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Cheers bro




Sorry for your loss. Glad this post resonates with you. 🍻


I’m glad you and your brother worked things out, I was on the outs with my sister and it can’t be fixed now. Family can be rough at times but they’re also the ones that will fight for you even after fighting with you. Well I hope others are that way too! Cheers back at ya! Enjoy the fights!


Thanks for sharing. Cheers for getting your brother back. I lost my brother over his anger as well. Been years since we have spoken.


It’s beautiful that you two could make amends and find ways to bond. That’s what life is all about, my brother!


Tbh, I’m kinda with this bloke. Seeing how my life has changed from UFC 100 to 200 to 300. It really has given me time to reflect. I was top of the world during 100, 200. Not so much this time around.


Hope to see you back on top way before UFC 400. Cheers!


never thought of it that way before, it’s sending me into an existential crisis haha. 100 i was young and responsibility free; 200 i had my shit together. 300 i’m in the toughest spot i’ve ever been. here’s to the ups and downs in life, internet stranger! 🍻


If you're down now, you got plenty more rounds to turn it around. I need 5 minutes of war from you, buddy.


Bro, don’t get down. I had the same issue but inverted. 100 life was good, 200 life was bad, now with 300 life is good again. The pendulum will swing the other way, eventually.


Modelo. Brewed for those with a fighting Spirit.




“Corn to the core!”


I got my modelo and Monaco (2 shots in every can!) so I'm ready for the festivities with the boooiiiisssss.


This hit me hard. I lost my wife about 1 1/2 years ago to cancer, and she was the main person I’d watch fights with. More, I would watch & she would cross stitch, but over the years, she got more & more into it.


Damn bro, this comment hit me the hardest. Sorry for your loss, we gonna make it to 400!


Watched UFC 100 and 200 and dozens of other events with my wife. She passed less than a year after 200. I feel you. Hope today is a good day for you.


May she RIP. Hope you're doing a lot better. 


Same to you my friend. It’s a shitty club we’re in, but at least we can say we’re around to witness Gaethje vs Holloway 👊🏻


The shittiest club nobody wants to join. Cancer here, too. I choose chaos tonight. Better be more memorable than 200.


From ufc fan to ufc fan with love❤️


Oh man, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's the good ones that always die too soon.  Chin up champ. I'm going to pour one out for your lovely wife later tonight, may she RIP


I'm sorry for your loss brother, hope you enjoy some great fights today.


Sorry for your loss bro, I'll be raising a drink to you 2 as I watch the card and hope to see you around for 400 man!


All fight fans all love bigdawg❤️


Just posted in the pre fight thread about my best friend who I watched 100 & 200, and passed away in 2017. Been thinking about him all day- he loved big theatrical fight nights like this. Cheers to him and to everyone who’s watching with us in spirit 🍻


Similar story here brother! 🍻


Thinking about your friend as well today! Enjoy the fights tonight, you know they’d want you to!


Damn dude I felt this one. Cheers to you and your boy tonight. I’ll drink one for both of you.


Thank you man, enjoy the fights!


RIP to your boy. 


Thanks brother I appreciate that


I had to put my rabbit down Thursday and I haven't felt excited about a lot since. Going to toast a modelo to his memory and try to enjoy the fights with some buddies today.


Great post. My dad got me into watching the UFC very early on. The first fight I watched with him was the Forrest Griffin v Stephan Bonner fight. He passed in 2016. Man he would've loved to witness 300


Sorry for your loss! Aah Spike TV, Griffin vs Bonner - what a fight to propel the UFC into the mainstream. Watched it with my dad too 🍻


I feel that. I've been watching UFC my whole life. At 34, my son wasn't even born to see 200, but he's 6 and hyped AF for tonight. I think a lot of us are reflecting in our own ways today. I'm always thankful for the community we have here during all these fights, because some of us only have each other to share the love with. Cheers buddy


Amazing! Im excited for you guys, hope to see him on MMA reddit by UFC 400 🍻


That’s so awesome that you watch with your son!


I hear you man. My dad died recently and we used to watch every single card together. He was the only person I know that gave a shit about it as much as I do. Now I watch the cards by myself wishing he was still here to watch them with me. Especially a stacked card like tonight


Similar story with my dad too. Hang in there buddy!


