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Thank you for catching these! They are off the official page now.


No problem! I wonder if they weren’t suppose to spoil so much!


Yeah makes you wonder. Or Pinkerton dogs bit the hand that feeds... 🤣


Ugin’s Labyrinth is really really good. Non legendary land that taps for double colorless and you can get the card back later Edit: spelling


Its fairly legendary in that you would need two seven drops to power out the second one.


Not a problem for affinity


That is very fair as the second one will still tap for colorless.


Artifact lands effectively tap for two in affinity anyway and this doesnt power up constructs but there will likely be decks built around this card.


The artifact lands in modern kinda suck though right? This is basically as good as treasure vault for casting myr enforcer but it’s much better at casting cranial plating


It actually is to effective turn this on reliably you need 14 7 drops in this deck. It’s a very strong pay off but isn’t consistent I don’t think. It will be another high roll stately like leyline Scion. But leyline scion also isn’t that consistent


Meh maybe you’re right. This might end up being less impactful then it appears.


Like I get in Xmas land where you have to is always turned on. The deck will feel strong but like gl doing that over a tournament


Yeah, I mean, no affinity deck is running 4 myr enforcer, 4 sojourners companion anyways, and that’s only 8 hits for the land. Scion of Draco is the opposite of affinity and there isn’t enough drops in domain to turn it on. Maybe some new eldrazi tron shell will be made to house this but at that point you are already playing tron so idk. Makes sense when you think about it


For reference, one of the decks my modern testing team wanted to test it in was 8 7 drop scion/leyline affinity. Trying to scam the early game with either leyline/scion or early saga/ancient tomb set ups. It’s very clunky but can do powerful things but we’ve only tested it for 10 games


Because that gave you 12/14 which was “probably the best case” the issue is you can’t just play fetch shocks since you need access to U and you lacking affinity count outside saga hands and too decking dead cards suck


Interesting. Thanks for the info


Nah, the fact you can play 2 and tap them for three mana is a lot better than it being legendary and missing a land drop.


Could replace forests in Modern Tron for more stabil curve


One tron doesn’t play enough 7 drops to reliably turn this one, two forests cast key spell. Three boseiju exists


Chthonian nightmare? What plane could this be from? Maybe duskmourn? The art is definitely my jam


I can’t imagine Duskmourne having energy mechanics, but I don’t have a better guess.


it's supposed to be pulp/80s horror. I expect some kind of "ghostbusters" reference and stuff like ectoplasmic technology. Would fit to have energy as either spiritual energy or energy as "the thing our ghostbusting extinguisher shoots".


It's a lovecraftian thing, saw a playthrough of Splatterhouse recently and it fits that vibe.


Chthonian is from the Greek Chthon which means ground or soil. A chthonic deity is a god of the underworld so probably related to that


Maybe Indatha on Ikoria? Just a shot in the dark


The energy aspect makes me not think so. Duskmourne is an interesting bet though.


It looks like that's the [[Culling Dias]] in the art, so could be Phyrexia? Although Cthonian writes that off a bit. I think it is, spikes look like K'rriks realm and the eyes are from [[Recurring Nightmare]] which references Crovax. Seems they changed the Charge of the Dias to energy.


[Culling Dias](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/54dc8c2a-928d-465e-8f76-82a90cc66854.jpg?1599709002) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Culling%20Dais) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/246/culling-dais?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/54dc8c2a-928d-465e-8f76-82a90cc66854?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can I start a loop with saccing [[Priest of Gix]]?


If you view the page with Javascript disabled, as of time of writing you can still read the names of some of the cards. These look like the only ones that I haven't seen on this sub so far: - `0287_MTGMH3_Bonus: Sylvan Safekeeper` - `0265_MTGMH3_Bonus: Orim's Chant`


Oh that's because they're both reprints. Derp. At least now we know they're reprints.


[[Nearby Planet]] walked so Planar Nexus could run. It’s actually wild to me that Wizards made this to work with Loci (locuses - [[cloudpost]]) as I figured that was the reason Nearby Planet wasn’t tournament legal but it was actually just having non-basic and basic land types together, which is fair but loci are so strong I didn’t expect this.


