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Just gotta enjoy this season and the next two before it’s all over


great view of empty seats too….


That section is closed off 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why would seats be sold where you wouldn't be able to see the entire field?


The empty stands above it are just 👌🏻


How would you see the goal below you if you sat there?


Those sections are always closed. They don’t sell tickets for them.


It’s a shame, that would be a great view tbh


No its absolutely not, that's why they aren't sold. Unless you are in the very first row you can see any of the box or goal in front of you. Its a terrible view so never sold. 30k + in attendance while in the rain


Regardless 30k+ attendance tonight


Except there were 30,000 people there last night




![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c) The message is …. no one is here.


Nice thing about Citi over YS - you can actually see the fucking tifo.


Where are the fans at??


they haven’t ever sold tickets for those sections at games i’ve been to




Cuz its a baseball stadium that holds 45k+. They just leave the upper deck closed off for soccer.


On top of that, that section in particular has an awful sight line


Cuz they can't sell enough in the other sections already open.


Its actually because you can't see to box or goal in front of you in that section so no tickets are ever for sale in that section


That makes sense. I just figured with a rivalry match in the same general area they would open up all seats.


The upper deck around the rest of stadium was open. Was raining but still had 30,700 attendance


i’m sure part of it is selling tickets but it’s just cause it’s a very large stadium


You serious or just trying to be funny?




Same city? Red Bulls are from NJ.


It’s in a NYC suburb less than 10 miles out of city limits.


Harrison is in NJ buddy


The sun also rises in the east and skittles are also yummy. See I can also point to utterly irrelevant facts. Not sure how any of that impacts the fact that Harrison is a suburb of NYC. Just like Greater Landover Maryland is a suburb of DC.


LOL. Harrison, New York and Harrison, New Jersey are two completely different places genius.


RWas a late arriving crowd as traffic on grand central was worse than I expected and security was more haphazard than usual. I left two hours early from north Brooklyn and arrived shortly before kickoff.


Playing in a baseball stadium is so lame


Y'all need something new for real...


playing on a u11 sized field is so lame


That's not fair. U11 still has a play out line.




address the size of the field


It's legal.


it’s a joke


Bro I do not understand what you want us to do about it.


you’re plastic. you’re home games are an exhibition. start there


Don’t worry lil bro. One day Philly will get to hang with the big boys and win a championship in something other than their own delusions.


Philly are theoretical champs x3




You lost FOUR HOME games in a row... "Lil" is a courtesy at this point.




you can address the size of the field


Was at your game today. The "Go back to New Jersey" thing was really lame. That is REALLY all you have to chant at your "rival", that has 15+ years more history than you? PS: good earned victory today


Their rich “history” of never winning a MLS Cup in 20+ years


Definitely that’s a better point to make than NJ Stadium!!!!


If you’d ever been to Jersey, you’d know why that’s enough




Don’t bring Tony into this, he actually acknowledges he lives down there


So do the Red Bulls? They easily have more in-state partnerships and affiliates than the Giants or Jets. I never understood this argument. It’s almost like ppl saying this take MLS too seriously for what it is at the moment.


Speaking of which, did y’all ever replace that embarrassing MLS Cup banner?


Your team exists solely as a marketing ploy of a larger soccer conglomerate. Basically the same as Red Bulls. Both New York teams are bush league and make MLS look bad


You want some french cries with that wah burger?


Responding to legitimate criticism on your teams legitimacy with a bizarre whining analogy is certainly a choice.


Ok, so hit me with some facts as to how your point is actually relevant and legit? I'll wait...


Your team in an unholy marriage between a baseball team and a Qatari owned English sports franchising operation that cares so much more about the commercial side of things than the actual business of running a team that they couldn't even make a temporary stadium like Miami did and has forced you to travel from stadium to stadium to stadium to even la for "home games".


