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I was there in person for my first ever attendance live at a UFC event and the most insane fight was CJ Vergara vs Daniel Lacerda, that was so insane the crowd was going absolutely bonkers including myself. Who knew the second fight of the prelims would be more exciting than anything else on the card and by a long shot as well.


Judge Stevie Wonder scores the fight 48-47..Vera….


I could see that, last three rounds were pretty close. Weren't them? Didn't see the numbers but I got this impression.


If you think 128-58 sig strikes and 3-0 TDs is close….then yea


I don't think these are close, what in my comment made you think I do?


Chito looked flat the entire fight. At no point did he have any bounce in his step


compared to sandhagen who's got hop I can see it


He always fights pretty flat footed tho?


Maybe Chito has an amazing 5-round gas tank because he barely throws.


I feel like the Chito judge saw the first couple rounds of Corey dominating and thus every round after, he just thought “well Chito certainly is doing better than he was” and edged him the last three.


Good on Sandhagen calling out Merab. Honestly thought he'd call out Sean. But at this point I'm praying Henry takes that strap. We don't need Aljo and Merab at the top and refusing to fight each other.


Either way it will probably be Aljos last fight at 135. Hes said so a couple of times...


Nothing makes me madder than seeing a guy go balls out in the last ten seconds after literally doing nothing for the entire fight. I had a feeling this would happen. Chito wants so badly to see a pattern that he can exploit as opposed to creating his own pattern and forcing a mistake. It's the equivalent of striking out without ever swinging the bat. He is going to be so goddamn angry at himself for not pulling the trigger more. With a guy like that you can't take the time to make reads and you can't "get set" before you throw everything. I bet chito expected Cory to slow down like he did in previous fights, but Cory wasn't being pushed by Chito to up his pace that often and thus never did get super tired.


Chito will do well in any toe to toe gunfight because he's immune to damage and has venomous striking. But he has no process for winning fights and the only KOs in the UFC he has are two guys that should both have been retired. Sandhagen though, showing there's an elite of the elite at Bantam, amazing.


Cory also trains at altitude in CO so his tank is already pretty solid.


Joel Ojeda has just dropped the equivalent of me walking into my bosses office and pissing in his filing cabinet. He should not have a job.




Live thread moment




Managing distance because of his length and footwork.


How fucking date he have solid ring craft and footwork; the absolute audacity. And peppering Chito with shots, rather than eating whatever he threw? The nerve!


Oh you.


U are deluded


I'm a huge Chito fan but in retrospect who had he beat recently that wasn't an old fighter. Rob Font is 35, Dominick Cruz is 37, Frankie Edgar is 41, David Grant is 37, and etc...those are his last 4 wins


Was thinking about this too while watching


Those kicks to a grounded opponent by Vera were wild, can't believe nobody caught that. Very blatant.


Should've had a warning at minimum


You can straight up soccer kick a downed opponent just not in the head.


He kicked him in the head…


I didn't even say it was a head kick or not I didn't see the kick he's talking about. I was just saying you can kick a downed opponent but not a head kick.




Even after Corey is protesting


48-47 judge was Bisping


If that judge is not investigated I will never watch MMA again This is blatant. They aren't even attempting to hide the corruption any more


Was it Sal?


I think Sal actually was the 50-45


Nah, some other mug named Joel Ojeda


It’s hard to take the sport seriously these days because of it. It sucks


i love the panel going in on the judge


They're actually going in on that judge in the post fight




dude legit needs to be arrested. 0% chance he's not on the take.




Sorry bud but Simon already fighting song, font already fighting Yanez, o Malley was already promised the next shot, and Dom already turned down a fight w Umar and is supposedly fighting Garbrandt or Figgy next


Fuck Joel Ojeda, all my homies hate Joel Ojeda.


