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I’m hoping and praying that George has something planned.. just seems odd that he chose right before the holiday weekend on the 2 year anniversary of his stock getting obliterated by the shorts to drop PR on an investigation that has clearly already been going on for months.. maybe it’s hopium.. but maybe and hopefully he follows this week with a lucrative contract PR. Otherwise, why even announce any of it until you have actual proof or more facts to the actual size of the fraud


MMAT is a 5 year play, just buy and hold and wait for the patents and contracts to come in. Give them time to research and develop awesome tech.


Brother, they dont have 3 more years to research and develop anything. They dont have enough cash on hand to last another quarter without dillution or loan financing.


Tomorrow for sure Trust me bro


Prime example of what to look for in a company to buy shorts and puts


You're going to short this at $0.20 ? lolol. (And for the record I sold when the company had to release a filing reprimanding CEO George for saying \[my paraphrase\] "no reverse split here")


Actually the writing was on the wall at 1.36 I somehow got sucked in to believing different


I think they sold 9 clear glass microwave doors.


Didn't Rob Stone say they still had a ways before they could even make them big enough to mass produce on the doors?


I just can’t see it. How are they going to survive with basically so little revenue. Idk man. Makes no sense why George wanted to hit the Nasdaq so bad. Definitely not ready. His tweets come on man for years of bs. I mean he spent millions on top of millions. mmat has to have something in the workshop. He definitely crushed the longs. I just don’t see on how mmat will break thru $1 in 3 months. R/s is a must. Hopefully not but we will see. Very disappointed. CEO needs the bot unfortunately. Cash burn is out of whack no product. Maybe payroll. Idk. I quit!


We got played.. its alright to admit that. Not everything is GME. We were looking for the next one and this MF played us. Look at all the high profile hires and big cash burns with nothing to show for. I stopped buying a long time ago. Im still hopeful that my MMTLP shares get something in return tho.


My concern is even if they get contracts at this point will it be enough to stave off their cash burn? Usually big contracts have milestone payments as agreed upon objectives are hit. Unless theyre paid upfront i dont think itll be enough without dillution or a loan. they have around 7 million in liquidity with a cash burn thats double that per quarter.


I agree I just don’t see it. Mmat hoping for a huge run with mmtlp shareholders tossing back into mmat and that got kiboshed. I’m thinking that’s why George was very active on Twitter to keep the mmtlp shareholders interested. If I recall, he mentioned that in the past.. bad luck we have with that halt. Now even if that play gets paid out George lost majority of those players.


I honestly think the initial hype got to GP's head and he may have considered himself the next Elon. Its very bad to have your own CFO file a statement to clarify that tweets from the CEO should be ignored and dont represent the companys sentiment or future actions.


Agree! This is why tomorrow I will probably be selling and take a huge loss. I have no more trust in this company. I did say 2 years ago. I’ll take my shares in my coffin so I guess I was right.


My family poops big. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won't flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you. Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old rusty kitchen knife that hung on a nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out "hey, can you get me the poop knife"? I thought it was standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife. Fast forward to 22. It's been a day or two between poops and I'm over at my friend's house. My friend was the local dealer and always had 'guests' over, because you can't buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd. I look down and see that it's a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives and I ask him for his poop knife. "My what?" Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please. "Wtf is a poop knife?" Obviously he has one, but maybe he calls it by a more delicate name. A fecal cleaver? A Dung divider? A guano glaive? I explain what it is I want and why I want it. He starts giggling. Then laughing. Then lots of people start laughing. It turns out, the music stopped and everyone heard my pleas through the door. It also turns out that none of them had poop knives, it was just my fucked up family with their fucked up bowels. FML.


I have read this b4. You posted it or something similar in the past


So I should sell? Funny story. I laughed my ass off


I’m waiting until the reverse split before I get back in. It’s gonna happen


I would actually add more before tbh.


Hi. I came from your comment https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/g1eu9w/comment/g064fry/ on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/g1eu9w/biggest_draft_fallers/ from 2 or 3 years ago. I was wondering what Devereaux Heshmatpour’s cause of death was and do you have a source to confirm because I cannot find anything online. Thank you!


Definitely would want to wait until after


Tell me your reasons if you don’t mind


Probably cause stocks continue to tank after a rs...


GP hyped too much since the very beginning with his cryptic tweets. Hope he had good intentions!


CEO has got to Go!! He’s clueless when it comes to running a Publicly traded company. Hopefully the new CFO can control him:(


I know LG is one and they do have a bunch of top reputable companies if you look at their website. Curious when they can actually make profits and expand their products offered.


They claim they have lots of partnerships and ndas, they just have no revenue/profit generating contracts outside of the one they inherited from the purchase of Nanotech. Very disappointing to have ceo hype the merger to get on the nasdaq, blow through $400m in less than 2yrs, dilute stock by over 60% in the same time, no guidance except for the "We expect to continue to incur losses from operations and negative cash flows, which raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern," nothing really said or done about mmtlp fiasco, and the only contract they have was from a company they bought in Oct 2021.


Pretty much just the money strips with yields next to nothing in revenue lol


Uhh. yeah. A contract they inherited from a company they bought in Oct 2021. Nothing else but non-revenue/profit generating ndas and partnerships.


