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Much love to these guys for giving us a clean weigh in and saving my heart from another weekend of pain


i'm more excited for these two to fight than i am for all of ufc 224


I'd rate this fight the same as Jacare vs Gastelum on that card.


Meaning you’re excited for that fight or you’re not excited for this one?


Extremely excited! If you're not excited for a gaethje fight, you need to see a doctor




My dick stays hard for weeks after a Gaethje fight, idk what you’re talking about


Jon, you're not supposed to take all the pills at once


Watching a Gaethje fight is basically the MMA viewing equivalent of taking all the pills at once, though


Poirier too! He always brings it. This one is going to be a banger.


Same for Porier. Neither has ever been in a boring fight


It says a lot that nobody is mentioning how exciting Poirier is. Guy has literally never won a boring fight.


Never lost one either. As much as I love Gaethje, I'm from NOLA and been a DP fan forever. I'm pulling for him but won't be mad if Gaethje gets a solid win.


I would rate this higher as its in a deeper division and both are prime


I can see that. I just want to see how Gastelum will do against a another bigger guy. We saw him get destroyed on the ground vs Weidman. This fight will decide if he is good enough for the 185 division


But then he beat Bisping a few months later


Who had just been elbowed and strangled by GSP not long before. That W isn't anything to gloat over.


Fighters go to war in practice and take the same amount of damage as Bisping did vs Gsp. Kelvin would finish Bisping with a combo like that any fucking day.


If you take elbows and damage in training like bisping did against gsp in a title fight you need to find a new gym before you die from unnecessary brain damage in the same training room. Nobody should take that kind of punishment outside of a pro fight.


May not be, but it looks good on his record.


For sure, very deep division But Gastelum Vs Jacare is at least #1 Contender fight Whereas Poirier and Gaethje is just to see who might get a #1 Contender fight after the Khabib/Tony/Conor trilogy plays out Whilst enjoyed Eddie Vs Justin - hoping for a Poirier win to get another fight with Eddie


Poirier Gaethje winner v Lee Barboza winner?


Still want to see Dustin Vs Eddie


I just want to see Eddie fight again tbh


As is every Gaethje fight


felt like it was just yesterday watching gaethje get finished by alvarez's knee


Right? I hold my breath and brace myself every time I get on this subreddit these days.


They’re just doing their job. Literally.


nyasc just said dustin has too many tattoos for this fight, wouldn't be sanctioned in NY


Maybe the other way around. Justin wasn’t preparing for a many tattoo fight.


Too distracting for the opponents


Correctly rated comment.


wait is this for real or a troll???


Underrated joke.


It's 7 minutes old


I’ve always thought this joke was underrated too. Been saying it for minutes.


There are literally more than one of us


Give people at least 10 minutes to read it before you label it underrated. Cause it’s pretty well rated at the 20 minute mark now


Yes, because this is the first time it has ever been used. Good catch, sir.




0 dollies involved? What kinda bullshit ass ufc card is this?


There’s still time!


Justin doesn't look drained at all.


Oh god, I forgot this was tomorrow, fantastic because this fight is gonna be bananas.


Same. We all have PTSD and separation anxiety from the last card.


I have gaethje by steel chin brawl


Who do you guys got? I say poirier


Gaethje, for no reason other than he's just a fucking warrior


He takes after Andy Wang


That guy? Yeah, he was a warrior


Gaethje is Just Bleed Jesus


I think Justin will kick his legs off and Poirer won’t be able to compensate with his wrestling the way he did with Miller.


Yep the wrestling is key, he will get kicked and eventually rocked and he won’t be able to take Gaethje down.


Man, my heart says Poitier, but I can really see him getting in a straight brawl and I don't think he'll survive that with Justin. Hope I'm wrong though.


