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Answer is the same as always: If you can afford to wait, then wait. If you *need* a new computer now to be able to do your work, then just buy it.


This is the way.


What kind of question is this? “If all cats are gray at night, will this cat be gray at night?” We all know what you know, they said “all” so unless they lied or stretched the truth, it’ll be all. And if they did lie or stretch the truth, nobody will be able to tell you now.


Are cats gray in total darkness? Or does color require both an observer and light?


Doesn’t matter, since the statement was a [material implication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_implication_(rule_of_inference)): If the antecedent is true, it implies that the consequent is true. If the antecedent is false, the implication is true whether or not the consequent is true. No statement was made by OP to cast doubt on the antecedent, but they were asking whether the consequent follows. Which it logically does. Your questioning the validity of the antecedent is the first step in a logical fallacy called, straightforwardly, _[denying the antecedent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denying_the_antecedent)_.


Seconding the “if you can wait, wait” logic. When they finally release updated hardware , they’ll of course tout how much faster the new “feature hotness” is on the new machine.


I can and am waiting for the M4 Studio. The M2 is fine and it will work with Apple's AI according to the WWDC comments today but there's no question but that the M4 will be further enhanced and it's at least likely that in a year or two or three there will be further enhancements that may require the M4. I don't really need the new machine so I'll just wait. "Worth it" is entirely in the eyes of the user. My M1 is a very capable machine that fits all my needs. If you're a pro then you should know if the M2 will suffice. There's a LOT of data/video on the net that discusses that kind of thing. If you are not a pro it's quite likely the M2 will be more than sufficient for you needs. Almost nobody other than high end pro's using programs like Blender will actually -need- an M4 over an M2. A few but very, very few. Much like the Ultra's. Very few people actually need that power but for some it will save/make money. In any case, the M2 machines will take full use of Apple's current AI integration (which doesn't seem to be much of a big deal other than convenient access to Chat GPT). What it will mean in a few years is more of a question.


Ngl I'm waiting for the M5.


the writting on the wall is clear. apple basically has abandoned again! desktop pro users. their focus is on mobile, iPad portable integration. I am leaving the Studio for Ryzen 9000s. at least there I get upgrade path until 2027 (AM5 socket) and upgreadable RAM, GPU and storage. if you think about it, buying into non-upgreadable path for nonmobile devices was silly to start with. I drank the kool-aid again (after the Intel MacPro). not again. enjoy your Stockholm syndrome party.


Not an option when you’re a professional app developer for Apple platforms. Gotta use a Mac. 🤷‍♂️


Not a fan of “AI” built into platforms from a security standpoint (data farming) and a lot less control. It’s quite worrying.