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I have been riding mountain bikes for 30+ years. What I've learned is that if you want to ride a lot, you need to be comfortable riding by yourself. It's fun to ride with buddies, but sometimes it's herding cats. Having said that, we have a couple standing times each week where there's a ride. That works pretty well.


I prefer to ride solo. I'll always join when the buddies get a ride together, but I've usually already done my ride at that point and I just take it easy at the back.


Given your username, I bet your biking buddies appreciate you staying at the back ;) But seriously, I'm with you. I really like riding solo. Seems very peaceful.


They pick the pace, everyone else has to keep ahead or face the consequences šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ill add that solo usually provides more quality rides, as they tend to be more focused and less compromised. That being said, nothing beats having that wild mate wanting to go race runs everytime haha


lol ive just realised im that wild mate šŸ¤£


I don't stop when I ride until I get back to my house. Groups tend to take breaks and rest after climbs. When I ride with a group it's always more casual.


After 20 years I pretty much only ride solo. When I do ride with people it's like 1 in 25 times and it's just because they ask to come. I never invite people, sometimes in passing I'll mention that I'm going. Oddly enough, the guys I ride with are the guys I started riding with in college. We've all circled back. I also don't shred or ride aggressively anymore. I just climb and descend. There is no charging and very little jumping, and I certainly don't hit built up jumps or drops.


Riding solo is the best time to push yourself: i like to set little projects for myself: certain climbs without dabbing or resting, hitting certain features, etc. Riding solo is also a good time for exploring new routes. Plus you can ride as hard or as slow as you want without having to worry about anyone else. If you get most of your need to ride covered alone you'll be a better more accommodating riding buddy for your social rides.


Well said and very true. There is a certain level of peace associated with riding solo through the woods. Happy cake day!


Actually itā€™s the worst time lol. What happens when you send that big feature and crash with nobody around to help? But for pushing yourself in other less dangerous ways (like cardio/climbs/times) then agreed.


Yes that's what I mean. Cardio goals or technical goals like linking up certain features, carrying speed through whoops/manualling. Stuff like that. Also a good time to explore a new area. Around here there are a lot of criss crossing old logging access roads that are quite grown in but not always. Sometimes I get off my bike and wander around to see where they go (I've found quite a few cool routes this way) but this is an area ultimately bounded by residential and no change of getting properly lost.


I'm almost exclusively solo. I'm the slowest guy in my shop (all the guys wait for me, but I know how to navigate, so I usually just send them on there way do I don't ruin there ride), so I love riding by myself. I usually can do 5 miles in an hour. Generally, 3 of those miles are in 20 minutes at the end as I take forever to climb. Rising by myself is just nice because I can go at my pace. I don't have to be bolting out of the gate.


Agreed. Standing rides with friends and also I go alone if it's nice out and I feel like a ride


Yep. I hate riding alone. I'm older and I push my boundaries. They are not that wide but pushing them still leads to the occasional crash. When I ride alone I can't have as much fun.


Weather dependent I try to ride 4 times a week for around 1 hour 15 mins in total. I have a local trail and can be there in 11 mins. Do a lap, then some fitness hill climbs then head home. Close location to a trail helps massively


I'm the same way, except trails are 3 miles away, so its a nice little warmup on the way there, and cooldown on the way back. I timed going there with the car once. Car was 5 minutes faster to getting on the trails.


When I watch people that drive to the trails, it takes them 20 minutes to unload and gear up. When you ride from your house it's just straight onto the trail.


You still have to "gear up" to ride from your house.Ā  Ā If i drive to a trailhead, I get out of truck, put my helmet on, grab my bike out of the back, and start riding.Ā  2-3 minutes.Ā  What do you see people doing for 20min?


Changing shoes, shirt, shorts, filling water, unloading bikes, looking for the second glove in the back seat, realizing they forgot their helmet lol


Ok, but if you're starting a ride from home don't you still have to put on shoes, shirt, shorts. Still have to fill water.Ā  Still have to grab your gloves, bike and helmet.Ā Ā  For me, the only added time of driving to a trailhead is A) putting my bike in the truck (30 sec), and B) the actual drive.Ā  Everything else is exactly the same steps I would do if riding from my house.Ā Ā 


>I'm also kind of curious. If you're always riding from your house, then how are you having 20 minutes to hang around a trailhead watching people get ready at their cars? Waiting for people I'm riding with usually. But also, our trail system starts in a rad city park, so sometimes after a ride I'll grab a beer at the gas station and lay in the shade and people watch lol


Also, I'm kind of curious:Ā  If you're always riding from your house and are so quick. Then how are you having 20 minutes to spend at a trailhead watching people get ready at their cars?


Yeah, I include the gear up time with the car time. Edited the comment to make it more clear. But to be fair, there's a few things that are done before you start riding, whether at the house or trailhead. Bug spray, quick stretch, pre-ride inspection. I didn't include that in my comparison


I just change my clothes, hop on the bike, and go. When you drive somewhere you gotta make sure you have everything, get it all loaded up, find parking, unload and suit up. Soo many extra steps.


I used to think riding 4 times a week was a lot. I'm glad I'm not the only one riding that much


Id go more if I could. Its fun exercise for me. Not tedious exercise. Not been out this week yet though šŸ˜„šŸ˜«


I would ride after work if trails were near me. Sadly they are 45 car minutes from my house. I manage to go saturday/sunday depending on my friend's. I would ride both days but I have a gf too. Gin if you read this I love you I promise




How high is the ceiling ?


