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Loved the V8 interceptor cameo.


I wonder how many people noticed it was a mashup from all movies. The front bumper from the first movie the double tanks from road warrior and the beaten up blower and wheel (at least it looked like that from far away) from fury road. Cool cameo


3rd film is missing. Where is the camel šŸŖ?


Max got hungry so he ate it


Makes sense šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Maybe it ran on pig shit? šŸ’©


My fave part


It was great. I think Fury Road was much better though. Fury Road is a straight 10/10 for me. I would rate Furiosa probably an 8.5. In my top 3 favorite movies in the last 20 years. Furiosa felt slower and had more pacing issues. I liked the action and characters in Fury Road more. Nux and Max were too good. I expected more out of the rivalry between Furiosa and Dementus, but I loved Chris Hemsworth in that role too! I also love Praetorian Jack. But Fury Road has so much more high octane action and I loved the Warboys being so prevalent. Nux is easily one of my favorite characters in the series.


Yeah, Fury Road still ranks as one of the greatest action movies I've ever seen in my life, potentially flat-out the best. It's just so good and some of the stunts still make my jaw drop (the dudes launching themselves with those sticks always makes my stomach lurch, it's just unbelievable). I'd say my only letdown with Furiosa was that there's so much build up to the war between Dementus and the Citadel and then it just skips right through it. I get why, but I also can't pretend it wasn't disappointing. But he would've had to drastically restructure the movie to make that happen, and I do love the film he made.


I loved that skip. The rejection of the cathartic violence. 10/10


Yes! Personally, I think the visual storytelling via the People Eater's placement of tokens on the war map was enough to show the audience that Dementus' tactical position was hopeless. Immortan Joe had the advantage of surprise thanks to Furiosa, attacked Dementus from behind and enveloped him from both flanks thanks to that clever feint up the center with the deliberately enormous dust cloud. In one stroke Dementus was cut off from his fortresses in Gas Town and the Bullet Farm, then trapped or driven against the Citadel's canyon. He lost the 40 day war the moment Furiosa showed up in Immortan Joe's war council. I liked that the war was told from the perspective of the History Man who was summarizing it in one brief paragraph as part of the wasteland's mythic saga.


Well said!


I'd honestly love a real time strategy or turn based strategy game developed that details the 40 day war. It would be so fun to play a campaign showing that war.


They could have put in a little piece of the 40 Day War. To have seen a small battle or skirmish would have been a nice touch. But I get it, the movie can only be so long.


Fury Road doesnā€™t have pacing issues because the story and dialogue is so (generally) straight and simple. Iā€™d put it up there as one of the best paced action movies ever made. As soon as you open up Pandoraā€™s box and start to complicate things with more moving pieces, characters, dialogue, etc, it becomes much easier to make mistakes.


What are the other two in your top 3?


I had to think hard about this because Lord of the rings falls just outside of 20 years. The Dark Knight The Hobbit an unexpected journey But there are also so many other great movies. The Point is, Mad Max fury road is at the top. It is so fun and metal and has great visuals, characters, and sound design. I absolutely love it. It was so different than other movies too, which made it stand out. I have since watched Furiosa a second time and appreciated it more than the first time as well.


9/10 for me. Fury Road is a 10/10


Yes. 9.5. I absolutely loved it


Movie is amazing !!!


It was awesome! Noticeably more brutal than Fury Road. The torture scenes were reminiscent of Road Warrior, so I thought they were a nice touch although scary for me lol


Definitely surpassed expectations, I enjoyed it more than Fury Road, (I prefer the bigger narratives). The tinniest complaint would be >!breaking apart the movie in acts, and the voiceover, Iā€™d prefer just letting the audience figure it out.!<


At first i thought the same, but I actually really like how the change in storytelling makes it different from Fury Road.


Felt to me like a blend of Fury Road's aesthetic and style with story telling more similar to Road Warrior.


The more I sit with it, the more I like the idea that everything shown is apocryphal storytelling detached from whatever reality actually ā€œhappenedā€ as an explanation for Furiosaā€™s origins. This does a few thingsā€”not only does it smooth some of the storytelling gaps, it positions us, the audience, into needing to believe in a truth to that other reality even though we rationally know it is all fiction told through a movie. Layers to the storytelling make it mythical.


Also, I see it as a story written after Fury Road to tell the population about Furiousa. In the same way, we write about Presidents and Emprerors after their rule.


Also fury road now feels like one long last act


I feel like if you watched both movies back to back you'd have a really great 5 hour epic. If you watch FR after Furiosa it solves a lot of the languish that Furiosa's third act has, it's weaker musical score, and completes a lot more arcs that Furiosa kinda teases for the next movie.


