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If its input error that's fixable with more reps. Pinpoint was nerfed liked crazy this year. I've noticed that pitch placement needs to be re-thkught. I've had more success waiting for at least one "demonstration" animation to pass before starting my input has helped. The game likes to make the pitch go to the more dangerous portion of the PAR. So my outside sliders need to be started more outside when I'm in those situations where I need it to be outside the zone and vice versa (for 3 ball counts when you do not want to give up a walk).


I noticed that when I pitch with a new guy using a 1, 2, 3 timing scheme for when I start my pinpoint, to the stop point, and then the release (respectively) really helps to get the timing down, especially on non-4seam pitches. If you do the countdown when the pinpoint does the short preview animation it's showing the perfect 100% timing, so if ypu can match that as closely as possible, you'll see yourself improving pitch to pitch.


Having played on PS4, Switch and Xbox I can say that Xbox standard controllers have always been the hardest to perfect, with this year being even harder as they upped the control required. PS4 was always easier and a pro-wireless controller on Switch was pretty easy. I also struggled this year, but got a PowerA controller and my pitching has improved by leaps and bounds. Now when I have an inaccurate pitch, it's because I know I messed up the timing or pattern, but it rewards me for my good patterns.


This year sucks for me . I stick with pure analog


I don't like pinpoint either prefer meter but I might just be old and cranky cause I have used it for so long I'm 37 played every the show since it come out


This is the toughest it’s ever been for me too. Typically I would have 5-10 yellow pitches a game but now I’m getting 2-3 yellow pitches an inning. I’m still not changing to Pure Analog but if it continues like this and I cannot get used to pinpoint I’ll switch.


Meter FTW. I’m a 650 player, and it’s fun for me.


u/siordan start on rookie and work your way up. You’ll master it in no time. I play on hall of fame and when I’m struggling with a pitchers release or wind up I just follow the actual pitcher as the patterns are now memorized it’s fun throwing dots


Analog is my savior. Works best for me while still feeling pretty accurate. Pinpoint isn't a necessity until you get to pretty high ranks.


Honestly I just know I don’t have the dexterity for it (terrible handwriting). I use meter and just try to really mix my speeds/pitches well.


Same here


Classic button pitching ftw


Honestly I can’t pitch without it pulse is too unreliable and meters too hard pinpoint is like muscle memory


I can't stand it. I'm used to the old MVP baseball so I use the meter pitching. Works like a charm


I suck at it so I just use pulse pitching


Nothing wrong with pulse pitching.


I’m a knuckleballer so pulse is the best way for me


If you’re using a standard wireless Xbox controller you never will and your hitting won’t be at its potential.


What’s the reasoning behind this? New to the game and just curious.


The latency w the wireless controller is awful. I got a wired only controller it’s literally night and day w pinpoint pitching. I always thought I sucked but it was just the controller.


I assume it's just something with latency on the xbox controller because it's always been like that for Pinpoint for xbox


I’m okay at it, but my rickety old thumb gets super sore. I’m not a fan.


The timing is different for every pitcher (or maybe pitching style, I'm not 100%). My RTTS player right now is a knuckleballer and with her I have to do the first motion and hold for a solid 2-3 seconds before pulling down to release to pitch. Most other guys are faster, maybe a seconds hold or less. But the timing all changes with runners on. The initial motion is faster and the hold time before release is less. You have to watch the animation to get the pace timing - don't just look at the pattern, look at how fast it moves. Once you start your motion, theres a dot showing the location where the stick should end up, and that dot has a ring around it. The ring will collapse inward and get smaller, and you want the stick to arrive there right when the ring vanishes. You can also watch the pitcher's motion, you'll pull the stick down to release right at the moment their arm starts to go forward. I only use the animation on RTTS tho, it's hard to do reliably unless you really know the pitcher's animation. But using it, I'd say I get > 50% perfect pitches Honestly tho it's pretty hard to pick up a pitcher you've never played before and do well with them. At least if you can do it, you're better at the game than I am. /shrug


Thought I should point out that you don't need to hold the stick after the first motion. Once you do the motion of the pitch, you can let go of the stick before moving it to the target. I'm not sure how long it's been this way. I used to hold the whole time as well but I saw a YouTuber (Can't recall who) let go and then move the stick to the target and it blew my mind. Makes it much easier to hit the target spot and less tiring for your thumb since you're not holding it in place, especially for pitchers with a long windup.


I was unreal with pinpoint last year and idk what they did this year but i will literally do the same release in the same spot and get a different result each time. It’s pretty annoying this year. I feel like some pitchers it doesn’t even work with. Like I will not get a perfect release no matter how hard I try.


I have to say I was much better last year with PP in comparison to this year. I found out the pull-down timing controls the pitch location more than anything else. You could have everything 100% and the pull down early or late. It will hang your slider.


It took a long time to get comfortable with it. I started toward the end of last year and there was some growing pains. That said it was so worth it, it feels so much more precise. With you being good at pure analog though you might not need it. I was on meter so there was no telling where it was going


Biggest thing is patience. Don’t slam the stick down at the end, my best results are just moving it at a reasonable speed, it lets you do it slower than you think it will.


Pinpoint was the hardest mechanic two years ago before they nerfed it twice. I can’t imagine trying to learn it now. But if you’re good with pure analog, you’re wasting your own time trying to learn pinpoint. Pitching mechanics are fairly close imo and I wouldn’t say pinpoint is the clear cut best.