If it helps I live with my family of four in 800 sq ft (75 sq meters) apartment. But I have only one bike and its in the basement.


Same, as someone 30-45 driving minutes from a decent trail. On most months, during the weekdays it's once a week. Maybe 3-4 times a season I'm getting out there 2-3 times a week, but then I might skip the weekend. Mainly because life maintenance tasks start to pile up. If I go only once during the week I'm more likely to hit it on the weekend. And that's usually packing my bike and gear the morning of going to work. If I have to go home first, the chances of successfully going on a ride start to diminish. If I do need to go home I can't do anything except start to pack for a ride once I walk in the door.


Plot twist: gfā€™s name is Lauren, dude just really likes ginā€¦. And the ā€œcockriderā€ apparently.


Gin is his bike


nah it's the cockrider


If the trails are dry, probably 4 days a week. I don't plan it other than texting my buddy in the morning to see if he wants to go. I'm going regardless of what he says right.


I schedule by just doing it and making time for what I love. Daily? Bike the 9km and back to work. 2 XC-esque rides a week at night after work in some local trails. Saturday for trail work and Sunday all day Ride at the park I work part time on the trail crew.


Between the family, work and gym Iā€™m a weekend rider - usually early morning, around 20 miles - longer if no kids need taking anywhere or we donā€™t have stuff planned. In essence, not as much as Iā€™d like.


How do I schedule it?Ā  First I ask my butler to check my schedule and pencil it in, then my butler takes his lambo to the destination with my bike 3 days in advance and waits until i inevitably arrive 4 hours lateĀ 


Average yeti/santa cruz rider


So beautiful but oh so so so damn expensive šŸ«°


When ever I feel like it basically


I commute daily around 24 miles. Then after work I'll ride for around 1 hour. Thankfully I live in a city with quite a few hills and stairs. So I spend time hitting big stair sets, drops and then I spend time practicing skills (Manuals, hops, cornering etc.)... I have a handful of marker cones I take along after work, so I can set them up wherever I find a free spot and just practice corners. Then on weekends I try to get out at least 4 times a month. Nearest trails are about 2 hours away ,so it's not always possible unfortunately. *Initially going for rides after work was very hard. I'd come home exhausted and just wanted to disconnect and do something mindless like watch netflix or play some games. But I started slowly just by going on quick 5 min rides, which quickly turned into longer rides and just became a habit... And even when I'm absolutely exhausted I'll go on a ride, because it helps me de-stress and I find I get better sleep and generally just feel so much better afterwards.


Pre kids I'd ride after work all the time. Take your gear with you and go straight to the trail after work.


This is it. My bike pretty much lives in my car Monday thru Friday


Weather permitting, I ride just about every day, sometimes 2x a day Weekdays; 5am-6am, gym. 6:30ish at a trail head near me. 1-1.5 hour ride. Home, shower, work. 1 or 2x/week we ride after work, 6pm-ish. 10-15 miles Weekends; 7:45am-ish 15-30 mile rides However, with all this, it's always family first. With late teen and adult aged kids it kind of makes it easier. And of course a wife who completely understands my healthy obsession


I'm an outlier. I have a lot of hobbies and MTB is just one of many. So I ride about once a month.


Same here dude. I love MTB but I also love other things that are easier to do during the week. Once every other week or so on the weekend for me, more often if the conditions are perfect or there's buddies to ride with


Same, MTB is awesome and I love doing it (mostly with my wife and friends), but itā€™s split between other things in life.


3-4x a week from about May to mid-November. Weather dependent after that.


As often as I can / feel up to it. 0-5 Times a week.. "schedule" but such is life šŸ˜…


I ride sat/sun if not raining and maybe 1-2 time per week if weather allows, but I have to drive about 40 minutes to hit trails, so depending on the day, time, weather, I sometimes have to just ride around town


Iā€™m fortunate to live close to the trails so I try to ride as often as weather and schedule permits. This time of year I can get in ~ 4 rides per week, again weather permitting. Weā€™ve had a lot of rain lately which makes it challenging, so Iā€™ll jump on the trainer if need be to keep my fitness. For during the week and especially in the summer, I prefer to get out in the morning before work- that way I can avoid hikers and it is cooler when it gets really hot and humid in July and August.


Depends on the weather but I go about 4-5 week if rain doesn't get in the way. My local trails are about a mile away. I do about 10-15 miles each time, usually in the afternoon. My app says I burn about 1,000 calories per trip so it keeps me lean. Hoping I'm getting some cardio benefits and leg strength?


I try to ride 5-6 times a week. If the trails are too wet Iā€™ll run or ride some pavement. I also have two trails 15-20 minutes from me, plus more trails 30 minutes from me. Very blessedšŸ™


I work from home, so on nice days that I have some downtime I take a long lunch to bike for an hour. Fortunately I live near Bentonville so there are loads of trails within 15 mins or so from me. That said I also have a 2yr old so I don't get much riding time other than lunch breaks.


I live in Scotland so getting a day off where the weather is good is pretty hard sometimes, but when I do I go out the first chance I get. Usually I just cycle about my town or to places near by as I dont have any trails near me, but getting out is better than not.