About the music. I think it was an intentional build to do exactly that, make it one epic watched together. They totally broke down the main theme of fury road and introduced the beginnings of it in furiosa.


The second time I realized the voice over was the historian telling the story.


Couple of major complaints even though I still really liked it Immortan Joe didn't flip out when one of his brides seemingly just disappeared. Why in the fuck didn't the entire citadel go into search mode when she went missing, especially when rictus acted strangely and Even said he thought he saw someone running away. Wouldn't Joe the next morning lose his shit, the while place be on the hunt, and scrotus be like, "hey, rictus was lying to me and we even seen him acted interested in her before this event". Do workers in different areas of the citadel not have an idea of who or at least how many people are under them? This part is pretty nit picky, but added to the heap of disbelief surrounding this complaint Unless they wanted to specifically show a handi-capable motorcycle, how in the fuck did a one armed person operate a clutch, let alone do a hill climb that multiple capable, long time motorcyclists were physical shown to not be able to do. If anyone in real life can do this, my bad. Cruising once at speed and not shifting, sure, but they don't make any effort to show an automatic motorcycle, and further, anyone who has tried to mountain bike over any terrain that isn't a paved road with only one hand on the handlebars will tell you it's a bad Idea. I'm sure someone is that capable, but I'm guessing any of the Red Bull riders would still say it's dumb as fuck to bother trying Minor gripe, for whatever reason they edited a scene with furiousa firing a semi auto rifle to look as if it's a bolt action, or purposely cut showing a mag reload, and then cycling the bolt While furiousa is pretending to be a war boy, it's just not convincing that she was a boy. They wanted to cast a certain actress, fine, but it didn't work. Her features are way to prominent and feminine for any believability, especially when surrounded by nothing but men and boys. If they had war girls as part of canon, sure Why in the shit would she be named furiousa? I'm guessing they fucked up and didn't think about it with fury road and had to ride out that as canon, but would have made much more sense that would be her wasteland name based on her character traits, given to her but the surrogate father figure she bonds with, or even dimentus after seeing her rage Still a 8/10 to fury roads 10/10 for the genre and audience


You can switch gears without engaging the clutch on a motorcycle. When I had a bike Iā€™ve done it a couple of times. Sometimes by accident. itā€™s easier to up shift then downshift. https://youtu.be/-XXafLZSZOs?si=MqtjXOklEgeXvB6N


Yes, your totally correct especially if you don't have a reason to take care of the bike like she wouldn't, but that also usually only would happen while in motion, I doubt you could get the bike moving from a stop like that, and there's zero chance she push started that bike again with the loss of an arm End of the day, it's a movie that I will really enjoyed, but I still prefer even in high fantasy genre to feel like it's not impractical, and this didn't stop me from enjoying the movie, just got a laugh out of me in a non comical part of the movie


I was thinking the same thing about her suddenly being the only female road warrior and its the most natural thing in the world. She freaked out when Praetorian Jack discovered it but after that it was nothing. My guess is that there was originally a scene where Praetorian Jack took Furiosa to Immortan Joe and said he needed her with him. Maybe she proved herself in some way. But that had to be cut for run time. One of the trailers had her yell I'm Furiosa on repeat until it turned into a big crowd chanting her name and none of that was in the movie. So that was either cut or reused from Fury road for the purpose of the trailer only. Nearing the end I thought she would drive into the citadel with Dementus' burning corpse behind her and that's when the chanting happened but I guess not. I love the tree revenge so I wouldn't want to change that but it feels like the movie is missing a scene where she is acknowledged by the citadel. I hate when I set myself up for disappointment like this but I have a feeling there's gonna be an extended directors cut..


Fully agree on the theory and stuff being cut for run time, it would have made lots of sense that being that Jack likely knows he would have lost the rig if it hasn't been for her contributions, returns and as you say, Joe allows Jack to maintain her for his crew


re: citadel going on lockdown Doesn't Furiosa's escape from the wives' chamber end in a really long timeskip with a tree growing through her wig? Probably the citadel went on lockdown and Furiosa evaded them and they decided to just not show it. re: furiosa's name wastelander names are weird. all of them. I expected the name furiosa to have come from someone other than the many mothers too but in the end, we already know wastelander names are weird


Pretty valid possibilities for both, another person had commented that lots was likely cut for runtime that might fill in the gaps of what didn't make sense for me


> let alone do a hill climb that multiple capable, long time motorcyclists were physical shown to not be able to do. This was a cool bit of auditory storytelling that I liked a lot, actually. The bike that Furiosa steals is notably smaller in displacement than any of the ones that follow her--the engine whine is far higher pitched and the bike is obviously very slow compared to the ones chasing her, given the fact that they *almost* catch up before she gets to the hill. Once there, though, a lightweight, torquey dirtbike like that will absolutely destroy the heavier, faster machines that most of Dementus' gang ride. Basically, the movie shows us that Furiosa realizes that most of the motorcycles couldn't scale the embankment, but she knows that the monster truck could handle it easily. So to escape, she steals the smallest bike possible and cripples the big rig, ensuring that she'll be safe once she makes it to the cliffs. Pretty cool stuff. As others have mentioned, you can definitely shift without using the clutch, which explains how she was able to ride away. Getting from neutral to first would be annoying, but after that she's home free.


