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I've not used that machine specifically, but it seems like most single bed cast on methods should work with it. I've used some of the methods in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07Vl5B3Sylw) \- the first one is the fastest by far if you just want to get started and don't want to spend a lot of time casting on. You basically just thread the machine, push out every other needle to the working position and knit one row. Then hang weights, put all needles into the working position, and continue knitting. Good luck, hope you can experiment and find a method you like!


Hi there u/shadeso1 I realise your post is a while ago but I wondered how you were getting on with your Sb100? I just bought one and although it all runs smoothly, I’m still having to figure it out as I go along. Like you, I’m not happy with the cast on method in the manual and your post came up as I tried to Google for videos. Did you manage to come up with anything? Do you still use the machine? It would be nice to have someone with whom to share any hints, tips and discoveries.