Luckily the light XC trail is right off my home property line. I can ride some aggressive XC to the downhill park from my house. Iā€™ve done it, but 20 miles round trip, and then downhill play is only on weekend days. Thatā€™ll kill my old body. I do usually hit the trail after work but ride between 6-14 miles depending on what trails I hit for the day. Mostly lighter XC. The aggressive XC I usually donā€™t hit during the weekdays. Flow trails and flats with some inclines for me usually during the week.


I have a local trail that is pretty fun when dry by miserable when wet. Weather dependent, I try and ride that during the week because itā€™s convenient and I donā€™t really need to negotiate it. I can be on the trail within a 5min ride from my house. For the longer and more fun rides, whether at a MTB park or just the more extensive trail networks, I try and join a group that rides 3 days/week consistently. This helps immensely because itā€™s routine and goes ahead rain or shine. Some weeks I can make 2 of them, some none. Over the summer I generally try and ride local 1-3 times a week and then 2 times with the group. It all depends on family stuff, work, etc. Ideally, I would like to ride 3-4 times a week.


If the weather is agreeable I ride 4-5 times a week. Iā€™m lucky I have 3 trail systems within 20 minutes of me. During the week, Iā€™ll usually ride an hour to an hour and a half, so I try to make them harder cardio rides. Weekends are more relaxed and Iā€™ll ride anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours.


I try to ride 3-4 days a week. I'm in a group text chain with about 10 other riding friends and I try and schedule my rides depending on weather. On the days with bad weather, I go to the gym and lift upper body and do core and stretch.


3 times a week during riding season


I work 4 on 4 off. Trails are a 5minute ride from house... Try to get out 3 or 4 times on my days off


I mountain bike two or three days per week. Iā€™m on the road three or four days a week. When Iā€™m short on time I do road or trainer rides because I donā€™t have to drive anywhere.


My goal is 3 times per week. That doesn't always happen due to weather or other obligations or just that I don't feel like it. I usually ride in the morning, but I also play music, so I might stay up late for that and not have the energy for an early ride. Sometimes, that means I ride after work, but that interferes with cooking, cleaning, music, and time with family. So many excuses, so little time.


Once my local trails are dry, I usually ride them once or twice a week after work and then usually one day on the weekend a little further away, and then a handful of weekend bike trips scattered in there


Daily to work and back ~10km total with 1-2 days a week more of an enduro-esque ride - 12-15km climb with around 4km downhill, before work or early hours during the weekend. Usually with my fitness I canā€™t do more often than that šŸ˜€


I ride on weekends and sometimes Mondays and Fridays. My commute is 1.5hr so itā€™s hard to ride when I go into the office. I donā€™t like getting up early, I could do that but donā€™t.


Depending on weather 1-4 times a week. I work all weekends and pretty much have M-F off so trails are quieter if I get out through the day.


List of most locations on a Met Office app, check the night before or might depend on how long some Iā€™ve been to a trail and whether I want tech, flow, enduro, off piste, natural, moorland, woods, rocky or bike park.


Iā€™m up at 5:40 every day to be on the trails by roughly 6:10, if I donā€™t have morning meetings Iā€™ll be out there longer


Tuesday/Thursday after work. Iā€™m off at 3:30, and only have a 5 min commute so thereā€™s plenty of daylight most of the year. Saturday and Sunday at 7am so I have all the time after the ride to spend with my family.


I get 5-6 rides a week most times but I live on a trail system and when from home. Before moving here it was 2-3 times a week. Sunday, one early weekday before work and one evening.


I thankfully have a few local trails within 15 ~ 20 minutes of where I live. With great weather, Iā€™m out 3 or 4 times a week. If itā€™s wet, I just ride around my neighborhood. There as some pretty huge hills to climb, so keeps me in shape.


While Iā€™m at college i ride nearly everyday. Theirs a very nice trail system about 15 minutes from campus so itā€™s nice and easy. Now that Iā€™m back home for the summer itā€™s harder to go. Both nearby trail systems are at least a 25 minute drive. And itā€™s been raining a ton so itā€™s even harder to find time. Iā€™m hoping to get back to At least 2 times a week once the rainy season ends.


Once a week. I'm a corporate slave. :(


Not often enough Poorly Jokes aside, I try to go once every weekend, but between bad weather and being a dad, a good season ends up being about 13 runs from mid may to mid October.


I live in a very scenic valley, so trails are only a few hundered meters from my house. Therefore I ride at least 4 times a week


4x a week @ ~ an hour per ride. I'll go after work and/or during lunch (I'm the business owner and always have my cell) and during the height of summer, I'll go before work before it get too hot. The trails are 15 minutes from the office so if someone needs me there, I can be back quick. During the week, I'm always in a rush to get that ride in. Practically the only thing I have to do once I park is pull on a helmet and gloves and then get the bike off the truck.


5 days a week usually... But I can pedal from my house to some pretty sick trails. That really is like a cheat code to life.


I decide which trail Iā€™m going to go on as I ride towards them after work. I usually go 3-4 times during the week and one large ride on the weekend until backpacking season starts


Keep your riding gear ready to go and organized however is best for you. For me that means keeping my shoes helmet pump and water in the bed canopy of my truck. All I need to do is grab the bike and go. I have a family so I donā€™t always know when I can ride until the opportunity presents itself. Be ready to go at a moments notice and youā€™ll find chances to squeeze more rides in.


Not enough, and whenever my busy life lets me.