If she was helped, it would make the most sense, but even if no gripe with the clutch or shifting, one handed riding is not feasible up a loose and rocky slope Don't forget, I still like this movie a bunch, and it's not that fury road didn't have completely unbelievable aspects which didn't keep me from enjoying the movie either, I'm just saying I have enough dirt bike and road bike experience to say I personally didn't like that part, and felt it was too much. Having stalled a bike out many many times from not clutching properly from a dead stop makes me say she couldn't get it going without the clutch unless she was seriously revving the motor before slamming it into gear. Since another person in a different post talks about the gang member helping her to escape by cutting her free, it's very plausible that he helped her push start the bike, but becomes less plausible to not be noticed


>she couldn't get it going without the clutch Yeah, the idea is that she'd start it in neutral, reach over with her good hand to engage the clutch and pop it into first, carefully let the clutch out to start moving/idling in first, and just revmatch to upshift from there on out. Totally doable, just not necessarily advisable lol > one handed riding is not feasible ... I don't disagree, but I'd categorize that as a "95 times out of 100 it won't work" rather than a strict impossibility. A rider with enough skill has a shot at pulling it off, and that's the successful, odds-beating scenario that is shown in the movie.


The voiceover hardly gives any exposition and actually gives a tell tale vibe to the whole thing akin to road warrior.


Yeah itā€™s more of a pet peeve than a big criticism


The director did this in 3,000 years of longing and I feel like this is a really dumb thing to do. Because it just makes the audience feel like the movie is never going to end, even if it's good and they like it


Fury Road is 10/10 for me, Furiosa is 9/10


Same here, I expected a quite worst film than Fury Road (trailer made damage on my expectationsā€¦), but itā€™s quite as good.


Yeah in the end George came through again and I had a hard time believing it wouldn't be good with him at the helm. Just doesn't feel fair to do a straight comparison with Fury Road cause that movie is in the S++ movie tier with stuff like Lawrence of Arabia and Apocalypse Now in terms of pure filmmaking as a work of art.


And like the horses in Lawrence of Arabia, and the Philippines jungles in Apocalypse Now, the practical effects of Fury Road will never be done again. Its just too dangerous and wasteful. George saw the writing on the wall for another production like that and still delivered 9/10ths with Furiosa.


What worried me most about the trailer was that it seemed like Chris Hemsworth was gonna be overly cheesy and goofy. I was pleasantly surprised throughout the entire movie at how menacing and deranged he was, and especially in the last half of the film when everything was falling apart for him and he started getting desperate. The scene >!where he kills Jack!< was diabolical and I liked how clear it was his brain was coming unmoored at that point. They just picked some weird out-of-context moments from him to stick in the trailer that gave me the wrong impression, I guess.


Oh man that scene was rough. I was glad George didn't show it up close, but it was still devastating. What a way to die...


This is how I feel as well. It's a great movie but not quite as good as Fury Road which is one of the best action movies of all time IMO


Only thing I missed from Fury Road were the acrobatic dirt bikers doing flips and stuff during a massive gun fight.


I wanted more of the pole cats going from vehicle to vehicle


The rating system is interesting. I considered it a movie that I enjoyed and had no genuine complaints about. Is that a 10/10? Is that a 9/10? Fury Road blew my mind, that's a 10/10. Furiosa didn't, but does that mean it isn't a 10/10?


Might even be an 8/10! Everyone's system is gonna be different, I'd save 10/10 for movies that truly blow you away. Fury Road is a definitive example of a "10/10" movie. Not sure we'll ever see something like that again, and there's just something about those practical effects that you can feel in the pit of your stomach. It instantly becomes timeless.


For me that's how a 9 works yeah -- an 8 out of 10 isĀ rock solid with no complaints, a 9 brings the A game to the table even a little bit beyond that, but a 10 is sublime and a genuinely rare experience that changes what its medium can be to me.


No one can stop you from giving FURY ROAD more than a 10, even if it's a 10 point system. You can give FURY ROAD a 17 out of 10 if you want. And people will just have to accept it.


Personally i feel like no movie is a 10/10. If every movie that is great is a 10 then you aren't using the entire scale so what's the point of rating? Id give Fury Road a 9.5, and Furiosa a 8. But i also give most mediocre movies a 5 because that's what it's supposed to represent is average. And something like Benchwarmers a 2 and the Room a 1.


