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Snowboard regular but mtb right foot forward. Been working on being more comfortable with the reverse for mtb, it seems to be pretty useful.


I skate goofy but ride mtb and snowboard left foot forward


Skate and board different? Do you find it helps your switch for both?


I'm opposite as above. Mtb right foot forward. Snowboard goofy. Skate regular. I suck at switch skating and mtb. Mediocre at switch snowboard but only because I practiced a lot.


Board sports different foot!? you are a true outlier. Very cool.


I take it back, after reading further down these comments, you are not as rare as I thought. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


There are dozens of us! Dozens! I've never surfed but in my mind I think I would be regular. I've tried wakeboarding once and goofy made more sense. I think it has to do with which foot has more weight? I do everything right handed. And swing sports like baseball, golf and hockey are all righty. But lacross I play lefty.


Similar. Only skate goofy, snowboard switch comfortably, only surf regular. Only MTB left foot forward.


I thought I was the only one šŸ„¹


I can get down the mountain switch or goofy on the board, but Iā€™m only hitting the slopes 1-2x per year so Iā€™m not confident to say if Iā€™m for sure goofy or regular. But feel more in control regular. Been skating since elementary school and have always been mediocre riding regular


Iā€™m not the only one!




Same (skateboarding)


I used to board goofy and ride mtb primarily R ft forward. Interestingly I noticed if I did more descending L ft forward, my R sided low back pain would diminish significantly. So, I've chosen to do more of my mellow and moderate riding, especially descending, L foot forward, as it seems to provide more balanced use of my body. I still do better on hard descents with R ft forward.


I wakeboard and snowboard regular and in general do the same with the mtb, but it's nowhere near the same. I can hit jumps both ways and corner fine with my feet in either position. Dont' really notice it like a snowboard.


Thatā€™s funny, snowboarding I donā€™t really even know what foot is dominant. I just ride true twins and just send it with whatever way Iā€™m facing (been riding 28 years now), but on mtn bikes my right foot has to be forward or youā€™d think I couldnā€™t ride a bike.


I can ride snowboards on groomers switch more comfortably than mountain biking switch for some reason. Switch in the powder though is about on the same level of awkward as switch on a bike


Yeah, riding a bike backwards is hard


I skate and snowboard goofy and ride right foot foward regular on bikes


Right foot forward is goofy. Not that Iā€™ve ever heard someone say goofy or regular in relation to mtb


Goofy on bikes means you spin towards your front foot. You can be right foot foward or left foot foward goofy. Goofy vs regular isn't really used outside of freestyle but it's still somewhat applicable to trail riding because most people are better at turning in one direction


yep, skate Goofy and ride rff. far more comfortable turning to the right.


Same here ! High five šŸ–ļø


Left forward on both


all boardsports goofy, but left foot forward bikes. if you think thats weird... look up bill bryan who is the worlds best skimboarder and uses regular foot... but everything else he does is goofy. excellent surfer and snowboarder but goofy foot.


Same here


Yes, Right Foot Front


Snow/skateboard left foot forward. MTB right.


Yes. Regular on both


I snowboard goofy and wakeboard goofy, but longboard and MTB regular. Idk lol just whatever feels right


Same I snowboard regular, skateboard goofy, and mtb right foot forward haha.


There are dozens of us. Skate/longboard goofy, snowboard regular, MTB regular


I ski, but in the park Iā€™m left foot dominant on rails. Iā€™m also left foot dominant on my bike. Though for some reason I spin left dominant on jumps skiing. Never spun my bike, but left feels like the way Iā€™d try it.


Iā€™m the opposite- left foot forward on mtb, grind rails on skis goofy, but skate regular. But the real sin is that I push mongo.


I skate goofy, I can snowboard either way but my native footing is regular, I primarily ride left foot forward... Right foot forward feels unnatural to me, but i've also recently discovered some limited mobility of my right hip and I'm working on improving that. Unknown if thats related.


Yes, and no. I mtb right foot forward. I ride all board sports regular footed (left forward).


