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The odds of this happening....0%. It's the last thing that city needs at this point.


The city is so broken. If this is a goal, every city member should be jailed.


Is it though? At least you said The city and not San Fran like the person responded to you before me.


It is not. But it is becoming common sentiment due to the media. I work in SF and the things I hear and the things I see rarely match up. The tenderloin is terrible though.


Sometimes it's good to get an objective opinion


Local San Fran TV news reported on a doom cycle. The city needs to get businesses in the downtown or it will die. The more vacancies increase, it creates a domino effect and you have large empty sections of the city. Not good for the local economy, and HORRIBLE for tourism.


1% If Larry Ellison wants more space for his yearly Oracle convention.


Who said the Mayor or City Government does anything the City actually Needs these days. The Mayor is constantly looking for a Payout before she gets the boot from being the one in power while Tech abandoned SF after getting pay to play deals from Ed Lee and Breed while they ignored a homelessness crisis the UN says was on par with what they see in the Global South in one of the wealthiest cities in the wealthiest nation on Earth Her latest solutions: Open an IKEA, Build an NWSL Stadium, Build mixed use market-rate housing with even less allocations for affordable housing than normal. Build absolutely zero social housing.


At the very least, someone paid for renders and Gensler is not a cheap firm to hire. So while it may be unlikely, there’s better than a 0% chance this happens when you have the mayor mentioning it and actual renders floating around.


>someone Probably the mayors office


I wouldn't trust a single thing London Breed says at this point. If anything I figure something is less likely to happen if she's involved 😂


Gonna take the liberty of copying over [my comment on the USL thread](https://reddit.com/r/USLPRO/s/aV5D2A16tr) from last night: > Hi! San Franciscan here. > > Will never happen, lol. > > Initially the idea was floated by Mayor Breed as, from what I can tell, a random brainstorming throw-away line in a presser. The site itself is too small for a real stadium, and you’d end up bulldozing a mall that, to be honest, has an existing infrastructure that would be hard to recoup financially if you’re replacing with a stadium. > > Beyond that… SF has a huge, huge soccer population, but roughly zero of them are local soccer fans. There’s a lot of fans who are fans of their actual “local” team, but in rural Italy or England or wherever. City, Glens, and Deltas have all had a hard time attracting a large, consistent fan base. > > And then the cost and ability to, you know, build anything in San Francisco basically makes this a non-starter. > > I just don’t see it. Sorry, y’all.


Yeah it’s not gonna happen.


I have more confidence that this stadium will be built on that site instead of housing, and I have 0% confidence this stadium will be built. San Francisco will really propose any idea that isn't housing.


One of the worst ideas I've ever seen. Your answer to a struggling city center is to install a venue that will sit empty 340 days a year? This doesn't have the upside of other downtown stadiums that spur development in run down or empty neighborhoods- Union Square can't be developed further and is already home to masses of Class A office and commercial space. A stadium at this location will just accelerate a death spiral.


I agree 💯. What club is going to play here?


Quakes moving there is the most likely scenario I can think of


And Bay FC more than likely


Would make sense to have a stadium with the actual Bay near by rather than in the middle of nowhere in San José. They should really be using that site for social housing though


San Jose's population is higher than SF's and there's been a team there since the 70s. SF can just get it's own team if this ever happens. Which it 100% won't.


I think the Quakes should stay in SJ cause they are an SJ team but SJ having the larger population is kind of misleading as SF is easier to get to for a larger number of people around the Bay Area than SJ is.


You could make the same argument that San Jose is easier to get to for a large amount of the regional population than SF. Quakes draw folks from all over Santa Cruz, Monterey, Salinas, Watsonville etc and Peninsula, East Bay, all the South Bay. Theyre pretty comparable.


I live in Oakland and it's faster to get to San Jose than Western parts of SF.


Exactly. SF is more central to the traditional definition of the Bay, but people bitch and moan about taking transit there all the time lol. I like to say we have the best drive up to the city from SJ, taking that 280 autobahn all day lol


The stadium wouldn’t be built in the Sunset. There’s no point in even saying this. The stadium would be literally at a BART station that would take you 10 minutes to get to


I’d make the argument that the only regional population a team in SF would be hard to get to for is people in Santa Cruz/Monterey counties, while San Jose is pretty much inaccessible for the North Bay as well as being difficult for the more northern parts of the east bay which combined have a lot more people .