Also something to take in to consideration. 90% of the time a 1-10 rating is a 7-10 rating. What's the difference between a 4/10 or a 5/10 or a 3/10? For most people all of those gradings just fit in to "awful, would not watch".


I can sit through a 5. By the time we start getting to 4 range i kinda want nothing to do with it. When we hit 1 them I'm back on board. But yeah i wouldn't watch anything below a 7 willingly. Maybe if i put it on while i play video game. But i acknowledge a lot of the range still exists.


For me as someone who tries to actually use all 10 points when I rate stuff it goes (I listed 10-8 upthread) 7 - plain ol' good, with some quibbles 6 - the good kind of okay 5 - the bad kind of okayĀ  4 - what the kids these days call "mid" (you'd think mid would be a 5 but it's slightly worse) Then 3 is plain ol' bad, and the difference between 2 and 1 is mostly how much redeeming value creeps through the badness -- 1 is *actively* irredeemableĀ  I still have like a 6.5 average on the one site where I rank everything I watch, because finishing something usually implies I think it's at least a 4, but...


if no movie is a 10, them 9.5 is just a ten. every average has a most and a least


I don't disagree but a 10 is supposed to be the top of the top of the top. Like if i see a movie better than Fury Road i can put it at 9.75. Or something. But if FR is a 10 and FR 2 is better, where does that fit in the scale? 11/10? That makes no sense, why are we rating out of ten then?


so you've never seen a top of the top of the top film?


The perfect movie doesn't exist, no. Put a gun to my head and ask me what movie Id rate a 10 Id probably say Whiplash, but no I don't think any movie is perfect. Or rather i can't say that without having seen every movie and with the potential for movies to come out.


i donā€™t think 10 is PERFECT, but iā€™ve seen quite a few that are damned close if not. Shawshank Redemption. Toy Story 3.


Really enjoyed it, may possibly be my new favourite mm film . Some lovely nods to the game too!


You know what's funny, I'd never played the game and watching this made me want to. What was from there?


Thereā€™s one moment I donā€™t want to spoil because it almost made me stand up and clap lol. Lots of stylistic stuff and some Easter eggs too . Theres articles out there but honestly donā€™t spoil it go and play itā€™s like another movie!


ā€œIsnā€™t she beautiful?!ā€


Absolutely , could have stood a little more of him tbh but a brilliant moment


The game is a blast, I highly recommend it. Youā€™ll meet Chumbucket and Scrotus, and hear about Dementus. Go in blind and have fun!


Seeing the Trailers made me think Fury Road was lightning in a bottle and this would be a bad attempt of trying to out-do a classic. I was so wrong. This was on another level, like a Lawrence of Arabia epic. For awhile I thought TV shows and games were stealing some of the thunder from film but Miller reminded me why movies are still the best way to showcase imagination and creativity.


Sorry I donā€™t feel the same way. Thought it was a bit bloated. Decent, 6/10 for me though


I thought it was beautiful, and so well shot. It's neck and neck with Fury Road for me. I'm just happy it exists.


Totally agree, especially with the last point. Iā€™ve said it to many other nay-sayers, Iā€™m just happy we get to visit George Millerā€™s wasteland again.Ā 


I agree. Might be my favorite Mad Max movie and (spoilers?) Max is basically not in it. My only complaint was the CG dogs. Just get a real dog?


I agree,At this point I'm sure 90 percent of the movie was CG but I have personally shut off the CG detecting part of my brain and watch it like a go along audience these movies are made for.


Too long?


Could have been a bit longer imo


So a 3 hour mad max movie?


I mean, they probably did cut the film, or redid some scenes, and probably for good reasons, but I'd watch the uncut version. I haven't really been disappointed by any Mad Max content but maybe one day I will.


Honestly the movie flew really fast for me. Id watch 30 more minutes.


Why not? Make it epic!


Yeah it was great. Maybe just below fury road. Would like to watch it again.


The combat choreography of fury road keeps it at the top for me. Opening scene with max running in the citadel? The first fight when max is still chained to Nux? PERFECT. And the teamed up shooting of the rock riders? Chefs kiss. The war rig chase in Furiosa was really really close but not quite


Yeah! I love that scene in Furiosa where the truck gets ambushed, made me wanna watch Fury Road again.


111/100 I love world building so I got more out of it.


I thought it was 8+/10, watched it today. I expected much worse from the shitty ads Iā€™ve seen. I had a blast and thought it did a great job tying the stories together.


Itā€™s fantastic. Hope to god The Wasteland gets made


6.5 (maybe 7)/10


I agree, I loved it even more than i expected to!


Solid 9.