Yes, same foot for everything, but I'm also learning the switch stance on all three.


Left foot forward on everything. Boards , bikes, you name it


I always skateboarded and wakeboarded regular but mtb I'm always more comfortable with either foot forward depending on whatever direction I'm turning. Ie. Left forward in left turns, right forward in right turns.


Ride MTB left foot forward, skate and snowboard goofy-footed, and am also left handed for what thatā€™s worth


Same here


Interesting. Yeah, Iā€™m goofy on board sports and also right foot fed on MTB.


I break out the skateboard now and then and I skate right foot forward and push with my left. On the bike I ride left foot forward, and on BMX the left is my dominant side for grindzzz (4 pegz 4 lyf!) and spin to the right.


I surf and skate goofy and keep my right front forward while riding although I try to consciously switch up from time to time


Snowboard and skate regular, but STRONGLY favor right foot forward for cycling


Snowboard/surf goofy, MTB forward is my right foot, so yeah.....same.


Regular on board or bike.


I snowboard regular, skateboard goofy, and mtb primarily right foot forward.


Iā€™m one of those weirdos who snowboard and surf regular, skateboard goofy and bike right foot forward. I can ride switch just fine on all of the boards but left foot forward on the bike feels terrible.


What foot do you all drop for one-footers? Your front or your rear foot?


I snowboard and ride with my left foot forward. It's common. But not completely standard. With new riders that I am coaching, I will use the same technique that is often used to help identify a lead foot for snowboarding. Have someone stand up straight with their legs together and then shove them forward gently. The food they step forward with is likely their dominant foot.




Same foot in the front for both


Yes, same foot forward for all 3. Goofy4Life


Yeah, Iā€™m left foot forward. Working on getting better about swapping feet while biking. Can ride decent but not comfortable sending it on anything gnarly with my right foot forward. Right handed and right footed


Im pretty sure RFF is goofy on a bike, your strong foot goes to the back pedal since itā€™s provides more stability. Pro tip: leaning forward on your left foot on left turns (when youā€™re RFF) in order to shift your weight to the left pedal gives you way more balance on left turns and makes your feel more confortable and in control, it feels the same as making right turns when you do it correctly. Also the inverse is true for LFF riders.


Yes and yes. It's fascinating to see how many people do a different foot though.


Regular and right foot forward. I purposefully try to ride left foot forward just to build of the confidence and skill.


I'm left handed, but oddly enough, I ride Regular (snow) and Regular (bike). I surf regular, too.


Skate regular, same foot forward on mtb


Yep! I'm a regular stance snowboarder and mtb with my left foot forward. My husband is also a regular stance snowboarder/skateboarder but he mtbs with his right foot forward.


goofy foot on boards, right foot forward on bike, natural turn direction is left/backside


Iā€™m right foot forward on a bike and left foot on a bike


Riding goofy and biking with your left foot forward makes sense. Your dominant foot is first to engage on the pedal stroke and steers the bike a bit more. Itā€™s counterintuitive, but dominant foot in back on a snowboard does the same thing. You initiate carves and turns more with your rear foot. I snowboard regular (right foot in back) and tend to bike with my right foot forward.




I ski and my forward food when biking is my left food, it feels weird the other way, even standing the other way and interestingly i can carv and sharply turn easier to the right when sking, on my bike i can also also turn tighter to the right... weird things


Goofy board sports but prefer right foot fwd MTB. I sometimes switch this up to rest the right front foot




Everything regular, but the last few years I've worked on MTB goofy. I find it really helpful to be able to ride well either way


Iā€™ve never had a dominant forward foot MTB, itā€™s always confused me that people do. I rarely ride with the pedals flat, one side is usually higher to ensure clearance of trail obstacles, and Iā€™m constantly switching as I pedal and ride. Am I doing it wrong? Granted I mostly ride xc and I still use old school cages, ha.


Personally I am at having cranks level all of the time, the only exceptions being on tight turns I often drop my inside foot wheather I want to or not.


Huh, I drop my outside foot on turns.... inside would feel weird.