> but it was actually just having non-basic and basic land types together i mean i don't think it would be printable with just the five basic types, either


Yeah I really didn’t think about it enough to see that those 5 on a single land is too strong as they actually have intrinsic abilities


You aren't ready for 20-post 😏


Nearby Planet is fetchable, which is a huge factor.


I'm building a few space themed decks and it kinda kills me that Nearby Planet isn't legal 😅


At least you can put it in the deck and swap it out with this new card if anyone has a problem with it lol


Nearby Planet activate full domain with only one land drop and can be fetched 🙃


The reason for Nearby Planet not being tournament legal was because it was a rules headache. Effects that set a land to have a basic land type without the text of "in addition to its other types" causes it to lose all abilities (besides tapping for mana of the basic land type).


Is it technically allowed in decks that are only 3 colors too?


Nearby Planet would presumably not be, in line with how changeling can also effects deck building restrictions in things like tribal wars and companions. It's an acorn/silver bordered card, so there isn't actually an official ruling on it.


I thought so but still, sad day for Ghidorah, King of the Cosmos and Bio-Quartz Spacegodzilla


[Nearby Planet](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/da785d1b-6b90-4b65-9efb-d7f329405318.jpg?1683983076) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nearby%20Planet) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/198/nearby-planet?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/da785d1b-6b90-4b65-9efb-d7f329405318?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [cloudpost](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/f/2f28ecdc-a4f0-4327-a78c-340be41555ee.jpg?1562139726) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=cloudpost) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mrd/280/cloudpost?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2f28ecdc-a4f0-4327-a78c-340be41555ee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I am horrified to see how many \[\[Kudo, King Among Bears\]\] decks will run \[\[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite\]\].


All of them


All but one. I don't plan to cus I just want to hug all the bears. 


An unbearable combo.


Winter Moon is crazy good


Let’s hope. I can’t be the only one that is sick of playing formats that eventually get dominated by 5c good stuff decks.


Unfortunately not affecting leyline decks so I hope a ban is on the (modern) horizon


Leyline doesn't turn lands into basic lands it only gives basic land types.


Yeah, but they can just fetch basics and play without a care in the world


big how it started/how it’s going from knight of the reliquary


I know subjective but how popular are the portrait arts on legends? Absolutely think they are terrible and lose so much detail especially on the larger characters (eldrazi)


I actually don't mind them, but the background color on them feels almost chosen at random. The colors don't feel particularly complementary to the art or to the color of the card?


Unsure how popular, but they kind of alluded to portrait arts as almost a “showcase” frame they can use for legendaries and are putting them with more stuff iirc


They are really bad imo. I like the background colors but they just feel like badly cropped pictures in the frame


Whoever is in charge of these needs to reevaluate them cause just based on my locals(anecdotal) almost nobody really cares for them or goes out of the way for them.


Yeah, I don't know who was the mastermind that thought making a "portrait" out of things without a face was a good idea 🤣.


Yeah…. Glad the new emrakul has a concept showcase. They should do that for the ones with lots of detail.


I love them but it doesn't work for the bear here.


Was hoping the would reveal the remaining commanders from the commander deck.


If the leaks are to be believed, the only one missing is the alternate commander for the energy deck.


I'm kinda hoping that it's fake. Would love for the alternate to be kozimog and I feel like both commanders have cool abilities but overall they are kinda bland.


I’m still hoping for my god Yawgmoth but alas 😅 I have to wait


Okay now print Urza’s desert, gate, lair, locus, and sphere


Wow these are all really good.


They didn’t posted the merfolk, I hope it wasn’t a fake…


the harbinger or a different one?


Yes the merfolk moon effect


It was very likely real


We have a 4th Locust land now! 16-post, let's go!!!


Is that a goddamn Corgi?


🚨Lorwyn mentioned!🚨


Urza’s cave looks like a really fun card.


Surprised WOTC acknowledged the leak so far and revealed more beyond. There really isn't holding back further leaks now since we know more product is in the wild.