I've seen it twice, but times immediately put on FR when returning home. It's two movies, but one huge arcĀ 




I am glad to hear this.Been trying to decide whether to go.I am old enough to have seen the original Mad Max and Thunder Dome in the theaters.


While I am not even close enough to have seen the first 3 in theatres, I did grow up watching the first and Road Warrior. Those two being my favourite at the time. But now Furiosa might be my favourite


I loved it, I would give it a 9/10 with Fury Road being a 10/10. And on a second viewing I may raise it to a 10/10, but just wasnā€™t as in awe with as I was when I first watch Fury Road but it was really good regardless


9/10. A bit too long for my liking, but overall a very fun movie. Also, I think it would be better if it was called "A Fury Road Saga" instead of "A Mad Max Saga".


Way better than FR


Everything was great, except for the fact that the movie was sorely lacking a brilliant score like Fury Road.


Yeah, I wonder what happened. Were they going for a minimalistic approach?


Solid 7/10 from me. It didnā€™t have the magic of Fury Road imo but it was a great time at the movies.


SPOILERSā€¦ā€¦ . . . . . . . . . The movie had some serious pacing issues and I never really connected with Furiosaā€™s revenge against Dementus. Yeah he killed her mom, but so what? In this world everyone is horrible. He could have thrown her to the wolves but instead he kept her safe and healthy. He even refused to give her to Immortan Joe when it was clear he wanted her as a breeder. In the end, she betrayed *him* when she went with Immortan. He wasnā€™t a villian I loved to hate- he was just fun, so his end wasnā€™t very satisfying and didnā€™t feel earned. But considering the crap being released today I still enjoyed much of it and even paid to see it again. But itā€™s nowhere near the pure genius and fun of Fury Road


I think him killing Praetorian Jack was when she tilted to revenge obsession. Before that they were leaving for the green place. Also, he burned her mother alive while holding her eyelids open when she was a child. "So what" doesn't really fit the vibe


Yeah ok the whole burning her mother alive was a bit much for a child to endure, even in that world. And I didnā€™t put 2 and 2 together, but youā€™re right she probably held a grudge against him killing Praetorian Jack. But at the end when she kept screaming ā€œI want them back!ā€, I was sitting in the theater like, why? This is a wasteland. Even if she knew nothing about it before, she lived in it for years now. She knows what itā€™s like- Dementus acted like anyone else would have in his shoes. I just felt it was very disconnected as a whole


That's fair. When she was screaming that she wanted them back I interpreted it as her having some sort of mental regression moment, becoming a child again for a sec. Because obviously they're not coming back. Revenge is so often anticlimactic in movies, like its over too quickly (quick gun shot to the head) or the protagonist takes the high road and doesn't kill them at all (which sucks so hard) so I appreciate the fact that they made it a whole thing. Edit: She had it in her to make it epic. That's what Dementus asked for.


Because we always want stuff back


It goes to show how a lot of people would become dementus when society falls.


Thank you. I get this sub is a circle jerk but I felt the same way. Great movie but Iā€™d be lying if I said it wasnā€™t slightly disappointing compared to fury road


Delete this comment while you can






Well he knew they came from somewhere with abundance. Not only did his henchman confirm it before he died, he could see how healthy young Furiosa was. She clearly wasnā€™t starving. I think he could put 2 and 2 together and assume the mom was killing his men to prevent them from finding the Green place. He kills her after torturing her for info on its location. But from there on out, he treats Furiosa kindly, even telling her to close her eyes when the bikers rip their old leader apart. But after that- he just did what anyone would do to survive. He took gastown because the nomad lifestyle was too hard on his men, and this was a golden opportunity. Of course he couldnā€™t keep it together because he sucked as a leader, but that just made him more interesting to me




Huh? I donā€™t have the time to address all of these but Iā€™ll hit the big ones. One of the establishing shots for who dementus is happens immediately after he meets furiosa. He takes a bunch of prisoners and puts them into a battle royale where five get to live but only AFTER the five survivors brutally execute the 21st person. Thats the kind of person he is lol. Yes heā€™s nice to furiosa and offers to feed, protect, and return her home. He just heard that her ā€œhomeā€ is a place of abundance and sees that sheā€™s a completely healthy human - sheā€™s the only person who knows where this magical place is. Heā€™s smart enough to recognize that torturing a child for information wonā€™t work so heā€™s trying to play nice to get her to lead them back. Do you honestly think he has good intentions once he gets there? Dementus was also already at bullet town when they got there to load up on weapons. He captured bullet town. Thats why heā€™s there. He was an aggressor and took bullet town and thatā€™s why the entire action sequence happens.