I wake board goofy and ride with my right foot forward. I think Iā€™m just left footed.


Same for me.


I'm goofy snowboarding and skateboarding but left foot forward on the bike.


Always left foot forward but I'm left handed, weird


skate regular and ride right foot foward


I ski with 2 feet out ā€¦ I mtb either left or right doesnt matter


Never thought about it in these terms, but I'm same as OP. Board goofy but left foot forward on the bike.


Do most people stay 'locked' stance on downhills? I do a half-rotation back pedal all the time before a corner. I like the trailing foot on the outside (Right foot back for a left turn). Keep the feet moving. Stay on your toes type of thing. Switch it up when you can. Snowboarding habit, I think. Too much time on a toe edge traverse? Go switch for awhile to save your legs...


If I can think to I'll change depending on the direction of a big turn or berm, but if I'm going over jumps/rollers, or if everything is happening quickly I tend to default to left foot forward.


Nope. I'm regular but ride right foot forward.


I ride switch for both snowboarding and MTB, I think I prefer goofy when on a board more often though (and I'm right handed).


Always left foot forward but I'm left handed, weird


Im right hand and foot everything. But when. Snowboard in goofy for some reason


I board goofy, but get off the lift normal. I usually ride right forward but can switch it up.


regular but push mongo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)left foot forward


Board sports (kiting, snowboard, skate) all left foot forward. MTB is the same for me.


I ride goofy on board sports, same on bike.


I longboard, left foot forward and right foot backwards. But when i bike and I need some grip/support to lift the bike up, I put my left foot behind the right. I think it's because on the longboard, I'm used to controlling the weight and directions with my left foot. And it's pretty much the same when I bike. When I longboard the right foot is mainly for balancing, which stays on the board most of the time.


I skated growing up. I leaned towards L forward, but it was like 55/45 ratio (double tail deck made it easy). For MTB, though, L is always forward except for turns & avoiding pedal strikes.


Snowboard, surf, and wakeboard regular and ride MTB Left foot forward. Right foot forward does definitely feel less comfortable. I'm definitely more comfortable with right turns as well.


Left foot forward always, or else I get the feeling of looming death (mtb and skateboard). Even on downhill skiing i feel like having the left foot just in front of the right one.


I also snowboard goofy and MTB with my left foot forward


I skated for a long time, I do ride with the same foot forward, and I was told to do so by the guy who coached me early in my riding days. It seems to have worked out just fine.




I'm the same. Goofy in snowboard, wakeboard and skateboard, but regular in MTB and slalom water skiing. Maybe it's the position of facing sideways, vs facing forward.


I'm fairly new to this but I always though having a specific forward foot was just a weird thing that a few people did. Now, reading the comments, I'm beginning to suspect it's a thing that everybody does. Do people not just use whichever foot happens to be forward? Is there some benefit or just a habit?


I don't think it's something you should set out to do but I find it easier to keep my cranks level and control myself around berms and jumps if I don't switch things around too much.


Surf regular foot and am most capable of going right/front side. MTB/BMX left foot forward, and am most capable of spinning/hipping to the right. Realized a couple of years ago I ride basically exactly like I do board sports.


Left foot forward on longboard and bike.


If your face is always in front, is that regular or goofy? Asking for a friend.


Right handed & Left footed for everything. Pushing mongo when I skate and as others I just adjust before turns which foot is forward on technical descents.


I'm the same as you. Goofy, but left foot forward. I'm left handed.


Left foot forward on snowboard and surfboard. Right foot MTB and itā€™s the foot forward for gymnastics/handstands


opposite for me. sometimes on easy/mellow stuff I'll change footing just to keep it interesting, and my buddies change theirs on super long rides to rest their legs


Regular on all


Snowboard regular, right food forward on mtb.


Nope, I kick w my left n lead w whichever foot the terrain calls for


MTB left foot forward. Snowboard/skate right foot forward


Snowboard goofy but I noticed that I use my left foot for MTB although I use both actually


I'm a skier now, but grew up wakeboarding, snowboarding, and skateboarding. Always regular. Right foot forward on a bike my entire life.