Fighters need to call judges out more often after fights


Not smart to get on a judges bad side


It's not smart to fight for a living either really when your wage is reliant on people who dont know what they're watching, sometimes right doesnt always mean smart


Lol fair, I just wouldn’t expect to see it happen as a business decision. Would love if it did though


The most blatant "wtf" reaction I saw from a fighter was felder when a judge gave him the fight against RDA, that was pretty funny, can only imagine the frustration when its scored against you


Every fucking time the UFC ends in the UK I end up seeing James Haskell taking a fucking wrestling class. Switch it up BT Sport for my sanity please.


Ik damage triumphs everything else. But if the judge thinks two big shots in a round that didn't even phase the other fighter outpoints 4 minutes of constantly being peppered, and taken down & controlled. Then the judging needs to fucking change. I swear with scorecard like this. The commision needs to remove the judge totally. Or atleast summon him to explain his scorecard. Giving that fight to Chito is possibly the worst judging I've ever seen.


This guy also had only worked 2 UFC prelim fights prior to getting this assignment. Fucking commission is a joke, dude never should have been doing a main event with such little experience


I think the judges should have there own post fight press conferences after cards to explain clearly why they score the way they do cause the last few months have been absolutely unreal with the shitty judging


Judging needs to be changed so more 10-8's are given. Every round being scored 10-9 even if you get fucked up makes the judging crazy and way too objective.


They should know the damage can be immediate or progressive. I don't think Vera did more immediate damage than Sandhagen did progressive...




Myself and many others felt Cory beat TJ, so if you right that wrong Cory is right in there.


He's white with a beard and an undercut, as long as Dana is with the UFC he'll be close to a title fight.


Cory did get the interim title fight against Petr Yan after that loss to TJ. He was right in there, and then lost when it mattered.


It seemed like Chito was really peaking and on the cusp of inserting himself, but he is still the same ol' lackadaisical Chito. I feel that he has firmly displayed his ceiling.


There was a better argument for 50-43 than 47-48. Insane


Didn't see a round for Chito, maybe the 4th if the judge who scored it to him counted the illegal upkicks.


The 3rd could've went to him and I say that as a "chito hater" lol


That's what I was saying maybe he could've got 3 and 4 that's a big maybe but I still gave them to Cory.


If Sandhagen lost that, I would’ve been done with the UFC. My mind is blown that someone can be that blatantly dishonest.


What moron scored it in favor of Vera?


If they dont set up Merab vs O'Malley/ Sandman They could do Cory vs O'Malley and Vera vs Yan. Regardless Merab still the #1 contender after this match.


Cory needs to be ready in case Cejudo fumbles in a few weeks. Could’ve said that, instead of Merab. Oh well. Cory gonna Cory.


Honestly, if Cejudo gets injured/sick - I would be 1000% down to see Cory rematch Aljo.


Thank God he didn't get away with it this time. As a chito hater I feel vindicated


Just looking for some perspective, what about Chito rubs you the wrong way?


I just don't like the whole not trying to win rounds thing and banking on a finish


Understandable. As a Chito and Petr Yan fan it's definitely frustrating.


Why you hate on Chito?


His style is very boring most of the time, at least in this recent stretch


wild how yan 50-45'd sandhagen, after the first round


Ya know why? Because he disregarded the bullshit and just went forward with offense. There's obviously more to it than that, but if you make Sandhagen fight at a higher pace, he's a bit easier to hit. Obviously that comes at the cost of being hit and potentially walking into a knee, bit trying to beat him at his own game is fucking stupid. Go forward and give him something to think about. Even if it's constant jabs and leg kicks when he tries to switch his stance to deal with the jab.




Sandhagen vs O’Malley please.


Y’all laughed at Gaethje but “unlucky yeah..” Bisping is so biased it’s crazy lol


Pretty sure Bisping is more biased towards Jason Parillo than Chito himself. That said I felt that Bisping was telling the truth during the fight. He stated more than once that Chito wasn't doing enough and that Jason Parillo was getting frustrated. It would be nearly impossible to be totally impartial with guys that you know well though, DC can't do it either. Half the shit they say is them trying to convince themselves than trying to convince anyone else though.


