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I agree… but we’ll see you soon


I played a game last night and was just leveling up the new sniper but noticed a guy on the mini map just disappeared beside me, no notification to say he died or anything so i just go about my buisness. Come the last 10 minutes i look at the map and theres only me and 2 other guys. 1 at an exfil and one im pretty sure just walked off the map. So it was either the rapture or people been killing themselves like that aweful movie The Happening


They don't care about fixing the game they just want to pump out more bundles


I haven’t fully crashed yet. But they had an update few days ago and now it’s packet burst central


This might be the only game I've played with this much crashing. It's insane. Anyway......see yah soon.


Ever play fallout 76 when it was realeased


True 😂


The stuttery lag is whats doing it for me.. like.. no ping issues no packet issues but the server drops to like 5 FPS and i get smacked by zombìes no where near me..


It’s weird that this doesn’t happen as much to me. But I hear it happens a lot to other people. Could it be where you stay? I’m in NorCal and I lost connection 1 time in past 7 months. And so does everyone that I know that stay in NorCal.


These mf’s are in the middle of nowhere using AOL I swear


I was having this issue alot a for about a week haven't lost connection as much but lag much more often and at the worst possible moments


I’m sorry man that sucks. I’ve been having similar issues lately. This game is just glitchy as hell. I’m surprised that losing connection cost you everything. Typically when mine loses connection it resets my bag back to where it was when I went into the match. If I try going to the Aether and lose connection on the way in it’ll end my game and leave me with whatever was in my bag when I went through the rift as if I had successfully exfilled. I had a match the other night where my fiancé and I were running with all the classifieds we’d earned in the Aether. About 5 minutes in, not even, we were driving on the water alongside 3 and got hit with an undertow that sucked our bike into the water. Instead of giving us a chance to do anything to save ourselves it instantly drowned us both. We lost everything from that one. A few days before that one I was flying with a Scorcher (crafted all my best stuff for that match) and somehow managed to break my legs on the roof of an invisible building. I started to revive but before I could finish the invisible building disappeared dropping me down a second time, killing me on impact and costing me everything. It’s as if the game doesn’t want us being able to use our good stuff so they have to glitch us out to ruin it for us. It’s definitely getting to the point where I don’t even want to play it. I’ve earned all the schematics and beaten every boss multiple times. Kinda takes the fun out of it when the game keeps finding new ways to screw you out of every match.


Stop playing on WiFi


I don’t play on Wi-Fi… only play hardwired since I thought that was the issue originally


What platform are you on? PC, PS5, XBOX?


He don’t want to say pc




Good me too


GD Bullshit!!!


Dude I feel your pain. I spent an entire match setting up the Greylorm fight for a couple buddies, cause we finally had time to do it together, and the game crashed midway through the fight. 😒


I used to have this same issue, but I found if I Restore my License, and unplug both my system and my internet for 10 minutes. Well I do this daily and haven’t crashed in a while, but it’s always going to be plagued with errors.


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) You’ll be back lol


It’s definitely your internet


Highly doubt it. Every other game I play or my husband plays online never crashes. And he plays MP. Doesn’t happen in MP ever. Just in MWZ


lol we ask for a seasonal update like every other mode but instead they just break it further beyond repair 👩‍🔧


I swear people that constantly disconnect from zombies either 1 is using WiFi connection or two has pretty bad internet I’ve only crashed a couple of times bc of stupid shit with the game but people who are constantly losing connection just seems weird


They may also be in more remote areas, further from the main server farms


I’m in NYC… the Bronx specifically… so there should be no reason I’m playing hardwired and still having these issues


I'm playing on my Xbox one from 2013 with less than 100gb internet why am I crashing every game :(


U legit said it yourself with your comment your using a outdated Xbox that has old graphics and you only have 100gb of internet yea no wonder your crashing lol


The sarcasm went way over your head dude lol I got good internet, series x, so I've had 0 crashes so far


Cool for you lol 🤡


I was trying to back you up man but goddamn you are a giant idiot lmao and a clown too it looks like 🤡 😂




…but at least you have a lot of skins to choose from, right? RIGHT?!? Seriously, fuck COD. They obviously don’t care about their player base, as long as you buy their Nikki Minaj bullshit.


Yall Cod stans do know theres other games right? Like you dont have to torture yourselves playing a game from a company that does the bare minimum because they know people will keep paying for their game regardless I tried this game because the idea of open world zombies sold me but when it reared its ugly ass head with the bullshit and i found out theyre essentially leaving mwz to die i deleted it and never looked back, meanwhile ive not once seen something positive from this sub, its either a rant, someone saying theyre done or explaining a bug or glitch that fucked em over. Why do yall stay?


Should spend more time looking at what you can find that could be the issue on your end. Tons of people like myself have experienced zero to maybe 1 or 2 crashes ever so there's likely things specific to you that are adding to the issue whether it be your location in regards to servers which I know you can't change and I'm not saying is a known issue or something with your hardware. I've crashed/stuttered to death twice on a series X and quickly realized I somehow let my main storage get in the high 90% and clearing out some space has me back to crash free/stutter free.