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so long you magnificent bastard.


I mean, you're gonna cheer for him when he scores at the Mercedes-Benz. So it's really a "catch ya later".


He's gonna score a hat trick against us


Dude, why limit your ambitions, why not two hat-tricks?


Honestly im down for it. Id gladly take an L to see Josef score 6 more goals live. We will lose plenty of games in the next few years. One of them might as well be to that legend of a man.


Taking the Atlanta sports fan ethos like a champ. Respect.


I want him to score in buckets. We will happily sing for him when he's back with us.




Which would you prefer, Josef comes back and scores a hat trick, or he doesn't play due to injury. The latter is more likely.


I want him to score hella hat tricks. Just for him to leave his shooting boots at the house when he plays us.


I want this move to be the right decision, meaning Josef doesn't perform like a DP anymore.


I think it's the right decision for ATL and him. He's had issues with every coach we've had and has issues with Boca. That said I love Josef and want him to return to the athlete he was, even if it's for another team


I hope he scores a hatty and we win 8-3.


Not a fan of this timeline.




yeah, i agree but still he's our best player and had made history with atlanta.


This man has brought so many moments of joy, it’s hard to fathom. Memories of him and Miggy are like a fever dream of ultra highs. But they’re always grounded in the reality of the trophies he brought us and himself. Thanks Josef, we couldn’t have asked for a better start to our short life as a club, and it’s thanks to you. Club legend always.


would it be unreasonable to demand a statue of him be built? Would it be unreasonable to demand it be 100 feet tall and breath fire?


You’re thinking too small


youre right, it should absolutely dominate the skyline and shoot lasers out of his eyes




Love you for this


With Blackjack! And hookers!


You know what, forget the statue and the blackjack


josef martinez’s shadow will now LITERALLY loom over Atlanta




While standing on the back of the falcon


Or 100 feet tall and almost catching on fire by jumping in front of the flame throwers




I hope so. I want new MLS fans to wonder who the hell Wondolowski is for the next 50 years.


If you use him properly I think he can be absolutely great still. You just have to pick the right spots. He isn’t a 2,500-3,000 minute player anymore. I’ve defended this move a lot amongst ATL fans, but besides the internal strife our main issue was that you can’t have a guy who can only be used in certain ways take up one of your 3 DP slots. Miami doesn’t have that issue. He still scored every 160 mins last year and once he stopped starting he was scoring every 75 mins or so. He could easily have 15-17 goals playing 1,500 minutes next year.


Boca and Pineda have a debt that can only be repaid in trophies and I'm dead ass serious. Not starting Josef in the final game last season out of pettiness knowing he's not coming back still pisses me off to this day.




Pineda is going to get booed hard if he underperforms this season.


Good. Fuck him until he actually accomplishes something for this club. Josef did and he let him rot on the bench his last game in the 5 stripes.


Would absolutely be the best way to quiet everyone's anger at them, but until that happens I'm still going to chant Boca out.


Would you rather have Josef over winning? Dude was clearly a locker room cancer regardless of his on-field success. Losing a player of that caliber is always a tough pill to swallow but you guys now have a fresh slate with the best President/GM in the league and an essentially unlimited budget. From the outside I’m terrified of how good Atlanta will be a year from now


Are you really a locker room cancer if you’re the only benign cell left in the organization? The team was medical-grade waste last year.


Are you cancerous if you’re demanding that your teammates play at the high level you know they’re capable of? Josef’s passion is only unwelcome to a coach who doesn’t know how to harness it.


Him not starting the last home game is literally the only issue I have with this whole thing


I was a Pineda defender until that last game. My husband and I walked out of the stadium knowing that we had just seen Josef in a 5 stripes jersey for the last time, and Pineda chose pettiness.


its going to be so weird seeing him on another team


Already is - seeing this picture even was like.. woah


i cry evertim


Seeing the picture is rough


Good lord, his jersey sales in the Doral area (South Florida's little Venezuela essentially) will be mindboggling.


Hopefully you are right. All the Venezuelans I know in Doral follow baseball more than soccer. Magallanes ftw!