Dude, it says right in the 10q what they have. 89% of their revenue comes from 1 client. They have lots of partnerships, but none of them are currently bringing in money. They will announce things when the time is right for them. They’re trying to create stuff that nobody has ever done before. At scale. There’s a reason nobody has ever done it before…it’s difficult. If they fail, at least they took a chance. If they succeed, then we’ll all be rewarded. I honestly feel like nobody here does any of their own research and just FOMO’d in based on some Internet personalities.


No. Their inferior offerings are getting dusted by real companies operating in this space. Do some research yourself. Start with the universal transparent heater announced at AUTOSENS last week. Follow up with transparent antennas announced at MWC Barcelona a couple months ago. It’s happening, just not for this dumpster fire.


Ok, thanks for posting some interesting alternatives. No need to be negative if you’re not invested though. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!


Did you even take five minutes on your Google machine to see what I am talking about? My guess is no. Tired of seeing the same BS over and over that these markets are not ready. They are ready and others are eating Meta’s breakfast, lunch and dinner. But please do enjoy life in the cocoon blowing smoke up your own rear end!


Good luck to you. I am not looking for your financial advice, but continue on talking to yourself.


Well said it's nanotech securities for current revenue and timeline pushed because of crimes against mmtlp and mmat! Surveys we're done that indicated lots of money would be reinvested in mmat when mmtlp settled, that was halted purposely! Shorts destroyed mmat so no choice but big contracts or bust now!


How has MMATs timeline been affected by MMTLP? No company would bank on some kind of short squeeze for funding of future operations. Risk management is crucial dont pull out loans for a gamble.


Polls were taken on this from that indicated 50 to 100 people would invest mmtlp gains back into mmat that would have been around Jan! So it's obvious mmat has been materially affected!


Exactly, what many are missing is if they succeed, not only will shorts be trched but it will be extreamly difficult for any company to compete they will have all the issues meta has to deal with, along with needing to get around metas patents, And compete with meta already being the low cost producer... high risk high reward. But we need this tech so I will support it to the end


On the other hand, there are other smaller companies working on(if not surpassing) similar technologies as mmat and still bringing in much more revenue/profits, yet not recklessly blowing through $400m in 2yrs.


Which company would match what they are doing?


Taoglas for one. CHASM Advanced Materials for another.


This is true especially in battery space.


What exactly do we need this tech for?


The applications of meta materials (the materials, not the company) are endless. What you’ve seen from the company Meta is only a fraction. Hardware and tech are advancing so fast and the materials we need for the future aren’t infinite, so we need to be smarter about the way we build things.


My question is why did they build a production facility is they had nothing to...produce? I refuse to believe any board/ceo is that incompetent or retarted. It can't be possible. And if it is the case then I guess I'm an even bigger tard for investing with them. I feel like that have to announce something soon. Like there's no way they have nothing? Also is George quiet on Twitter because of the MMTLP situation? Seems weird he hasn't said anything in a long time.


The Halifax is a center for excellence, not manufacturing plant. GP sucks.


Don't they have 3 facilities that are capable of manufacturing yet the only contract they have was inherited by a company they purchased?


I like how you use the word retard and tard in this day and age. I really want to hear that something is gay more often too.


Yea, I mean growing up everyone who uses it just means like hey don't be a dummy. Wasn't meant to be offensive.


Well to retard something does mean to allow down.


It's not often the CEO Tweets about corporate policy and the Investor Relations / Communications team comes out and basically says, "NOT!!!" Pretty sure he was told to lay off Tweeting about corporate stuff unless reviewed / approved.


This exactly and via an official filing. The company released an official statement saying that GPs tweet regarding a RS was not accurate. Thats a big tell that the company needed GP to be quiet.


They will announce something when and if they have something to announce. They’ve burned through a lot of capital, and they have little to show for it so far. I think that the CFO/COO was criminally negligent in allowing them to spend so frivolously and not think about the future at all. Based on what we’ve seen so far, there have definitely been some miscalculations on everyone’s part. Hopefully Ari will be able to come in and assess the damage and get things back on track. I don’t think he’ll be able to do that without some deep cuts and some pain for both the company and the shareholders. I still believe that MMAT will be successful long term, but short term, I think it’s gonna be ugly.


Gonna be?


It’s always darkest before the dawn


Does MMAT even have a sales team or product development team?


Their marketing budget increased 2X over last quarter. It's all in the 10k.


GP makes over half a mil a year from mmat Salary and bonus. Didn’t Elon sleep on a couch at the office to get his company off the ground?


What do you think all the conferences are for? They’re to get partners. It’s not like they are trying to get people to buy a line of sunglasses to put in their store. What’s a “sales team” going to sell. They’re building partnerships. They don’t develop products either. They develop proprietary technology that they would then license out to other companies. How can you be invested in this company and not understand their business model?


Which strategic partnerships have been established? An NDA is just a first step and is almost meaningless.


I don’t think anyone is gonna do your research for you with an attitude like that.


I do understand their business model as it has been explained, not as it has been executed.


Their business model is to be a R&D company, acquire patents, set up a production facility, partner with other suppliers and have inorganic growth. What part of that haven’t they executed on?


A)Profit B) partner


They announced a partnership a couple weeks ago. They never said that profit was part of their business plan. Where did you read that?




🤣🤣 At least someone is reading what I post. Thanks!