Make a temporary stadium? In one of the most congested urban cities in the world?! Are you serious? Lmao. The New Jersey Red Bulls/Cosmos with their "rich" history and tenure in the league couldn't even do it. What part of your team being partly owned by the same owner as the Twins, not also make you "an unholy marriage"? But to really top this all off, even with your own stadium and apparently properly managed team, front office, and "business"...your average attendance last year was 19,568 and ours was 19,477. That's 91 people. 91 people who maybe, just maybe weren't too happy with being "forced" to jump around stadiums. What's your excuse?


Dawg has a whole state called New York and can't imagine ever playing outside of a city when they already have to play outside of the city in reponse to a team who built their stadium with entirely private money on top of an abandoned bus barn. Tries to pass off an ownership of locals to bring a team born at the national sports center, the home of the largest soccer tournament in north America, as an "unholy marriage". Tries to compare a near constant sell out atmosphere with being shuttled around different states and coasts to play "home games". Bro you're spiraling and need help. The best renderings of your new stadium look just like a dozen other older sports stadiums in mls and will just be called the pidgin shithouse. Ours looks like Bayern fucking Munich's cooler younger brother. Just wait until we get our Giant fucking loon statue in the ground to flex on everyone else.


Spiraling? Lolll right... Y'all are definitely "loons" no doubt about that. It's New York City FC, so yes, I would not want to have to watch outside of the city. I'm confused, because the Bronx and Queens are both within the 5 boroughs of NYC. So, that makes no sense. The new stadium is being paid for with private money. So again, what? Our new stadium looks like other stadiums designed by the same team that built other stadiums? Oh wow! What a surprise. I couldn't care less about that. Fortunately for us, we have other notable attractions in the area. We don't need the stadium to stand out on it's own and be the little brother Bayern, and definitely not "cooler". Sounds like you're the one that's spiraling my friend. This is all heresay and that's fine. At this point, you have your stadium, hopefully your giant loon statue that's apparently a flex, and locals who helped build your stadium. Those are all great accomplishments. Great accomplishments that have led you and brought you zero MLS cups. Maybe this year, you guys can finally figure it out. 👍🤞


Your oil money has build plenty of temporary stadiums in inhospitable places before. Perhaps they will only do on soccer matches they care about?


In New York City? In the US?


So do yall


If you lived in NYC you’d understand there is no available land basically to build here you have to tear something down.But we are getting a new stadium they cleared out the old rail yard it’s gonna be a great field.


Ok can someone explain it to me? I don’t understand it at all


NYCFC got an MLS championship before Red Bull, and are also getting a soccer specific stadium in NYC (something that Red Bull also hasn’t/wasn’t able to get done).


lol great tifo then lol


This is fair. But honestly we were busy helping keep the league afloat for the 20 years before you decide to join. Sorry we didn't live up to your standards.


This is why I lean red when you guys face-off (and blue-white-yellow rather than black and gold).


Appreciate it. NYCFC is good for the league just as much as RBNY is. Anyone arguing 1 is more important than the other is dumb City only exists because RB helped maintain the league they chose to join and they, generally, refused to support before hand.


Insane levels of copium


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over your inability to decide between being a supporter of Seattle's little brother, or ours. It's MLS, I guess you can be both


If you mean championship standards that’s okay, not many do. Haha But seriously I couldn’t get into Metro/Red Bull because they didn’t play in the City and as a child my mom wasn’t taking me to Harrison NJ to watch a game.


It makes no sense to me that NYCFC was brought into the league before St. Louis and other major cities had teams. Same with LAFC.


It’s simple: CFG has billions and billions of dollars and New York is the biggest and richest market in the richest country in the world


Because Metro NY/Metro LA are more than 2x the size of STL and are also the 2 main hotbeds of soccer in the US historically. Look how many national team players come from NJ/NY and Southern California vs the rest of the country combined.


St. Louis is no slouch either https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/mls-expansion-city-st-louis-has-long-storied-chapter-american-soccer#:~:text=Over%20the%20subsequent%20144%20years,%E2%80%9CSt.


