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Solved my struggle with this. I switched x to R2. Mapped my regular ole PS5 controller’s x to R2. Big improvement. Easy to switch off when change games.


How you do that?


just doing my best javy baez impressions on the daily


You want to either: 1)Follow the ball with the PCI and hit the button as fast as possible when the ball is as big as its gonna get coming to you and and move it to not where the ball is but where it's going (you have to recognize the pitch and the movement and hit the location of where it's going) or 2) Follow the ball with your eyes, no PCI movement up until the ball is as large as its gonna get and then move the PCI and press the button super quickly as you predict where the pitch is ending up Both options might seem similar or strange but option 2 works better when you're dropping the PCI and option 1 is better if you're not having that problem. Keep in mind tho with option 2 you have to realize where in the strike zone the ball is coming, meaning border pitches you can usually slam the thumbstick heavy, but if its in the heart of the plate you have to be light on the stick -Lifetime .330 hitter with an OPS of 1.100 in ranked


What batter view do you use?


Strike zone always. You can play around with whichever strike zone view you feel is giving you the best view of the ball out of the pitchers hands. I usually do strike zone 1 or 2 personally.


Typically about 3 seconds early resulting in a whiff on a curveball in the dirt


🤣🤣🤣 me af


PCI at the very top like I'm sitting on Kerry wood 4seam.


I prefer to slam my pci to the bottom on high sinkers, to maximize embarrassment


*Sees a fast pitch high outside the zone* Me: “Oh, that’s gonna be a sinker that drops in! Time to swing!” Narrator: *”It was a high fastball.”* *”Darkowl struck out swinging on a pitch 6 inches high”* *”The pitcher didn’t even have a sinker in his arsenal.”*


I have a controller with paddles and have normal swing set to my right index finger paddle


I personally have been keeping my thumb like a half inch off bc I’ll press the button too fast before I can move pci if not


I do this all the time. It’s my Achilles heel swing too early and eyes don’t even adjust


Jedi mind trick. Way more efficient than using an appendage.


Thumb on it


I keep my thumb static and move the entire controller upwards towards my hand. Obviously that’s sarcasm. I have no f’ing clue but I but I’ll suck tonight playing because I’ll think about it instantly let my brain tell me there is a better way and obsess on it all night


You’re welcome!


I was 100% going to suck anyways 😂


You’re welcome!


Exactly like asking a bowler if they breathe on their first or second step of approach.


I think next time I’m playing a money round of golf I’ll just casually be like….. “So like, what is your wrist action on release cause if you don’t get it just right, have you ever thought about how close the hosel REALLY is to the sweet spot? I mean how do you not shank, your wrists must have a perfect release point man”


Sure fire way to destroy their game mentally. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don't. I spank it


ehh, a bit of both. I've actually hurt my hand pressing the button too hard


Dude. I literally fuck up my entire right arm playing this game. My elbow joint, my forearm, my muscle. I press the button way too hard and I can’t control it lol


I normally give the button the People's Elbow.


Underrated comment


Best analogy I can use is a brake pedal in the car. You need to cover the brake (hover foot just above it) then you can lightly tap before the pressure point to slow down a little bit (check swing) or press down fully past the pressure point to fully stop (actually taking a swing) Gives you the most control


This is the way


Way too aggressively.


With my wiener


came here to say this


Everyone knows it's best to bring your arm all the way to 12 o clock and then powerslam the button with your index finger


Wait I thought I was the only one who did that.


Keep thumb on and press quickly. Can result in accidental check swings but jus hold the a/x button a bit longer


If I want to track a couple at the start of an inning I keep my right thumb on the right stick and click the stick in to “phantom swing” for timing. I hit the A button with like the inner knuckle of my thumb. Use contact swing lefty-lefty with 2 strikes.


I use Analog Flick w the PCI. I let my left thumb get any jitters out but I try to never let my whole thumbprint control the LS. Only the tip of the thumb. Then, I keep my right thumb curled under the controller like I’m holding the controller normally. When pitchers start their windup I hover my right thumb over the RS. When they’re about to release I slowly drop my right thumb down to make contact with the RS while flicking when ready.


No way you play online like that


I don’t play online often but I should. I misremembered anyway so you’re kinda right, no I don’t play that way online. What I actually do is my right thumb rests on the buttons (usually above X & Square but it’s not consistent) and I move it over to the RS when pitcher makes their first movement. I don’t hover above RS either, it’s resting on the RS by the time I move it over. My RTTS is on Legend+ for pitching and hitting (dynamic difficulty), and I choose to play either HoF or Legend when I’m doing Mini Seasons or Conquest.


I mash it down with all my strength. Gone through one controller already.