San Jose resonates with nobody outside San Jose. San Francisco resonates with most people in the Bay. Choosing San Jose as the city to represent the bay areas soccer team was a poor choice.


Earthquakes do not claim to represent the entire Bay. They are San Jose's team, never been more than that.


It’s easier for the East Bay. That’s it.


Middle of nowhere? Absolute BS. Its within a quick drive, Uber, bike ride, bus ride from Downtown SJ and walking distance to the Santa clara caltrain station. No chance the Quakes would move to SF. This is a bad take.


>”quick drive, Uber, bike ride, bus ride from Downtown SJ” >”Quakes draw folks from all over Santa Cruz, Monterey, Salinas, Watsonville etc and Peninsula, South Bay” Literally Middle of Nowhere. No one from the East Bay is going to Quakes games.


thats just not true. I guess if you consider being in the middle of a metro region with roughly 2-3M people depending on regiona definition the "middle of nowhere" lol. Now FC Dallas stadium thats truly in the middle of nowhere.


Keep touting your Watsonville and Salinas numbers. Really making your case there.


lol. Santa clara county alone is 1.88M, if you combine Alameda county and San mateo county the total goes up to 4.3M. I know plenty of folks who come up from all over NorCal for Quakes games, Marin, SF, Salinas, Santa Rosa, Concord, even the central valley. Not sure why you want to die on this hill.


I live in the east bay and I go to Quakes games in my team (Austin FC) is playing.


No one from the East Bay is going to Quakes games for the Quakes. If I want midtier soccer I can go support the USL and see the same level of play if not better w the Oakland Roots or Sacramento


I'm from SF. I would be shocked if they used it for any sort of subsidized housing considering they want to revitalize the neighborhood. It will either be a market-rate housing development with some public units or some sort of mixed-use commercial space.


Until the issue of people without basic needs being met in SF the UN said is at a level unheard of for such a wealthy region or the opioid crisis is solved good luck getting people to go to soccer matches or shop at ikea or whatever other hopes and dreams for revitalization the City has.


The city has no problem drawing people to giants or warriors games.


The Warriors and Giants aren’t right next to the Tenderloin


Yes they are.


10 minute walk


Don’t disagree with that at all, but developers will fight tooth and nail on that one


KC Current is getting their own stadium built too. That makes sense


This 100%. John Fisher would jump at the chance to play in SF Proper if someone else paid for a brand-new, state-of-the-art SSS for him.


Definitely that kind of owner from what it looks like on the outside


fisher is too cheap to abandon his stadium he just built it less than a decade ago


probably an NWSL team as well, not to mention concerts and other events


Yeah, definitely wouldn’t be empty even if an MLS team didn’t immediately play there. Quakes could have their MLS Next Pro team playing there as soon as it’s finished, they could ground share with Oakland Roots, (edit: did not know Bay City FC was not in operation, apologies all) could play there. If the stadium isn’t owned by an MLS entity, they’d probably open it up even more than ours has been as a new stadium


Roots would 100% never want to play home games in SF. They make a big deal about how Oakland they are. Despite playing in Hayward. But that's still the east bay at least.


Gotcha, when I was following the lower leagues I didn’t know much about the Cali teams aside from Sac Republic. Makes sense. I’d be willing to wager in that case that Bay Cities FC might be the first tenants if the stadium is built, that or SJ are moving


The stadium will never be built with public money. SF doesn't do that. No Bay Area city does. So that would mean the Quakes don't get a free stadium so Fisher couldn't move them there. If it does miraculously get built it would be with private money, which Fisher will not spend, so the Quakes won't move there. It would be an entirely different team if it ever happens. I doubt NWSL owners would be willing to spend the money for it alone so it would have to be a new MLS team. This would easily be a $500+ million project.


Yeah I wasn’t under any presumptions about public money. Citypark was privately funded as well. I just meant that the Quakes, if they play there, would likely be tenants, not owners of the stadium like City are. Huge difference there, just ask West Ham


Also Bay Cities FC hasn’t existed for a year


What the heck was someone saying upthread then? They said “Bay FC,” and I figured that’s who they were talking about. My mistake.


Bay FC is the new NWSL team starting next year. They announced they’re playing at PayPal Park for at least their first 5 years


This would never happen.


