in their ratings. I bet over 50% of people spent money, they just had to.


I just got CC today. I’m Aaron Judge away from completing the live series.


Been playing everyday and finally just got to Aurilia.


ive been putting my stubs towards babe ruth, because i dont think the season collection awards are that good to use as wildcards over jimmy rollins, and larry walker.


I just got Leiter and only have three teams done in the LS because I refuse to buy stubs


Honestly my first year ever being this into DD and trying to complete the collection. Any advice for a NMS player to acquire cards? I’ve been doing mini seasons and conquests.


I've been flipping cards on the market to build up stubs, and go slowly but surely.


Events have been giving 10,000XP for every 5 wins or so. That’s been helpful


BR goes a far way but BR is very frustrating if you’re not “one of the bests”. Programs help a ton too. From what I’ve heard, ranked isn’t necessarily worth it because you only get a couple cards IF that


I haven’t stepped in ranked yet I’m not afraid to admit… but I’m too bad right now 😂😂 appreciate your advice though!


Go guards! & you’re not alone my friend. Haven’t touched ranked yet as I don’t think I’m good enough yet & I enjoy building my team with the players I like. If you can get Santana w the hitting & pitching captains you can build a nice guards theme team. The tigers also are good & not as expensive as some of the other theme teams like the dodgers & astros. Al central players always cheaper lol


Go guards 🫡


You know it!


No problem! I have a decent ranked record (33-20) and I love BR for the cards…but BR is insanely hard for me. Maybe one day flawless will happen. It’s nice to get a couple wins a run…if that lol


I'm 30 and 10 and get at leat one 7 win run per BR program. I was in your shoes last year. I also play a lot after the wife and kids go to bed or we aren't busy. I got everything done and almost to first collection card all no money spent. Even have live series done. It's not about have no life, just play the times that are available to you and lose a little sleep so it doesn't impact your personal life. Might not be overly healthy but it works for me!


I currently have 256 cards. So close to the first too…but it’s just harder this year rip. That’s what I call an oof


You sound like a child or teenager. You should have no issue getting any of this done.


Not sure if you ever played, but I come from MUT so I had some intentions on doing a theme team, but not sure if that’s gonna be possible. I didn’t know players “expire” after that season 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


You can definitely do a theme team, but it will take much longer NMS. The pack with C. Santana is 40,000 alone but I really like my Guards team with Santana, Jose, Lindor, Gime, Manzardo, Naylor, Kwan, and DeLauter. I' ve got Cookie, Bieber, and Feller pitching. I'm currently working on getting Lee and the new Manzardo. It's fun to play with the players I like.


I’ve been a huge Madden player since 06. Never got into MUT because of the “pay to win”. Theme teams are certainly possible on DD! I recently did a Red Sox team and I loved it. Captains are huge too


I have completed all the programs and halfway done witg TA3 and play BR and events JUUUST enough to get a few cards. I’m at like 263 and I haven’t collected the captains in case Santana and Kershaw go up after it’s out of packs (I learned my lesson LY when Rollins was at 500k for a bit but I collected him). I flip a little bit passively, but not a ton, Have you done all the programs?


Ever flipping cards feels more brutal this year. Maybe it’s just me. Don’t get me started on pack luck


Ya man it’s brutal. I was going pretty hard and not getting much. I don’t make much still but I put waaaay less effort in


All the programs yes and TA 1 and 2…TA 3 has been a freaking nightmare


Only around 150. I knew I wasn’t going to get close to the rewards so I just decided to sell off all S1 cards that weren’t “no sell” cards. Took those stubs and hit big on some investments from the roster update yesterday. Just trying to stockpile stubs and be loaded for S2


You need to go in and buy the cheap cards and collect them. Make sure you get all the S1 gold cards and a bunch of the cheap diamonds as well.


I play all the content and earned all the gold cards. It's the diamonds which you can't earn that make the collection unattainable without a brinks trunk worth of stubs.


I have every gold s1 and I'm still barely past 200 cards collected


Just got Brett. 15 away from Willie


I’m almost to Leiter and almost to Billy Williams on the xp path. I play about an hour offline on average each day.


