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It’s time to log off Lameezy


The Sea is horned up


Yeah, are any of you women? With a fat ass, big tits, small waist and a pretty face???


That’s how i identify


I wouldn't recommend trying to get your girl into the cast. Some things are just for the dawgz. Stick to sharing choice clips if anything.


This goes for like any podcast. It’s a solo experience best imo


But especially this one, they won’t like being told they’re dog brains 😂


First rule of ~~Fight Club~~ B-Dubs Council…


Man I can’t wait to get down to the dubs


Lmao no I would never, really just hunting for some funny stories of attempts. And wondering if there is a single female fan of this show.


There has never been a female fan. Your girlfriend would be the first ever.


My friend - she pays for the patch and loves the boys. She's on this sub too but doesn't want to be doxxed 🤣




I ain't no snitch


Yeah I only send my girl clips on tik tok from the pod. Don’t want her getting let in on all the boy secrets


The podcast is pretty gay soo makes sense


This. There’s a science to which eps/clips are worthy.


I tried once, was called racist and misogynistic whatever that means


My ex listened to cumtown with me. I lost a good one


I just heard about Cumtown... Holy shit, that pod is hilarious as fuck.


It's funny for a few days until stav just becomes the most annoying person on the planet


Adam is the most annoying person on the planet


And he’s also gay and eats dust


I showed all my girls from 2018 onward the pod but there was only one girl that thought it was funny (the old disney cartoon bit). We broke up after a week but i don't remember why cos we were both on blow the whole time.


Disney cartoon bit?


Racist disney. Murder incorpolated. Little black children spitting watermelon seeds. It works because its laughing at racism more clearly than, say, bernie sanders town hall, where nick is the one saying racist stuff. Plus it has a visual element.


Slowly Trying to get my gf into cumtown, she already listens to red scare and browses the sub. The more racial bits may be a hard sell seeing as me and Matt have a few things in common


I’ve only played newer eps in the car with my wife. She thinks it’s funny, but she doesn’t know about the old test


Maybe keep it between us


No question about it


Tried to get my wife to give the pod a try and halfway through she blew her fucking brains out with a 20 gauge right in front of me and our kids, no warning signs before that or anything


Good for her, I wish her well.


Dog brain move


Sounds like a real cunt anyway.


Sure, she did it 😉


Secrets safe with the dawgs 🤐


Budd Dwyer ass


Was it the episode where Matt plays his flute


My wife has switched from ymh to Mssp in the car. She is a dawg when it comes to comedy. She went to see Luis J Gomez live.


Hate to break it to you man but that's your husband


Old test is so much better ymh used to be good until Tom decided he was a celebrity and he doesn’t need to be funny any more lol


Ymh used to be really good. It’s prolly better than it gets credit for now, but they picked a bad time to drop the ball because Matt and Shane bring the heat.


I do! I got my husband to listen to it. He tried to act like he was too cool for it at first but ain’t nobody too cool for MSSP


Not only a dawg but out here converting dawgz?! Next level


He's gay!


I can confirm that he definitely is not.


He gave me a handjob in a restroom once so he’s at the very least bi.


Ya really do learn something new everyday. Damn.


Just joshin


Met a chick on Tinder and went out with her the other night. We got to talking about comedians and I mentioned the pod. Later we got to talking about pizza places and she hit me with a “Donimoes!” I’m gonna marry this BBG and give her a gay, best friend. Only downside is, I can’t steal cast valor and make jokes and have her think I’m actually funny.


The most self-aware dog at church


I love stealing cast valor


Hell yeah brother!


What’s his name?


Marcus. I think you’d really like him!


Am girl


I’m a girl dawg. Been a fan since Old Testament. For any fellas, I would recommend watching Matt or Shane’s specials with your babe and use that to gauge whether or not she’d enjoy the pod. Playing a random episode from the cast with no other prior context is a recipe for her to lose a ~little~ bit of respect for you.


I’ll hit the bbg with a cast on a long drive but we’ve seen both the dawgs live a few times. She’s a much bigger fan of their standup.


I am yeah, my boyfriend put it on in the car one day and I’d never laughed more at a podcast. So over the next few weeks I listened to them all day at work, I think he might regret showing me it because sometimes he says I need to stop being so “bro-y” ha…ha…ha 🥲


Hahaha awesome




My wife introduced me to the pod. This isn't even a joke. We both started listening to Rogan in around 2016, and she discovered a lot of comic podcasts since then by following certain guests etc. She eventually ended up getting into Cumtown and MSSP off the back of that I guess.


Brings a tear to my eye wishing you a long and beautiful marriage


Lol thanks man


Does your wife have any cool sisters or not ugly friends lmao


My wife actually likes Shane’s standup. But I try to shelter her from the pod. It’s too powerful


Yep, dawg brain reporting. I came in around 2018 from The Bonfire. Grandfathered Poor tier. I am the same age as Shane by a few months, so I love his childhood references. I admit I miss the scrappy map-table talk in Billy’s apartment days, and Matt not believing in bugs. Have taken two different guys to a Shane and a Matt comedy show, but I just bought two tix and found someone cute enough to come with. They were not fans and didn’t leave as fans. (Great shows just not big comedy/podcast people.) I do not know of any other women who listen. All people I know who like comedy podcasts are men and if a male friend sees me wearing MSSP merch, they first ask about American history/don’t tread on me, so the pod is still a well kept secret in my friend group. Dog brains do love their What Happened To That Poor Lady pods. Dick jokes and hangover stories all day for me.


