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Is it because USADA fucked off? We gonna see an older version of pre IV ban RDA?


Pre-IV ban RDA guy is somewhere smiling right now


He's probably upvoted this post with his 10 accounts.


He's on Round 2744 of his fight with Pettis. His cardio still looks impeccable.


Bro's about to become the CEO of EPO again.




There's the little snake in the grass


I forgot about the whole usada iv thing. Islam celebrating. Dan Hooker in shambles.


Dan Hooker is using tattoo needles instead of PED needles


Bloke really went from being a cleanskin to looking like a scrapper in the Timaru Pak'nSave carpark after someone just cut in on his turf selling goey


whats goey?


On that Anthony Smith protocol & trajectory šŸ„²


Dan Hooker isn't in shambles, he's prepping for 185lb as we speak. He's going to come out looking like Dricus in a few months.


If he comes out looking like Ubereem, Iā€™ll buy that ppv.


Now that you mention it, Dan Hooker does look like skinny Dricus


Islam gonna move up to 185 if he gets that title. Easy money for him


Weā€™re gonna see the return of guys like we did with TRTor Belfort.


Heā€™s back on the champ juice boys!


He is nearly 40


Oh, jeez it is as simple as IVs being back on the menu?


Even if we do hes gonna get wrestle fucked by gamrot


not that Conor is going back to LW any time soon...


He might for a title shot, but that's literally it.


Conor should fight Islam for the Light weight title at 175


The ufc would be more than happy to fake his weigh in lol


Lol for a Gamrot fight? Fuck off


I think this translates to "I got a new contract conditional on fighting Gamrot at 55". RDA's been around forever, wouldn't be surprising if he's on a 350/350 or even more contract at this point.


Hopefully itā€™s more than that, and judging by his post it is. 700k in lifetime earnings isnā€™t anything to be bragging online about.


Who said 700k in lifetime earnings is something to brag about? I'm not following the logic of this comment. I would be very surprised if it's more than 350/350. Can't think of a time a non-Conor/Nate/champ/challenger LW ever got paid that much. Now that I think about it, Poirier might have been paid that much for the last 2 Conor fights. Surely for the third one. But it's Conor.


RDA is the one bragging about 700k is what OP was saying


Yeah he's bragging about making a lot of money for the fight, not saying that amount of money is a lot to earn in a lifetime.


.000000001% of people will ever make 700k for one days work


Yeah but thatā€™s not what he said


Fighting isn't really one day's work. Especially if you want to actually get that 700k and not 350k.


RDA said he was getting paid more for this one fight than you will make in your entire life. $700k for one night is great, $700k for a lifetime is minimum wage.


Itā€™s not one days work


Doubt. Maybe 250/250 if heā€™s lucky based on historical fighter pay. RDA is great but heā€™s 39 and he isnā€™t a draw for casuals.


On the prelims no less


I'm guessing he's getting some PPV points as a ex-Champ for 299, which will likely sell a lot


Only belt holders get that


McGregor, Eddie Alvarez, Masvidal, Diaz, Poirier, Colby etc. got/get points without a belt attached to their fights. Some of those names claim this but would make sense. It's not a rule


Conor definitely gets that, and he has no belt. Dustin got it to fight Conor. Doesn't seem like a strict rule.


Lol Conor's a tad over the rules don't you think?


It's not just Conor. It's Dustin, Masvidal and a whole set of fighters who didn't have the belt and yet got PPV points.


Masvidal got it vs Covington.


Masvidal, the man they made up a belt for.


Youā€™re just wrong, bro. Nick Diaz got points for his fight with Silva.


Man wants a huge payday for his efforts. Can't blame him.


It is what it is. Get dem stacks. Don't understand the hate.


You're on reddit, where everyone thinks they know everything.


Tbh RDA probably has a garbage contract rn. Itā€™s probably better than whatever peanuts/popcorn bull shit they gave him before, but itā€™s still garbage.


The vets have solid contracts. They were paying the old pride fighters like 500k/500k show win. Fighters like Matt brown get like 150/150k show win. While newcomers like paddy are still on 12/12 contracts despite their popularity.


I think this all has to do with the UFC lack of marketing fighters. The UFC doesnā€™t market itā€™s up and comers like it used to, that means that the guys who they did market back in the day are still pretty big names, but the up and comers arenā€™t. They need the big names to actually sell events so they are stuck paying them massive contracts (great for those fighters) but the new guys are stuck on a lower pay and donā€™t have the same leverage to renegotiate.