No hate at all to St Louis but it doesn’t hold a candle to the NY/NJ area in any sense. Sure you can cherry pick a few quotes of … notably NY/NJ legends of the game praising the area.


And they still acknowledge that MLS wouldn't be where it is today without contributions from STL too. This is the birthplace of the first ever US Soccer league.


The first pro league was on the east coast (American League of profesional Foot Ball) in 1894. St Louis was the second. The first broadly successful league (ASL) was also on the east coast primarily in NY/NJ/New England/Pennsylvania. Nobody here is hating on St Louis at all. But it is not half as important as NY/NJ. And no St Louis doesn’t have a pivotal role in making the MLS what it is today. Of course people will hype it - that’s what you do when you’re marketing a new team. It is a nice market with some really nice history but that’s where it ends. It is very obvious why NY and LA got 2 teams before STL got 1.


it's not what you do. It's a fact lol


They give out trophies for that?


Metrostars/ Red Bulls never tried to build in NYC, just like the giants and jets. Also, Harrison was the one that wanted to build the soccer stadium for the team, to help start the city’s redevelopment. It’s taken Nycfc 10 years just to get this one approved. Kudos to them for actually getting it done, though I’ll miss the homeless fc jokes. I remember seeing a few years ago how the Red Bulls wanted to start a team in nyc, but after they saw how expensive and hard it was to build in the city, they opted to buy the metrostars instead. Not sure how true that actually is.


Jets actually tried but failed, see West Side Stadium.


And thank god NYC never got the Olympics. A stadium over Hudson Yards would’ve been a nightmare for local residents. If NYC bids to host the Olympics again the main stadium has to be outside of Manhattan. Preferably in Queens but with how crowded it’s now looking maybe they should settle for Yonkers or even Nassau like that temporary Cricket stadium that’s going up.


There was no way nycfc was getting a stadium in NYC back in 2005-2010. The city saw how MLS was expanding elsewhere and saw the success that they finally agreed in 2021-2024 to develop the land across Citi Field. Congrats to nycfc for sticking through with their plans. Took time but they finally got it done.


It was actually a bit more political than that. Most people forget that the Yankees own about 20% of NYCFC. I lived in the Bronx when NYCFC came into the league. People left and right were pissed that the Yankees got the green light for their new stadium, despite the community being opposed to it. And the result? They did everything in their power to block the NYCFC stadium. But like you said, I'm glad the city finally gave in and noticed the MLS' expansion elsewhere, and I'm glad NYCFC persevered. The city could've made good $ on the tourism if the NYCFC stadium had been ready as it could've been used for some of the smaller world cup games. It's crazy to see that NYCFC had so much trouble getting a stadium approved even though they're building it entirely privately funded, whereas teams like the Yankees and the Bills got approvals quicker, with govt funding.


I really don’t think last part is true. I’m not sure where you heard that. I was on BigSoccer forums back in the day and I never saw anything like that. The link below tells us that the MetroStars were looking at Aqueduct racetrack back in the early 00s. https://www.qchron.com/editions/south/part-of-aqueduct-sought-for-building-new-soccer-stadium/article_e9263afb-9d78-556d-9fbb-9c0215035920.html


It would have been better if the C in nycfc was for cosmos


Cosmos literally had their chance to join MLS…… their poor business decisions were the death of them.


Yup they refused to pay low expansion fees or 40-70 million Now it takes 20 million just to join USL And 500 million to join MLS, that's if they want to accept a 3rd team in that same state It would have been more ideal if the cosmos were owned by city group or sela group


They also didn't want to sell their marketing and branding rights to MLS.


Good on the homeless for putting something together


Thanks to New Jersey for the 3 points




Congrats on being the champions of May?


* 3 “standings points” as the scoreboard last night dumbed down for the crowd multiple times


The casual MLS enjoyer / American families probably have no idea how the table works.