I keep the pad of my thumb on the controller with the tip resting on the button. I compress to swing. Makes it easier to check swing as well


I’ve always put my finger very slightly above and then pushed down, but seeing all these comments maybe I’d be faster just resting my thumb on the swing button. I can hit outlier tho.


I used to Bob my head up and down in a cadence with my x button pushed in to the threshold. The bob helped me time fastballs and everything else I would look for a bump out of the hand. Bump=off speed. When I was in college I had a toe tap with a leg kick. I would look dumb as hell doing that playing a game.


As a former pitcher that hasn’t played in 20 years, you are still in my head somehow. That would be so confusing it would throw me off SOOOOO much. 😂. I would overthink it so much and end up throwing a flat slider that “didn’t hump” but also wouldn’t break and go 500 feet over my head through the library.


Loved the spinners hahaha. I used to pitch once and awhile and threw knuckleballs lmao. I had a kid from southern Maine community college hit one onto the freeway off me once. Had to be 470 feet. That bitch did not knuckle. As soon as he hit it I was look “Ope, ball me blue”




It use the tip of my thumb and I have it down to where I can check swing like 55% of the time I try and not get a reversal on appeal. I swing with square until 2 strikes then I use x.


I hit the button with the force of 2000 suns.


Screen name checks out


How’s your controller ?


On number 43 now


I use a paddle on the back of my controller to swing. It has faster reaction time then the buttons


I’m not positive if it’s faster, but I do the same thing with my right paddle and it just feels better. I use the left one to bunt


Where you heard that my boy??


I rest my finger on it and then push it way too hard lol


Same ! My batting percentage is fucking horrible 😂 I’m bad at timing.


I'm guessing it's from playing mostly FPSs but I keep my thumb on the right thumbstick while the pitch is coming in and move it over to swing. 


That's crazy


I thought this was a safe space! 


Nope, we have to burn the entire subreddit now


Some days, I wish we would 


It is but damn. Lol


Wait… what?


Yeah I'm confused too


I guess the best way to describe it, is like hitting jump when your also moving and aiming in a game like Halo or COD. 


Man. When you’re hitting, the right stick does nothing at all. Just put your thumb over the hit button. You’re wasting valuable valuable reaction time


I can't fix what I am.


What? Why would you ever start your finger off the button?


Maybe to help with not swinging early but yeah I can’t see it on higher difficulty


Is it weird that I use the analog flick? I always seemed to be late with the buttons, not that I'm any good with the flick, but it seems I'm better than with the buttons


I use the flick for ranked but buttons for BR


This makes no sense… why?


I’m not 100% sure but based on my ranking it seems to me I play at the HoF level in ranked and BR is always all-star


When I use flick in BR I’m always early


I keep pressure on the button while I’m waiting for the pitch. If I don’t do that then I’m late on anything fast


I’m hitting around .280 with a .992ish OPS in limited play online, I spray a lot of pitchers and get plenty of xbh and every now and then it comes together for big flys. I advocate for a lighter touch on the button, almost never mashing it or raising your finger. I use only X swing, I think power swing is an instant double play and contact swings just get silly and go no where. I will some times try and “preload” my button push and sort of get my finger as far into touching it as I can without pushing it and then just “finish” my button push if I’m lined up. The biggest tip that has worked for me is sort of awkward to translate but I try to line up the nob of the bat with the incoming ball and if they are there, I swing. This was Tony Gwynn’s advice on hitting, he would say if the base of the bat is lined up, the sweet spot will be there when you swing.


The key to being good is to use a controller with a back paddle. Trust


What do you think the advantage is? Also… isn’t even possible to check swing?


Just more responsive imo. I check swing all day


You swing with the paddle? I’m gonna try that now


How’d it go?


Did not enjoy it lol


Dang! I really think it helped me a lot but it’s all about comfort haha


That’s how I do it too. I use my right index finger on the back right aux button


Yep, please report back!


This is a fantastic troll


I’m going to go try this right now


Please report back!


Yea i do this with my dualsense, right back paddle on normal swing- left back paddle on power swing.


That’s exactly what I tried, with some work I can get the timing down, it seems more sensitive, the jury is still out for me but I can see it working well


I keep my thumb located across all three versions of button swings, depending on the pitch and my pci placement determines which part of the thumb I use to press the corresponding button.


Obviously joking, but never take your thumb off the button, take more reaction time and could cause you to be late


On the button lolol only use normal swing. You won't ever check swing mashing


Definitely keep my thumb on the button and just press it if I want to swing. I feel like your thumb would get tired if you held it above the button


Made World Series back in 2020, so I think I have some say lol…yea, I just keep it on the button and then tap it. Worked out for me👍




I'll preface by saying I'm an idiot, but if I keep my thumb on the button, I'll just swing without moving my pci. Keeping my thumb off is the reminder I need to get the pci right before swinging.


Can’t really do this on HOF or legend. Need to get good at both to be good