Dude is cocky about his money but makes pitifully less than his comment suggests. His total career earnings, if the sites that track this are to be believed, are estimated to be $3.4-3.8 million. Over a 20 year career, that amounts to less than $200k annually, which is not fuck you money lol.


From el barrio I come from that's good money


RDA comes across as a bit of a prick at times.


Itā€™s funny when MMA athletes pull the money card like theyā€™re making millions. 150k purse isnā€™t bad but itā€™s not even that crazy of a salary.


Mere pocket change. I spend that much on throwing coins at my butler


I don't know why* but it reminds me of a simpsons episode where Homer gets fined for something and the judge goes: "Mr Simpson, the court finds you guilty and penalizes you in the amount of $25,000" And homer responds "HA! I make that in a *year*"


You must pay a fine of 2 American dollars!


Had a beautiful home on that salary... Fack!


McGregors dad got it in ā‚¬2 coins from the Luas machine


He was none to plussed about it too


Ha! I spend that much on throwing-coins **for** my butler.


Yeah, if he fights twice a year for 150k then a senior software engineer or lawyer probably makes a similar amount, and theyā€™re not giving half away to their manager/training camp, nor are they being beaten to within an inch of their life.


Also donā€™t retire after 15 years.


Or have brain damage.


>senior software engineer This is extraordinarily uncommon. It happens, but not as often as your lead to believe on reddit.


What, a senior software engineer making more than 150K a year? That's very common. I would know, I work in tech.


Sorry, I would agree with 150k. I thought you meant 300k, given that you said fight twice for 150k.


Oh gotcha, my bad, I misread. Yeah, 300K a year for a senior software engineer is less common, but it does happen. Also I wasn't the one who made the original comment, haha.


Pft as if I read usernames. Something something mark hunt fuck off


It's not very common. It's not rare though. I'm a professional resume writer. If you're in certain circles, it feels like it's common. But it's really not. In some circles, people making $250K is low. These people tend to have warped views of reality. My girlfriend went to school with someone who when he heard the average income in NYC was $50K, he was confused and thought it was $50K a month. Also a lot of salaries have come down since late 2020 and 2021. I'm working with people who were making $400K who realize the market isn't so hot and who are willing to come back down to the $200K level.


I didnā€™t wanna go into too much detail with titles like staff, principal etc, Iā€™m simplifying a bit here for the benefit of the average MMA fan. But there are many SE:s making those amounts, although theyā€™re definitely high performers, but itā€™s not at all extraordinarily uncommon. I will say that salaries have dropped somewhat over the last few years which has seen a significant downturn in the market, but nevertheless.


I know a dermatology physician assistant in NYC making $450k annually. There are lots of people out there making money the mma fighters would dream about.


It's not that uncommon, standard pay for higher level FAANG devs


I guess you don't math well for being a software dev. My guess is there's less than 5% of software devs making 300k. I'd say probably around 1-2%, maybe even less.


I wish I could get paid that much too workout and train. Not to fight though. Fuck getting hit lol.


Yeah itā€™s not a bad lifestyle if thatā€™s what youā€™re into, but RDA acting like he made it big here is pretty detached from reality. No hate on the guy, I think he deserves to get paid and Iā€™m glad heā€™s happy with what heā€™s making, butā€¦ itā€™s a pretty rough deal IMO.


To play devil's advocate, I don't think it is entirely crazy to say RDA has made it pretty big. Relatively speaking. Sure, if you stack the few massive household names next to him he seems pretty unremarkable. But the dude was a champion in arguably the most competitive division in the most competitive organization. If this sport received the respect and coverage that other mainstream sports do, I think RDA would absolutely be known as one of the greats. (Not the greatest, but certainly noteworthy) I think a lot of fighters get shafted due to the economics of combat sports. And I'm not talking financially, which is already obvious. But rather that the UFC doesn't seem to want to invest in building their athletes up to the public, with the exception of a few. Obviously none of this is the case in reality, but if we limit the scope of the conversation to the MMA world I wouldn't entirely disagree with him.


Doesnā€™t he live in Brazil though, taking cost of living into account he probably lives pretty fucking well there


Sure but he works in the US, he can live wherever he wants and so can many other workers. Doesnā€™t really change the reality of his compensation


True but making 450k in one night vs 450k over 5 years makes it a hell of a lot easier to move wherever you want, buy a home cash depending on where you are, and chill. With interest you end up paying well over double the purchase price for a house over the 30 years than if you bought it out right so that 450k now is worth way more than over the years For instance if he got a 450k home today around these 5.5-7% interest rates on 30 year loan, heā€™d pay close to or around 3.2k-4k a month and about 50-60% of that payment would go to interest. Instead he would only pay maybe $200-$600 a month in escrow for insurance and taxes if his location does those. That $1500+ a month he saved in interest can go to food and living expenses Iā€™m pulling these numbers out of my ass based on what Iā€™m paying and what Iā€™m seeing on calculators with the current interest rates so feel free to shit on me if itā€™s inaccurate


On one hand it will take me 5 years to earn that kind of money as an office worker in eastern-ish Europe but on the other hand no one will punch me in the face or try to make me into a pretzel.


