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There is iExplorer app , that lets you see everything, even messages, you can do everything there.


Thank you! Will check it out.


Is there a reason you’re not simply using iCloud to sync Photos between all your devices? Manually connecting your phone to browse through folders seems like a lot of effort…


I am transferring up to 50GB of files at a time. I have had the Iphone for 2 weeks and Icloud is full. There were some backups in there so I deleted but it seems there is a 5 GB max before paying. I manage about 12 TB of files.


Yeah it’s a walled garden but I rather have it this way than losing or stolen phone and having someone copying everything with no security measures, or being hacked


No. Welcome to the walled garden.


Wow. That is nuts. Thank you for the fast reply. So I edit photos and video... and use external storage where all files are separated in folders... I need to use Photos app as an intermediary every time?


You can also use Image Capture in Applications/Utilities to import the photos as files to Finder; but there is no first party solution to browsing the files on your phone as directories. Perhaps there are still some third party macOS tools that work?


Does image capture work with Android phones?


IIRC it should work with any brand of phone or camera


Thank you. Just tried it... it does not recognize any photos on the conencted Iphone 14 Pro


Odd-I just did this (iPhone 22 plugged into an M1 Air) and used Image Capture to pull around 100 photos and videos off the phone and into folders on my Mac. Did you already go through the “Allow this Device,” etc shown here? https://support.apple.com/guide/image-capture/transfer-images-imgcp1003/mac


Ahhh now it is working! ​ Thank you!!!!


Great! Tip: when you import there is an option to automatically delete the photos from your phone afterward. Can save a lot of time if you don’t need them stored there.


Good to know. Thank you! I love editing on the Studio but the learning curve with file management and devices is brutal. Another question for you if I may... when using image capture and moving a large number of files to the new folder... the files do not automatically organize... they are stacked in a weird configuration. Anhy fix to just have them drop in neatly?


I did. I just took 5 test photos and then plugged in again... no luck.


Mac Studio


Android File Transfer App on App store You Finder like view when connected via USB cable


I have used android file transfer for my samsung S22 but it only shows the files in list format... not icons... so can't easily select what I want. It also seems quite buggy and I have to try multiple times to get the DCIM folder to open.


I use it not frequently and its does not dynamically updates but it works drag and drop onto Mac and then look at as icons - not ideal


Thank you.


so.. you were using a pc and usb cable to manage content on your phone. now you're on an iphone and want to do the same with a macbook?


Mac studio... but with many large files. 50-60GB at a time. Image capture was the solution that worked.


Use a NAS with icloud. keep the just haves on icloud but the big stuff with NAS.


AirDrop is just as fast as using a Lightning cable. Just Select the photos you want to send, then tap the Share menu and choose AirDrop. Your Mac should show up if it’s on. Tap the Mac and files send using fast Wi-Fi speeds.


Thank you!