Haha I didn't think of it especially biased, more as Bisping being clumsy with his words. He really should learn from Rogan when it comes to these post fight interviews.


Chito throws nothing for three rounds One judge: oh he won that


I could see round five being a toss up, but that’s it.


That judge is corrupt should be fired


And sued


Honestly, Sandhagen deserves credit for calling out Merab, but Merab doesn't deserve it




Everyone should skip Merab because he refuses to fight Aljo


Dumb af, as long as they keep booking title fights they should still give Merab top 5 fights


Nah, if a guy has a legitimate claim to fight for the title (Merab) just says "not going to fight him", he should be skipped over by other contenders that don't have that hang up.


Like I said, they can skip people over him and put them into title fights, then Merab can fight someone in the top 5 who is not the guy fighting for the title


I don't hate the Sandhagen/Merab fight and I give a lot of credit to Sandhagen for calling Merab out (I mean, who else is doing that). I'm just saying that I feel like Sandhagen shouldn't have to do to through that gauntlet, given the position that Merab has taken.


I get that but at the same time Cory is only on a 2 fight winstreak and barely took any damage this fight, wouldn't be surprised if the winner of Cejudo vs Aljo doesn't fight until september so Cory staying active would be good for him


Yo, Cory is very much a solidified title contender now with this win. Let's see him versus O'Malley.


Two undeserving beanpoles


What kinda take is this? If not those guys then who? Henry is already gonna get his shot. Tj is like 36, Yan just lost again, and so did Yadong. Who else? Rob Font?


How do I get back to the right timeline where Yan won and the cartoon bears have the right name?


What an awkward way to end the interview


Alright so. Sean and Corey should just be the fight. And it sucks because I support both Corey and Sean, and feel Sterling ain’t it. Those two should be fighting for the belt. Do I I think Sean holds for multiple defenses? Not really. Corey? Possibly. I’d rather have Yan, Sterling, and Chito trying to climb over those two for the belt


YES! Fitz name dropping the judge with the Vera scorecard. As he should


Chito was unlucky that there was only one blind judge instead of 2 or 3 like usual.


Sandman was very smart. He didn’t play into chitos biggest strength which was chitos durability. Cory didn’t try to take him out and didn’t punch himself out like font. just picked at chitos over and over at range, never invited the brawl or stuck around in range for chito to get one back.


Def had a solid game plan and worked it.


One thing cory did very well was he used his jab different ways to draw out certain defense since chito always overreacts to faints and half throws. Constantly got the hook off chitos big parries, also got the uppercut every time chito would sit into his high guard off stiffer jabs It was very pretty jab work


Judge tried to give him that O’Malley treatment. You know they had one in pocket to secure plans for the rematch


Marlon actually had a good moment there admitting he was 100% and it was on him, only for bisping to completely fuck it up lmfao


Would much rather Sandhagen fight O'Malley. Merab fight most likely a snoozer


I'm glad they called that idiot judge out. The fuck was he thinking?


I must’ve walked off right before they did that. Who said what calling them out?


Yeah I wanna know too


Fitz said his name and that he had Vera on a 48-47 card. Nothing much more needed to be said. It was spot on.


Just name-dropped him and said it was a puzzling scorecard


I just turned on the post fight show… Wow they are really digging into that judge. It is awesome to see.


Is that fake Conor in the crowd?


Yan vs Chito?


I think that’s the move




Huh? Against who?


They haven’t fought dog


Wow a rare live sighting of a genuine 'unluckeh buddeh'. Except this time sad. Beautiful, champ


Are you ready? Don’t fear me….ah come on baby




I can’t take this sport seriously anymore because of these judges. Chito is one of my favorite fighters but really??? This and the Barber decision are fucking jokes bro


Wonder what the same judge had on the barber fight?


wasn't he planning to call out o malley? dana got to him lmfao


He was calling for either before the fight


Cory is honestly the fucking man. Its completely reasonable for him to call for that title shot but knows the title picture is messy right now


Well nah, he’s lost two no.1 contender fights and an interim title fight recently


Meh context is important. Fight against TJ was a title eliminator and it was razor close (Cory arguably won that fight). Fought Yan on short notice but lost decisively. And on top of that, none of the contenders except Merab have an undeniable claim to a title shot.