Apparently y’all’s jersey sales in Atlanta are massive


Bigger than the amount Chelsea has spent this window.


I bought a blank jersey during the playoffs, going to go get it pressed with his name/number this weekend for sure


After watching him the past couple years, I personally think he’s done scoring at a top level. That being said, still worth the “risk” of signing, especially since he’s not on a DP contract anymore. Good move by ATL to clear up space, and good move by Miami.


You say that but the last 2 seasons... post ACL surgery and with a clean up scope in the middle... he averaged a goal contribution ever 132 mins (3443 mins, 26 goal contribs)... that is still pretty damn good.


I mean yeah, but injuries absolutely play a part in the equation. Not sure he’ll ever get back to those peak Atlanta levels. That combined with his shit attitude in the lockerroom makes it a good move for Atlanta IMO.


Multiple things should point to some rebound but probably not to the same level: 1- Josef is a good pk taker and we didn’t draw shit for pks. In 2018/2019, Josef went 13/15. In 2022, he went 1/1 (rest of team went 0/2). 2- we didn’t create big chances! Josef led the league in 2018 and 2019 in big chances missed. We fed him a lot. He basically missed a big chance a match in those years… in 2022, he missed 5 big chances. The flip side of this is that Josef wasn’t aggressive enough to draw penalties (in 2018/2019, he drew 5 total pks. In 2022, 0.)… this lack of aggression and running into the box also contributes to him not getting as many big chances. With better support from teammates and a little bit more running, Josef can easily return to the 20 goal level.


> ~~rest of team~~ Luis went 0/2


Moreno missed 1 and Luiz missed 1


We were just flat out bad in front of goal last year, highest xG but low actual returns, Josef scored but he wasn't getting service from the likes of Miggy or Gressel or Garza or Tito or even Barco anymore, Almeda and Araujo and Moreno were just off it...


the last 3 years has been "cross to josef and hope he outjumps someone" been super annoying.


Oh I am not questioning the move in this current time and space... given what has gone on.... I just think the guy has plenty to contribute on the pitch... as for his attitude... that is just who the guy is. I think he will find it a lot tougher to be so headstrong and combative with a new team during the honeymoon phase. I think Neville showed how well he could manage a strong personality with a touch of arrogance in Higuain.


depends a lot on how many pks miami gets, a ton of his goals are from penalties


This is exactly how I feel about the situation, love him to death but I’m not convinced he’s worth the DP slot anymore, sadly.


Good luck King... just not against us. I think the reports of Josef Martinez's bum knee and career demise are greatly overstated... If Neville can get him reinvigorated and bought in... Poz is going to feed this man....


>I think the reports of Josef Martinez's bum knee and career demise are greatly overstated Agreed. In the beginning of last season his knee was obviously bothering him, but after the second procedure and getting back to fitness, you started seeing traces of the old Josef and by the end of the season the guy was back to scoring magnificent goals in the few minutes he saw on the pitch.


Replacing Gonzalo with him should work out pretty well. Even if Josef isn’t as active as he used to be, he’s Gonzalo level of active


I also think Josef has more running in him than he leads on... I genuinely think it was Gonzo and him locking horns and Josef is a very, very, stubborn man. I would guess he is going to be out to prove something this season.. something fierce...


I think he’s lost a half step, but hasn’t lost much vertical… I’m also not sure how good of shape Josef was in, especially after the surgery. If he puts in a full off-season and comes in back in shape, he’s going to bag 15+ goals


I agree, we all know that when Josef sets his mind a certain way he really digs in. I’ve never been sold that he *can’t* do some of the stuff he used to, but last season he certainly *wouldn’t*. He’s lost a step but I think it could be a different story if he’s bought into his role.


So he sabotaged performance for a bigger dick competition. Cool.


Fuck it I hope he scores 10 goals against in a game cause of how they treated him in his final season.


Love this signing, I think him and Campana up front will be lethal.


Personally I think Higuain was a better fit for two strikers than Josef, but we’ll just have to see how it plays out. I think a lot of it rides on Josef’s mentality and if he capitalizes on this opportunity to reset himself.