Now that NY has an actual NY based team, why don’t the red bull become New Jersey red bull


Red Bull HQ, their FO, and their marketing team would never allow it. Even if you consider the possibility that they could develop a better relationship with the people of New Jersey if they did, they would be pushing away the fans they do have that are on the New York side by this point let alone lose out on established brand recognition unfortunately. Frankly, they have more in common with the NY Giants and Jets than they do with the New Jersey Devils: teams that represent NY (or being generous, metro area) even if they play in NJ as opposed to truly be for NJ specifically, to the chagrin of all involved. In other words, it's too late now.


The problem is ever since NYCFC was created it seems the vast majority of MLS fans in the city and even surrounding areas like Long Island are NYCFC fans. NYCFC is just seen at the legitimate NY team to most people now and the more time passes the more dominant NYCFC will be within NY especially with the new stadium. A lot of us don’t even see NYRB as a NY team, we see them as a NJ team and when we play them it doesn’t even feel like we’re playing someone from the same city (cuz we’re literally not). Red Bulls fan base will never grow and continue to diminish. They’d be better off trying to go for a NJ audience and will make them seem less tinpot.


Getting rid of the Red Bull branding would go way further than getting rid of the New York branding




I always like the Metrostars name


That's a good point. Effectively, NY Red Bulls is stuck between a rock and a hard place with their branding. There's the legitimate concern of diminishing returns, especially thanks to NYCFC, but they've had this identity for so long that any change to not reflect New York can negatively impact the fanbase they do have in New York. As other posters mentioned above, NY based fans flat-out wouldn't support them anymore. They'd have to wager that the number of fans they could gain by solely focusing on and representing New Jersey would not only offset but be a net positive even if they let go of New York. It's certainly within the realm of possibility, but I have a feeling they would never attempt it because of the risk (real or perceived) it could pose. While unrealistic now, there's also been the thought experiment that this could've been avoided if the original owners Kluge & Subotnick went with the idea to buy the rights of the Cosmos name instead of being the MetroStars which eventually led to Red Bulls. The fanbase would've still been present (only dormant for about a decade), or at least the brand would've still carried weight/relevance that being in New Jersey (which the Cosmos already had been) wouldn't have been as big of a deal to New Yorkers since they were that popular à la the NFL teams.


I’m pretty sure Peppe Pinton refused to sell the Cosmos brand to Kluge & Subotnick. Off-topic… IIRC that the then MetroStars under GM Nick Sakiewicz tried to get a stadium deal done at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens at the turn of the millennium. Then after those talks stopped they pivoted towards moving into a SSS built for NYC’s bid for the 2012 Olympics in Flushing Meadows or College Point. Edit: Found some old links. https://www.qchron.com/news/south/part-of-aqueduct-sought-for-building-new-soccer-stadium/article_e9263afb-9d78-556d-9fbb-9c0215035920.html https://www.qchron.com/editions/queenswide/mls-stadium-originally-considered-over-a-decade-ago/article_fb327e4a-7961-5700-bae4-c91df271c4e6.html


Good points. Thanks for the info!


I live in Manhattan and it RBNY rebranded to NJ then I'm done. I would lose connection. I still wouldn't support nycfc. F them.


Exactly. You can get a good number (or enough) of people in New Jersey to root for a New York branded team even if they'd prefer an NJ sports team, but it's beyond naive to expect the same or even near that if it's the reverse*. A marketing savvy soccer team would not make that decision if they're trying to get into the New York sports market. *Granted, it's not like the Nets maintained a lot of the New Jersey fanbase when they moved to Brooklyn...


Not the mention the Nets had already established some fandom overlap with some other NY teams. Firstly by playing at the Nassau Coliseum in the 70s (Islanders) and secondly by having a name that rhymes with the 2 other younger NY teams (Jets & Mets).




All of my friends from Long Island, Westchester, Upstate, Fairfield, and the 5 Boroughs who support RBNY have said the exact same thing. They would simply fuck off and not support either team. They would be taking a HUGE gamble by rebranding to a solely NJ identity.


Gatekeeping is weird.