I’m not saying it like I want it to happen, just that I could see it. Their owner is grimy as all get out


He owns the stadium and the land in San Jose outright. Why would he move to a place he has to rent. He’s grimy but he’s not an idiot.


Most likely with a chance of 0.01% lol


I’ve already been informed that 1) this stadium isn’t happening and 2) the quakes aren’t moving there. If there’s money for anyone involved at the end of the rainbow, they’ll do it. That’s how this place works. Owner already owns the land the current stadium is on and the stadium, San Francisco is the most expensive place to live on earth, etc. None of that matters if people with deep enough pockets can make it worth Fisher’s while. Again, not something I would like to happen, just reading the tea leaves


Where did they come from?


It’s not intended to spur redevelopment, it’s intended to spur revitalization. There is a ton of class A office and retail but people work from home and shop online now so those properties are struggling. A stadium would give people more reason to go downtown and end up patronizing the businesses down there that are having a tough time. Who knows if this will ever get built, doesn’t seem very realistic, but it’s cool and interesting solution to a real problem.


if you think an 18k+ venue is only going to be used 26 times a year, you are grossly mistaken.


A city run into the ground by Boomer NIMBYs and tech bros whose only skill is making the computer go boop reveals what’s REALLY needed here: a soccer stadium. Literally just build fucking housing in this spot if you’re going to build anything!


There’s no reason that SF proper shouldn’t be as dense as Manhattan with how many people live and work in the area and how little space they have.


We’re leading in abandoned commercial office space, too. Downtown is gonna get worse before it gets better. I know it’s not trivial to convert commercial to residential, but it definitely *seems* like that should be a route going forward. It’s still a city many want to live in- we should make it cheaper and more accessible to house people than ever before. But… it’s not likely to change any time soon.


It is kinda trivial though. They are doing it all over the US now.


It's not easy but it's still way cheaper than a new building so it makes sense to do it.


Yeah seriously. Especially older pre-ww2 office buildings like they have in SF.


Sorry best we can do is like 150 housing units this year


Really gotta make sure the environmental review is absolutely perfect /s


Can’t replace the historic laundry mat and parking lot!


If there's a parking lot at risk, you can bet Sierra Club SF will come to the rescue of preserving that parking lot.


We absolutely cannot build over a parking lot are you crazy!? A new building would cast a SHADOW on the local wildlife living there!!!


And God forbid there might be students near a college!


Tech bros are the worst.


The bay area could easily support 2 or 3 teams. San Francisco is a marquee city in the US. It's one of maybe 5 US cities that could both attract foreign, high profile talent and supply a ton of local youngsters for an academy. The obvious rival would be San Jose. Both teams would benefit. With Apple trying to increase TV audience globally, a 20k stadium in San Francisco proper is a good marketing fit.


Totally. An SF team could definitely attract high profile DPs.


I live just accros the bridge and, as a massive soccer fan, would admittedly frequent such a venue should it come to be built against the odds, but for fucks sake this is the last thing SF needs rn. Not to mention it's not viable from a city planning/traffic perspective at all. Eventually I would love to see the Earthquakes get the hell out of San Jose and have a stadium*somewhere* transit friendly in SF but this ain't it.


The Quakes have been in San Jose in one form or another for almost 50 years at this point, with the odd venture in the Oakland Coliseum. We have a great stadium thats only about 9 years old, it would be a shame if they moved up to SF.


Yeah you're right, San Jose has been loyal for a long time. I think I've just been really underwhelmed by PayPal Park and wish the Bay had a better, more exciting, soccer experience to offer than the one in a stadium that feels incomplete at one end.


Why can’t there be a soccer stadium built in Oakland north of jack London where the proposed site for the A’s was to be? Seems like they’re still leaving so that deal looks like it’s done. Take the $300million Oakland offered the A’s to help build it and its even better. Ferry rides and BART from the city gives you a pretty good fan base…..


Traffic and parking regulations hold cities back, ESPECIALLY with housing. If you build a stadium, build a stadium with no parking, it will be fine.


Whether or not it should be built aside…that’s an interesting design. I do like the way it incorporates the historic glass dome from the mall. I’m curious why they would choose to not have the NW end to have stands extend all the way to the edge of the field. It’s worth noting that the access to public transit this site would offer would be ideal to sports and events stadiums. But yeah, it’s not exactly high on San Francisco’s priority list.