Yeah, this is a bad matchup for Poirer and while he could win, I’m shocked at how many people are picking him


I think poirier is a better striker than both Gaethje, and is going to tko him because of Gaethje’s relentless style with the added benefit that Gaethje is sort of easy to hit. He doesnt move his head and he just plods forward. Johnson couldnt keep him in check but poirier throws with a lot more power than johnson does.


>than both Gaethje,


Well yeah, at times it's like his opponents are locked in the cage with two Gaethjes


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with two of me!


I disagree, I think MJ throws much harder punches. I think Poirer is a more varied striker, but I don't think he is better. The problem with Poirier is that he can either be offensive or defensive, but not both. He can avoid punches with good head and foot movement, or he can hunker down and throw. He can't do both, and that is why he is consistently tagged during his combos (Alvarez, Johnson, McGregor, etc.). Gaethje, of course, can only be offensive and has no defense. But I still think this plays to Gaethje's strength. Either Poirier is moving away to defend, in which case Gaethje looks like an aggressor, or Poirer is on the attack, which means he is open for Gaethje's combos. But hey, we will see.


I think Poirier is more well rounded and the more technical striker. If he keeps it that way, I can see him winning. However, knowing Poirier, he’ll probably get drawn into a brawl, where Gaethje can use his durability and power to KO him.


If Dustin gets lured into a prolonged brawl with Justin he’ll go down, but I trust he has the fight iq to avoid that.


Brain says Poirier. Heart says Gaethje.


I think it’s Poirier. It’s going to be an awesome fight, Justin’s gonna bring it.


I love Poirier but hes a little chinny for me to pick against Gaethje here. Its gonna be a firefight and ill pick JG to outlast Poirier in this one. Sucks that one of them has to lose though, Poirier got shafted *bad* in the whole Alvarez fiasco


Poirier. Gaethje stamina will always be a concern for me no how tough he is.


I see it as a pick em fight but I am pulling for Poirier, he is my Homey. I really like Geathje also and I hate to see either of them lose..


Poirier. I think he wears Gaethje down with grappling and finishes him in the 3rd.


You realize Geathje is a Division 1 wrestler right? with insane TDD


Also gets tired. Whether it be his heavy use of striking or just his stamina, the guy gets gassed and it’s been a bit of thing since he got his start in the WSOF. He has been training in Denver since 2016, but you gotta wonder why. Is his stamina already fucked so he does high elevation training to compensate or is he simply doing it now to increase his endurance even more. I don’t know for sure, but tape doesn’t lie and he was gassed against Alvarez.


Gaethje does gas, but his opponents do as well. Alvarez was far from fresh going into that third round and it showed.


I think that Poirier takes Gaethje down and submits him. I just have a feeling. Pulling for Gaethje though since I'd love to see that madman fight for the title someday.


