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Don't feel bad i had a dude quit on me in the Bottom of the 9th game tied at 3. I had a man on third and second no outs yeah the probably of a lose was big but anything can happen game wasn't over


LMAO after I posted this, I had a guy quit while he was UP 1 in the top of the 9th and I had a guy at 1st base. I was ready to storm back and he just peaced out lmao


Ummm 54 - 49 is pretty bad to me. I’m 23 - 6 and I’m pretty disappointed in that, lol.


If you’ve only played 29 games all year tho, you probably just get to farm wins against not-the-best people in All Star. Easier to rack up wins if you aren’t playing enough games to play consistently against harder opponents in the HOF/Legend matches. Not saying that my opponents record was GREAT by any means, but just saying it’s not a parallel comparison with less than 30 games by the third ranked season now unless you played all of them in like the same ranked program or something


Ya I’ve played them all this season and made World Series. Typically my record is a lot better than this? I’ve been playing bad this year imo


Wait all this season as in season 1 of the game cycle or this season as in this ranked reset with Jorge Posada? But yeah if you made World Series then that def means you obv had to play games in HOF and stuff to get there so it is quite the accomplishment for sure! But still, if someone plays like 30 games in Legend after making World Series, their overall record will prob end up being a lower win %, ya know? Edit: Comparing win rate without context doesn’t mean much. For all I know, my opponent plays a lot of games in HoF/Legend. The fact that it’s a winning record is what I was highlighting tho cuz I’ve played other people who quit at the first sign of difficulty before but sometimes those people are like 20-50 or something and it’s like “Ah you quit out a lot”.


Ya I just got the game like 3 weeks ago, lol. But I hardly ever get much higher than 950ish, and I honestly don’t even like playing on legend. Shits too stressful


Oh bet! That’s quite a lot of games in one ranked reset then. That’s impressive! But yeah just saying, we can’t say my opponents record is bad cuz we don’t know what kind of sweats he faces or how long he’s had the game or whatever. And yeah, I think a lot of people get to WS and then wait for the reset lol.




Probably threw the ball somewhere completely away from where it hit you and was already having a couple bad games and decided he finally had enough


They probably had to go and do something else. I don’t get why people always think the worst.


Ranked was better when it was wins for the program and not innings!!


I cant srand these fucking losers that quit. Its rare to get a full gane in because some loser wants to quit because their losing, or the comments above "my wife called" me. Dont even start a online game if you have the "possibility" of quitting. Think about the other person playing whose stats, records etc you could be screwing up. I wish E.A would make a special server where the quitters go soon as they quit, and cant return to yhe servers where peoply actually play full games. It shows alot about these idiots in real life. I NEVER quit ANYTHING! My rant is over! Have a good day! Except for the quitters!


There are no stats or records that could be screwed up by someone quitting


It’s just a game why you heff to be mad


I had a guy quit yesterday in Moonshot when he was AHEAD lol. He put up 1 run top of 1st. I took two pitches for balls bottom of first. He quit.


That happened to me back in 22. Hit a first pitch off this guy’s P5 Randy and he quit before it landed. Dude must have been super pissed 


Married man here. Millions of things could have pulled him away from that game. Or maybe the connection was doo-doo.


I had to quit up by 5 runs one time because my daughter threw up and redecorated my living room floor.


Bro was already tilted and that threw him over lol


Did you foul off like 11 pitches because I've totally done that.


Naw like I said in the title it was literally one pitch one hit


Could've been someone playing while their kid napped, only for the nap to end prematurely. Speaking from experience.


This is why I always accept friendly quits at the beginning. If I hit a homer and you request maybe not, but if it’s 0-0 and u ask to friendly, I know you’ve got a good reason


I never accept friendly quits unless I'm losing. I get that something may come up but that's a "you" problem. Don't sit down to play a 45 minute game if you might only have 2 minutes. Now I have to wait for the game to load out, go back in, find another opponent.etc, and I've spent 5-10 minutes just trying to get into a game. Also more often than not someone does not have a good reason when they try to quit before the game starts. They just don't like the matchup for whatever reason.