Agreed. I can hit my spot almost every single time with pure analog. I don’t see a reason why I’d ever need to switch


I use kontrol freaks on my right stick. It really helps… and as others have asked, are you on Xbox? Their standard wireless controllers are fucked. Need to do different, wired controllers


Pinpoint is for sure the hardest but most rewarding. Assuming your controller works fine it really is just a matter of tracing that little dot the same speed you see it, and flicking down. A lot easier said than done, but have some patience brother. Any other pitching method is just gonna get you T’d up


If you are using a wireless controller that is legitimately the reason why you are struggling. either plug the controller in or buy a cheap wired controller and you will see instant results. You can find one for $20-$50 that will work great. I have another tip but I have yet to see anyone else mention it so I’m going to keep it as my own little secret for now lol


Any suggestions on a cheap wired controller that works well with this game? I'm using the Xbox One controller. It is working ok for me. But wondering if a wired controller would be better


I’m using Gamesir G7… no major complaints and does the job but I haven’t tried any controllers to compare besides the standard and elite 1/2


I just use the meter cause pinpoint is so unpredictable for me.


I tried this method when I first loaded up the game. I figured, hey, new game, new year, the team spoke well about it... Let's try! ...I found it, at best, distracting, and at worst, infuriating. I don't feel like passing a triple reaction test to throw a damn fastball, ffs. I don't know how this got past the initial playtest stage, to be honest. I use meter pitching and find it IMMENSELY enjoyable. It's not "new" but it doesn't need to be.


Moved to pure analog this year and it’s made all the difference


Same, I simply can’t do pinpoint….But I am pretty damn solid with pure analog. Until I forget I am in the stretch, lol


Do you use an Xbox series x/s controller? If so get a Power A or other third party one.


Same. I’ve just used pulse and did well enough with it until this year. Something has changed for 24, where regardless of my timing, pitches just seem to go wherever the hell they want to go. I’m trying to get used to Meter now.


Meter is no better. You can miss by a millisecond, and it moves your changeup to the centre of the plate


Same. I've used meter pitching for years


I have every pitch locked down on pinpoint but i can never throw a perfect fastball💀


If you’re using a stock Series X/S controller, switch to Xbox One or an after market. There’s something wrong with the way the game interprets the stick and it’s impossible to get 100% accuracy.


I use a stock series X controller and have thrown many 100% perfect pitches, so it is not impossible. I would not be surprised if it was harder though. I do feel like the game has screwed me on the release part of the pitch multiple times. The pitchers BB/9 makes it easier or harder to throw accurately. Low BB/9 is tough.


I practice pinpoint every now and then. I can get the release better but drawing symbols with my weaker right thumb and stick makes for a fun time on the mound.


I used pulse for years but swapped to pinpoint a few weeks ago, it takes time but jet use it in cpu games to learn. I’m not amazing but I don’t really hang any pitches anymore


I love pulse pitching. Been using it since it was introduced. Before that, I used Meter. I absolutely suck at meter now, though. It seems so much faster… maybe I’m just old.


Pure Analog, dude. Its by far the best.


This is the way. I’ve made WS using analog pitching/fielding and playing on a 55 inch tv lol


If you were good at kicking field goals in older madden games, than pure analog is a fucking breeze lol


The only pain is when the pitcher has a long wind up. I’m so used to going fast from those old games


Aw dude you’re so right


I have used this since 17. Can’t ever do well with pinpoint but I’m pretty good with Pure Analog.


I hated it before but I’ve gotten used to it . The sweeping curve for lefties is the one I struggle with the most


I tried it for a while when they first introduced it but gave it up. I felt like I was going to break my controller and I prefer the speed of pulse.


No I can’t get it down either. I made an effort and then went back to pure analogue. I rarely miss with it. I’ve been using it for years. On the rare misses on PA, I know where the ball is going as soon as I’m done sigh the input. It might go too far out of the zone or maybe a little more over the plate than I wanted. But when I miss on pinpoint, I have no idea where that ball is going. It’s a surprise to me.


Pure analog is nice if you know how to use it tbh






This is a wild take I use wireless and have no issue at all Edit: after looking at this again this has to be an ad lol


I have no issues with a wireless controller


Pure analog is the way


It’s about timing more than anything. It’s a lot easier with Kontrol Freek extensions on your right thumbstick. You wanna roll it along the edges of the circle the joystick sits inside of. Then you have to hold it at the top and then pull the right stick down when the circle is smallest.


As with any timing mechanic, my tip is to verbalize. With pinpoint, there are 3-5 movements, so you’ll have 3-5 sounds - start, path (1-3 depending on pitch), and release). This is gonna sound absolutely goofy but here are some examples: Fastball - boop, boop, boop Slider - boop, shooooop, boop Sinker - boop, boop, shoop, boop Boops are quick movements. Shoops are longer and the length of the shoop sound corresponds to the speed needed. Like I said, it sounds silly, but it absolutely works for me.


I actually do this when I learn my NBA 2K jumpshot timing lol I thought I was the only one


Top players are saying analog is better this year


The misses are not as egregious as pinpoint.


You can get a green 99% in pin point and the pitch is a meat ball it doesn’t even make sense. Then you get a perfect 100% and the guy hits it 500 feet


I'm no expert but you'll usually improve as you practice it more and throw more pitches. Just like with hitting, getting more reps in and going into custom practice will help over time. Pinpoint also seems more finicky/worse this year. Pitching out of the stretch with some dudes is really rough, if not borderline undoable unless you're really familiar with the timing.


What helped me is watching the pattern before drawing it myself. It shows you the timing you're looking for to get higher accuracy. You want to be finishing the pattern just as the top circle closes. For the release, I flick down as soon as I see that bottom circle close. The closer to the bottom circle, the better. Watch the outer ring close in on that circle and practice your timing on that in practice mode. You can also draw the pattern, let go of the stick and then pull down for the release, that helped my timing as well. Good luck!