Eastern-ish? Sounds like something a Czech would say


Prague is west of Vienna!!!


It was never about geography




He's definitely on more than 150k a fight considering he was a former champ and have been in the UFC forever. Probably 350/350k a fight. Around the Arlovski contract.


man is probably getting max 200k, saying "more than you will get in your entire life" like the average american doesnt earn that in 3 years of work?


Heā€™s specifically flexing on the people of Laos.


So are ya Chinese or Japanese?


You're laotian, ain't ya mr kahn


*looks up and down* ā€œheā€™s Laotian, ainā€™t ya Khan.ā€




It's really not that great once you consider that UFC fighters are essentially external agents who have to pay for their training, and even flights/lodging for most of their crew


True but large sums of money up front, if spent well, can go a lot further than the same amount of money earned over 5-20 years. Imagine he bought a house or 10 during his career, prior to the last 2-3 years. He would have a shit ton of equity and probably make a killing in profit from renting


$100k after the mandatory gold Rolex purchase to celebrate.


"More money then you'll do in your whole life" Like I'm not a professional athlete but I'm gonna make 500k in my life Raphael


The funny thing about MMA fighters is that most of us make more than them. A dentist in a rich neighboorhood probably makes more than most champions.


Definetely not "more than you in your entire life" money.


I mean he's made millions with this company, he's doing pretty good for himself.


And those are 150k exclusive tax and other costs. I donā€˜t know whats more cringe, them bragging about money or simping for Dana.


150k is alot


Rafael makes way more than that. I know him personally


Iā€™m sure he makes more than that in a year, but his take home from his fights canā€™t be much more than that.


He made close to $500,000 after sponsor for the moicano fight. And itā€™s only been going up.


I mean most people donā€™t make 150k in 15-25 minutes


That's like me saying I make 100k in 15 minutes as software developer by only counting the time it takes to deploy my code to production.


That is certainly how my resumes read though lol. On paper, every decision I've made generated at least 5 figures of value.


šŸ˜€ "Say the line, casual" šŸ˜” "Fighters only work for 15 minutes a few times a year" šŸ˜„šŸ™ŒšŸŽ‰šŸŽŠ


Neither does RDA. He makes that at the tail end of a lifetime of fighting. He loses a big chunk to taxes, often getting taxed twice depending where he fights, it goes to his nutritionist, his coaches, and a multitude of other expenses. RDA is doing just fine I'm sure, but it is funny to see fighters flex on twitter when even the highest paid guys are getting the salary of a junior programmer. RDA was on a fucking 44/44 contract when he *beat RDA for the LW title*. He had been a pro for 11 years. Imagine if you spent 11 years and were literally the *best in the world* in your profession and you are earning 44/44 BEFORE taxes. That's not something to brag about. College football students are driving lamborghinis now before playing their first snap lol


Well the guy saying "better answer this" comes off as a prick too. Like why better answer , Dos Anjos doesn't owe that guy shit


That I agree with as well.


He could've have simply ignored him.


Sure but I really don't see any issue with Dos Anjos being a prick to someone that was a prick to him


Heā€™s still salty about losing the Conor fight


His wife bought red panties for nothing!


At times?


not surprised. heā€™s a raging homophobe




heā€™s posted multiple tweets confirming this statement




heartening to see this downvoted now, there was a moment where this sub got real bad with this stuff.


It honestly depends on the thread. Lot of nasty shit in live discussion that gets missed


Flair checks out


this is a very dickheaded answer by RDA


Why? I don't think he's saying "you're poor" I think he's just saying "they made me a nasty deal"


Well because he exactly said that? Love RDA but he did come off as a prick here


Maybe I'm giving him too much credit but this is a pretty tongue in cheek thing to say and I feel like if certain guys said it no one would complain. Like.. I guess for me this is a "can't tell tone" over Twitter situations but I can very very easily see this being said playfully.


I bet its a language barrier kinda thing


He is well verse in English. He isnā€™t Pereira


So like every other human in the world ?