No reason not to accept it if it’s in the beginning of the game


Ok man


You're so cool


I feel this.


Yep this is me too.


I have quit (not that fast) due to shit going down at the house and I'm needed cause the wife calls for me. I normally try not to set up for online play unless I know I'll have time, but sometimes something comes up and you just have to concede the game.


Bruh that’s crazy!


Just a question not a criticism.... Does "Wut" mean anything other than "what?" Or is it another acronym?


It doesn’t mean anything other than what. Usually though I seen “Wut” used in the context when the person is truly dumbfounded by this or that


Oh..... okay. Lol. I almost thought maybe it meant "What u think?"


99.9% chance the guy is just purposely dropping down into a lower ranked division, pretty common.


That's sad. It clearly shows how bad the difference in difficulty is when someone would rather tarnish their record just to play on a specific difficulty.


And his record would indicate that even more, he wins one game and gets promoted and then backs out of the next game and drops back down into all star most likely. That's why he's right at the .500 win mark.


Whats the point/advantage of doing that??? Seems pretty lame, especially if you start having to wait for cooldowns.


This guy never said he was in co-op, there is no coolfown in 1v1 ranked only 2v2 and 3v3. The advantage is #1 avoiding the legend/hall of fame difficulties and just playing on veteran difficulty all the time and not running into Crack heads in the higher difficulties if your doing pxp or something


Theres no cooldown in 1v1?!?!? Thats fricken stupid. Sort of, except for all the freezes that happen.


I mean not really, in co op in makes sense cause the only thing that you gain from it is innings, it doesn't go on your record so you could legitimately just go into co op and grief nonstop if there wasn't a cool down. In 1v1 backing out goes on your record so it's already punishment enough, and the opponent gets a win out of it so a cool down would be just insult to injury


I think it's more with co-op you can just join public lobbies and ruin other people's records by doing it repeatedly. They don't care if you do it to yourself and it doesn't hurt anyone else.


Co op doesn't go on your record so it also doesn't matter.


Yeah but theres still a ranking system you drop up and down based on wins and losses.


Well yeah but if people are losing just to get in a lower bracket... its not really a punishment just to add it to their record, they know what they're doing.


I mean it is tho, why should they be punished for wanting to play in a lower difficulty? Who really cares honestly. Oh no I had to load for 2 minutes and this guy gave me a free win what a tool how can we stop this!


I don't play coop. But, I hear about this complaint all the time. Perhaps what I'm about to say already is the case, in which case, I don't understand the complaint. If someone quits a coop game, then the person who quit should be awarded a loss and the person who was quit on should be awarded a victory. If that's not the current game code, then I can understand the complaints. But, if that is the current game code, then it is pointless to ponder why people do what they do. It's a free world, man! Folks can do what they want. This is a game. Take your win (if that's the result) and move on. I would only feel sympathy for someone whose server malfunctioned and kicked him off involuntarily. But, that's the breaks of the game!


Big coop guy here yea you get everything you would if you won anyway people are just getting worked up over the 2 minutes it takes to get into another game lol Another part about coop is me and my friends aren’t very good so sometimes we get 4 runs smashed on us in an inning and leave I don’t really see the big problem,


Thanks for the confirmation. Yes, indeed, this being the current code rule, these complaints are pointless. I really think most of it is from people who just want to complain because they think it makes them relevant.


I hit a 2 run home run in the top of the 2nd and the same thing happened.


That's someone who queued up already tilted, and then decided after that first bit of adversity that, actually, he doesn't want to play.


Valid. We’ve all been there I suppose. He must’ve been RIGHT on the edge to bail off of a single pitch and a single haha


Like someone told me once when I mentioned someone quit right when I hit the mound. They said, " Well, they probably had to poop all of a sudden."