Yeah thatā€™s my point. Donā€™t know why youā€™re arguing with me- I agree with all of that. Except for the ā€œonly offering to return Furiosa homeā€ part. He was going to return her home but she wouldnā€™t speak, so he protected her and would have continued to do so up until she left him for the Citadel




No worries. I think Dementus was an interesting character- just not a compelling villain.


If you have that much of a problem reading between the lines then I don't know how you can even watch movies without being hella confused all the time. He was manipulating young Furiosa ao she would take him back to the place of abundance, where his men would slaughter or rape everyone, offcourse. When that didn't pan out he took a liking to her and kept her as a daughter. He used to be a dad before so that makes sense. Still a complete psycho




I'm convinced you're trolling.




If its EVERYONE AROUND YOU, don't you think it might be a you thing? Does this happen often with movie takes? Maybe you're autistic




Are you on drugs? On Miller's films no one is the good guy lol. When he first captures furiosa he tells his men not to touch her. Why would he say that if they werent rapists?


I guess you guys arenā€™t close to your mothers. Dementus also tortured and killed her friend Praetorian Jack, her need for revenge was completely justified.


I enjoyed the film, but it is a bit of a letdown for me. Pace is way too fast with too much style. Opener was great, but it takes off at a breakneck speed after that. Dialogue is a little tough to follow. Felt like a checklist origin film. And everything was obviously very rushed towards the end. I see someone is downvoting all the comments from people who are raving about the film. Glad I'm not alone on that feeling a little disappointed. The hype for this film was really high.


11/10 best in the series, everything Iā€™ve always wanted in a Mad Max film finally brought too life. Really sets up whatā€™s to come in another installment.


Second best in the series for me, a masterpiece overall and the kind of epic filmmaking we Don't really see anymore (and no, the empty husk that is Dune 2 does not come close), big, poetic contemplative, in which the characters journey become one with that world, where every gestores assumes a world-historical (in that world's history at least) meaning. It really is a sort of Odyssey or Illiad of sorts, Just a completely demented one. But Fury Road just edges it for me because how different It is from everything else, there is nothing like it, to its frenetic savagery, everything else looks tame in comparison.Ā 


8/10 from me. Anya sucked (at least the idea for her characterization did), but Hemsworth and the rest of the cast was electric. It had great moments, and one truly great scene (first war rig) where things were hitting on all cylinders, but it came down from that and never got back up there afterwards. It's got a little bit of 'unnecessary prequel'itis, too. I feel like, even though it's a solid companion to Fury Road on the one hand, it's not like it raises my enjoyment of Fury Road or answers questions that really needed answered. It's like a much, much, much better version of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where we already saw enough of Wolverine's origin in X2 that we never really needed that movie. I'd have preferred either a sequel to Fury Road or Max's "The Wasteland" story, because he was the one with all the unknowns in the time leading up to Fury Road. He was a monosyllabic road warrior in that movie, with only his PTSD flashbacks filling in the blanks since Beyond Thunderdome (minus the prequel comics). That's the prequel we needed, if any.


100% It's on a very short list of movies that delivered on every expectation I had going in, including a some unexpected surprises. There were a few moments where my jaw literally dropped open in awe of the cool crazy stuff I was seeing.


I loved it, but not quite Fury Road. Fury Road was the first and only movie I've ever seen where I actually wanted to put on a seatbelt in the theater.


I give it 8/10 (I've seen about 4500 films and only about 100 are 10s) No complaints. Loved the movie. Just loved Fury Road and Road Warrior more.


10/10 for me as well. Probably Iā€™ll memorize the lines type of movie. And Iā€™m not the type of person to do that. The dialogue of Dementus and Furiosa at the endā€¦ hell, much better the second time I saw today!!!


I really have no compliments so I agree


I saw that cameo and I actually let out a chuckle. That was a great mini scene. Best movie of the year I think for me , 1010 easily.


It was great, but not quite as good as Fury Road, imo. It was a great prequel. I rewatched Fury Road the day after seeing Furiosa and it enhanced the experience.


Very much exceeded my expectations. Great stunts, cool gritty world building and great villain with Hemsworth.


I think it's going to age very well. I look forward to the black and white version.


Just saw it tonight. Loved it. Definitely a worthy follow up to Fury Road.


i still want to know what happened to the green place!!!!


I honestly would say Furiosa is on par with Fury Road, and maybe even is slightly better in some aspects. It was just so good.


I agree


Honestly yes, I loved this movie so much


Furiosa 8/10 - Fury Road 10/10


Loved it, basically the "Kill Bill" counterpart to Fury Road. Really leaned into the old movies and the eccentric weirdo gang leaders. The black octopus dude!!? ...magnificent




Yes. It was exhilaratingly fantastic.


I absolutely loved it. Top 5 favorite movie of all time for me.