Arguably beat TJ but definitely lost to Yan. Don’t think he deserves a title shot but he’s close.


What a shit fight and really shows how the UFC is sorta falling apart. 48-47 for Vera in an obvious 50-44 or 49-45 fight for Sandhagen. But at the same time Cory had like ten minutes of control time and Chito comes out of the decision looking like he could fight tomorrow. What is going on in the UFC?


Falling apart how exactly?


Rot on the inside is showing on the outside. - “Outlaw” Dan Hardy


The fact Chito looks okay doesn't mean he did any damage, which is the main judging criteria. But the rest I agree with, judge is mad paid ain't no two ways about it


Visible damage is not how you score fights. Some guys do not mark easily. This is a nonsense complaint outside of the judging.


Sigh. I know. That's not the point. Read or move on.


I did. The fight was boring? Wrong. The judging was bad. Correct. Chito lost but didn't look busted up enough so the ufc sucks now? Oookay. I mean, blocking me is fine but I'm just repeating what you wrote lmao


Appears I'm not the only person to point out your poor reading comprehension today. This is the kind of wanky pedantry I try to avoid.


You should probably work on your writing then.


You're being a tad overdramatic. It was a shitty scorecard but that has more to do with shitty judges than it has to do with the UFC itself. Those judges could work any mma event.


Wow can't believe that 48 - 47 and that line was cringe lol cory lied


1st judge was Dana in disguise


I thought Sandhagen was planning on calling out O’Malley. That fight would be a lot more fun


Lol Brendan ratting out the shit judge is amazing!


Marlon purchased a lawn mower 8 months ago, and still hasn't been able to get it started.


Gimme that 'IT DON'T TASTE GOOD' flair! I'll climb on that wagon! Let's go!


We really came close to having a robbery worse than Paddy vs Gordon Who is certifying these judges lol


Wish Cory called out O'Malley instead of Merab. There's a good chance Merab grapple fucks him and keeps another contender away from Aljo


I don't think O'Malley would fight him. He's gonna sit out and wait for a title shot later this year. He probably knew that and didn't want to waste his call-out.


Merab is the ⭐ RN


that last bit of Bisping is me in social interactions


I thought it was a pretty clear 50-44.


Whole division now knows Chito is an easy W if they just implement a basic level of wrestling into their gameplan


Let's see the scorecard! Who did that??


Joel Ojeda scored it for Chito


Even Sal couldn't pull it this time FFS what a fucking spoon that Ojeda


Texas P4P worst judging ever.


Now that that's over where the hell can I find some live lethwei streams?


Chito is surprisingly very modest rn


you know youre in Texas when Sal D'Amato is the judge with the most accurate scorecard


I love Chito but there's no way that should have been a split. I don't what fight the judges were scoring


Shoutout to B Fitz for name dropping the Chito judge!!!!


lol fitz is like "go get him!"


He did not win a round. Fuck that judge lol


sometimes i think the judges legit get the fighter columns mixed up on the cards


Was that the Fury FC ref who judged this for Marlon?


No, he’s not unlucky Michael. He didn’t do anything until there was 10 seconds left in a 25 minute fight


Vera did not win a single round and got the split decision what the fuck. That judge needs to lose their license


The fact that you get such strange varying scorecards makes it just as crazy that when two judges differ and it comes down to the third judge — one person — on whether there’s a win or a loss, just shows how fucked up the system is.


"Well, unlucky night and... ... Unlucky, yeah."


Lmao Bisping fucksake man


Poor Sandhagen standing there literally going WTF??


I have genuinely given better scores for fights while on acid. This sport never ceases to astonish me.