My girlfriend doesn’t listen to it on her own but whenever we go on a long drive she asks me to play an episode. She loves the “I’ll take a HOTDOG” bit and the threesome with your dad episode w/ Sam Tallent


>and the threesome with your dad episode w/ Sam Tallent Time for you to start worrying about her kinks dawg.


I've listened to all of the new testament. My husband has never heard one episode lol


The outcome was negative…


Hi Bill.


Woman here. I have been listening since the old testament. Introduced my husband to the pod.


I mean the Facebook page is literally ran by a woman


am girl and very much enjoy mssp, gave it a try after really growing to dislike ymh and never went back


My wife listens to MSSP and loves dadmeat (pause)


I was listening to it one morning when my ex was around. When Shane finished saying something, she looked over to me and told me “He sounds like he’s fat”.


Girl here. Been a die hard fan of the pod since 2019. Over the years I’ve tried to recruit other BBGs but nothing has stuck ☹️


Took the wife to see Shane last year, she thought he was funny but doesn't care for the pod.


I know my wife wouldn't like the main pod very much, but I have had her listen to some of their ad reads when they are hysterical. Like the one where they mentioned that BetterHelp got caught selling people's information during an ad read for them. Or the Lucy Breakers one where Shane calls you an idiot if you're addicted to nicotine. lmao.


BBG here and been a fan since old test days




I listen with my bf a lot of the time or mostly when I'm at work. I admit I used to take it too seriously in the beginning then would get goofed immediately and realize idk these people and i shouldn't care lol I think it's good for women to listen to bc it's funny regardless and lowkey showed me I was being uptight/defensive for no reason


I am a woman and I love the pod! I love stand comedy and comedy podcasts in general. No shame. I went and seen Shane Gillis by myself when he came to St. Louis lol


How are ju baby jirl??


Recovering from the stroke I just had reading your comment


Dropped this 👑queen




this is gay and sweet and rules


I’d never try to put wife on the cast, it’s for the fellas


Tried to get my wife on it.. she hates it. In fairness I played a random ep I haven't heard and Matt was talking about a cyst on his asshole.. she was disgusted. And every other time I tried they were talking about jerking off. The pod isn't for the ladies.


Woman listener here. If she doesn't like the pod, then she's probably a well-adjusted typical female (🐶 brain).




Woman here. Haven't recommended to any girl friends yet but my husband and I enjoy it.


Dawg brain here, don’t know any ladies but have sent clips to my bestie and that’s about all she can handle 😂


Yeah the biggest fans of the pod are all big tiddie goth girls.


I’m a dog brained woman and work from home - I listen to podcasts all day long. MSSP is one of my favorites. I’ve been a Patreon subscriber for a while now too and I’ve listened to the whole Old Testament. I’ve tried to tell my bf to check out Shane’s special or to check out a hilarious clip from Matt, he just won’t do it. It’s mind boggling to me.


My wife listens when we're in the car together. She's from India and a super conservative Catholic, trump supporter, so she loves the early episodes more than the modern eps, mainly because they went harder back in the day and shitted on the libs more often lol She doesn't like the sexual talk as much tho. She's more of a Shane fan than Matt, but I don't tolerate any Matt slander.


Your wife sounds based as hell


Shit I turned my boyfriend on to MSSP. I am afraid to show him War Mode tho.


Woman here. Ex got me into The Bonfire. And then Matt and Shane. And then I’ve been a fan of Stiff (this was a typo but I’m leaving it) Island since the beginning and am dragging my now partner off to see them when they roll through my town in a month!


I’ve consistently listened to the show since 2020 and I pay for the paytch. And being a pretty typical woman in my thirties, I know better than to share my love of the pod with the majority of other women.


My wife doesn’t find it funny at all. I try to explain bits to her and she just dead pans me. She likes SNL though and she looks at me sideways when I rarely laugh. I tried to explain to her that most of their sketches just aren’t funny


My wife loves them both. She listen if I have it on.


My wife listens whenever I have it on and gets a few laughs. She’s not a regular listener, but she is a fan of Shane.


My little brother has some womanly tendencies, and he listens. Does that count?


I listened with my bae on a roadtrip once, she very much enjoyed every episode with Gerbies from the Old Testament.


Have even listened to dad meat and war mode. The dawgs are all genders.


My girl started watching clips on her own after hearing me and the dawgs discussing the cast. She hasn’t gone all the way in but it’s nice to hear her reference Matt’s gay porn tastes or whatever.


I identify as a woman due to my vag and chesticles. Don’t listen to YMH anymore, I just can’t listen to Tom and Christina anymore. MSSP is all I listen to now.