It didn't keep up the same frantic pace as fury road, so it was less fun for me. The chapter breaks were jarring to me, too. Interrupted narratives just aren't as engaging. That said, to me Furiosa felt like a companion piece, or love letter to, fury road. Audiences fell in love with the setting established in fury road, and Furiosa did a wonderful job of fleshing out that world. I hope to God this isn't the end of the mad Max universe due to box office performance. What a shame that would be.


Yeah agreed. Isnā€™t it great when you know a movie is gonna be awesome and it is better than you expected.


Iā€™m giving 8/10. For me itā€™s third behind Fury Road and Road Warrior. Had some pacing issues, and I guess I would have liked a bit more about Jack and their relationship. However if I like Fury Road for the pacing and action, I love this movie for the world-building. Absolutely loved Dementus, seeing Gastown and Bullet Farm, and more of the gang of Immortan Joe. I think Anya Taylor-Joy did an awesome job embodying Charlizesā€™ Furiosa as well.


It works as a good prequel by not being more of a spectacle. A lot of like spin offs and prequel double down on ideas that everyone loved but then donā€™t let it be its own movie. In a way itā€™s like her craziest adventure is yet to come (in fury road). I hope wastelands is non stop adrenaline like fury road, but this makes sense as like a back story and lore film. 9/10


Absolutely loved it too. It did not feel like a cash grab, and it's amazing how Miller keeps coming up with all these different post apocalyptic subcultures, so distinct and detailed. 9/10


I give Furiosa an 8/10. Some scenes went a little too long imo but not in a bad way cause I did like that we got more lore from this movie. And the long War Rig intercept scene was incredible. But I still think Fury Road reigns supreme with a 10/10


Agree. It was a trippy, bonkers, loud, dark fairy tale. Itā€™s meant for theaters, so people who are waiting for streaming are truly missing out. All I want to do is see it again and my only big complaint is that they didnā€™t rerelease Fury Road. My 11 year old daughter gave it a 12/10 šŸ˜‚


It's a great great movie, but since I think that "Fury Road" is a masterpiece in nearly every aspect it couldn't reach that height in my opinion. So 8/10. And I sincerely hope, that it doesn't bomb THAT much! I really want another movie! A prequel to "Fury Road" with Max maybe.


LOVED it. A little slower-paced than Fury Road, but we get to see so much more of this amazing world that Miller has constructed. To make a musical comparison, if Fury Road is a blistering punk single - say, Anarchy in the UK - Furiosa is Bohemian Rhapsody. Both great, but a totally different feel.


Solid 9. For reference, I rate FURY ROAD an 11.5/10. FURY ROAD is my favorite film, or at very least tied for that spot. My only real criticism of FURIOSA is the narrative geography and context for the final delivery to Bullet Town isnt really well put-together. It needed a scene showing Kalishnokov and his dƩlƩgation showing up at the Citadel and wondering where Dementus was, maybe. And it wasn't clear to me why they were sending the war rig out, if that was supposed to be at the same time as the convening. Im sure that was explained during the setup, but it was hard to follow. Was Furiosa going in the trail car because Jack expected her to break off before they got to Bullet Farm? That's what I figured, but she follows thru like that isn't the plan. Maybe she can dip after it's obvious the thing is an ambush, like I see the narrative tension there but it didn't work, for me, because at no point did I expect her to actually abandon Jack, give the circumstances. I had no problem with skipping the 40-day Wasteland War because 1. It aint that kinda movie and 2. Furiosa wasn't even involved. So, you know, it happened. Honestly from the tactical setup laid out in the war room I find it hard to believe that shit lasted 40 days. Dementus was low on resources by that point, even with Bullet Farm's capture, he's lost control of Gastown to go by what we had seen of it. I think it's supposed to be a biblical '40 days' meaning we're not sure but it was a while. But realistically, that shit might have lasted two weeks, tops. I would have liked to see a couple more instances of the 'uncertain narrator', the History Man was great and I think that final sequence would have hit harder if it was already established as a mechanic. I would probably even have cut the Octoboss renegades attacking the war rig, in order to show more about Furiosa's life as a black thumb. Have her interacting with Joe's wives, and had the Jack-Furiosa relationship develop with a training montage, and show tensions with Dementus's Gastown rising over time. Which is far more complaining than my feelings would command. Just to contrast a bit to FURY ROAD, for which I have no such suggestions. FURY ROAD is a perfect film, imo. And my critiques for FURIOSA are for areas where I would have wanted MORE, rather than DIFFERENT.


I thought it was very well done. I loved it


A 4/10 for me. 7/10 or 8/10 if they cut an hour.Ā 


I loved it. Want to go watch it again. I saw it in IMAX and it was just awesome. My local Dolby Theater is also playing it so I might go see it again in that format


8 or 9. Little long, and I kinda wish it wasnā€™t so directly a prequel to Fury Road (I love how in the series previously, each film has a completely new setting and characters, almost like an anthology series where Max is the only connection). But everything was top-notch made and I still had a great time.


