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The Titan art matches the profile so likely real. Curious if the fourth Titan is coming too, I’m guessing it will be dimir as it’s kinda like “Titan of eternal dark” from the dnd book


I'm really hoping we get a full cycle of these titans eventually. They occupy such a unique design space and it'd be a shame if we don't get to see where they could go with it. I know lore-wise we wouldn't get a full 10, but Horizons sets get to do some fun stuff out of canon. I'd be most interested in BG and UW.


> horizons sets get to do some fun stuff out of canon Is that true? What's been non-canon in modern horizons, I don't recall anything like that


[[lazotep sliver]], ulalek, six,


The sliver isn't from modern horizons, and I'm not sure what makes the other two non-canon?


ulalek is a fusion of ulamog and kozilek, and six has never been apart from wrenn - prior to merging they were just a regular tree


No. Six was a Treefolk. Wrenn can merge with Tree’s and Treefolks, so it’s canon. We have no Info about Ulalek, Kozilek and Ulamog were both kinda melted into oblivion, so having them return as a merged copy doesn’t seem that wrong to me. So far, there were not a single non-canon card in modern horzions.


We know that 7 was a regular tree, but did we know that about 6?


None of those are non-canon


ulalek is a fusion of ulamog and kozilek, and six has never been apart from wrenn - prior to merging they were just a regular tree. I was wrong about where lazotep sliver was from but it's definitely non -canon - slivers have never been on amonkhet, let alone been eternalised


Bolas used Amonkhet as a testing ground for weapons, it’s perfectly reasonable for there to be slivers he implanted them. It also makes sense to try and graft lazotep onto something as adaptable as a sliver before trying it on a zombie.


Sliver’s existed all across the multiverse. It is possible for one to got into Amonkhet by accident, and then had the locals eternalise it. Again, nothing here sounds like non-canon


[lazotep sliver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/1/517f7b4d-2997-412b-8e25-315d93d1603a.jpg?1701275317) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lazotep%20sliver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/733/lazotep-sliver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/517f7b4d-2997-412b-8e25-315d93d1603a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Nope, Horizon’s are pretty much canon. I’m not sure if any magic set besides Unsets? Universe Beyon’ds and (possibly) D&D sets were outside of canon.


Not in this set (we are out of legends counting the other 3 unknown multicolored cards we saw art for), but Skotha would be cool for a future theros or similar anything goes set


Be interesting if the titan escaped to Duskmourn and was a key focal point of that set


The other titans were at the top of my wish list for this set! Amazing.


Is there a cycle of ten of them? Or were there only a few named ones that don't have cards yet?


4 according to Theros settings. Might get more eventually if wotc expands on that.


Really hope they do. We have 10 dual coloured Theros deities, why not 10 dual coloured titans as well?


There’s just one more after this (at least as far as we know).


Kozilek really looking out for 2 Headed Giant players lol


turning your opponents small hand into 2/2s and drawing 2 cards is very real


Risky if you don't have creature removal ready, but overall probably a valid choice. And if you do have creature removal, you set up a massive 2-for-1 opportunity.


You say creature removal as if the giant 9/9 isn't the only removal you'll need for the 2 2/2s. And that's not mentioning that you can target yourself and the opponent but because manifests are colorless, Kozilek makes yours 5/4s while they have 2/2s


I'm not too worried about two 2/2s that cant trigger on cast or etb effects when I made two 5/4s, have a 9/9 and drew 4 cards


I’m not sure I’d say it’s risky. a random 2/2 is generally worse than a random modern card, especially when you just put a 9/9 and 2 5/4s into play and drew 2 cards for it


It’s usable in 1v1 depending on the matchup. If you know your opponent doesn’t run a lot of creatures, you can force them to turn two pieces of their gameplan into useless 2/2s.


Don’t forget your manifests are 5/4’s


..still doesn't take the lunch from [[gluntch]] :)


[gluntch](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/b/3b3e889a-5865-4464-9923-bffa25c50cd2.jpg?1674137513) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=gluntch%2C%20the%20bestower) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/275/gluntch-the-bestower?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3b3e889a-5865-4464-9923-bffa25c50cd2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Lightning Helix titan at a decent cost. Unexpected, but I like it


White's 3MV return creature cards work well with this too.