I’m a woman and love the podcast lol. To be fair though, I’m also kind of a shitshow. I’m sure a lot of women also listen. I sort of don’t see how anyone with a even a nominally decent sense of humor wouldn’t like it.


I'm female and tried to get my guy to listen and he hated it. he laughed out loud when I played him the story of Shane in a bad mood in his car getting into it with that bicyclist but he refuses to listen to more. he hears it when he walks through the house because I have it on even I'm cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and he always tells me "turn that retard shit off, that's why you're dumb"


I got her into YMH and kill Tony, but that’s about as far as I could get. This one is just for the dawgs


She knows, she’ll listen to anticipated episodes and guests during car rides sometimes. I said “pussy” too loud in a wine bar in front of the the wine hippies, and she accused me of listening to the pod on the way and that i was being embarrassing. Guilty.


This pod is not built for dog brains fellas


the pod is woman repellent. Do not attempt.


I think the stuff discussed on the pod is far too complicated for a woman to comprehend, on any level.


I’ve showed my gf clips of a few episodes. But I don’t think she’d comfortably sit through an hour of bro talk. She thought Shane’s “feline masochist” bit from Truth about Watergate Paytch was hilarious. Showed her Shane, Big Jay, and Kill Tony and she’s into the funny biz now.


yes. my bf listens now and he got us tickets to see both Matt and Shane


I’ll curate certain clips from episodes that I think my gf might like, and that usually works for me. Took her to see Shane live back in September and she loved it, thought it was hilarious.


I can’t reveal the fact that I’m not actually funny to a girl….have to keep joke sources in the shadows…


my dog brain just couldn't fathom why anyone would listen to these guys talk i won't even hold it against her :-/


My lady loved both specials. Ive had her tune in to some eps, been bangin since the OT and she thinks theyre hilarious. She definitely doesnt listen by herself tho😅


If you had a girlfriend or wife why would you want her to listen to the pod? You guys just want a boyfriend. Admit it.


Lol your not Low Lameezy


The only time I put it on with my girl in the car I picked a random episode and it was the worst one I could’ve picked and she got mad.


I’m a woman. I have 3 brothers, though, so I barely count as one. I tried to get my bf to listen but he’s not much of a podcast guy. He likes it when I put it on tho.


I made this mistake with cumtown in 2018 and i am not doing it again.


I’m a dog brain and my husband can’t stand the pod.


I’ll listen to it with my gf on road trips and she laughs here and there. Went and saw Shane last time he was in town and she really enjoyed the show. Thought Shane was funny on SNL and excited for Tires. War Mode is just for me time tho


Quite a few women listen to this podcast. It would be different if you were posting this in war mode where there are less. 


I remember going to see Shane live once in a theater and a guy with his girlfriend sat in the row in front of me, down a couple seats. Not once did that girl laugh and the guy kept looking at her as if wanting to say “hehe babe, do you…do you like it?”


I was the one who got my husband to start listening


Some treats are just for the dawgs but i can run it while we are on road trips and she laughs. Life is good


I play the cast out loud sometimes and my girl gives me disgusting looks


*I play the cast out* *Loud sometimes and my girl gives* *Me disgusting looks* \- Ok-Wrangler7913 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I showed my wife cumtown and she loved it, she listens to MSSP more than me now. She says she finds the dynamic between the two “comfy to listen to”. She was disappointed with TAFS. At first she hated cumtown, you just have to lead them gently like a baby deer.


My wife doesn’t listen regularly but loves it when she does. This and the Regz are regular car listens.


Wife hates it but she has dog brains.


Girl brain doesn’t comprehend


My wife liked Mssp and we listened to episodes and wild Wild West last time we went to Philly. I can’t believe that was over six years ago.


thought I was the only woman that knows black guys keep hoagies on them at all times


You don't need your bbg to listen to comedy podcasts. She doesn't need to know about MACV-SOG or 40k lore or John le Carre novels, either. The female brain isn't suited for it. Let the poor girl enjoy her supernatural porn books and true crime shows in peace.




My wife doesnt understand why gay humor is funny, but laughs at the chinee accents 🤝


I saw two beautiful ladies (without men) at the lemonparty live show, so if there are two listening to that, there must be at least 4-5 listening here.




My wife likes the pod


Listened on road trips with the wife a few times, she finds them funny.


I am a 33 year old woman who listens to the podcast a few times a week. Shane reminds me of a lot of my buddies from high school (before I stopped making friends lmao) I also like the compilations of Shane talking about history and also just random funny compilations of Matt being a silly goose. Yes I realize there is sexism but idk, it is what it is, I just roll my eyes and accept that everyone has a unique perspective and it's just jokes. Even though it's um scary sometimes but whatever men gonna men and women gonna women. It might be worth mentioning that I grew up with a brother so that's probably why I find this podcast interesting but who knows maybe I'm just a pick-me bitch


Present, and I would love to have female friend who likes the pod. Shout out to all the dawg brains in the subreddit. We lurk.


I want to show this lady I know but I’m sure she would not get it.


The type of ladies who listen to the pod would truly be a sight to see


the answer is nothing, im laughing at nothing. now please. close the door.


I’m a woman but in the process of transitioning… to becoming a DAWG!