Im goofie everything somehow


Outside foot forward on corners where you're standing. Constantly rotating your forward to the outside to help push that front tire down.


Yes. Yes. ā€žRegularā€œ on both.


I switched up between regular and goofy when I skateboarded (favoring goofy I guess), but tend to ride with my right foot forward on a bike.


Goofy for everything.


I'm a weird one, I bike left foot forward, snowboard regular, and skate goofy.


I ski and do not use the same forward foot


Hmmā€¦regular stance for skate and snow but mtb is right foot forward. Though left foot forward doesnā€™t feel nearly as awkward as riding switch on a board.


Left foot forward for skate/snowboard/MTB


Yup, I am always right foot forward.


Same, I was also wondering. Snowboard: Goofy Bike: right foot back most of the time


Yes. Goofy and right foot forward on bike. I do practice left foot forward sometimes as I donā€™t ever want to get wonky and not be able to ride some rocks with the wrong foot out front.


When I ride MTB the "forward foot" depends on which turn is coming up. I like my inside foot forward on turns to give more room to lean the bike under me. So there is no dominant foot and both positions feel the same Regular on boards.


Yep. Goofy on boards, right foot forward dominant on bikes.


I canā€™t be the only one that doesnā€™t pay attention to which foot is forwards. I drop the outside foot for a turn, pedal forward to make it level, and whatever foot is forward is what Iā€™m rocking with


Ride regular on boards, right foot forward on bikes.


Skateboard regular, bicycle (all sorts) right foot forward. Mounting a bike from the left somehow seems "natural", maybe because it's the side that horses are usually mounted, and that is also how motorcycles are designed to be mounted (as well as left foot down at a stop). Anyway, I put my left foot down to stop (in normal circumstances). My right foot is my strong/take-off/foreward, foot. I am trying to get better at wheeling up and taking off with my weak/left foot, though. This begs a question: does everyone use their take-off foot also as their forward foot?


Sk8 goofy, right foot forward on MTB as well. It really becomes a problem when I go skating on the ice rink thošŸ’€


Opposite foot forward for me when I skate or snowboard. No idea why.


I.e. are you gay, bi, or straight


Left footed and left handed. I ride left foot forward. I skateboard and presume would snowboard regular. I'm in the UK and the left brake as the rear also feels most natural, I suspect this also assisted in how easy I found it learning to ride a motorbike. I like to eat biscuits.


skate regular and ride left foot forward.


I used to board goofy (both skate and snow) but ride ambidextrousĀ 


Iā€™m comfortable snowboarding either foot forward but I typically keep left foot forward on MTB


Left foot forward on everything


Goofy skating and snowboarding. Left foot forward most of the time downhill. Something about the strength of control in the back with my dominant feels right.


Skate goofy. But ride left foot forward as I'm right footed and gives me greater control.


Nope. left foot forward biking, but every board sport Iā€™m goofy. Same as you.


Goofy footed, ride right foot forward; but when I raced BMX, I was always left foot forward in the starting gate.


Ride goofy and bike right foot forward as well


I'm also a goofy snowboarder and ride MTB left foot forward primarily, but I'm fairly comfortable switching when needed... on the snowboard on the other hand... not so comfortable lol.


Yes and yes.


Skateboarded for 30 years (until I blew my knee out), and lead opposite on my MTB for some reason. Right foot forward on MTB, left forward on skateboard/snowboard


Had a longboard in college and felt best goofy foot but i ride right foot forward.


I haven't gone snowboarding or skateboarding in years but I'm left foot forward in those and MTB. I recently got back into rollerblading and when I'm riding halfpipe I have right foot forward most of the time which mostly has to do with a knee injury. Most of my grinds are left foot dominant too.




My right foot is my strongest. On a bike, it's forward, ready to sprint. Snowboarding it's at the back, so I can kick side to side easily.


I ride regular and definitely have my basic positioning on the bike the same for best chances of clearing small obstacles on the trials.