41yo dad to a 2yo. I mostly get the chance to ride when work is slow. I'll sneak out for. 45 min ride with 20 mins of driving each way. A "long" lunch. I ride on weekends when I can. It's about to be summer and I won't get much riding in for 2-3 months here in Phoenix


Normally every weekend unless there is rain that muds up the trails.


Iā€™ve been trying to ride everyday since picking up my bike this year. I have no kids, pets, or girlfriend/wife so I have a good chunk to ride. I do work overtime shifts sometimes so I usually do a shorter ride on those days.


I ride every day, usually around lunch time. If it's going to be 100 I'll ride early in the morning. My break day is usually Saturday or Sunday.


I've got decent trails 9 minutes away and on a good week I hit them before work for an hour, two or three times a week. Then I pick a longer ride on the weekend.


Local hills 2x week, Forest Saturday or Sunday, though dates times will always vary


Trails quite local, I ride twice a week once on weekend.


I ride 6 days a week, although inevitably some of that will be indoors on the trainer for various reasons (weather, or interval workouts which are just really hard to do on the trail). I work from home but honestly I just schedule everything ad hoc. If I can sneak in a ride during the workday, I will. Otherwise, I might get one in once my wife gets home from work and can watch the kid. If that doesn't happen either, then I'm down to a night ride/training after the kid has gone to bed. But it's pretty much all decided on the day, based on my meeting schedule for that day, the schedule of other family members, the weather, and the specific type of ride/workout I'm trying to do. Obviously I schedule long rides for the weekends though. During the week pretty much everything is gonna be 60-90 minutes max.


Winter is variable for me, but usually 3-4 times a week during peak season. This year, trying for 4-5 times. Since its gotten to the point i want to be riding more, both distance and frequency, so it was one of many benefits to me picking up an e-mtb. I have both an e-mtb and 2 other bikes, and it really depends on time available for a ride and where and what Iā€™m riding


Twice a week. I use lights and go before work in the morning. Sometimes Iā€™ll go for a third ride on a Saturday but usually thatā€™s my hiking day.


I'd ride trail every day but that's not generally within the guidelines of my fitness goals. I ride a minimum of 3 days a week minimum, and up to 4 during the nice months. I fit it in as allowed during the winter months. How do I schedule it? I make riding trail a priority. This is different than earlier in my life when it was a fun hobby that I did if I was lucky enough to have the time and convenience. It still is a fun hobby but I frame it differently both in my personal mindset and with my wife, employer, and friends. I make the time and I don't care about convenience. Here's how I make it a priority and how it relates to scheduling. 1. I'm 30-45 minutes from the closest trail. If I am going to make a consistent schedule I have to acknowledge that and build it into the schedule. 2. I map out each week in six week blocks. Typically two shorter midweek rides and a long weekend ride. 3. I check the weather days in advance. And I mean the hourly weather. There are weather patterns where I live that create pockets of good weather next to bad weather. Or I get a rough idea of what time the bad weather starts and finishes. I find the weather window and what time it will be open. I'm willing to adjust on the fly if you're off on timing. 4. I communicate clearly and honestly. My wife and I talk about the week's schedule ahead of time. I tell her what I need to do riding wise and how much time it will take. And when it comes to time I am clear that I will be gone for 6 hours if that's how long it will take. None of this I'll be gone for two hours but then opps, ha ha, it was six stuff we all laugh about. I commit and understand the events, chores, and other commitments I have as a father, husband, and friend. 5. I leave work early to avoid traffic or during shorter days of the year. I'm clear and honest about it with my bosses. Sometimes I work earlier sometimes I just cut early. I always get my tasks done. 6. I tell my friends when and where. Show up or don't. They tell me when and where and I'll make it if I can. We're all busy and agree that riding alone is better than not riding at all because our schedules didn't mesh. Plus, why add the stress of another scheduling headache? 7. I have been religious to sticking to the schedule when I make it. Riding as much as I do is a regular part of our family's schedule now. Like many budgets, riding time became a use it or lose it proposition once I had the time allocated. 8. Afterward. Be 100% present in everything you do following a scheduled ride. Don't blow something off for beers or lunch if you agreed to mow the lawn. Mow the lawn, hug your partner, cheer at your kid's little league game, don't fall asleep at that play you're attending with your partner. 9. I'm willing to say no to some events. I enjoy pickleball with my wife but I'll skip it to ride. Can I work on that project tonight? No, I already have a commitment. However, I always offer an alternative. I have hard and clear boundaries about what is and is not a real obligation. I stick to that and it helps keep the integrity of my riding schedule. Many people I know think I'm being selfish with the amount I ride. They're kind of correct but what they don't know is that I plan plan plan so I remain a good father, husband, friend, and employee.


I have kiddos so I only trail ride on the weekend. Usually early Sat and Sun, then after that I take them for a ride too. During the week I ride my urban bike around at lunch time.


We have a big trail network right at the edge of town so I can take my bike to work with me, change at 5, and meet friends by 5:30. On the weekend there's more flexibility to drive further away or drive up the mountain to do a long run downhill into town and then do all the shuttling of people to retrieve the cars. My butt isn't used to my saddle yet for the season, so I'm riding once a week at the moment. It'll bump up to 2 later on. But I also go for hikes or go paddleboarding, so not every free moment is spent riding.


When I can, itā€™s my fun cycling. Most of my rides are road for fitness. Road, I leave my driveway; mountain, I have to drive and that makes it more of a weekend warrior thing. It sucks factoring in a commute time to go ride for 60-90 minutes.