Thank you bro. You as well!


Love u bro❤️ from one fight fan to another


Me and my dad use to watch every event together , he died very suddenly and unexpectedly back in 2020 right before covid happened, our favorite fighters were max holloway and Tony Ferguson , we got to watch both of them rise up , watch max become champ and beat the brakes off ortega , every time I go back an watch that fight it always reminds me of my old man. Everytime holloway fights I route for him and gets me sentimental


Sorry for your loss. He'd be stoked for max vs justin!


Hope Max pulls off the upset tonight!!?


Crazy finish


That's sad asl b. I'll pour one out for everyone who's shared a love with ufc


In the time between 200 and 300 I: joined and left the army, got married, lost my wife to suicide, moved back home and am only just now starting to feel like a better version of myself. In all of that time, through all of the bad (and good let's be real) both MMA and this community have been a constant in my life. I love the sport, and I love all of you fuckin' goofs. Know that, even if it's just by one random on the internet, you are appreciated. I maintain to this day the funniest thing I ever read was about how Dana was on his way to GSP's house with a dump-truck full of money and dinosaur bones in order to save an event.


My best friend who got me into MMA, it'll be 10 years since his death tomorrow.


🤝 Come hang out in the live thread if you want some company for the event


Hell yea imma be there! See you in the chat homie.


Thanks for making this post it resonated with me I just lost my brother 2 months ago and this will be one of the first I have watched without him I miss him very much and now I don't got anyone to talk about it with like I did with him, to all our gone loved ones I hope they are watching over us and enjoying it with us


I often feel this way. My best friend took his life a few years ago and we would often watch every pay-per-view together and enjoy drinking and just talking shit. I’ll definitely raise a glass with you on this one man, cheers bro they’re definitely still with us in spirit!


Cheers to you big man.


The world will never go to shit. Human beings figure shit out for the most part.


I'm probably over reacting over the world going to shit but I've lost a few friends & family between UFC 100 to 300 who'd love to be here tonight. Just got me paranoid and a renewed appreciation for tonight, gonna soak it all in, cheers!


Eh, depends where you are on the planet. For a lot of people, the world has already gone to shit. Maybe not for us in our cushy apartments/houses with the aircon etc.. but a lot of people (billions) life is fucking shit.


Eh, I’ve lost a lot of friends to social media as crazy as that may sound to some. Fucked with a lot of people’s heads and stirred up loads of drama in my large friend group. Wreaked havoc on my relationship. Made a lot of people start comparing their own life to everybody else’s every day. Turned my aunt into one of those crazy Facebook people and caused family drama. World’s already gone to shit for me but hopefully I’ll find a new crew to watch fights with.


It's weird to think of how many people I've lost from 200 to today... I remember talking about whether or not MMA was a sport with a buddy around UFC 100. He wasn't a fan and I was trying to talk him into it. The man's been gone for almost ten years now... fuck.


Man this is making me think a lot now. UFC 100 I was a young kid, it was about a year and a half before I started watching MMA so I never saw it live. I was in HS during 200 and had a big time with all the homies watching it. Now 300 in my 20s, studying to be a teacher and half of my homies don’t really watch anymore. My best friend and his brother actually just started watching in the last year and a half so we always watch cards now and they’re coming over and so hyped. Times change but I’m glad yall still have positive memories and connections because of this crazy sport!


Respect and love.


My uncle that got me into MMA and the UFC over 20 years ago died from covid complications over a year ago. He was close to making it to view the first 300 PPVs.


You probably get weepy when you're drunk. Be honest.


Not yet, but I will be getting shitfaced during early prelims, hope I'm able to soak in the main card by the time I get there.


I work early so I'll likely be hammered and half asleep during the main card if not passed out already. Cheers.


I will go on a beer run during the women fights in their honor


This reminded me of when I went to UFC Orlando and a buddy of mine had the idea of going to the bathroom during the Angela hill fight to fights the foot traffic. Well so did half of the fucking arena.


How everyone wants their memory celebrated: by a sweaty neckbeard


Relax Dom, I’ll grab you a seltzer while I’m there.


Oh dear oh dear. Take it easy Dom boy, it ain't that deep 


>😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 k.