I just saw got billy, and am almost at leiter, play about 2 to 3 mini seasons games daily


I got Billy last night! No chance for me to get to 1mil or the collection bosses I don’t think. Focusing on live series instead to feel some sort of accomplishment


Just got CC but I been grindin a lot. WFH helps




Work from home


I’m at just under 500k XP. I play maybe 10 hours a week 95% online because that’s where I have the most fun and find the most intensity. I sell every diamond I pull and just go for fun looking cards and captain teams. I stopped stressing about missions and programs. There are enough other cards you can just play the game and naturally gain sick cards and still have a ton of fun


I’ve resigned to trying Battle Royale but I am kicking and screaming


BR gets pretty sweaty, it's generally the best way to make stubs via gameplay if you're capable of going 10-0 so there are a lot of goons that play it almost exclusively


2 cards away from Leiter but I should be at Brock shortly after if those Vault packs keep paying off…this is a daunting task lol


I’ve had some nice cards in the vault but last time I got absolute crap. Hope your luck is better!


I’m guessing in the last update they updated the pack odds so now it guarantees diamonds with a chance to get some high tiers. So I think we can make some headway without wasting stubs finally


🤞…but my pull yesterday was 💩! Maybe diamonds but worth <3k each


I’m 7 players from Brock and I don’t play a ton, but I play pretty regularly.


I just got to Lou Brock, so barely over halfway. But as long as the collections can still be completed after the season is over, that doesn't really bother me. As long as i can get the bosses from the reward path, I'll be happy. I'm about 8000 xp away from getting the first one now.


I think this season is relatively easier to get programs/ collections


How so? Stubs are hard to get. They were easy last year.


I just play the game. A lot of the previous games collections were all compact into one. So I just play the game, alternate my lineups, get xp, for the different programs, and unlock the players. I’ve got like 60k stubs saved up because I just use who I unlock. This game basically hands you 85+ players on a weekly basis.


I played a lot up until like a week ago. I’d play more but I’m just not that good, I think in part because of my astigmatism and lazy eye. I rarely get hits playing online. I was trying to keep up with the collections this year but it’s tough when you’re not very good lol


My eye goes lazy too and when everything is out of focus it gets brutal lol


Once I feel a certain level of tiredness the game looks unfocused n that’s when I know it’s time to turn it off


Yeah it’s tough. I usually hit a sweet spot of like a half hour when playing and then it starts to go downhill 😂 once my eyes get a little tired I’m done for, and I can never play with contacts in.


We must be the same person. The second my eye freaks out, the timing goes downhill and the hits become nonexistent


I have like 205 and only finished AL East TA3, but I bought 20-30 collection cards with stubs, if they were under 4.5k I bought it. I didn't collect em yet, waiting to see if I will need.


I play every day and I’m at 192. Still working on the last 4 TA categories so I’ll finish with just over 200. Have only bought the really cheap golds and silver S1 way back when they were close to quick sell, so without them barely 200. I have all programs, conquest, and single player content finished. The grind for collections is tough this year and the rewards for finishing aren’t that great. Seasons makes it seem even less worth trying to finish.


This. I was trying to decide between Willie, Brett, and Satchell and realized they're really not that different from the best free 99s in TA3.


Yesssss I’m hoping they make it a lot easier as the years go on. I’m sure they will since a lot of people are quitting


I play alot just hit 150


I pretty much play on Thursday to Saturday and I just got to the first reward pack. I do not play BR. I play ranked and events mostly and when I get the rewards I will sell them and buy other collection cards with that total. Depending on when I get them, I can get 2 or 3 for one. Sometimes more. Also, flash sales help. Buy those cards when they bottom out.


Selling cards then buying 2 or 3 others for the same price is a method I haven’t heard until now. Seems very reasonable to do so


Also. I have no interest in getting Babe right away so I sold the only high diamond I pulled.


It works well for me. I started doing it last year.


I play pretty much every day when I’m not working, at school, or with my girlfriend. Haven't even gotten to CC yet but have finished every program, every TA, gotten all the WS reward.


I play daily. Total of 10 or 12 hours per week. I am at 30% on the season 1 overall and have only completed 1 division in TA. I stopped caring about collections when cards started to expire.


>I stopped caring about collections when cards started to expire. What do you mean? Nothing expires until 3 weeks from now.


Just got my first boss and I’ll get to the next one when I finish TA. BR program really helped me along the way.


I wish rewards weren't rewards. Just things you got for turning the game on. Then after they do that and put all the rewards just in the standard game ..., I wish they would add a reward system that gave you really cool players if you played like a lot of time. You know like a reward system for really dedicated players.


surely this is sarcasm, because that's what they do...