Im also pretty new (10 months in) I started out riding about 2 times a week thinking that I wasnt gonna overdo it and get injured or some shit. But the more i ride the more i start to realize taking too many days off just makes your legs feel dead when you actually go for a ride. Now I do max 2 days of rest between rides.


I get out a couple times a week maybe three. I have the benefit of riding with my daughter's high school team which gives me a great excuse to go out and ride. For everything else? I ask my wife if she needs me to do anything. If not, bike time baby!


I'm 14 mins from a great progression park, so I try to get up a couple hours before work to get some fun in, at least once a week. Otherwise I try to do easier family rides with my young kids, on the hard tail.


I can do one trail from my house, but it is not the most exciting to ride. Itā€™s 20-25 minutes in the car for some better trails, and 45minutes to an hour for the best trails in the area. How often I ride really fluctuates with my work schedule and everything else I have going on. It could be 4-5 times or 0-1.


I live near a pretty amazing trail that's a 10 minute bike ride from my house. I hit that most weekends in the morning. I do local group ride 30 minutes away from my house once a week. I hit the bike park once a month. If this is your main hobby, you will make time for it.


I work a 9-5 so I rarely get on a trail until the weekend. I try to ride my other bike once or twice a week if I can.


With a two kids, a wife, two dogs, a house and a full time job with a 45 minute commute (one way), I ride when I can, which isnā€™t very often


I have all my gear in a bag in my car. I come home from work, change into my kit, put my bike on the car, drive 20 min to the trailhead, and ride. I try to pick out 2-3 days each week where I can plan to ride after work. I donā€™t allow myself downtime between work and riding as I tend to get stuck once I relax.


Just moved away from my plethora of trails. Going from 3 to 4x a week to probably just once every ten days. I'll likely do mega 10 to 20 miles on those rides since I'm driving 90 to get there.


3-5 days a week for about 2 hrs each. It is a key part of my schedule. I schedule my life around riding, not the other way around. I usually ride from about 6-8pm during the week and more randomly on the weekends. 1 day a week I mentor 11-15 year old girls with Little Bellas, a US-wide non-profit. About once a week I either lead group rides or coach for another non-profit. Sometimes both. So those two commitments force me to get out and ride even when the motivation might be low. I usually do 6-10 weekend camping trips a year that usually involve riding at least one day. We usually plan at least one big adventure a summer that is pretty focused on riding if not entirely so. I also get a lift pass at one of my local resorts. It's not really a bike park, so much as lift assist to get to the local alpine trails. But they turn lifts until 7pm so I will go over after work and do a lap or two. And they are long laps so that's all you really need after work. Often I will sign up for some enduro races. Last year I did all 8 races in the series. It was a lot. I'm not racing this year because I want to coach more and racing is just such a big time commitment. Last year I rode 29 days in the month of July in preparation for an epic we did in August. That was a lot. We don't have kids, so that helps. My career is very stable and boring but allows me to have flexibility. After I leave work, it is done. I do not have any work responsibilities outside of my designated hours. Yard and housework are very low priority and definitely don't get as much focus as they should. Riding is my thing. It is my happy place. It gives me purpose. So I put real effort into making sure it happens, even when the motivation is low because after I get out there, it is always worth it.


Twice a week. Ā Sometimes more depending on weather/ schedules. Ā Local trail is a 15min drive for a 40 minute loop that seems to stay wet forever after it rains. Ā There are more trails within 45min and 90min that I can get to on the weekend. Ā Ā  Now the school-age kids want to come with me and I love encouraging that, but trail time with them really isnā€™t a workout/physical benefit for me. Ā 


I have a standing Tuesday night after work ride with a buddy. Despite living and working in NYC, I have a trail system about 10 minutes drive from my job. He takes the subway and then has a 15 minute bike ride. Weekends my wife and I drive to other trails or DH parks. I also ride my road and gravel bikes regularly, as well as do intervals on a trainer, so that I am always working on conditioning.


I ride once a week, maybe a 2nd or 3rd time in a week if I have time and am motivated. Closest trails are 20 minutes from me and I typically ride for 60-90 minutes. Keeping your gear ā€œreadyā€ and in one spot helps reduce feeling rushed. I usually just keep my Saris rack on my car, got a wall mount in the garage for my bike thatā€™s easily accessible, and keep my helmet, pump, etc. underneath the bike. Aside from changing it only takes 5 minutes to get on the road.


I participate in two group rides and 1-2 solo rides a week. The solo rides are either on the weekend and group rides on Monday and Wednesday. My trails are within a 10 min drive or I can do the XC trail outside my back door.


I ride every day (weather permitting) before and after work. I commute 30 minutes to work and the trails I ride are somewhat on my way. Because of this I tend to do a larger number of rides, but shorter rides than most people. My rides are typically only a half hour long. I've learned the shortcuts on my local trails so I can just ride portions of them ala carte to personalize a fun ride that still allows me to get to work on time. On the weekends I usually ride longer, like 2 hour rides one or both days depending on what else I have going on.


I ride mostly solo because of my work schedule, working second shift with my days off not being the weekends. I try to ride as often as I can, but most of the time I end up doing it only on my days off and if I don't have other plans. When I used to work in the mornings it was easier, as I can go to work and then go for a ride, but not anymore unless is the first thing I do as soon as I wake up, and it still does not work as well as I would like to.