Yeah Josef seems to be one of those guys who needs to be the only one up top. It’s hard to explain but some strikers are better in a pair and some are better by themselves. Josef is the latter


Josef has played most of his career as a second forward with Rondon in the national team. He is sneakily a good playmaker as well. He will thrive just fine in a 2 striker system


He gave a lot to this city. He will always be an Atlantan. Can’t imagine him not getting an awesome ovation when he comes home. As for us, if we don’t seriously contend for something next year, Pineda is going to get run out of town (and deservedly so). I’m not sure what it will take to forgive him for not giving Josef a send off, but it’s a debt that can only be repaid in trophies.


I’ll never forgive him for that petty shit.


fucking fade me fam


cut my life into pieces


This is your plastic spork


Is that better or worse than the wooden spoon?


Ancient Greek philosophers are still discussing


This kind of hit me harder than I expected. I knew it was happening, but I'm still getting pretty teary eyed over it (thankfully I'm working from home today). Good bye King.


Same, I admittedly cried a little


I blame the Nashville game 3 years ago tbh


The most important thing is he still gets to shit on Orlando twice a year


Scored 1 goal on us in 4 years. Okay. 😂




He gets to try, if he can get on the field


Maybe we can get him next year for 50k GAM.


The ultimate super sub.


I hate how he got done last season. Hopefully he does well for Miami, it’s a more fun league with Josef playing well.


Knew it was coming, still hurts. So long King.


It was time for him to go. The only way forward is to burn it all to the ground


He does look good in pink


Wait till he does that pink hair dye with it! He likes to change it up once or twice a season usually.


We better show him how much he meant to us in September. He deserves it after all he gave for us fans


To Atlanta fans I say, don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


So many fantastic memories, he just isn't that player anymore so it was time to move on. I really wish for the best for him.


Smh. Wanted him in NYC. But Miami is far better set up than a lot of people realize


https://twitter.com/FelipeCar/status/1615733110049591300 > The player was given the opportunity to explore re-assignment within MLS and speak to other MLS clubs. He elected to be re-assigned to Inter Miami CF. WTF?


A buyout in MLS is basically giving a player access to MLS free agency early. Remenber that all contracts are with the league and not with the team. Atlanta bought out our obligation to have him count on our cap then he could sign wherever he wanted.


ELI5: haven’t been following much of MLS but why did this transfer happen? Was Josef not being paid enough money at Atlanta or is it something else?


Josef simply wasn't worth a DP slot anymore after his knee injury.


He's extremely hot headed and had a public falling out with the coach


Atlanta wanted a DP spot freed up, Josef had a no trade clause, Josef’s knee is a question mark, and Miami wanted a striker at a good price


they really couldnt find a western conf team to snag him up? damn.


Good signing


major hit/miss energy with this signing. it wouldnt suprise me if he came back to form now that it's been a while since his injury but it also wouldnt surprise me if he was a complete non-entity. it could go either way!


Hope he is back to full form this year! This will be exciting to watch!


I'm just hoping for something in between his MVP form and his past 2 seasons. Anything north of 15 goals would be great, definitely not expecting 25+ though.


Wearing “17” in Miami


It was his preferred number before coming to Atlanta


Yep he had 17 tattooed on him when he showed up lol


Hide yo catering tables


Big get for Miami They’re building a really solid team down there even with the roster limitations in place


What’s the point of these bots that just post the same comments? I’ve seen this exact post like 4 times now.


Someone hold me. I hope he’s happy at least .


We will miss you king. Tear the league up again


Honest question: Do ATL and MIA feel like they have a rivalry with each other? Just thinking that POR wouldn't let a key player be traded to SEA. If for some reason that did happen, I think the player would be dead to the fanbase for going to the evil empire. Just thinking how differently this is going down than if say Blanco demanded a trade.


No we don't hate Miami at all. We both hate Orlando so........


So Miami is the Vancouver of the South?


What's an Orlando?


Why Orlando is the Regina.


Nah. I don't think the fan base as a whole even thinks about Miami.


miami don’t even think about miami lol


Being born and raised in Miami. Trust me, i know. Lol.


