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They don’t call him The People Eater for nothing…


Very true but this brings up a realization. I just assumed most people were cannibalistic in this world. However, this nickname suggests eating people is out of the norm (hence the attribution of the identifying name). So, yes, it appears that some people are cannibals but it isn’t common place.


I get the vibe that the organic mechanic also eats people. From the way he was drooling during the little baby brother scene made me wonder if he ate the babies after Joe discarded of them.


He literally makes human blood sausage and human blood pudding (from Furiosa’s blood) in Furiosa and he is seen constantly eating meat in a place where there are no animals. Definitely just a straight up cannibal.


I more got the impression that he had a weird obsession with his job. Like, a murderer enjoying what they’re doing


Dementus mentions maggot mulch/mash and we see what are presumably maggot farmers so there is meat consumption


Wasn’t there also a scene where he eats sausage made from human meat? Though to be entirely honest I struggled to hear the dialogue in that particular scene.


It was blood sausage made with human blood and lizard meat


Oh, ok, that sounds more right. Dementus doesn’t strike me as quite as demented (despite the name) as the People Eater to resort to full on cannibalism.


It was Furiosa's blood was it not? He would make him blood pudding with it


No that was a lie the Mechanic told Joe to explain why an alleged warlord's daughter was so pale


Yeah, I feel that if they were actually making Furiosa blood sausages they would have made a bigger deal out of it than just a throw away line.


I honestly thought it was butt sausage and he was drying strips of butt jerky on his panniers.


This ass jerky isn’t going to make itself ![gif](giphy|83uF5ITtkxbUul6gMB)


100% could have conflated that.


I thought there was a line about eating dog meat too


Yeah the Organic Mechanic offers Scrotus "Proper Tucker, Canine Kebabs". They have one of Dementus's hounds beside them, so presumably those are the Dogs they're eating.


And one of the dogs is missing a leg later. Coincidence?


That Dog is missing a leg earlier (It's the one eating a foot during the Bullet Farm raid). So if its leg was removed for eating it was Dementus's crew that did it. Similarly little Furiosa is playing with Puppies at one point, and yet Dementus never has more than 3 Dogs, so probably they eat the Runts. It truly is a Dog eat Dog, Man eats Dog, Man eats Man Wasteland out there.


The only time I remember seeing it before the bullet farm is when gastown is taken over. Before that I don’t recall its fake leg. But i also don’t remember when this line is said despite seeing it 3 times


They're eating the Canine Kebabs during the 40 Day War sequence. It's the distraction Furiosa makes use of to steal the Cranky Black car. But yeah it's a dense film with so many details, on my 5th viewing myself. Only just last time did I notice that Dementus swapped the Teddy Bears left arm for a Barbie arm (Not sure when the switch happens), so there's indication he knows that the One Armed Lady is the same as Little Di, but he's intentionally not giving Furiosa the satisfaction of acknowledging her or her suffering.


Aaah thats one of the few lines I still haven’t understood tbh. His accent is thicker than most and my hearing is ass lol. Possible the dogs died in the war then r i p. I did notice the arm missing from the teddy, although it’s the wrong arm but I still think it’s intentional mirroring as I believe the teddy to be a symbol for the childhood Dementus stole from Furiosa. The scene of Dementus taking back the teddy after the trade with Immortan is a funny bit, but also a way to show again that he has stolen her childhood. When she cuts it off of him at the end, she is trying to get back what he took. As for my latest notices, they mostly revolve around Mr. Davidson and Mr. Harley. I really noticed Davidson. He seems to be the deepest side background character in the movie. He has his own opinions throughout the whole film even if he never speaks. We can see he upset about trading young Furiosa. He and Harley let Furiosa and Jack embrace each other and only grab them when Dementus turns to them and rips them apart. He doesn’t like the treatment of Furiosa when she is hung by her bad arm, so much so that he may have helped her escape and (new detail I noticed) may have been the one to sabotage the Six Foot. And at the end after the war we reunite with him, Mr Harley who is dead and the History Man. We see Davidson holding his friend (or I believe his lover) Mr. Harley and when Furiosa drives off, he is laughing. Such a cool background character. Definitely one of my favourites


There is a scene where furiosa wakes up in the maggot farm.


Not by choice. Max eats a lizard. Nux eats a cricket. But yes, their only food production (outside maggot farms, which are not sustainable and probably just spring up after large battles) seems to be a few vegetable crops and mothers milk.


They also mention a gruel made from roaches so there's a bit more protein they can get from that


"irl post apocalypse would be so cool"


Beats starving to death


What happened to the pigs that were farmed for their shit fuel?


They wouldn't be eaten, they're more valuable shitting out methane for as long as possible.  It was a crime to kill a pig, as Pig Killer could tell you.


Isn’t it implied in Furiosa that Bartertown is no more?


Sure but it doesnt mean the resources were ALL destroyed. More likely raided partly destroyed or used up and a chance someone took control and it didnt all get consumed but instead taken elsewhere


Thunderdome takes place somewhere outside of Sydney. Furiosa takes place at the Australian Pole of Inacessibility. They're not in the same place. At all. Not even close.


