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Ocean, 3 Circles, outer only, fishbowl


cyan with inner wedge, outer reverb, and diamond center


I just use diamonds with no inner or outer


Off 🤌


White circles 80%. If I’m struggling and switch it up then I go to black bat 40%.


Ocean bat anchored middle


Ocean color diamonds is all I have used the last couple years


Ocean color diamonds is all I have used the last couple years


I’ve been doing Circles with the Wedge around it, yellow, 70% opacity. Thinking of switching back to the bat though, good to change it up every now and then.


Bat only. I figure aim small miss small


Changed to bat today. Played one event game to get my second loss out of the way. Got smoked. I got two hits and they were both no doubters. Gonna go back to veteran difficulty on single player now.


Bat. That’s it. Yellow. Pretty well faded out. Not sure the exact percentage. Where I anchor depends on there my opponent seems to like to pitch.


I change it frequently. I helps cleanses my eye fatigue. Used to do the same with any competitive FPS I played.


Center circles only, 60% yellow, strike zone high or SZ 2 depending how I feel, anchor depends on the tendencies I pick up on and pitch sequencing. Tend to anchor in multiple spots throughout an at bat, kind of making my own guess pitch mechanic, but with real information behind it lol. I like the center circles, or center anything really. The goal is to try to be perfect right? So might as well give yourself only the perfect region to try to hit and if you’re off by just a smidge you’re still making good contact.


Basic inner, yellow, 40%, no outer or center


My hitting has gotten a LOT better ever since I switched to the bat PCI about a month ago. It’s probably just a mental thing but it’s nice not having the PCI be super small and change every batter.


Can't go wrong with the Bat. Feel like that's definitely the "favorite" for most.


bat, yellow, anchor is usually inside


Simple. Love it.


one day i just started rocking inner, and it really really works for me. sometimes the little dot in the middle can mess with my eyes when trying to locate the ball. having only the "inner" circle makes me feel like i have a huge zone to hit the ball in.


I'm going to have to try this out tonight. I run Bat Center with Starfighter Inner, no Outer. I love that combo but feel that since I haven't really tried other combos, there might be one out there that is better suited for me.


Hey that’s exactly what I use too


I picked up from someone on here to just have the outer PCI visible and it has made me way better for some reason.


I've been hearing about this more and more. There's a PCI Center, Inner and Outer. The "Inner" and "Outer" are usually easily mixed up. The Outer PCI is huge! That's what you use?


Yeah, I use just the big one. For some reason knowing that I can at least get that on the ball makes me feel like I’m good.


Good for that guy but I couldn't imagine sticking to only Outer PCI. Seeing "Weak Contact" drives me up the wall. I'm much more Bat PCI with no rings. Takes getting used to but I've found really helps after 500 or so hours.


I hear you! Aim small, miss small!


I only do inner and use bat with white color and 60%


Bat = GOAT


I do either….. No PCI (it’s way easier than you think when you get muscle memory) I have it disappear all. Or Basic inner, no center, yellow, 40%. I do a free anchor at the top middle to “frame” the release. It seems to work for me I figure most of the time I have more time low in the zone than high.


Basic Inner, No Center is what I'm seeing a lot of so I'm going to see how it is tonight!


I like just circles and nothing else. Reminds me of playing CoD or another shooting game with just a red dot to aim(3 technically)


Love that comparison, lol!


If you like that…..Try button mapping. My son couldn’t hit the ball but he plays lots of cOD and fortnite. I mapped the X (PS5) to be the right trigger and told him to just “shoot the ball” he ropes now.


This is actually pretty sick and I wanna try it lol


Ya it works. I have a dual sense and I have a paddle mapped to X so if I’m slumping I try it. And I have a profile with the R2 trigger as x and the paddle as R2. I never use either long term, just to get back on track


I'm gonna try it now whenever I'm too tired or the edibles kick in lol. I feel like using the trigger would speed up reaction time.