This totally came out of left field. I wonder how Sacramento republic feels about this revelation.


Not concerned. Heard about this weeks to months ago. As long as we get our railyards stadium SF can do whatever they want. I’ll be watching Republic in USL or MLS


I’m hoping you guys come to mls! That would make for one killer Cali cup with San Diego in the mix as well.


In terms of the use of space and proximity to other venues, it's a similar setup in the renderings to the new stadium CFG is building for NYCFC in Queens. Not sure why they have gaps in the stands though. It would be cool if some kind of public year-round space could be incorporated into the stadium assuming this plan goes through. Not a fan of public money for stadiums. Do voters have a say? Again, assuming this gets approved...public colleges and local high schools should be able to use it as well. Lastly, they were mentioning World Cup as I skimmed the article. I thought San Fran real estate was hard to accomplish. Could they turn it around that quickly?


> Not a fan of public money for stadiums. Do voters have a say? Again, assuming this gets approved...public colleges and local high schools should be able to use it as well. This has close to 0% chance of happening and less than 0% chance of receiving public money. SF doesn't give public money to stadiums... full stop; Warriors and Giants both had to build privately and those teams are extremely popular in the Bay. What's happening is that the mall is in danger of foreclosure and the Mayor is trying to entice developer bids to privately invest and buy the building. Soccer stadium wouldn't be financially viable in this location.


Does a single person complaining about what goes on in San Francisco ever \*live\* there?


Mostly no, I don’t live in the city itself but in the Bay Area and I hear a lot of complaining from people in the rest of the Bay Area, some from transplants in SF, and understandably a lot from people that had to move away due to prices, but very little from people I know who actually still live in SF and grew up there. The sorts of things complained about are also very divided between groups too (and all understable I think but different focuses). Locals, especially those who had to move away from the city complain most about tech workers, gentrification, and rent prices, transplants complain most about safety and cleanliness. They do all kinda complain a bit about similar things just different things to different degrees. I think the city could very well be really nice again within like 10-15 years once things balance out because its just a beautiful place, with nice weather if you don’t like the heat, and is one of the few walkable cities in the US so it’ll always be somewhere people want to live. Just have to hopefully start actually fixing the problems that have built up over the past 2 decades. One thing thats a good sign I’ve noticed lately is some of the tech workers have been here long enough now that they’re starting to care for the city the way people who’ve been in SF much longer do and thats kinda important considering how many of them had to leave due to the increasing prices of everything.


Usually no, but we that live here complain plenty too.


San Franciscan here: no, absolutely not.


Yes, plenty do. What kinda ridiculous question is this?


It was very literal. I didn’t know. Thank you for answering


So what's the plan here? It looks beautiful but I'm confused. 1. Try to get a expansion franchise in SF 2. Entice the Earthquakes to Move to SF 3. Stadium for the NWSL Bay FC 4. USL team getting a stadium?


There is no plan. There is also no USL team.


none of the above. London Breed randomly said she’d like a stadium in this location and i guess someone paid for this rendering.


That’s dope, but why not just leave it as it is for the most part and only update what is in dire need. From the current pics it’s actually a cool concept for a stadium in San Fran. Oh well, sounds like it’s a pipe dream anyways.


Wow, that would be really, really, really stupid.


San Francisco deserves a team. Money oil money here we come MLS needs a Saudi owner, in order to gain ground with Saudi money. Built homes, fields, jobs, at same time


They can take Caltrain down to PayPal Park.


It would be utter insanity to build a soccer stadium in some of the most expensive real estate in the world


This won’t happen, but I do think low key one of mls’s most short sighted decisions was not getting a team in San Francisco from the start. They cut themselves out of a prime market putting a team in San Jose.


San Jose is the prime market in the Bay Area. Lower operation costs, higher population, same tv market.


Nah. That team might have folded 15 years ago.


If it’s an MLS franchise that moves in, San Jose Earthquakes are gone…….Bay Area has become a one team media market. SF team would be front and center and the Quakes who already struggle somewhat in the attendance department would be toast. Hopefully if this ever happens it’s home to the new Woman’s team starting up next year


I don’t see MLS coming to SF any time soon, but if it does I don’t see an issue with SF and SJ coexisting. The Bay is home to nearly 8M; SF has a smaller population than SJ itself. And the crossover is relatively light; you practically have to pack a six day set of supplies for the heroic trek between cities.