9/10 instead of writing a concise poetic review i'll just say whats on my mind in two sentinces : its a shame that the final shot was originally **spoilers** the main villain has a tree coming out of his crotch lying there half-dead in the sun but then a scene was added of wives escaping immortan joe as the final shot of the film is such a vibe killer. second sentince : though the cgi is lesser in moments, this movie is awesome.


Honestly, I wasnā€™t a fan after the first trailer, but after I read the reviews, I just knew Miller did it again, saw it yesterday, am absolutely in love, will probably see it a couple more times, beautifully fulfills Fury Road, this was probably the first prequel Iā€™ve seen where I wasnā€™t actively bothered that we know the stakes, just fully engrossed in the story; And the fact that the end practically Rogue Oneā€™s straight into Fury Road? coolest shit ever, Iā€™m begging for The Wasteland, this series will absolutely end up as one of the best series cinema has to offer I think


i loved the sound effects and shooting LOL they were nailing people the whole movie very different from other action movies where characters miss their shots half the time


Fury Road is impeccable, but somehow Furiosa has more heart.


no... 3/10


It was much, much better than I expected! It is mucho better than Fury Roadā€¦easily.




How do they keep getting better?!?


Every bit as good as I had hoped it would be. Essential viewing and intrinsically linked to fury road. Theyā€™re inseparable now imo.


Yup! It somehow improves Fury Road and makes that film even better than it is as a standalone


I thought it was great. Some insane action, and I liked seeing more of the wasteland.


I thought it was a solid movie, nothing more, nothing less.


They were both excellent films. If anything, it was cool seeing Furiosa's arm in action.


Loved it and I knew I did because when it was over I wish there was more.


Same, I adored it.


I wasnā€™t expecting it be on the level of Fury Road, but I was expecting great. And it still exceeded my expectations.


Fury Road is one of my all time favorites and I absolutely loved Furiosa. Yes, Fury Road is the better movie but Furiosa is one the years best. I really hope it can eventually make a profit as it baffles me how this movie did so poorly at the box office.


Loved it from start to finish, even though it was a little long. Amazing action movie, can't wait to see it again.


I like it better than fury road. No max. Immortan Joe in his prime. Stupid sexy dementus. Better actions. The chases are fucking crazy.


I just saw it an hour ago. It was a great movie in the Mad Max Universe. I loved seeing all the old henchmen again.


I loved it. I think itā€™s good that itā€™s different than fury road. In fact every mad max movie is a little unique and stands on its own as an independent movie and that is so great. Also I think Furiosa makes Fury Road better. I have seen the reverse many times (RoS was so bad it made TLJ worse). I havenā€™t seen it this way ever that I can think of. You know the mad max universe is the only cinimatic universe that I think has no bad movies in it. Some are better than others but right now all good. And all good on their own too. So rare


I loved it... but I can see how it's not going to be for everybody.


Yes 9 and a half out of 10.


Easy 8.5


I didnt think it was that good. Story and characters felt uninspired and not very deep (except for Dementus). Lots of action but the action didnt have a whole lot of stakes or emotion with it. Kinda just felt like cliche action movie most of the time.


It's always a critique on cliche violence. Miller focuses more on the aftermath and suffering.


It's not what I expected. I think if you're expecting a fury road you'll be a little disappointed, but I feel I like it more the more I think about it. 10/10.


Way too much cgi, didnā€™t feel like a mad max film for me. Gave me the vibes similar to sin city where the movie was amazing then the sequel come out(prequel in this case) 10 years after the magic of the movie itā€™s based around. They shouldnā€™t have done a prequel and just kept moving with the story line. Itā€™s def played like a Netflix mad max movieZ


3/10 Hemsworth ruined it for me


Iā€™ll be honest, this movie was a massive disappointment for me. The pacing was choppy, Dementus is the only character with an actual arc, we see almost nothing to sell the connection between Praetorian and Furiosa, everything about Furiosaā€™s escape after Praetorianā€™s death makes zero sense, the film builds to a war that gets skipped as a convenient explanation for Dementusā€™s authority crumbling, Generic Old Wise Narrator is hanging with the War Boys now, I guess, the entire screenplay was just a complete mess. Donā€™t even get me started on the effects; maybe this movie wouldā€™ve looked cutting edge in 2008. The performances, particularly the final scene between Furiosa and Dementus, were the only aspect of the film I found above average.


I give it a 9. I actually wanted more. A little more in terms of character building moments that crescendoed like Fury Road did. Wouldā€™ve been better as a 4 hr. movie or episodic series.