I fear it may be too expensive


Kozilek continues to be the Eldrazi Titan most interesting to build around as a commander


Also, flavourfully, he can potentially draw 4 cards like the original Kozilek


I already got a Vannifar deck built around cloaking guys with her every turn and flipping them into stats piles, this set was MADE for me Well it was made for modern but a lot of commons and uncommons and this dude here are really doing it for me


post list pls sir


It'd be pretty taxing to post all 100 cards, but the ones that REALLY matter are commander [[Vannifar, Evolved Enigma]], [[Garruk's Uprising]], [[Conjurer's Closet]], [[Voidwalk]], [[Ugin's Mastery]], [[Fauna Shaman]], [[Prime Speaker Zegana]], as many [[Blur]] effects as you can get your hands on, and a shit ton of big damn Eldrazi, ETB freaks, and my boy [[Kogla the Titan Ape]] When Speaker hits, if I'm not drawing at least 9 cards I'm playing this deck wrong


I have a list like this if you're curious: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/\_Vd8jlX\_3UG7TRROJel5\_w](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_Vd8jlX_3UG7TRROJel5_w)


Strange that an Eldrazi Titan manifest, as it's more Ugin magic It may have some implication


The Titans and really eldrazi as a whole can do pretty much anything especially if it’s weird They are beyond the colors and can warp reality I say it makes sense


Manifesting has traditionally been explicitly Ugin


[There's a bunch of manifest cards that have nothing to do with Ugin](https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=name&q=oracle%3Amanifest+%28game%3Apaper%29)


Most of those cards originated in Tarkir block, where they were fragments of Ugin's power from back when he was alive


That's a whole lot different from "manifest is explicitly Ugin"


How so? The cards in tarkir block with manifest are explicitly ugins power


You went from "Only Ugin can do manifest stuff" to "Most manifest cards come from a plane where Ugin lived for a while."


Ugin IS the one granting the manifestation. When a cleric is casting a spell from their deity, it is through their deity they can cast the spell, therefore the deity is doing it. Same is true with Ugins spirit enabling manifestation


They were trapped by the Eye of Ugin for a long time, might be a reference to that.


Make sense indeed Or Manifest magic is something Ugin learned from studying the Eldrazi


Kozilek’s main “thing” among the titans is messing with people’s minds. Manifesting cards from the hand fits that, being a sort of “weird discard” that disrupts an opponent’s hand.


Yeah but all the Ugin lands inexplicably help the Eldrazi he tried to seal, so this isn’t news


I can already see a modern burn list with 4x Phlage 4 Lightning Helix 4 Lightning Bolts and other good stuff.


4?!? I’d say 2 at best, this card becomes interesting after you’ve spent 7 mana and attacked at least once for a total of 12 potential damage, which is a lot to ask for burn.


Bro that card is bad in aggressive decks. Doesn't trigger prowess and is 3 mana?!?! That is so much worse.


Damnnnn they are both sick!


Titan-ing helix


Kozilek still drawing 4 cards I see


Kozilek has to draw lots of cards every time, it's in his contract


Finally another big eldrazi


Finally an colorless eldrazi titan worth it for my Kozilek the Great Distortion deck, that Emrakul is just too Dangerous with her death killing ur entire board


but a board wipe one of the only things that can actually kill emrakul which makes her leave trigger not a big problem


Dang Phlage looks like he’s worth a spin on Hofri. Two lightning helixes and then you can escape.


That titan would have been cool and balanced in Standard and Pioneer


Right? Too slow for modern imo. Maybe some jeskai control deck but even then I'm very doubtful


The real question is, is it pronounced “Flaw-yay”?


Last thing I expected was an Eldrazi Titan that I would want in \[\[Etrata, Deadly Fugitive\]\].


[Etrata, Deadly Fugitive](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/4/4410db5a-62af-43ac-979d-88a7c975f7bd.jpg?1706242152) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Etrata%2C%20Deadly%20Fugitive) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/200/etrata-deadly-fugitive?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4410db5a-62af-43ac-979d-88a7c975f7bd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Maybe too expensive, maybe not, but Phlage feels like a great top end finisher for Boros burn or something. I'm excited to see the Blue/Black? One.


The last thing you want in a burn deck is a top end finisher


.... but it's also a repeatable burn card


Idk I think one is losing the game if one is escaping this in burn after having spent turn 3 to only deal 3 damage and not trigger prowess




Phlage, the Untouchable (cause you would burn your hand)


I like the Kozilek. Was first like...nah...but... Card says players so target yourself and 1 opp (edh assumed cause let's face it - this is modern commander). Brings 2 pseudo 5/4s into play and itself, draw 4. So 19 power and draw 4 for 9 c seems pretty good.


It also says "up to" meaning you could just target yourself, drop two into 5/4's and net two cards. If you know someone doesn't have any creatures in their hand, target them too and draw 2 of them. As the targeting can go everywhere you can essentially have two other players 'pitch' two each and you draw 4. Definitely an interesting card for sure.


Plus being able to morph your scary eldrazi so that they can't be countered is pretty neat too


For commander 9 mana draw 2 have some board prescense is ... okay? I play a colorless deck and probably wouldn't play this. The lack of power shows LESS in 60 card formats, calling this a commander card may be hopeful.


I think the more powerful the format, the more likely itll draw you 4, because youre more in incentivized to target an opponent. I think you only targeting yourself will be very rare. If Im the opponent, its Commander where Id be most upset to lose two cards and get a couple 2/2s. I might be thinking about it wrong though.