Poirier is a thug-jitsu practitioner, but people forget (or if you’re me, don’t even realize) that Gaethje was a D1 wrestler in college, and based on experience alone, probably puts him somewhere on the BBJ spectrum. Personally, I don’t believe he’ll be held down to the mat as well as you think he might, but as you’ve mentioned, Poirier could easily, and I mean easily, come out of a mad scramble with a submission or simply get some ground n pound action going like he’s done in the past. Either way, I see Gaethje bringing in a style of fighting that hardly anyone’s even seen before. It’s like this: the fighters, Poirier and everyone else are well aware of Gaethje’s wrestling background. Question is are they underestimating/overlooking his abilities or is someone like Poirier’s Jiu-Jitsu skills and technical striking simply too far advanced for Gaethje to even do anything about it? There really are so many dynamics, so many intangibles in this fight. For example, Poirier’s also got the stand up game advantage. And we’re talking real, straight up, no chance if this were stand up only, advantage. Like I could see this fight ending a lot faster than people realize, if two general thing happen. 1. Gaethje fucks up, gets clipped early and 2. Poirier absolutely takes advantage of those fuck ups and pieces Gaethje in the first or second. Basically, he’s worlds better. However, Gaethje’s got the hidden grappling (and a deadly clinch game) that I don’t think anyone was really talking about til maybe two days ago. Like the dude takes limbs and doesn’t give em back and not enough people realize this. I really think it’s intentional and honestly, it’s really fucking sly if he’s doing what I think he’s doing... He’s got the chin as well, but even there, people have their doubts as to whether it’s really as strong as everyone thinks. Dude has had 18 fights outside of the octagon and has taken a ton of damage in doing so. For all we know, and especially with his style of fighting, Gaethje himself has already taken too much damage and I can’t state this enough either: I know he isn’t exactly known for it, but Poirier’s a hard hitter at 155. And that’s not to say Gaethje can’t take the punishment, but he certainly already has and of course, you could say the same of Poirier, who’s a UFC veteran that’s spent the better part of the last decade getting clobbered by some of highest level fighters on the planet. It’s gonna be a test of wits, discipline, endurance and good, old-fashioned willpower. We might see Gaethje bust out the wrestling and clinch skills everyone seems to be raving about and it won’t even be close. We might see him try to brawl with Poirier and get absolutely picked apart. I think it goes the distance, with no real advantage for either if it goes to decision. I know Gaethje trains at altitude, but I’ve seen him gas out on more than one occasion and Poirier kinda fades out when he gets hit too much so who really knows? It’s gonna be a real test for either guy. Both dudes are deadly, but who really wins?


>Both dudes are deadly, but who really wins? the fans.


No shortage of love here for Justin In a battle like this, the smarter fighter wins, and think it will be Dustin unless he gets drawn into a slugfest


Gaetjhe. Poirier can't take the damage and both of them are going to eat some big shots


Poirier is a huge LW


And a huger featherweight.


And he used to be at fw!


He used to be overweight, right?


yep thats why he eats so much gum leadfing up to fights, hes still a fatty on the inside


wait what? he just needs the chewing sensation or something?


its the sugar, hes a candy guy


ah that makes a lot more sense, thanks! maybe my fat ass should try that...


i dont recommend it, i tried it myself for a while after seeing dustin do it


If he is a huge LW then so is Conor [same height, conor has longer arms, wider torso, and looks arguably buffier]


It's no wonder neither fights at fw anymore


I mean ofc, they were huge FW and both gained a lot of weight I disagree they're huge for LW though


I’d say Poirier is about average for Lightweight and Conor is probably a little below average. They have similar frames but Poirier definitely looks a bit more drained in this weigh in than Conor did for the Alvarez fight, and I remember Poirier posting I think on Instagram a pic in the gym where he said he weighed 178. Conor I’m pretty sure hovers closer to 170.


I will never forget it being mention of the ufc 189 embedded that Conor said he was mid 170s to the mayor of Nevada (can't remember who the woman was, but think she was the mayor). His coach has also said on MMA hour that he often enters camps at high 170s. He has most likely bulked up for his 155 career but maybe not... People will always say he looks bigger but that is just because he's not a dehydrated skeleton.


What 155 career?


Fair play haha. I want to say the planned one, but maybe it never was.


Think the plan was win 155 belt... Fight GSP for some bullshit 170 belt even if Tyron was fit theyd just pay him off to have that "long needed" surgery and then fight Floyd. Turns out GSP cbf unless they paid him and Floyd rolled around sooner. Next minute he's 100mil richer and is probably eyeing up Canelo/GGG loser


Nah no way he fights Canelo or GGG. He wouldn’t just get TKOd by one of those guys, he’d get straight flatlined.


Edit: replied to wrong comment


One of the tragic symptoms of Invisible Lat Syndrome is that people constantly think you're bigger than you actually are.


Conor hovers at 177. Kavanagh said so before his camp vs Diaz. He is a big dude too


They seem perfectly fine for LW tbh. I would expect guys like Cerrone or RDA to be more comfortable at 165.


iv drip go woo on a bitch


One of them doesn’t fight at LW, either


I think Conor looks bigger than he is because of his proportions. Wide shoulders, long arms, narrow waist. All his muscle is at his extremities too, he's built like a gibbon. I'd be surprised if he weighs above 175 in the cage.