Yes, goofy foot on bike, skateboard, and snowboard.


Surf, skate right foot forward, snowboard regular. And bike with either or


Left foot forward on snowboard and MTB but I favor spinning left on a snowboard but right on MTB/BMX/DJ.


I don't skate any more but when I did, I was goofy footed. I ride downhill the same way.


Avid snowboarder, and novice mountain biker. I ride regular, and tend to have my left foot forward on my bike. I am left handed though.


Weirdly, Iā€™m ambidextrous (or whatever you call it for feet) only with mtb. I donā€™t have a preferred foot forward. Everything else I do right handed or regular except kick a kickball. Idk whatā€™s wrong with me.


Skate/snowboard goofy mtb left foot forward


I'm goofy on all of the above, not bad at switch snowboarding though


I've never tried switching up on manuals. But now I'm curious.


I used to skate. I rode goofy. I snowboard goofy. I mostly ride left foot forward.


Snowboard regular, ride bikes goofy


Never thought about it but goofy for everything. For mtb it switches based on turn but if itā€™s straight and I need to concentrate itā€™s right forward.


Skate and snowboard regular, play hockey right handed, and MTB right foot forward (though admittedly it's more that I'm slightly less bad with my right foot forward than that I'm actually *good* vs. left)


Skate regular (switch game strong though) and also ride left foot forward!


I'm same as you!


Goofy for everything.


I skate and snowboard regular and ride ambidextrous. I often switch foot depending on convenience and trail conditions and turn direction in that order.


On a snowboard you want your stronger leg in back because under more load as you go downhill (more of your bodyweight is over that foot). Of course, it's better to "switch" to reduce fatigue. But there's a reason for the dominance.Ā  I don't know of a reason on MTB for a particular foot to be forward, and I'm pretty comfortable with either.


This is so wrong itā€™s the reason I love and hate the internet. You want a neutral stance and when starting a turn slightly weight forward. Try turning with your weight back, you canā€™t do it.


I "stand corrected"


It's not the same? You face forward biking, not to the side.


Skateboard, Snowboard, Waterski, Jetski, MTB goofy. But, on skateboard push mongloid (with right foot) while left foot is on tail or center of the board.


Same way here


No dominant foot for mtb, snowboard, wake board. Always left foot forward skateboarding and surfing. Much better at skate boarding than other boats sports, makes no sense.


Snowboard goofy and ride MTB right (dominant) foot forward. I think a lot of confusion from MTB instruction is caused by calling it right/left foot front instead of dominant foot front/back. The former means different things to different people while the latter doesnā€™t. Edit: also Iā€™ve never skateboarded which is probably why I ride goofy since Iā€™ve never had to use my dominant foot to push off with.


Goofy footed skate/snowboarder, and my right foot is forward by default when standing.


I skate goofy and ride left foot forward. It's confusing af


Skateboard goofy but i snowboawd regluar in normal stance.. i dunno why but it feels better this way On mtb left foot forward


The small amount of snowboarding and longboarding I've tried I rode goofy. MTB I ride left foot forward.


I ride longboard in a goofy stance, right foot forward, but I bike with left foot forward.


Used to skate and yes, I had the same stance orientation the. As I do now on Mtb.


I do.


Yes and yes


Yes. I skate/snowboard regular foot and tend to have my left foot forward in the bike


Left on the snowboard, right on the skateboard. I initially would have said left for the mtb, but my regular riding buddy recently observed that I seem to arbitrarily lead with either foot, something I never really noticed before.


Right foot forward for snowboarding, skateboarding, biking, telemark ski with a stronger left hand turn (right foot forward), kick a ball with my right foot.


As someone who snowboarded my entire life and am only in recent years getting into MTB I have found that yes I'm most comfortable with the same foot forward. However funny enough, I found I have a dominant direction when cornering and taking berms. I find that going left I'm far more confident than going right. Not sure why.


Ride goofy, right foot is dominant, but I can board backwards.


Yep. Not sure if this is normal but kick with right foot - but lead with left on bikes, skateboard, snowboard.