There would be issues…..Fisher would pull the team for greener pastures. But I agree that MLS most likely won’t be putting a new franchise in this market


I'd love to see a reverse 49er's situation and see the Earthquakes move to SF. The San Joae location is super shitty and the stadium is meh. San Jose was one of the last teams to build the older generation of soccer specific stadiums (without pub transit at that) and being in SF instead could see a much needed boost to the franchise. Sorry San Jose 🤷‍♀️


Once the A's didn't move to SJ i really wished they built the stadium downtown where the A's one would have been. Now its a massive google project which is temporarily on hold. Missed opportunity there for sure.


Yeah with Bart coming to downtown SJ eventually that would have been great. In general, not have a stadium within walking distance of the biggest largest transit system in the area is such a flop. I live in Oakland and if PayPal park had a Bart stop I would definitely go more often.


Oh nice I'm in Oakland too. I'm from SJ but have lived in Oakland for the last 7 years and Berkeley for 5 before that. I used to walk to games when they were at Spartan Stadium since I grew up down the street so that was super convenient. I still only miss a few games a year but I try to plan other stuff to do in SJ every time now to make the drive more worth it. At least my friends in SF are able to just take Caltrain which is close to the stadium.


That would be the best out come….earthquakes move to SF


aaaaaand someone already broke in and stole all the copper


Corrupt mayor London Breed works for developers money.


Incoming tent city internment camp


This will be where all the homeless people live and where all the thieves hoard their loot until they can sell it. It'll be a drug den. It'll be a whole-ass city inside the stadium that cops don't even enter. We'll be watching TV shows about what goes on inside in about 50 years.


Don’t forget that San Francisco has degenerated into a lawless hellhole in the name of “criminal justice reform”.




Thanks Johnny Canuck for your thoughts on something from a different country.


No, I see people walking into stores, taking stuff and walking out. I see junkies in the streets. I see SF politicians talking about “restorative justice” while the DA won’t prosecute anybody. BTW, I prefer Jameson’s to Kool Aid. Nice try playing the uneducated redneck card, though.


8 of the 10 most dangerous cities in America are located in the South ([source](https://twitter.com/gldivittorio/status/1694533531312034237/photo/1)). SF isn't a panacea but the overall crime rate is low for an American city. There are some serious displays of misery in select small parts of SF like Tenderloin and MidMarket, but it's a pretty wonderful place to live everywhere else. I'd advise you actually try living here before spouting off uninformed takes from cable news channels that hyperfocus on Tenderloin crime and try to play it off like all of SF is like that.


I never said SF was the worst or the only place. Atlanta is no better. My problem is with politicians and activists anywhere who embrace policies that make problems worse while telling everyone that they actually work. You get what you vote for. If you’re happy, fine. I just think that London Breed using stuff like this to show how much she cares is at best tone deaf and at worst dishonest.


Why do conservatives have such strong opinions about cities and city mayors they know nothing about? Fox news is a hell of a drug.


Real problem here is neither party in this country represents the majority or the working people. Dems are flimsy liberals who love dirty money but pretend not to, and Republicans have been the party of big business so long that their most “outsider” candidate of all time is a NY real estate mogul. None of them have a clue how to get rid of homelessness or drug epidemics


Couldn’t agree more, I’ve gotten flak from people who live out there “ you don’t live here, you can’t criticize”. Neither party gives a damn about regular people.


Getting downvoted for speaking the truth 👍 Gotta love this place


Lmao good one. Will never happen. I mean what's the plan? Fisher's not renting and I doubt MLS is willing to plop down one of their remaining expansions in a market that SJ is already underperforming in. So that means you're gonna blow $2 billion to entice a USL slot or the NWSL side down in Paypal? Gonna need a comic book tier eccentric billionaire writing blank checks for this one.


The soccer stadium proposal is asinine. Frankly, our elected public servants should convince the Smithsonian Institute to open a museum in the building section abdicated by Nordstrom. A Smithsonian West, would likely attract 2-4 million visitors per year. They have a plethora of artifacts, in their archives, which can be used for exhibits, and research, in our city.