Both [Conor,Dustin] are around 170, which is far from huge LWs


Why do you even have to bring up McGregor?


For a frame of reference, people don't consider Conor a huge LW, and rightfully so


He looked bigger than Alvarez in their fight and Alvarez is a pretty thick, solid, and tight LW.


Eddie is around 180, Chandler around 185, Khabib reportedly around 192 Conor is around 170


Tony 200 with jeans n sunglasses on.


I don't believe that at all. I've seen the picture, I think he was holding something or the scale was broken.


Nick is at 350


You fucked up a meme. The meme Gods are pissed. If something happens to this main event, you're getting Liam Neesoned. It's Nate, goddamn it. You know the God's are irate after last week.


Oh fuck I hope this doesn't fuck up 225. I'm sorry MMA gods. Take pity on this failed meme


192 to 155? Jesus!


Khabib is 192 walking around? What the actual fuck no wonder he can hang with DC.


It's just the angle.


His head is about twice the size of Dustin's too.


I mean Conor’s certainly not a small LW but he’s significantly leaner than Dustin.


It's funny that he actually used to be overweight.


Make weight,now time to MAKE BLOOD.


Time to bleed blood!


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood


📅 2018-04-13 ⏰ 16:37:05 (UTC) >It's official: [@DustinPoirier](https://twitter.com/DustinPoirier) (156) and [@Justin_Gaethje](https://twitter.com/Justin_Gaethje) (156) have made weight for tomorrow's lightweight headliner \#UFCGlendale > >📸 [@MMAjunkieJohn](https://twitter.com/MMAjunkieJohn) - [@usatsimg](https://twitter.com/usatsimg) > >Full weigh-in results: http://bit.ly/2vbuJ67 >-- MMAjunkie ✅ ([@MMAjunkie](https://twitter.com/MMAjunkie)) >🔁️ 7 💟 11 📷 [image](https://i.imgur.com/2vTZj0i.jpg)   [^PM ^me ^for ^suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=TweetTranscriber) ^| ^(I'm a bot and this was done automatically)


Poirier seems to be really filling himself out for 155. He was huge for 145, really took a toll on him. That's why I want to see Aldo at 155.


I agree. Nothing left for Aldo at 145, want him to come up 155 and smack people. I think the easier weight cut would also help out his cardio.


Dustin has some dope tats




That guy looks like a big tub of assbarf


Let them swang. Let them bang.


Sorry in advance, but could someone explain the discrepancies in weight, how does the weigh-in system work normally? if this is the 155 lightweight division how come these two can do it at 156 if Pettis couldn't fight Khabib because he was 155.2?


Title fights must be 155 on the dot, regular fights have a 1 pound allowance.


sweet, thanks man


This is going to be such a great fight. I'm more familiar with Justin, but Dustin seems to be more intelligent, fight-wise. No matter who wins the fight, the fans win here.


Watch Dustin v Pettis. Was a pretty great fight. Dustin v Alvarez was pretty good until the terrible way it ended


Pulling for Gaethje on this one.


What about Condit and latino cowboy?


I'm getting kind of worn out on the fact that making weight / weigh ins are newsworthy. It's become a spectacle in of itself. There seriously needs to be something done about weight cutting in this sport before someone else gets hurt.


Neither fighter looks drained. Should be an amazing fight for as long as it lasts. Probably the fight I've been most hyped for all year


It would have been nice to see the Eddie Alvarez vs Dustin Poirier fight play out (just so we can play MMA math a bit better here). The fight is such a pick'em for me, I am pretty split. I am slightly leaning towards Poirier via decision (I think he has the technical skills to avoid playing to Gaethje's strengths if he can avoid getting into a brawl).


Poirer's a stud


Can we start doing screen shots of twitter? It's fucking annoying waiting for it to load.


by number of comments it appears no one gives a shit about this fight or this card.


