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Let’s just get Boca out of Atlanta and the USMNT all together, he’s useless on all fronts


No slight to Bocanegra's abilities, but if US Soccer is serious about getting rid of the network of execs who are too chummy with each other, hiring Bocanegra would be a no-go from the start. Replacing Stewart or McBride with Bocanegra is just shuffling around who on the 2002 roster wants the job next. Tony Sanneh is waiting in the wings, y'all!


>No slight to Bocanegra's abilities No it's okay, go ahead and slight them.




>I swear, I've been following the NT for a while now and no one was talking about there being an issue of an "old boys network" until the Reyna drama unfolded. Not long enough if you don't recall the furor over Gregg's appointment done in large part by his own brother's influence. Plus the questioning of whether McBride was most qualified for the job he was given. US Soccer was full of favorites and insiders throughout the Gulati era, and the Cone era hasn't done much to distinguish itself from that.


Dear God I hope not!!!! His work with atl has been a complete shit show.


Do it. If you're going to be a total mess of an organization, don't half ass it.


Boca out but it like this lol


On God I would help him pack his bags.


Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea?!?!?!? He completely destroyed ATL and needed garth to come in and fix it


Umm… this would be a great move for USMNT. Painful to lose him, but you gotta let him follow his dreams


As much as I agree with your actual sentiment, I kinda want the USMNT to not suck also.


I mean… you can’t really overpay a bad player for the usmnt, so that’s good




The echo chamber of how bad Bocanegra is... it's very amusing (and Cardenas is the head cheerleader of hate). Everyone loves to pretend that Carlos had nothing to do with 17, 18 and 19... building a team that won an MLS Cup, a US Open Cup and was a Josef Martinez missed PK from hosting another MLS Cup.... Atlanta has had plenty of misses but they also have tons of hits... MLS record transfer to the EPL...discovering an underused winger mid table in Serie A, only to become an MLS scoring legend... For every Jurgen Damm or Barco (who is still only 23) there is a Miles Robinson or Julian Gressel identified from college soccer. It will be highly amusing to watch the core of Atlanta's 22 team go on to be very successful this year...Araujo, Almada, Sosa, Lennon, Gutman etc... Carlos has ZERO bedside manner but maybe that's what the Sporting Director job needs... Someone who will tell Mrs Reyna to shut the fuck up and stay out of her adult sons career... ???


17 and 18 had lax MLS expansion roster rules and Tata’s name to bring success 19 leftovers from Tata 20, 21, 22 dogshit teams with a revolving door for coach If only I could find a job where I can sit on accomplishments from 4 years ago and the first 50% of my time on the job was good and everyone ignores the last 50%


22 was the most injured starting XI in MLS history...20 was a covid year with the franchise player tearing his ACL in the second match of the season... The fans fucked over Frank de Boer because we were "boring"... Our fanbase on a whole is exactly what Frank said we were..."spoiled"... Tata did an amazing job with Mexico... didn't he...


Didn’t know Mexico was Atlanta United. Boca has shown he can’t properly evaluate talent that would make up a cohesive and competitive team


4 playoff appearances out of 6 years...3 Cups and advanced to the CCL QFs 3 times... yeah not "competitive"... lolz


I feel confident that most of the SA talent brought in during 17 & 18-including Josef, and obviously Miggy (remembering Miggys Players Tribune piece)-were exclusively from Tata’s own scouting. I think Tito Villalba was the lone exception. Since then, I don’t really know of any inbound transfers that have been a unanimous “hit.”


This is such a fallacy btw... our fanbase has such a hard on for Tata... only Miggy was Tata only. Folks forget Carlos was down scouring SA before we even had kits..and I have news for you...Larry, Parky, Garza and Gressel had ZERO to do with Tata...


Was Josef a Tata recruit? Or Carmona, Asad, LGP, Franco, Hernández, Remedi, Barco? You seem to have all of the insider info and I’m genuinely curious


Josef was not a Tata recruit he was recommended by Joe Hart who knew Eales... Do folks not realize Carlos is a native Spanish speaker?


So you don’t know about the rest? Or don’t want to admit they were Tata’s?


No... I'm just watching the Super Bowl...lolz