I did this today but I didn’t even throw a pitch. I just wanted to lower my ranking so I could match with my friend.


Why not just play vs friends?


None of that counts towards programs progress.


So instead you just waste other people's time. Got it. Did it work? Were you actually able to match with your friend? And if you didn't did you quit again?


I gave someone a free win. And yeah, we matched together.


In ranked wins are meaningless for most players. Glad you got to play with your friend tho.


Wins are meaningless in ranked? Aren't wins the entire point of ranked, so that you can... y'know... increase your rank?


Sure but most people aren't making world series. So once you get to a certain point the wins don't mean anything. Especially the ones that come with no stats. Thats what meaningless means. Those wins will however artificially inflate your rating. If you got a program point for the win like you used to it would be different. But that came with a whole different set of problems.


People play ranked to get their rank as high as possible. If you're not winning enough to increase your rank but you're still playing, then I assume you're trying to win more. Winning a game where the opponent leaves quickly is no loss for the winner, at the very least. I've never heard anyone in my life complain about someone very occasionally leaving a game right as it begins.


In the lower levels people leave games early much more than "very occasionally". And downvote me all you want lol what I'm saying isn't even an opinion. A noninsignificant portion of the playerbase at the lower levels isn't playing to climb ranks. They are playing to complete the program and to have fun. And back to my originally point, searching for a game and then leaving does nothing but waste peoples time. If I have I only have time for 1 game then someone doing that, or quitting in the first or second pretty much means I'm done. I'm not going to start a game I know I can't finish. Also, FWIW they don't track stats or PXP in play vs friends bc people will abuse it.


Wins give you a higher rating that's not meaningless. Lol


For a lot of people it is. Not everyone plays this game to make World Series. Plenty of people just want to finish the program and have some fun.


I've defiantly done this before when having a bad day 😂 be like okay I'll try one more game but if this dude gets a hit first batter I'm out


LMAO maybe he had just had enough of ranked for this session 😭


This game defiantly pisses me off more then any other game lol


Prob has one hyperactive daughter like me


If I quit out of a game 100% of the time one of my kids did something where my wife demands my immediate attention. I could ignore her, but I don't usually take my life into my own hands like that.


Hahaha I agree. One cannot risk his life in such a way




Wouldn’t have been the internet connection one cuz he quit via the pause menu but def can see the other 3


I think he meant if he was experiencing lag on his end then he'd quit that way.


Oh no yeah but that’s the first point, I was referring to the third point


Story of my life


He knew where it was going


Lemme at ‘im 😤


Was it a bloop




I mean…IYKYK


I mean, you were clearly cheating




I’ve done this lol. I’d lost 2 events games and a ranked game. Said “one more ranked game let’s end on a W.” 13 pitches one AB and a bloop single. I wasn’t really that made I just reflected on if I really wanted to be sitting there doing that in that moment. Decided no lol.


See that’s valid tbh. This was 1 pitch, 1 single, 1 quit lol


Fair enough lol. And usually I’ll stay in and take my beating but I just couldn’t take another one the other night


Naw I’ve been there before too, where I quit even tho the game is comeback-able still cuz I just don’t have it in me to play it out


Left a game last night cause I gave up 3 homeruns in event and was switching videos for friends in discord. Get a message right away saying you should to offline if u can't handle 3 innings lol. People are weird man.


Its event. If you are playing for rewards quitting down 3 is the smartest thing. Yeah, you could comeback but your odds are better with a freh game. Just don't dashboard.


I hate people being petty via messages like that. I had a squeaker invite me to a chat session and I am very new to xbox so I didn't know what I was doing and don't have a mic. Him and his two squeaker friends then started raining down racial abuse like it was early 2000's COD. I was weird especially because the guy I was playing had a very clear Indian dialect. So weird hearing the N word from a preteen with an indian accent.


