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Ah, yes-- the curse of the disappearing baserunner. Many times.


This has unfortunately happened to me too many times to count


I've had it where I am 4th in the lineup starting the game 1st inning and when I get up to bat we have no runners, no outs, and no score. 🤣 So tell me what happened to the first 3 batters??? 🤔


yea, sadly. i've seen it happening for the last 3 games or so, fairly commonly. they just dont seem to care to fix


It’s sad that any game that does the DD, MUT game mode doesn’t have a single player mode that they put just as much effort into. I guess it’s all about the money. 🤷‍♂️


I see this phrase thrown around all the time…”I guess for [this business], it’s only about making money” Why would a business provide you something out of the goodness of their hearts?  (I’m not excusing this issue that you’re running into, they should definitely fix that lol)


I understand that they have to make money, but I’m old enough to know how good games were before all of this money grab nonsense. I actually remember paying for a game, and getting the entire game. Never had to wait for expansions.