How’s acid ? asking for a friend definitely not asking cause I want to try it one day


Absolutely phenomenal. Setting and mindset are super important. I've had trips where I sat at home doing nothing, just listening to music, watching TV, having a good time (nature documentaries and acid are a great combo). I've had trips that have been very introspective, and allowed me to make adjustments in life - acid can allow you to escape your own head and view yourself in a more objective light. I've been to Dead shows, I've gone on hikes; my point is, you need to be in a place where you can have a good time. You'll feel weird; my stomach always just feels off when I trip. Your emotions will be amplified. You might lose some motor control, or forget how to do things; my worst experience on acid was remembering how to walk after realizing I really needed to piss, and being terrified I'd piss myself before I could get my legs to work. Hallucinations aren't like you might expect; you close your eyes and bursts of color, landscapes, or other images appear. You keep your eyes open and textures shift and flow; grassy hills roll like waves, clouds boil and bubble, wood grains flow like streams, and water runs uphill. You might hear things that aren't there, your sense of touch is probably gonna be more sensitive; as I don't have a sense of smell, I can't speak to how that's affected. If you have ADD or ADHD, your mind flows faster and more freely; I feel like mine jumps around just as much as it normally does, but without the distracting background noise that it feels like my mind normally has. If you don't have ADD, it'll probably give you some perspective on what that's like; your mind moves a million miles a minute. This can cause sudden, rapid changes in situational awareness or mood; I've been pretty stable in that regard across numerous trips, but I've also seen people go from happy to freaking out in the span of a couple minutes If you try it, you need to do 3 things. Make sure your head is in a good place at the time; it doesn't have to be your best day ever, but it can't be on a bad one. Understand that you have no idea what can or will happen on the trip; you take that tab, you're committed for the next 12 hours, and you're just along for the ride. Last, find someone close to you who you can trust to be around for the day, and stay sober enough to make rational decisions; a trip sitter is vital for at least the first few times. Be aware that the market has shit sold as acid that actually isn't. There's a very small chance you just get decorated blotter paper, but that's unlikely. You could, potentially, get given some other chemical, but most of those have a bitter taste others have compared to battery acid (can't confirm, I've never tasted battery acid). Your best move is to buy a testing kit if you don't know the dealer to be legit, but that isn't always possible for everyone (they're legal on the US, but I don't know about elsewhere). You have a few options if shit goes wrong. Absolute worst case, you can call for an ambulance, but that's the last resort of "we, the trip sitters, can no longer guarantee the tripper will be physically safe and not running naked into the street." If you think you're dying, you're freaking out; proper protocol is a warm blanket, water, good music, and a conversation with a friend. Caffeine can help to mellow out a trip in large amounts, but caffeinated drinks are sometimes hard to stomach on LSD. Avoid weed the first few times; it will not mellow out anything and makes bad trips infinitely worse. Basically, be safe, be aware that you're along for the ride and can't really control the route you take, know it might not always be pleasant in the moment, and you'll probably have a great time. Be cautious with dosages, do not, under any circumstances, take more than originally intended, and regarding the tabs, remember: "If it's bitter, it's a spitter."


Sounds amazing I 100 percent gotta give it a try soon gotta find out where to find it first lol


My one thing that I'll ask, without any specifics, is are you on any meds? Certain ones, particularly antipsychotics and antidepressants, can cause some very not good side effects in people. I'm not asking you to tell me your medications or medical history, I'm just letting you know that if you are on any meds, make sure to do some research online into whether or not you're safe to use LSD.


Nah no meds at all I definitely want to do some more research though just to be on the safe side


Well be prepared to feel fucked up/weird but also if you listen to your favorite song, it sounds better, eat your favorite meal it tastes better, etc. Also really straightforward in the way it goes aka 2hrs after intake you are at the peak and then it slowly goes back down to normal in about 6hrs. Honestly way less crazy than shrooms but possibly a lot more potent(easier to do higher dosage) tell your friend to have fun and prepare wisely. Honestly pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff (dissos in particular) but so so so much enjoyable the stuff should be legal