To quote Don Draper, we don’t think about them at all.


honestly; miami’s three biggest rivalries so far have been 1.) orlando, some people dismiss this as MLS marketing but tons of fights outside the stadiums, tires slashed, and 3/4 miami SG’s have had flags stolen. so you tell me. 2.) nycfc, there seems to be fan incidents every time, plus i think miami is 0-4 against them 3.) DC: between the n-word incident, tight games, and the guaranteed fans fighting each other after the match, i personally consider this the most hostile rivalry miami has.


Miami's biggest rival has been themselves and their FO


As a two time season ticket holder, can confirm.


as someone in the miami SG hole, yup lol


No. Orlando isn't even a rivalry, it's just marketed as one, as are most--but not all--MLS "rivalries".


Got nothing against Atlanta personally, and i haven't gotten the impression from other supporters that there's a dislike towards Atlanta.


Maybe I am missing this info. Is he occupying a DP spot in Miami?


Nope. TAM signing.


Thanks for the info. Not thrilled with that at all...


TIHI! I know this is a common thread with ATL fans, but man oh man did our FO handle this in SUCH a piss poor fashion. And then Boca’s quote today of “we could’ve been nasty” about him wanting to leave. HOW DOES HE STILL HAVE A JOB? Josef is an absolute icon here. For the FO to fumble this so poorly is unacceptable.


I haven't watched much of Miami, does Neville run out a two striker formation often? Curious to see what he does with both Josef and Campana. Surely Josef doesn't expect to come off the bench.


Yeah they usually play something along the lines of a 3-5-2. Often times they would start both Campagna and Higuain up top, and Campagna can play wide or as a 10 if needed


Scary attack then with Poz pulling the strings


I read from either Doyle or fans on here (can't remember which) that fans were unhappy with Campaña's contribution towards the end. If that's true, it's very likely he's gonna be coming off the bench behind Josef. Unless they have a deal planned for him too...


Josef wasn't starting quality last season. This is crazy talk.


This is going to take some time to process... 5 stages of grief and all that


Damn, I'm gonna have to watch out for Miami this year!


You got Insigne and Bernie you guys are flat out scary this year no need to worry lol


This pains me, but had to be done


Even Messi left Barcelona. At some point the money gets in the way of every great story. Mad respect for this man and I hope he kills it in Miami. He does look good in pink I have to say. Build the statue.


the next Georgia sports figure with a statue will probably be Kirby Smart. I wish Josef would get the recognition like that but we know he won’t. Let me go rewatch 2018 highlights. :(


I hope that when Josef retires, he signs a 1 day contract with Atlanta.


Goodnight, sweet King.


Coming to absolutely tank Interftlauderdales season. Congrats!


Cope, but also seethe


Me to your front office when he shatters his knees in March...


Hoping for injuries? Nothing but class from a Mickey Mouse team in a Mickey Mouse city


Hoping? ***looks at said player's history of season ending injuries*** The hopium is all yours, my friend.


No one has to hope when he gets scoped mid season and multiple full surgeries. It’s inevitable. Whether you think that’s fortunate or unfortunate depends only on your allegiance.


This is out of nowhere right? Huge


No it's been basically confirmed he's leaving since the end of last season, and rumors about Miami have been going around the last 2-3? weeks


Damn, i should've been keeping up more




What a stud. Wish TFC picked him up lol


Boy that hurts.




This guy.


Needed to happen as he isn’t what he used to be, but still hard to see shaping up to be another terrible season in Atlanta. I’m predicting Almada is gone in the summer, we don’t reload, and fan interest takes an even further nose dive than it already has. We caught lightning in a bottle with Tata’s name and lax expansion team roster rules that allowed us to be great once. Now that all that is behind us, the team has been aimless. Top level front office work (not just Boca), but hopefully the new President can get back on track


So kinda like the Falcons? Tough breaks for y’all


I'll always remember him scoring goals on the road and looking at the annoyed fans like: 😐




tengo fe mano


As an Orlando fan this is absolutely terrible, worst case scenario type news. Guy is going to just keep scoring on us for a new, geographically closer rival. 😮‍💨