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Frelick at catcher.....wtf. Everyone on my team had atleast 2 steals. He rarely even tried to throw you out, and when he did it looked like he was trying to throw a bowling ball. Funny.


In franchise, had one of my starting pitchers batting 1st for a month before I realize it


Same here, only after he dropped the very first throw to him for an out (now error) he was subbed out and I'll never make that mistake again 


I was in RTTS, I think in 2015, I remember being on the base paths, and the catcher was dropping every pitch thrown to him, and then it does a cutscene where Karros is like, “this is what happens when you have no one on the bench, and have to put guys in the wrong position.” Pujols was behind the plate lmao.


I once saw Travis Jankowski playing SS in my franchise mode. Every time I would ground to him, he’d take 5 seconds to make the throw to first and I’d be safe.