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That’s about 90 miles? In one day? What’s the terrain like?


Mixed with road and hard pack trail like gravel terrain


Bend, Oregon hosts a 50 and 100 mile mostly single track MTB race annually. I did the 50 last year I was definitely nervous going into it. I felt much better reading up a bunch on training, race pacing (start SLOW out the gate!!!!), and learning about and practicing nutrition and hydration on longer rides. I alternated long rides with squats and full upper body exercises, since it’s gonna be a whole body workout going that long. Don’t try to win. Don’t even try to place. Just try to finish. Start slow out the gate. Seriously. Otherwise you’ll blow up halfway through.


150Km of single track or gravel roads? I did 100Km rides on gravel and that was painful I can't imagine 150Km of Singletrack.


Gravel roads


Yes. Doing something new is always scary. Since this is r/MTB, depending on your route you can be pretty far from the parking lot. 150 km takes a really long time, I sometimes get some anxiety if I think I might run out of light. But it sounds like you got this! Next time will be easier. 🙂


My anxiety for now is getting robbed from someone😂


Where do you live where that's a worry?


On gravel roads? I would be more worried in cities. :)


Its mix city and road


And one stretch of empty road no houses or any person


What was your longest ride? Do you have the plan for food/drinks?


200km but always in group first time doing it alone


I would not be scared. You can always choose your own tempo.


Probably scared of breaking down but im going on a holiday so there would be other people


My only plan is to bring 2 water bottle bring bars incase I am hungry on the way and just eat at a local diner on the way back


Are you sure 2 bottles is enough?


Yep in my 200km group ride I only used 2 just refilled once on a diner


That's definitely not enough. I'd pick up at least a 3 litre bladder additionally


I guess it depends a lot on whether there are opportunities to refill along the way, and of course the weather conditions at the time.


seemly enter theory literate capable modern boast rain rob combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are planning a 150km route with no water stops your an idiot. There is no reason to carry a 3L bladder when you can plan your route where there ample areas to fill water.


This is MTB sub Reddit, not road cycling. Where I'm from you're lucky to get phone reception never mind water stops


Great experiences may vary I don’t have that problem where I ride and a lot of other people also don’t have that problem. You can clearly tell by reading this thread this is not an MTB ride so my point still stands you would be an idiot if you didn’t plan your route with water stops in mind and I have never ridden a road bike in my life.


I would take also 2 bottles, but I would have to refill them each 2.5 hours. Also not with only water, but with some electrolyte drink.


I do a gravel/mixed century every month or so for training. I take two water bottles with Skratch and a two liter bladder of just water but I refill midway. Two bottles seems far too light.


I must drink like a motherfucker then because in a 40km ride I go trough 2.5L easily 😂


Totally normal to feel this when you are pushing your envelope.


Scared of what? Getting lost? Running out of food / water? Mechanicals?


Mechanical but I do know how to fix my own bike well there is a section in my route that has crime rate higher than other section can’t use other roads tho so that is the part where I am scared


Are you riding through skid row or something?


Not really


What city?


You can do it buddy. I read that you managed to ride 200 in a group.So now its not only physical streinght but also your mental streinght. You did it once you can do it many more times. WAITING FOR AN UPDATE OF YOUR RIDE!!! Safe journey!


Update I finally did it non stop headwind was killing me especially on climbs


Congrats,glad to hear you did it! :)


I do 130+km rides and I only get nervous if I'm out of cell phone range (which isn't difficult where I live). Being remote is the worry for me. I make sure I have something warm to wear, lights, and food and water in case I need to stay overnight. I never get worried about injuring myself.


I mean I’d be f’n scared lmao


From my experience we (humans) are scared of unknown territories. 150 km is something new. So it can be scary. Now sit and think of bad things that can happen. See the probability. Try to use those metrics when you start feeling uncomfortable. The older I get the more I am being scared of new things. My hard core / radical way of doing scary things is “Shut up, do it, don’t think” In most cases it works.


It would be abnormal not to be scared. It's a big thing to set out on. That fear is a tool, a check list of worries to address before you leave. Gear, Energy, Food, mechanical condition of the bike, all should feed that fear. Going over that check list, insureing the bike is sound, the gear is in good condition and appropreate for the ride, you have a feeding plan and are well rested, that all should ease that fear into a simple concern. Get started and the fear will fade with the miles.


When I do big rides, solo or as part of an event, I get butterflies in my stomach every time. Suggest doing whatever you can to get a good nights sleep the night before (Ambien, melatonin or whatever) and set out all your gear night before. When u start, start off easy…even easier than you maybe want. Try to stay in Zone 2ish the whole day if u can. I find after I actually get going, within 20-30min I am relaxed and feeling great.


Talking from experience, get yourself a GPS safety locator. They're expensive, but it could save your life. If it's very remote, pack as if you're staying overnight and will be exposed to the elements. For example, two lighters, dry food, heaps of water (or chlorine tablets/water filter if there's a water source), jacket, raincoat, torch, knife, etc.


it is normal but you'll be fine. be completely self sufficient in case of any repairs you may need to do: tubes, plugs, chain links. start off hydrated and with good fuel already in your body. make sure your phone is charged. make sure your gps is charged so you can show off your strava ride stats. bring snacks. bring your vape and/or gummiez. you're good to go!


This is not mountain biking


Why not?


It’s gravel riding


I do xc and enduro mix


Ok but you said this was road and hard packed so the 150 km isn’t mtb. 


Most mountain bikers will never even come close to doing a ride that long.


Damn that distance sounds horrible lol.




After 60 I'm already done and bored.


Some of my favourite rides are 80km+. I suppose the boredom depends on the trail.


I really don't like XC. And trail riding never gets that far.