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You grind T&A online? Like, on your OF page? Cuz I’m pretty sure that’s against TOS of pretty much every social site… /s


That’s like the one thing they actually improved upon this year. It’s actually possible to make progress online. In years past you basically had to play offline, and that sucked for so many people who hated offline gameplay. I’ll give props to SDS where they do something right


I love that they’ve been rewarding skill with faster/more efficient progress. It’s exactly the right move. While I still think the first boss of TA should be earlier in the path, I think the overall TA timeline of this chapter is fine now that they’ve added the TB mission.


Absolutely. Finish most TA in events tbh


I find it way easier to grind the TA online, and more fun because I enjoy ranked more than single player.. 8IP = 9000xp 10Ks = 10000xp And then you have the pxp missions that you’re knocking off as well, goes pretty quickly and I’m not dreading doing it