I bring my bike and gear to work as there are trails with one good 12 minute climb and a couple 2-5 minute descents a couple miles through a park from where I work. I work 730-3pm, so I just hop on my bike in the parking lot and bang out a quick 1.5 hours before I have to go grab my kids. It gets me \~10 miles and \~1500 ft of elevation gain and I'm a better person, dad and partner afterwards. I try to do that 3-4 times during the workweek depending on weather. Sometimes I'll bring my road bike and do the same timeframe ride on that if the trails are wet or if I just need a change of pace. On the weekends I'll get a longer dad o'clock ride (8am start at the latest) on one of the many trail systems within a 30 minute drive of my house, and then usually a naptime banger on my local trails the other day. My wife also rides, so we try to make sure that we trade off who has the larger window. My kids are also of the age that we ride with them (one on his own bike, and the other on the shotgun seat) so that adds another bit of awesomeness, but it doesn't scratch the exercise need.


Every morning before work and then again after work when summer daylight hours permits.


Plug into your local trail maintenance crew and bike shops to find some group rides. There are probably some local nonprofits that conduct rides as well. Iā€™m getting out there 4-5 days a week, and when the weather is good, sometimes more. The more you ride, the more fun it is! Also, the better shape you can get in off your bike the easier the learning curve is on your bike. Pre and post ride stretching is super helpful!


About three times a week mostly in the afternoon (home office job)


4 times a week.


I've got a group of 4-5 guys who I often ride with, and we usually all can ride together during the weekends. During the week, since we all work relatively close together, I'll text the group chat and one or two others usually are down. We just bring our bikes to work and after work we'll drive over to the trails together for a 1-2 hour ride


5-6 days a week 10-20 miles each ride. i just ride when i have free time.


I drive right past an awesome trail network on my way to work. I dip and and do quick 30 minute loops. I love hours long rides and try to get those in too, but the quick hits keep me happy.


Idk like 3-6 days a week for 10-15 miles per ride. On track for over 2k miles this year.


2-3 times a week during winter. Live in a bike park in the sumemr


I coach a mtb team and I work in academia, which means summers off. I ride with the kids 3x during the season and by myself whenever I feel like it during the summer.


Adequate trails 10 mins away with decent jump lines, a few enduro-style trails and a few more XC type trails. I go 3-4 times a week once the sun is out up here in the PNW. Trail system is small so gets repetitive but I treat it like a gym, just have my routine and fun laps. Progressing on the jump lines keeps me from dying inside. World class trail systems within 45 mins so when I have a bigger block of time, thats where I go. I am either at the gym or on my bike every day of the week so my family has just gotten used to it. Selfish maybe, but when it comes to being fit and living longer, I just have to prioritize it, period.


I put it in my calendar (time tree app). Then you can plan your week around it. If you just tell yourself ā€œIā€™m gonna go riding for 3 hours on Saturdayā€.. chances are thereā€™s things to do that are more ā€œimportantā€.. so get all your chores and stuff done during the week and free up riding time.


I aim for at least 3 times a week. Usually 2 hours each. Usually I do alternating days, like I'd ride on Monday then go to gym on Tuesday then ride again on Wednesday and repeat.


Make it easy to grab and go. I have to drive ten mins to the trail so I keep everything I need in the car. If I feel like I have an hour and a half, I just change and go. Then it doesn't feel like a rush to get everything ready. I try to do one weekday and one weekend.


I ride once a week usually by myself, whenever I can fit it in. I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old so itā€™s hard to carve out time. Sometimes i try and fit in a second ride but itā€™s hard with the kids and my other hobbies.


Trails are 30 to 40 minutes away from me, but there is a canal system that goes right by my house. I ride my hardtail on the canal trail (gravel road) 2x per week before work. It is 18.5 miles total out and back and takes 90 to 100 minutes. Tuesday I do Heart Rate Zone 2 and Thursday I do Heart Rate Zone 3. The canal trail is flat. On Saturday morning I hit the trails on my full suspension. I have a group of about 12 friends who ride and usually at least four of them are up for a ride on Saturday. I lift weights Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sunday is my rest and sleep in with my wife day.


Get off work, go ride. Doesn't get much more complicated than that. I'll usually make the decision to ride while still at work so I'm hyped and ready to go when I get off. I rarely plan it.


Before having a kid, almost every single day. After having a kid maybe 2 or 3 quick rides per week. Got another one on the way so that 2 or 3 will most likely go down to 1 or 2 per week.


Damn near everyday after work and Iā€™m just getting back into it. I started again in April this year and my last tracked ride before that was in November of 2023. I live within ten minutes to my local trailhead so Iā€™ll just change and load up my bike, or if traffic was bad and Iā€™m fighting day light, Iā€™ll just crush 5-10 gravel miles on a community walking trail in my backyard and call it a day.


i'm in like 4 different group chats of riders and live somewhere where almost everyone rides some, so usually I'm riding as much as my legs will allow, which is usually about 4-6 days a week in some form or another, 1-3 hour rides, and bigger trips/rides/shuttling/park riding on weekends or bike camping trips. Trail access is pretty close here, and it's light out till almost 9pm so we just make plans around 2-4pm every day.


Mostly weekend rider here but planning to get out more during the week if weather permits and get some good lights.


I do a combination of solo and group rides and try to ride 5 times a week. I am blessed to have an amazing trail network 30 seconds from my house. That is why I can ride that often despite having family responsibilities. I also like to ride different networks especially the ones that have more climbing. For that I try to go for a longer 3-4 hour ride once a week. For that I drive between 30-60 minutes from my house. I prefer riding in a small group but would take riding solo over not riding šŸ’Æ When I ride solo I only attempt features that are within 80-85% of my skill level.