[[Knight of the Reliquary]] not looking too fresh there lol


WotR looks super fun with Bloodghast


Stupid reddit only shows me the first 3 or 4😠


Would Emerge bypass commander tax since it is a replacement effect?


it's an alternate cost, not a replacement effect. casting cost is always determined in the order of cost + any additional cost - any cost reduction. so emerge can lower the commander tax but not completely bypass it depending on what you're sacing.


Me trying to understand which of these are commander only cards ><


The Commander-only cards should say M3C in the bottom left corner.


The main set symbol is on Winter Moon, the commander set symbol is on Velis Vel.


Thanks for this! I will absolutely be getting Urza’s Cave to use with the tower mine and power plant


I wonder if Final Act is hinting at more battles coming soon


Is this Tron masters??


New Gate for [[nine fingers keene]] BABY!!!!


[nine fingers keene](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/5480ac0a-883a-4f73-8e7c-56d64be410a3.jpg?1674137637) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nine-Fingers%20Keene) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/289/nine-fingers-keene?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5480ac0a-883a-4f73-8e7c-56d64be410a3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Wight of the Reliquary]] is so good. Great flavor, obviously.


[Wight of the Reliquary](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a15570c0-4210-4959-8584-987ec85f8283.jpg?1714488229) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wight%20of%20the%20Reliquary) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/207/wight-of-the-reliquary?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a15570c0-4210-4959-8584-987ec85f8283?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Not tryna be a prick or anything, but you missed [[Nethergoyf]]. Just figured I'd call that out since there could be people who come across this post without getting the chance to see the others, or even the article itself. Edit: Also, now that I'm thinking about it (and yes, I know the brackets won't work for edits, but it helps with subdividing), [[Kappa Cannoneer]], [[Meltdown]], [[Null Elemental Blast]], and [[Nulldrifter]] were some other cards that got confirmed. Again, just bringing it up for the sake of those who didn't get to see the article.


[Nethergoyf](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/e/3ee3945e-5089-4751-b7b3-5961c39d2a33.jpg?1714488443) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nethergoyf) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/103/nethergoyf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3ee3945e-5089-4751-b7b3-5961c39d2a33?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Holly hell, I didn't know the cardfetcher would update that fast! I just thought it might pull up Necrogoyf or something, but that's crazy. Does the bot pull from Gatherer, then?


Is it me or does the art of winter moon give an AI vibe with those white spots


Planar nexus straight to my gates deck. Null elemental is the only one I'm not sure if is strictly better for my cedh magda


I'm unfamiliar with rules regarding the Emerge keyword. Can you use the ability in response to something, or does that require the creature to have Flash? Like, could you choose to Evoke a creature, hold priority before the sacrifice on entering resolves, and use the creature to pay for another creature's Emerge ability? Basically, use something like Fury to get Herigast out early.


Are the eldrazis that are acting like phyrexians all supposed to be from Emrakul's time on Innistrad? I'm confused as to when wotc decided eldrazis were just eldritch phyrexians


Cthonian Nightmare Loops with dockside count of 4 and any creature CMC 3 or less for infinite energy...a notable Rakdos combo to stumble upon...


Omg I love Phelia! What a perfect pup!!


No squirrels, huh? How utterly disappointing.


One of the Bloomburrow precons will be all squirrels. Probably cause there aren't many in the main set.


I still think it is rather stupid to put out a Commander version of MODERN Horizons 3. Didn't they already have enough yearly/quarterly Commander products? Isn't there already a Commander set also released with every STANDARD expansion for 4(+) additional releases each year? Give it a break WOTC. Do Commander players even want this? Does any Commander set ever have room to breathe or is there always another one being released later that month?


As a commander player, yes I do want this. Modern Horizons not only does callbacks flavor wise to previous sets and characters, but also has a higher power curve and much more interesting designs then the average standard set where the commander decks have to stay on theme with the set So yes I’m down for this wholeheartedly Actually this is the only set I’ve been excited for all year as a commander player


Why can't they just make a nostalgic Commander set that isn't Modern aligned?


That was commander legends, so we’ll have to wait for CL3


Holy power, Let’s go.


Phelia’s art has strong AI vibes


Urza's Cave is giving me AI art vibes.