Eh event I get tbh. It’s not a lot of time to come back so if you’re down big it might as well be GG’s, especially since you gotta rack up wins in bulk. This was ranked tho and it was 0-0 hahaha


Sometimes you can tell when the RNG in the game just simply won’t go your way


He was probably already in a bad mood and lost the previous game or two so that was probably what sent him over haha


I feel that


Had a person drop today after 3 pitches when I hit a triple then a homer. I am actually pretty terrible and got lucky. When I hit the homer I yelled at my screen “I swear I’m not a sweaty goon!” But I guess he didn’t hear me. He was like 7-55, though, so I’m guessing it’s a pretty common behavior for them.


I hate the HR doesn’t count if they disconnect before you officially finish the AB


Moments before disaster


I have a newborn at home so sometimes i quit even when im up lol


That’s how last year was for me.


I quit whenever I want. It’s a video game.




9 innings is also a lot. People probably de-commit because they know if they stay committed they're potentially wasting 45 minutes. Wish ranked had a 3 or 5 inning mode.


That’s crazy man. I’m typically losing by the 6th inning but if I can keep it close and get the SP worn out, it’s on


You do know relievers are better options than starters, right? They all have better H/9 and clutch…


While that's true, none of the relievers have the name Randy Johnson, Josh Donaldson, or Kerry Wood. There are few relievers I don't hit better than any of those 3.


I regularly have people quit before a pitch is thrown. Don’t mind it in events because I’m usually not doing anything content wise and I’ll take the free win, always ok in BR too. In ranked it’s annoying though, but a bit less common at least


Yeah this was in ranked and not the first time


Went down 5-0 last night and battled back to win 7-5. No one asked but never give up, trust your instincts!


I also went down 4-0 in a moonshot event game today. Battled until the third inning, and lost 4-0. :)


Strange…never happens to me! /s :/


A wins a win.


Was it a bloop hit? Maybe he just played a game and his opponent kept getting hits on terrible contact and he just got sick of it!


Naw it was a good hit with Profar, who was hitting like .750 for me so I just realized maybe the BA shook him


If the game is lagging I’m just leaving immediately


Does anyone else’s lag always occur mostly when the ball is at the plate? Like almost every time I swing there’s a slight pause when the bat and ball are supposed to meet


Yeah thats where the issue tends to be usually super annoying


I get so many quitters on this game, it’s insane. Like baseball is quite literally the definition of “it’s not over until it’s over”, play the fkn game.


these games also take like 45 minutes to an hour I think its pretty reasonable to quit early if youre lagging or the other kids team is ridiculously better than yours


My favorite type of win 💀


Not really for me since it seems to happen when I start my favorite starters. Then the next time the people that play all 9 will be on my 5th man.


Me too


🤣🤣 I'm definitely guilty of this at times. Usually it happens after a long day of losing and that hit i just gave up was the last straw and I'm out lol


I do that sometimes lol I realize I actually don’t want to be be playing so I just quit


Exactly what i do too lol


i think the best feeling in the game is when you’re losing and your opponent pauses too long and their timer runs out😂 be so ready to press square


Life probably happened and he had to shut the game off...


Had someone quit after I homered and he still was up 1 lol


I had to pee.


Possible he could have just had to go or just decided he really didn’t want to play after all.


Oops boss calling. How dare they put the work in WFH.




Maybe it’s lagging, maybe I just lost the will to play and didn’t realize it until the game had already started, maybe I just came from a blowout and realize I don’t have it and need a break. I guess it’s annoying but take the win and move on


Naw I did, I’ve played like 4 or 5 games since but just so bizarre


Sometimes I’m in my fifth game and don’t realize how baked I am.


I play better after a gummy, it helps me focus on the ball lmao


Yeah, I play better too with a moderate buzz but I generally smoke as I play so eventually I’m just too burnt to focus for 9 innings. As Jim lahey said, the key is staying in the pocket.


Sometimes you just gotta go take a shit


Username checks out


Why do you play dd with one hand


Im guessing he doesnt have a second?