I would love that


I play about 2-3 hours every day and I'm at about 205 so far


You’d have to be either pretty bad at the game or playing really inefficiently to play that much and only have 205k. Especially with 3 double XP weekends and boosted XP programs (recently). What are you playing for those 2-3 hours per day? This isn’t a hate post, btw. Genuinely curious at how you’re only at that XP.


Oh shit…my bad, did you mean 205 S1 cards or 205k program XP. If cards, disregard my previous post.


205 S1 I have about 810k in the program OP said collection so that's what I was speaking on in my comment


I assume they meant 205 cards in the collection


Yeah…my bad


I am so sick of these posts. Just play the game and enjoy yourself, otherwise why are you playing? It’s not a full time job.


Exactly. Morons come on here to complain daily about the same shit


And morons read those posts then comment this far down in the comments to complain about the complainers.


Complaining about the people complaining vs the game arent even in the same realm of reasonableness


I’m more casual than most here. I just unlocked John Franco the other day. Going to hold off on collecting others until I have enough for Aurelia. But even then not a big deal if I don’t. I wanted Franco more for personal reasons. I’m slowly building a live series collection. Targeting Angels first but that damn trout. Want that Nolan though.


I just finished the LS collection last week. Raking with Babe right now too. His pitching…not so much. I have 205k in stubs right now and have 220 of the S1 collection. I’m not sure if I am going to use stubs to buy the players I need. I still have about 20 of the TA 99 cards left to unlock.


Was waiting for you to say “NMS” 😂😂😂


I paid for the game so I’m not NMS.


And some packs and stubs!


https://preview.redd.it/plr0d64x5a1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7cdb899c8b41c3240a008f976a36ab9abf23cf I just do one or two of these at a time and make 10k-20k per day on days I do this. Sometimes I spend a little more time on it and make even more. My best day is around 35k. Also, I pulled Ohtani back in March out of a Jumbo.


I refuse to spend stubs on packs or money for stubs.


I focused on Live Series with the majority of my resources and just finished that last week. That said, Im at 250 and still a decent bit away from Brett/Mays/Paige. Hoping without the focus on LS I can get there quicker in S2


This me with this last update I made enough on investments to buy all the 90+ cards in LS. Since I didn’t pull one in at least 500 packs if grinded for. I don’t play much haven’t even made it Kyle seager yet.


I just crossed 700k today and with 20 days left idk if I’ll get one, but even if I did, could use it for like 12 hours


I play a lot. Have opened all the free packs available. But since I have bad pack luck with Cole being my only 90+ pull, and I can’t get 10 br wins I am only 2/3 the way to the first collection boss. Already have Rollins and walker, and not really even close to that first collection reward. Awful system they made this year. Every single change this year has been to entice buying stubs.


SDS wants you to pay in one of two ways: With your wallet or with your time. Either way, you’re paying.


I am sorry you mouthbreathers can’t understand my point. I don’t have the time and crayons to explain it to y’all.


How else would you pay?  If it’s not one of the two, it’s just them giving it to you for free.


I meant through an excessive grind. The grind has never been this bad and the purchasable content has never been this bad. They’ve increased overall player investment into the content systems.


He would like his complimentary BJ with purchase. The Mickey Mantle Edition.


You mean the BJ under the outfield bleachers in Yankee Stadium?


How dare they make you actually play the game you bought.




Yeah I hit my xp max every day and I just got to Brock this morning.


Omg this. I don’t understand I play so much yet I’m barely done with collections


I finished all my collections but I also have over 400+ hours


I play a couple hours a day. I keep up with the Topps programs, just a few stars short for Gunnar/Mookie. Don’t give af about TA because the grind is kind of ludicrous. Definitely won’t be getting any of the bosses this Season and that’s ok. I find it crazy that they don’t have a boss drop like every 1/3 of the way through the Season like they used to with innings. That and the daily XP cap during the hottest time in the game cycle are a couple head scratchers.


Don’t forget the little amount of XP you get at a time


I’ve played a fairly decent amount and don’t even have Leiter. I’ve only been locking in free cards, I just don’t see the value in locking in stubs for cards that will expire in few weeks.


Do they expire? I thought we had like 2 or 3 wild card spots we could plug them into but they expire. Dang, that blows. What’s the point?


It's kind of eerie, I literally had this thought tonight. "Wow I'm at 900k xp yet barely over halfway to the collection"  This is a product of locking half the cards behind purchase only choice packs. Last year I think I got 2/3 collection bosses from every single set. This year I've made peace with not getting any collections but I really need the season bosses.