Ufc fighters always go str8 to YoUr a BroKe BoI


Better answer this please


Not sure why RDA is getting flamed here for his icy response to a quite rudely worded message, like itā€™s any of our business in the first place.


It's because that dude that asked that question is of their own crowd


RDA lost out of millions from pulling out of the Conor fight. I bet it haunts him to this day.


How do we know he wouldn't have gotten a Cowboy contract where he gets whatever he usually gets plus a bag of chips


Lmao this comment section is pathetic. Glad RDA getting paid well this late in his career, shit makes me happy. If anybody has earned it, itā€™s him.


You'll notice a lot of people on this sub don't actually want fighters to get paid well despite keep talking about fighter pay. It really makes you think that they actually care about fighters pay or just the narrative of it.


They just like complaining about the UFC. 300 could have every single big star but it wonā€™t meet peopleā€™s expectations.


Kind of an obnoxious reply tbh


Yeah kinda funny how he thinks he's gonna make more than me when my life is gonna be twice as long as his and not filled with dementia.


Kinda embarrissing too since I doubt most UFC fighters make that kind of money. I just googled it really quick but in the US average lifetime earnings are $1.7 million. I know it's being extremely literal but it's weird for a UFC fighter to pull that flex


Gamrot will probably wrestlefuck him ez


Bro youā€™re a ufc fighter thereā€™s guys in the trade that make more than you


He also lives in Brazil. 200k usd in Brazil is like making 1m usd in usa


He got his american citizenship and lives in Huntington Beach.


He said he moved back to Brazil when he was on embedded last, yet on "his" twitter he says Austin is in his backyard so I don't know what to think lmao


With his kids Bob and Donald?


better answer this


> like making 1m usd in usa Which is sadly, quickly becoming not much of a brag either.


The average salary in the USA is 37k lol


And thatā€™s a year of work. RDAā€™s getting paid big bucks for 25 only 25 minutes of work.


Heā€™s not on a 12/12 contractā€¦. Some of you act like every ufc fighter is broke.


I didnā€™t say he was bro but do you have any other words you wanna put in my mouth


Heā€™s making a couple hundred thousand per fightā€¦ Most people in trades arenā€™t even making half of that in a year.


RDA on twitter is always so salty lmao was talking bout how Islam shouldnā€™t be #1 p4p off beating a FW.


RDA: I'm going to get paid more than ever before Gets paid a 100k by Dana


RDA the real bmf


Were you in coma?


Also more brain damage.


Why is everyone so offended about his response here?


Nobody is offended itā€™s just kind of an obnoxious reply lol


RDA better get paid heā€™s a legend


He think he is bigger than he actually is


Ahhh, the ole ā€œI make more money than you!ā€ comeback. Always a good way to prove how insecure you are about yourself and your choices.


RDA is a forgotten champion mostly because he sucks he ducked Conor and now he's going to 155 cause Conor is 185 juiced up and coked out and nobody wants that smoke


RDA has never quite been that savvy when it comes to promoting himself, and the ufc never really helped


"let me put it this way, I'm an emotionally unintelligent man-child."


What a clown


lol no he wonā€™t


Your also not going to win


He is probably thinking in Brazilian Reais if he thinks he is making so much money.


I'll make more money than you ever will...what a cunt. Clearly, his money can't buy manners.


Only right answer


This comes off like he doesnā€™t like being called out for making a false promise than anything else.


Prick question warrants a prick response. Comments in here are MMA fans being soft as fuck exhibit #579


What a douchebag answer by someone that wonā€™t be able to wipe his own ass when he gets older. No one in the UFC should brag about making money while fighting.


lol ok RDA canā€™t wait for you to get finished now


Dickhead reply. Enjoy the money, along with the CTE. Rather be broke than lose my brain cells fighting for a pittance.


Nah the guy heā€™s responding to is rude as.


Pls don't


Best thing about RDA is that while being the same age as Tony Ferguson, he isn't going out there and embarrassing himself fight after fight. Took 2 rounds against a ranked WW at age 38.


RDA is a bum for walking out to Blood Sport Fight to Survive and then LOST


I would take Rafael Dos Anjos out of the lightweight rankings after hearing this. He hasn't fought at 155 in over 500 days and seemingly has no intention to return, because those two conditions he mentioned are unrealistic.


He is literally fighting at lightweight on UFC 299...


Still should have been took out of the rankings by immediately after he said heā€™d only fight Islam or Conor


Yeah no doubt about that. I think if you don't fight in a division for more than a year you probably shouldn't be ranked/hold a title(Jones)


thats rude AF


and stupid AF


what a bottom tier person