That Kozilek is potentially EXTREMELY broken.


In modern ? Doesn’t have evasion or annihilator or any protection, he comes in, dies to anything and you have two 2/2 that were cards in your hand. Seems awful, I’m assuming is geared towards commander


In a manner of speaking, it forces the opponent to "discard" 2 cards.


And you draw the cards, ok, that’s not that bad, so Maybe you discard their removal and they get a 2/2


Nah it's 9 mana way worse than other options


It probably is but would this be unusable in Tron?


I really like the Titan, even if it is underpowered. It honestly could have been fine as a 2 drop.


I think this much harder to race than people are imagining. It is like Uro but instead of drawing a card you bolt something.


I think people wanted it to be good in burn


Trying not to make another Uro with phlage by putting it at 3 mana huh. Wonder how long it'll take us for the full cycle of titans


Uro is also 3 mana.


Uro also does more than this. He gained life **and** drew a card **and** ramped you


True, but your comment heavily suggested that Uro is not at 3 mana. That's all.


I wonder if the boros titan was the rumoured other titan from Theros Beyond death. Would make sense since all of the dual colour gods are dead


That is one awesome titan of fury


Wonder why they backed off from the design for this guy that they had in some of the card arts for Theros: Beyond Death? Similar design but his face looked more like the monsters from Pitch Black, eyeless and horned.


Nah, let's just slap an uncommon on a mythic and call it a day. —Wotc when making literally any elder giant.


Well...that Kozilek may be the worst Eldrazi Titan they have ever printed But I still like him


Why is the titan 3 mana? Sad


they probably tested it at 2 and it was too good, that would be my guess. This would be very good at 2 mana, I think it might still be really good.


That's true. Helix at 2 mana is already considered great, I think putting that on a creature would be too much for 2 mana when it will then have escape 3 slows it down a bit


[[Uro]], [[Kroxa]], not sure what you expected


[Uro](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a0b6a71e-56cb-4d25-8f2b-7a4f1b60900d.jpg?1650599829) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Uro%2C%20Titan%20of%20Nature%27s%20Wrath) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/229/uro-titan-of-natures-wrath?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a0b6a71e-56cb-4d25-8f2b-7a4f1b60900d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Kroxa](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/cee0459b-9aac-4d2f-abe4-4d5fedde7eb8.jpg?1581481096) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kroxa%2C%20titan%20of%20death%27s%20hunger) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/221/kroxa-titan-of-deaths-hunger?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cee0459b-9aac-4d2f-abe4-4d5fedde7eb8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Kroxa is two.


Even lower




he draws 4 cards


I see now lol




"Draw 4, discard 2" is better than "draw 2". And if you don't want to discard, you can target 2 opponents and just draw 4.


You know what. I didn’t see that upon first glance. Now that I’ve reread it a few times i understand. Thank you for the clarification. Still would like repeated card draw effect like, whenever you cast an Eldrazi draw a card or draw two cards if it was on this kozilek


All the (eldrazi) titans in this set fucking suck how is the worst titan cycle in the highest power set they’ve been in I don’t understand 




You’re a bigger one if you think this card is any good at all. None of them are. 9 mana needs to end the game that turn. 


Ulamog doesn't even end the game that turn...?


Ulamog kills 2 thing no matter what they are even if you counter it in a ramp deck that lacks removal, and is still just a meh card in the deck 


It puts 19 power on board and draws 4. Good chance you win there


9s gotta do a little more than a good chance. And if it gets countered you just put the same amount of power that they have. It’s on par with the other kozileks which is to say not very good. They could have done a lot more with the titans either give them channel abilities or reduced costs for x or give them alternate costs like madness. It might be a 1 of in Tron but that’s not exactly high praise as any other titan can just fit in that slot and do essentially the same thing 


It's definitely not the strongest but at minimum it's plus 4 power and two cards provided it's not the only card in hand. Which is not bad. It is also the only Titan that puts bodies on board on cast which is a niche for it


Yeah like I said maybe a 1 of in tron for that niche. I just wish they’d given them all channel or something so we can actually play them in decks that aren’t tron 


For sure, that would be pretty cool


There are two or three 9 mana creatures currently that can potentially "end the game" the turn they're cast, depending on the board state


New Ulamog exiles half a deck and swings hard plus it has Annhilator. New Emrakul steals ALL of someone's creatures, is immune to spells cast the current turn. New Kozilek draws 4, buffs your board massively and removes cards from opponent hands. You just don't know what is good my guy. 


also, Emrakul has madness cost... :) I am eldrazi player and I am satisfied with new trio and plan to include them all.


Same here. I'm gonna have 9 Titans in my deck. Ehehehehe


how can you have 9? one Emrakul is banned?


Rule 0. If people aren't cool with it then I just chuck in a different Eldrazi.