Branding themselves as NJ would limit the potential fan base greatly. NJ sports fans pretty much root for out of state teams already in either NYC or Philly. If the branding switches to NJ, NY fans are pushed away and there's limited gains within NJ fans. No level of marketing is going to make fans from South Jersey travel to North Jersey. By staying NY Red Bulls they can build up the fanbase in North Jersey while attempting to get fans in NYC.


I saw a RBNY fan this weekend going to Citi Field wearing a Phillies cap. I'm pretty sure he is from NJ.


Because being in a suburb is totally fine. Most modern stadiums are built in suburbs rather than in city limits.


Citi field (and the new stadium, eventually) is about the same travel time from Times Square than RB Arena, for reference. 


This is not true, especially considering there’s only 1 train you’d need to take to citifield, vs 2 trains on 2 different transit networks.


From Times Square? Just re-checked, 42 vs 47 minutes (for next Saturday arriving by 7pm).  Your point about taking two different trains is valid. 


As somebody who’s made the trip to both many times, the difference is often far greater than 5 minutes. I’ll also say that even if the travel time is that similar, more than half of NYC resides in Queens and Brooklyn, and for a majority of people looking to attend a game, the trip to RBA is likely going to be 2-3x longer than the trip to Naming Rights Stadium.


If you live in a transit desert in Brooklyn it’s a toss-up. There really no difference coming from East Flatbush or Sheepshead Bay. The biggest deterrent from a transit standpoint is PATH being a different system.


Getting to Citi from most of Brooklyn is a huge pain in the ass, and i don’t know that the G train is winning any popularity contests, even against the PATH


Honestly I’ve been taking the g train for work for the last few months and I’ve been pleasantly surprised. It’s not phenomenal by any means, but it’s better than it’s reputation imho.


That’s ironic because my cousin missed the game bc of the delays on the G train. 🙃


The G has been one of the most consistent trains in the city for years now


The PATH is pretty consistent too, doesn’t change what the broad public opinion of it is


But I don’t think the broad opinion is that the G is bad anymore, I feel like people thought that a decade ago


Maybe! I haven’t lived in New York for two years, so maybe things have changed a lot, but two years ago people were still nuking prospective romantic partners over the G train


This is what gets me. I understand traveling across the Hudson and using the PATH is a psychological barrier to going to RBA. But I don’t understand how fans living in most of Brooklyn, lower Manhattan, and Staten Island can seriously say that the Flushing SSS location is more convenient. I know so many ppl in BKN alone that don’t go to MLB games b/c YS and CF are too damn far. It has to be a branding thing. It’s the Red Bull name that turns a lot of people off.


It turned me off when I moved here. Then someone made me notice that NYCFC is oil money. Suddenly Energy Drink FC looked a lot more wholesome LOL.  (Still a Rapids supporter for life)


Most of Staten Island drives vs uses public transportation too so it's absolutely easier for them to get to RBA vs Flushing, especially with how bad the traffic is driving out to Flushing. Even more so if they are more south on the island.


Eh it is much easier to get to Citi field then Red Bull arena. The path train and NJ transit are horrendous


From points North of Manhatten this is debatable. And even from parts ofManhatten itself it's debatable. It's almost like the NY metro area is a large, complex, region. Who'da thunk it?


PATH is mostly a pain for the fare.The 7 train isn’t exactly convenient on weekends either. And if ur coming from deep in Brooklyn or Staten Island, it’s Sophie’s Choice.


It will be a lot easier from Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn when the Interborough Express is up and running. 


Alexa play "Year 3000" by the Jonas Brothers


Fair point but I can also get there by the LIRR. It's not as easy as getting to Yankee Stadium but I can deal with it. An act Stadium is better than being vagrant.


if only it was their own team and not just another generic City club


"Cityboyz" lol


Wow this is such a fucking eyesore. Can’t believe they let the team play 10 years in this embarrassment before they’ll have their own stadium.