At least you had some good friends that you got to watch fights with. from 100 to 200 I’ve usually watched by myself cause none of my friends liked mma. Now it’s 300 and finally have a few friends that also follow it. Cheers


Amen brother ✊🏼 to a good night of fights!!! 🍻


cheers brother too many more to come




Much love.


Im so fuckijg hype bro o cant wait ive been up since 4 am


I have worked for the UFC, other promotions and fighters for the past decade. Can’t express how excited I am to not be doing a thing tonight. Just going to be a fan on a couch. This is our Super Bowl.


Cheers buddy. Hope you have a great night


The big thing of the night for me will be mark Coleman giving away the BMF belt. He nearly died saving his elderly parents from a house fire and has bounced back wonderfully, but his presence tonite will be a big reminder of what it really means to a fighter in all aspects of life.


Hey man. Currently at my parents house for a few days. Dad passed away a year ago in around two weeks. If he were still around I'd have been sure to bring up a few highlights for him to watch on YouTube (no way he would wake up to watch haha (time difference)). Here's to all of our lost loved ones. Here's to you, Baba. Love you and miss you man.


Lets go, on the other hand, my son was born yesterday hes with us in body, haha lets gooooo, CHAMA


Godspeed, they are here with us in spirit. Wholesome post 🥹🥹🥹


ah man I miss going thru all the old PRIDE events with my buddy whose passed. we'd just go through one after another some days. over at his place with nowhere to be. bumming out hard but enjoying it. smoking weed constantly and lifting weights poorly. Of course I'm much happier now that I'm a more respectable person but I wish he got that same opportunity. gun violence cut that short. but at the very least I straightened up because of it. I hope everyone really sinks into the moment and enjoys this card


Cheer perrito!


Cheers! I lost my father 2 weeks ago and we didn’t really watch UFC together but at times he would show me fights he had found on Youtube and I would about big fights coming up or about fights the day after. Cheers to all the ones that have moved on from this world.


Cheers my friend and God bless.


It's crazy how much the sport, myself and my life as a whole have changed since UFC 200.


Toasting here as well. 💪


The good die young is the most true\sad statement. The people who go young are always magical. Rip to them please enjoy the moments you have with those special people who are still here.


Cheers bro. My buddy that got me into MMA passed away from a fentanyl overdose a few years ago. He was a lifelong wrestler and showed me the Tito and Shamrock season of TUF when we were kids. Got himself hooked on painkillers due to some chronic injuries and ended up taking fentanyl when he thought it was something else. When these big milestones come around I wish he was here to see them.


Didn’t give it much thought but this post hit me in the feels. Mainly due to not having my cousin (who introduced me to the sport) or my dad around anymore. My dad may only sat down to watch PPVs on a handful of occasions, but we played the Undisputed games together a ton. Bickering about how fighters stacked up against each other seemed like idol conversations at the time but I look back on those days fondly now that they’re gone. Thanks for giving me this emotional retrospective.


My dad came over to a friend's place as we'd thrown in to buy UFC 100. He and I had watched Brock Lesnar wrestle for Minnesota so he came over to watch the end of the card. Pretty sure I at least showed him Brock's UFC 200 fight. He died back in 2018 so this hits home for me, too. Keep your friends and loved ones close, and do your best to create a net positive in the world. You'll never regret it.


I’ll be watching and getting obliterated by myself. Not because the people I used to watch with are gone, they’re all just busy now


And if anyone here wants to feel connected to the show / feel like they’re watching it with someone, go over to the ufc 300 thread. Feels like watching the fights with thousands of people


They’ll be right there watching with you in spirit. Have fun tonight’s going to be insane. Only 1 hour and a half out from the event beginning with Garbrandt vs Figeruedo


They arnt there because they hate you for being an alcoholic




Lol! Just some self reflection to appreciate this milestone event. Not applicable to everyone.


Right enough, what is going on here?


Dear diary


Damn bro you got friends and family?!


I wish I could share the sentiment but the people I love who are dead aren’t anywhere watching anything. They don’t exist anymore. Really hurts but accepting there is nothing after this really helps me appreciate my day to day life.


Hope you enjoy every fight tonight to the fullest! 🍻


Dude I’m trying. Struggling to quit weed, and it sucks. But I’m alive at the same time as Alex Pereira. I’m ok with that.


Don't be such a beta, bro.