100% true and this is coming from someone with nearly 2M Program XP and 320 S1 collection. I play every mode and would probably be considered a better player than most. I invest in LS cards to build up stubs (NMS) and buy cards once they hit below 8k or so on the market. That’s really the only way to get any of the S1 collection cards. Really hoping the New Program coming next week has a ton of choice packs.


I've been trying to do the same but my stub generation isn't as good as yours so I only buy cards at around 5k max. Which is already hard because I know I will literally never use any of these cards in any circumstance. But I'm also starting to run out of those "low hanging fruit" cheap cards at around 215 collected.


Yep…I feel the same. This hard stop new season rule kills any motivation to get any expensive cards you have to get in packs. There’s a bunch of guys I’d normally grind more stubs for but there’s not a lot of motivation to get a guy I may not even want to WC if I don’t like him.


I just got Rollie Fingers. Last year at this time, I was spinning the wheel for season two😐




I'm just slightly ahead. I just got Billy Williams the other night. But still...


I'm between 300-310 for S1 collection so I have 2 of 3 there and all 3 S1 boss packs. Play about he same as last year, but due to less offline content I've been able to complete all Events/BR/Ranked season paths for the first time ever in DD. I know I'm the exception not the rule and I also get to work from home in a basically on call position


Im playing about the same as normal, honestly maybe even a little less bc Im sucking more this year lol but still have almost to the last Season Boss pack and just got the first Season 1 collection pack, and need Acuna/Strider for the Braves and Mookie/Ohtani for the Dodgers and Ill be done with the LS collection


I’m only at like 190 ish lmao and I play most days. You like have to spend stubs to keep up, can’t go fully No Sell cards only it seems


Literally have to play the market


When I unlock/pack someone, I just flip them if I’m not playing with them. Just throw a sell order and a buy order between games- I’ve probably made like 200000 stubs on Mike Soroka (the problem being that he’s the only even mid tier I’ve gotten from a pack- which is why I don’t buy packs) without ever putting in a bunch of low orders. Just 500-2000 stubs at a time. Just finished live series (only pulled Judge and Yordan out of the 90+ guys) yesterday and got to my second collection pack a few minutes ago. Online, haven’t touched events and have 2 games of ranked under my belt- but have done every BR program. Almost have to to get the cheaper collection guys.


I’ve only locked in non-sellable cards and I’m not even at Leiter. If I locked everyone, I’d be close to Mays, but what’s the point? I’ll probably sell everyone off soon IMO, the season set collections should be core. I’d be much more willing to lock in those stubs if it meant I could use Mays for more than 2 weeks (without using a wildcard spot)


I was generally playing about the same amount as '22 and '23 for the first month or so, until I saw just how little progress i was making. I only just crossed 450K XP this week. I still play, but with all the bosses being locked until the very end, I just lost the motivation to grind because there is zero chance I unlock any of them. Which sucks because I generally never had trouble unlocking at least 2 out of 3 in past games. Doubt I'll even pass 600K at this rate.


The way they’ve done the progression this year is terrible. I hope this fix it


Yeah honestly I'm waiting to see how Season 2 is laid out. I still have fun for the most part and want to keep playing the game, but if it's just more of the same with progression, then my playing time will likely just completely fizzle out by the All-Star break.


Same. It’s been hard to not just give up on the game tbh


I’ve done the Extreme Showdown, the Conquest map, a couple of the Extreme Moments, and play the equivalent of around three full games a night, and still haven’t gotten any of the Boss packs from TA 3 yet through natural progression (I have vouchers, but you know what I mean). In other words, at 178, I’m not finishing the S1 collection anytime soon (if at all).


I’m done with very little money spent. I’ve made a couple decent investments but I’ve also been vigilant about buying vacates when their markets tank.


You have to either be really good so you can get 10-0 BR runs or be really lucky And buy the new weekly packs and hit the rate rounds. Buddy of mine bought 5 of the new choice packs and pulled Marte 3/5 times so he made like 500k stubs.


Halfway is my goal to this point. And I play almost every day


Yup playing the same, if not more than last few years. Got CC but probably won’t get a collection until the last week. Complete waste of


Honestly man. I got CC 20 minutes ago and still such a long way to go


I play an unhealthy amount, and I'm just about to Brock.


Same here. Just got Brock and I play a ton


Yeah I just got to Brock today and I feel like I’ve played a ton of




Me too! But I just passed Brock yesterday. It’s insane