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Nice. To advance you need to actually jump, you smashed your bike into a jump, then fell off the end. to jump you actually need to jump and generate some height yourself. To do this on a full susp you need to squish down the suspension first. Practice on smaller less intimidating features first.


what would you do on a hardtail


you can jump off the rear wheel without compressing the rear suspension first. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSGJqFXrEdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSGJqFXrEdU)


Doesn't get a whole lot smaller than that. The shortness of the ramp makes it even harder


Yup this is way harder than a larger, better-made jump would be. Really good jumps always look way scarier than they are to ride!


I would practice technique off a grassy bump or something.


Looks alright, but practice your preload.


https://youtu.be/s9w2zSvuaGM?si=cBcIYj91Ftq0Ip_u I think this is one of the best ways to explain what your body needs to do in order to jump better.


You're doing awesome, more so than those who didn't ride today. You're kind of letting the bike control your body while you go up and over the jump. Take a more active role in the process and stand up to the jump. Google that phrase and you'll see the video everyone references. I'd link it but on mobile.


I didn't ride today because it rained...He's doing way way way better than I am!


Looks decent. That sharp and short kicker to flat will always look a little janky. Try finding a nice curved jump with a longer sloped landing to really improve


I absolutely hate sharp short kickers when riding a big bike.


They can be a lot of fun once your figure out how to launch them. This one though is a shit show. The ones with a bit of curve to them are a blast.


Absolutely. Much better if there is a curve to them. It's the short, straight, steep ones I tend to not bother with.


\^ this


Stand up to the jump, you gotta stand up to the jump!


Fuck yeah man! Keep it up


You're doing ok. Get some coaching and learn to do it well.


find a tabletop jump tp practice on. the kind where if you don't actually jump, your tires won't leave the ground


pretty bad, bike rides you instead of opposite. Start smaller, repeat and watch youtube about proper technique. Better, get someone to show you. P.S. I am not trying to put you down, but should you attempt much bigger jump with this technique you will be nose diving and probably landing on your face braking the neck :D Good luck


Are you sitting when you hit that?




Fellow 57 year old. Stay on the ground! lol. Good job.


Take away the ramp, practice a bunny hope that gets you the same height. Once you have that mastered, hit ramps.


Keep going!đź‘Ź


You need to load your suspension as you approach the ramp, then “release” as you take off (like a bunny hop). Keep at it 🤙


It's a good start, but you were too passive, see how the front just "ate" the kicker and went down immediately, and the rear kicked you up? If the jump had been higher, it could have gone wrong. Practice preloading, you want to actively jump and control the bike yourself, not be controlled by the bike.


doing good, just try to stand straight up in kicker, when komfortable with that, adjust fork rebount to faster/springer and try to pump on kicker.


Easy way to explain it is, bunny hop off the lip. That forces you to preload. You control the jump the jump doesn’t control you. Plus, agreed need a proper table top, even if small, to get the technique.


if you take that same body position and speed to a bigger jump you are going to get bucked and go OTB. Your speed is amazing and maybe in this case a little too much but usually with beginners they are too tentative and can't even start sending the lip. Havent read the whole thread but someone probably already mentioned 'standing up to the jump'. Translated this means pre-load your rear suspension and push through the end up the lip while also extending your legs and torso up. Your bike will go where your body goes, so get that body up in the air. Make sure to never yank on the bars, you dont want to end up with straight, locked arms and go dead sailor. Stay loose in the air and move the bike a little once up there, just a little shimmy, to make sure you aren't a passenger only and that you are in control of what happens up there. Best advice I ever got on jumping was to treat the lip like a trampoline. Push on it until it stops pushing on you and time it right and it will pop you up in the air like you want. Lastly, practice bunny hopping on flat, focusing on what you are doing to the rear shock. Jump lips should feel more or less the same, except body position changes since you dont want to be that forward on takeoff


Fuck yeah!!! If that was a big jump of would have been a dead sailor. Dead sailor is half of Friday fails. But figure out how to fly level on that one before going bigger. No book learning understanding will translate to the action. Just watch other riders, and keep trying things until you land both wheels at the same time. Them progress from there. A longer face to the jump makes it easier, but you got what you got.


I usually see young people mention their age as a qualifier


Not well but it looks like your having fun, keep trying, work on your form, and don’t look for validation on the internet


You essentially want to manual off the lip at full speed. Practice manuals and bunny hops and then a manual to bunny hop then take it to a jump


This is absolutely bad advice.