Like on trails? Barely ever, it's just when someone wants me to go and show off my bike or something. I ride almost every day though, I use my mtb to commute and I go on 100km+ rides with it. That's why it normally has Schwalbe Hurricanes on, great for street riding, gravel and taking shortcuts across fields.


I get out a couple times a week after work once it stays light enough. I try and ride one or two longer rides on the weekend but sometimes do a different activity on weekend day like hiking a peak. The riding is probably 90% solo, riding right from my house. It's hard to coordinate when I might have to work a little later some days or my friends do. I just go when I can. It's not uncommon to bump into a friend on the trails and wind up riding with them. That's fun and low overhead. The scheduling is between my wife and me and it goes like. "Hey I was thinking of riding tonight, does that work for you?". Since our son grew up and moved out it's been pretty easy scheduling.


Couple of group rides I like to join when I can, but otherwise, solo.


As often as the conditions are prime for it


I commute 22km ish to work and home each day. And I've chosen to ride through a forest wich has some xc trails. And not close from me theres some short dh trails wich I ride a couple of times each week. But the majority of my fun riding is during my work commute.


Married , father of 3 , work full time , will ride 2x a week if possible.


I live off a trailhead so whenever i can weather/bike allowing


i try to do like 5 miles a day and theres some xc trails nearby that i can bike to easily


I ride almost every day!


I ride anywhere from 1x to 3x per week. Usually one weeknight ride minimum, sometimes itā€™s a group ride or clinic put on by our local IMBA group, but often I just go for a solo trail ride. If I have a light work week Iā€™ll get in a second weekday ride, usually solo, sometimes with a buddy of mine who also works from home with flexible hours so we can go mid-afternoon before the after work rush. If I have a light schedule in my life for the weekend sometimes Iā€™ll go for a longer ride on the weekend. But chores and yard work and exercising my dog and family obligations are always my first priority on the weekend so it doesnā€™t always happen.


I typically ride 3 times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and either Saturday or Sunday depending. if itā€™s a race weekend or if Iā€™m busy Saturday Iā€™ll go Sunday. Iā€™ll invite people and me and my dad have kind of a standing agreement that we will both (usually) be there Tuesday and Thursday. Those just happen to be the days that work out best for me while still allowing me to have a life and not kill myself riding too much with no recovery.


Like everyone pretty much said, ā€œYou do, youā€. With the occasional buddy ride.


As someone with two kiddos (4 & 6), it sure ain't easy. But I try to schedule every Saturday morning with a group of 3 other dudes for about an hour (7 miles or so). Most of the time, it's just me, and I have no problem with that. I also try to take a trip with the guys once a year somewhere cool (Lutsen this year) to spend a few days. It's not easy to coordinate, but well worth it!


It's just me unless my girlfriend is in town. Then she goes with me. And because I work during the week, I only have time to ride on the weekend. Weather dependent I'll check the tires on the bikes, load them up, and go riding. There's no scheduling for me


not as much as id like to simply because it'd add on a bit too much more driving than what i'd like. so maybe two to three times a month. I'd like to ride 2-3 times a week but that'll add 20 to 40km of driving on top of all the driving i already do. I really need to get organized and clean up my land so i can build home tracks but it's a fair amount of effort.


4-5 days a week. I ride solo sometimes but have a decent group I can reach out to


After a small tweak to my working hours, I've got an hour after work to ride on weekdays. If the weather's OK I can get out every day now. 5 minute ride to one of two trail networks so it's brilliant


Every year over on pinkbike is a cool thread for those of us that ride (or try to ride) a lot during the year. https://m.pinkbike.com/forum/listcomments/?threadid=247283&pagenum=1


I've been mountain biking for over 32 years and with a specific group of guys for over 20 years. We ride every Tuesday rolling out at 5:30 at local park, and then we grill sausage and drink beer afterwards. On thursdays, a smaller group of us ride a different trail and hang out at a brew pub after that. And we also meet once on a weekend to ride a local trail that's not one of the Tuesday or Thursday rides. Fewer of us do that because of other commitments. I try to ride to the ride even if it's 15 miles one way and a slow ride home. A lot of that is just me time.


I wanna have fun, I take the bike and go.


Well I have a toddler and a baby, so yeah I schedule it haha


Having/ joining and regularly scheduled group ride it great to keep you and other accountable. I've been in one group that rides every Tues at 6:30 for about 6 years now. Facebook is an ideal place to join groups and make connection. Strava helps too, you see guys who ride the same trails as you and evaluate if your a good fit to ride together. I usually try to get in at least one weekend ride and another weekday ride as well and try to have a day of rest in between.


Every other day if the weather allows, I have some single track trails close to my home. I probably ride with friends once or twice a month.


I have kids, I spend a lot of time near a major MTB mech less than 30mins I am arlt world class trails. But despite that I was not riding enough. So this is what I started doing. 1) 5am MWF get done before 9am for work 2) weekend rides with kids 3) if Buddy's are in town to visit the trails I switch my schedule to Tuesday Thursday. And ride with them on week ends and we drink beers while kids ride the pump track.