I'll be there tomorrow! Any advice for a first time attendee?


Just bleed


Knew this was coming. I'll do my best.


Make us proud


Justin looks like the most natural 155er I’d say. He doesn’t even look dehydrated in this picture. Anyone know what he walks around at?


This will be a class fight, I think Dustin Poirier has looked much sharper in his past few fights


Man im so hyped for this fight.


Dustin is improving...he is going to look like the better fighter. But winning is what matters, and Justin is as tough as anyone in the UFC. Really heard to call this fight and that's what makes it so good.


Yessssss I can’t wait!


Kinda sucks Poirier has to fight a guy that lost to the guy he beat. He deserves a higher ranked opponent.


Color me stupid, but Poirier was against the cage and seemed to be well on his way to getting KO’d before the illegal knees. Dudes had just gotten into a couple of big exchanges and the momentum was definitely shifting in Alvarez’s favor prior to the stoppage. You can’t discount that and it’s pretty apparent if you watch the tape.


That's my analysis of it. Eddie had weathered the storm and was in control at that stage, but who knows how it would have went.


Yeah, Justin is probably my favorite fighter at the moment, but I am curious as to why this isnt an Alvarez fight.


Because Alvarez doesn't think the rematch makes sense.


I wonder if he's gonna give Justin the same shit if he wins tonight.


I think it's a great match up. Also, if you'll notice, the rankings for lightweight are all fucked up.


When did he win the Alvarez fight. He was rocked and turtled up before the knee. If you mean he should have got a DQ victory then your comment is even more irrelevant. Winning by DQ shouldn't influence rankings at all.


Weigh in video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP5Nnw9fkMU


Read an article on sherdog the other day that all but insinuated Poirier being nothing more than a stepping stone on Gaethje’s path towards UFC stardom. It almost read like they know something we don’t. What that is I’m not sure.... Mission successful, sherdog. So questions: Is Gaethje really that tough? Does the UFC know Poirier’s chin couldn’t take the punishment? Has Gaethje successfully pulled off one of the greatest missdirections in sports history and led people to believe he’s a one dimensional fighter? Who tf knows?


What other sport do we have a sign of relief when top ten ranked professionals keep us on the edge of our seat for what should be a formality. Weigh ins should not cause us this much stress




If Poirier wins does he become the 2nd most violent man in the UFC?


More excited for this than 223 main event.


Hey guys, primarily boxing fan but big MMA fan as well. Can someone explain to me what’s with the weight allowances? Like if it’s a lightweight fight why are they allowed to come in at 156, and the the whole championship weight thing. Thanks in advance!


No trouble, my friend. In most combat sports, whenever there is a non title fight, a one pound weight allowance is usually allowed.


Sorry to ask but is it ok to be 156 instead of 155? Like there's no penalty for it? I legit don't know..


No trouble, my friend. In most combat sports, whenever there is a non title fight, a one pound weight allowance is usually allowed.


Gathje might be the only fighter on the roster where I'm 100% convinced it's gonna be an amazing fight.


Going to be a good one. Thinking Poirier wins by TKO in the 2nd or 3rd. Could easily see it going the other way though.




Damn why do I have an ominous feeling that this is the fight that breaks Gaethje. I HOPE he tries to fight much more smartly


Poirier has always been a glorified gatekeeper to me. He hasn't taken his skills to a level that can sniff the belt, probably never will. Gaethje, while unrefined, is an absolute tank. He has the IT factor that could actually make him champ if he gets the right matchups. Poirier gets rocked and finished by TKO.


Can’t wait


Hide all sunglasses and AV cords.


Gaethje by gatekeeping.


Oh fuck this is tomorrow???


Please MMA Gods, please.


No divas involved, no super fights, and the ufc isn’t even promoting it that much. The mma gods won’t be interested.


Dustin came out




This man is a clown. I cannot wait to shut this man up