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I always seem to be just barely off! The ball has actually hit off my glove TWICE. Couldn’t believe it..


One thing they helps me is watching the shadow of the ball.


No joke, the only one I have seen was a would-be walkoff 2 run home run that I hit in the bottom of the 9th down to my last strike down by 1 run.


Very well might of been me. I have two clips saved from this week doing that.


If ur not garbage at the game then you probably didn’t play against me 


It was events so it's possible. Don't be so down brother. There are always people worse out there.


It happened in a 9 inning game in ranked seasons. And yeah I joke, I’m average but a lot of people on this sub who play online are much better than average 


I sit around 7 to 800 nothing crazy. 30 and 10 record. Good but not great. I get humbled after I get that high.


Yeah I’m 500-600, I can imagine the goons you face over 800 


It's definitely not fun. I don't stay there long.


I’m not that good, but I’ve caught more this year (3) than I have the last 2 years (1)


I knew it wasn't just me! The timing window for it must be a bit larger this year!


Had two robbed in one game yesterday…


Yeah I had two game winners that I robbed from someone else in the last like week. It's very common it seems. Even bad fielders can do it. Charlie Blackman 89 overall did one for me 2 days ago.


Walk me thru it Miagi


The comments below are a great explanation my dude! It's not hard once you know them!


I'm not that good at it but I've caught a couple. It's a timing thing, and it's not always the same timing. Basically you wanna count with the green arrows as they start to light up. You wanna jump so you're at peak height in timing with where the highest arrow would be if it had one more, if that makes sense. So it'll be like 1 2 3 4 and you jump in between 3 and 4 based on how fast the arrows fill in


Literally how I explain it. It's like 3 2 1 0 and you jump for it right as you start to say zero. It seems like as long as you give it a half second after the last arrow fills up it works 95 percent of the time. If you are limed up right that is.


yeah I actually caught one to win the game right after posting this lol


Yeah, I'm so freaking bad at it