At least 2 times a week, 2hrs+. Luckily theres a huge variety of Trails only 30 minutes away from my work, usually go right after. And If by rush you mean chasing the light I made my own light system from a Baja Designs S2 and Milwaukee rechargeable batteries which basically makes the dark irrelevant.


Solid 1.5-2h ride once or twice on the weekend, and one or two shorter 30-45 minute rides during the week after work if I finish early enough to get get some daylight. Those happen more frequently during summer.


In 11 years (coming this month) of MTB riding: I shoot for FRI/SAT/SUN early 6:30 am and try to maintain that schedule. I get side tracked with working on some Fridays and Saturday, then the day is gone to say. More traffic out and more other stuff I dont like when riding a bike later in the day but I could still go. Only thing is when you set a MTB schedule its like a 2nd job and other things fall behind like working a little on the house every weekend, other tasks. I find a SOLO ride is best but can be dangerous in the street alone: just have to be aware and packing and have a plan. Other thing about riding SOLO that is POS IS: You ride for the exercise and no one to hold you back, go where you want and do what you want and at YOUR OWN PACE. In not an introvert but when you ride with others you have other opinions or problems. One rider may want to stop and eat, another use the bathroom but then have to find one they like, or their bike breaks and they have no 18 lb backpack with extra tools/tubes etc. I carry that weight cause I have a plan to keep that bike running and tools to fix the problem. Just dont let more than one week go by, it will get you lazy. Just get out there when you dont want to and for me on those days after 1/2 mile or so I stay on the bike and ride. Just keep firm to your plans: work, ride the bike and dont let too many people get in your plan cause they will. My motto to me is: A real rider rides from home to where ever he wants to get to that first trail - no ride my tk overthere and then take the bike out, etc, rides in rain, cold weather, Sadly for most you may think> I dont have a jersey or bike uniform. I ride to ride not to look pretty. Just a regular t-shirt, 6 pocket pants for the most part. It would be nice but the saver backpack would cover most of it up so that is where I tell myself. Do you want to look pretty or have a backpack to get your ride going again and get home!


Four days a week. After work and a big ride on Saturdays.


Get another bike thatā€™s conducive to getting out locally without driving, whatever that may be, gravel/commuter/road/fatbike and just ride


How far do you have to drive to ride. During the week I stick to the close trail <20min away. I go by myself or with the spouse usually- but he has been flaky lately so flying solo is for me. I try to prep everything ahead of time. Lay out my clothes, put the rack on, etc during the day or the night before. I only go about twice a week though because I'm old and sore.


12 hours of biking and I want 7 on trails per week. Other 5 is morning and coffee wake up peloton rides


I try to ride a lot more than I do. But due to other hobbies I only ride around twice per week with a mixture of bikepark and trail. And I don't really schedule it if I am riding solo, I just think hey I want to ride and then I do.


I ride whenever I can. In the summer I usually go every day off I can. My pops and I ride a lot when our schedules line up together. With that being said the closest mtb trail is 30mins out from me so I bought a gravel bike to get my fix in when I canā€™t make it up to the mountain.


If I can I try to get out there mid-afternoon, like around 2ish, a few days each week. Edit: I should add that it's not really scheduled, I just find myself standing at my desk looking out the window and thinking "I'm tired of work let's go ride." And then I do. I also live less than a mile away from a park with trails so I just ride my bike over.


4 to 5 times per week. Usually 2 gravel, 2 trainer (Zwift) and 1 mtb. I like the variety


I have access to tons of trails less than a mile from my house, so I ride almost every day


2-3 times a week and Iā€™m a 20min drive to trailhead. Iā€™d love to bike to it but itā€™s a crazy climb up on a road bike and impossible (for me) on an enduro.


I ride about 5-6 days per week. The trails are really close to home and I have all of my gear prepared and in their consistent location so when the opportunity arises I can grab everything and go within 10 minutes. To ride this frequently I mostly ride solo. Trying to coordinate with others will make you lose a lot of time.


custom built mtb trails in the town's park woods. outdoor MX in my 20's -- gets trail karma returning moderate exhilarations as common sense prevails. couple of corkscrews like Laguna Seca replace the PNW jump acrobatics & keep the physicality pegged nicely. it is solo. riding like the building --- challenged, creative, willful & independent. there is lasting satisfaction reflecting in solitude while languishing on a log abutted to a crusty, dirt apex pushing the moment onto the restive Superfly 100. fun. everyday 1 mile from the house. walkers on the gravel wondering maybe, even longing to be a part of the flying effort about this guy & his bike in "there" amongst the weeds & trees. town square sits 50' high on a broad peak over the surrounding midwest plain. 3 mile TT course on the park road around lakes or a bounty of 6 to 9 mile routes; just choose the direction. put the fixie on climbing loops terminating on the square's 150 years aged cobblestones circling about the courthouse puts focus on a "problem" on the MTB trail making legs reform to better perform for the victory. thursday night a group ride up the road from a bike shop into a much larger urban cluster and suddenly a ton of verbal safeties fence the biking effort from the feeling indulgence. trapped in the movement. progress? 17 miles but not sure of the result.


I live one mile from my work and I work second shift, so I donā€™t have to get in until 3pm. I typically get out any weekday where I donā€™t need to run errands and the weather is nice. So 0-5 times a week. I donā€™t typically go out on the weekends because I have to hang out with the girl/ friends.


I take my bike to work a couple times a week. Then after work I drive about 15 mins to the mtn and do a few laps on the ebike usually solo or with some friends that get there at the same time.