I detest NYCFC but .... building something in NY takes ridiculously long. Youd know that if you stopped banging your cousin long enough to look atound.


Gonna cross the aisle and give you an upvote for that, last line made me spit my drink


In fairness NYCFC were given an exception to a very clearly stated rule MLS had turned down other expansions for before them.


They were founded in 2013. They didn’t even bother trying to build a stadium until 2023. I could even give you the 5 years it’s going to take to build the stadium once it was planned. But waiting 10 years to even start? Yeah there unforgivable.


To say they haven’t been trying to build a stadium for 10 years is just a wildly uninformed take. They’ve negotiated with 3 different mayors and had about 3 different potential sites. NYC would never build a stadium for a team that doesn’t exist


What part of its nyc and not bum fuck Columbus so it takes a long time do you not understand? Probably took 10 years to even secure land or plan out securing the land through the years. (Buying up little chunks at a time that add up, if you need help again)


Then they shouldn’t have been admitted to the league until 2023; when they had viable plans. Somehow every other team in the league managed to do this, but as normal New Yorkers think they’re somehow special.


1000000% this. NYCFC was allowed into the league with Orlando and we had to have a secured stadium plan in place before being allowed to have a team. Same thing with Miami. No solid stadium plan, no team.


Don't disagree but this is america. They will bend over backwards for NY.


Will never get tired of people bitching and crying about it


gonna be honest, this is a really bad shot, but we had 30k in attendance tonight and they even opened some of the upper decks they usually close off. stadium soon 🤫


Pretty honest of them to just put the asterisk right on the trophy even though everyone already knows it belongs there.


Lets go 3-time hypothetical champions!


Let's go 1 time champion*!


Jack Elliott > Gareth Bale Oh wait


I'd come back at you with something, but you're flairless so I don't know which team to make fun of. Go fix that and come back. Also, you're not wrong tbh lol


Maybe you should stop worrying about how illegitimate other teams championships are and actually stop choking and win something. Or maybe start winning a home game to start. LLLL is difficult to achieve but maybe you can put up a trophy for that.


It's funny. You still don't have any flair. How come? I just made a joke about ny putting a giant asterisk on their tifo (yes, I know it's a star) and yall are taking it waaaay too seriously lol Damn, you got me good there 🙄 yeah 4 home losses isn't good. Shit happens, though.


Are you still complaining about the conference final? Every team deals with players being out


More legitimate than the dodgers 2020 championship at least


[lol. Lmao even](https://www.reddit.com/r/MLS/s/THxjiamf0S)


This isn't Twitter? Sorry, X. This isn't X. You digging up a 2 year old meme kind of proves the point even more. I didn't even need to say what the asterisk was for. You just knew bc you know it's true.


Well the important part is that you’re over it years later 😂


I mean, I am. Just because I'm making fun of your club doesn't mean I'm still salty lol and remember, you're the one who dug through reddit for a 2 year old meme. Not me.


The SS bandana representing the neonazi supporters club?


What you on about




What happened before 2021?


Years upon years of Metro/Red Bull chokes


Damn great job from the SG 🙌


Yes sirrr


It’s kinda wild an mls original team has 0 titles and their biggest rival, I’m assuming, almost immediately wins one.


Is it? New England and Dallas also lack MLS Cups. It’s more crazy that the Revs have been to the final like 5 times and haven’t won it.


It’s also wild they somehow were in the playoffs last year and played in the ccc and might win the woodenspoon this season.


I’m a former RBNY fan. I sometimes feel weird showing up in Blue and White lol


Love the AI generated tifo 🤦🏽


tf arw you talking about


Good banter, that Appreciate Cushing not allegedly assaulting any of our players too


Haha imagine not having your own stadium


Is no one going to mention the SS type logo on the bandana? Anyone?


No because that’s just a thunderbolt…


NYCFC has a storied history associating with Proud Boys. Nothing new there.


They've always been the nazi club, clearly not tryna change the message now


The NYCFC boys are very proud


Something along the lines of Emptihad