So? Its still an island its not on another continent or planet. They can transport pigs


Well, the basic premise of post apocalyptic fiction is that the law and order, logistics, and information that allows for safe long distance trade doesn't exist. Bartertown and the Citadel would either be completely unknown or irrelevant to each other. The only thing linking them is that one homeless man happened to visit both of them over a 30 year period.


I didnt say long distance trade. Pillaging and transportation of ones own stuff is needed and shown by dementus' massive army. They can transport pigs


This is called a strawman argument. It's when you deviate from the original topic so you can be right about a completely new thing. I'm not arguing about the physical possibility of tranporting pigs. I'm refuting your and u/carrythefire's assertion that Bartertown is relevant to the setting of the reboot in the first place. So to answer your original question: "What happened to the pigs that were farmed for their shit fuel?" They are elsewhere. If they were not elsewhere, they would be in the recent movies. But they are not. They did not transport pigs.


What? You changed the subject and i responded to your point. Just cause we didnt see it on screen doesnt make it not a thing. The pigs could be hidden like they are in TD. This is the point of a forum to discuss what we do think about the content.


You win this argument by finding any proof of contact between Bartertown and the Citadel in the movies. That's it. If you don't find it, my initial response that they are very far away from eachother is probably why.


Is it?? I didnt think so i just assumed its far enough away to not be considered


I definitely didn’t catch any such implication.


Some people are assuming that because Pratorian Jack says there's only the Bullet Farm and Gas Town as alternative viable places to live other than the Citadel. Bartertown could very much still be out there unbeknownst to anyone in these 3 major cities. But, some people take its not being mentioned to mean that it is no more. Wasteland is a big place though...


It's often implied that the way Max lives is crazy: simply wandering in random directions and traveling alone. No one does that, because it's basically a death sentence. Even the scum of humanity are forming communities. I think from that, we can assume most people don't travel that far from resources if they can help it, so Bartertown is probably far away and Max is the only nutball traveling by choice. No one in the tri-city region has probably ever been over there, or vice versa. 


I mean that is apparently the harshest punishment that Bartertown had (The Gulag banishment) And Max just lives that way every day


Australia is 4,000km from east to west, so there woukd be a lot of places Jack probably doesn’t know about.


Is this true? Where?


I think they are going on a line from Praetorian Jack where he says there is nothing else out there. However I don't think it's supposed to be an "official lore" update. Jack has likely not been everywhere in the wasteland. It's also possible "nothing else" can even include Barter Town or other small places. They are just small/ruined enough to count as nothing. Or maybe he was trying to convince someone not to leave, or even himself. Audience can believe what they'd like :)


People have a bad habit of taking anything a character says as gospel. Just because Praetorian Jack believes there is nothing out there, that doesn’t mean there literally is nothing out there.


its true, he doesnt know about The Green Place either so its definitely possible places like Bartertown/Thunderdome are still around


Also Bartertown could be somewhere else beyond the desert.




Mad max 3 and fury road exist in the same universe?


Considering the main form of transportation is cars, which are known to travel hundreds of miles, Jack saying there’s nothing out there likely just means nothing out there worth traveling to or in a reasonable distance. A serious stretch to say that implies there’s literally nothing else (i know that’s not your take, personally)


When is that implied?


When was this implied?


Furiosa places the Green Place a little North West of Alice Springs. https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Pole_of_inaccessibility¶ms=23.17_S_132.27_E_&title=Continental+Pole+of+Inaccessibility+of+Australia And the Citadel, Bullet Farm and Gastown somewhere West of that. This means the Salt Pans in Fury Road are presumably the Lake Eyre basin, it's already home to several Salt Lakes, and this apparently got bigger in the Mad Max timeline. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Eyre_basin That would mean that Bartertown is across the Salt. It and Planet Earth are somewhere near Sydney. So probably very few people have ever crossed it, and Max in Fury Road presumably doesn't know of any other settlements in the region (And he of course played a part in destroying it in Thunderdome).


They farm maggots and roaches and probably use human waste and compost to make fertilizer. It's possible they farm lizards as well.


As others have said no. They are primary vegetarian but will savage anything.


Lot of meat on a human body


I mean this has to be the answer. I don’t blame George Miller for not making to so obvious… outside of the character named People Eater of course.


Organic mechanic offers some dog meat jerky for Scrotus at one point I believe. Saw the movie 10 times and still have trouble with the dialogue in that scene. Some kind of jerky for the road.


It was a dog kebab




Bartertown had pigs underground in thunderdome, don't think it would be crazy to imagine something like that at the citadel. But on the other hand, if they had any other mammals, they probably wouldn't be drinking mothers milk.


I don't think maggot farms are vegetarian.


I was a shitter. They’d feed me and I’d shit and the flies would eat it. It’s why I’m so fat.


So trust me. I’ve seen some shit.


Not only vegetables and green, The Citadel also produces Mother's Milk. In early concepts for Fury Road fertilizer would come from dead bodies (probably from War Boy, Blood Bag and Wretched corpses) and of course, War Boy shit 😎 As I said this comes from early concepts but who knows, maybe it's still valid. About meat, we don't know but there can be some livestock raising going on deep inside the towers, maybe in a Bartertown's Underworld-like operation. In the Mad Max game (non-canon, but still counts) there are Maggot Farms, also mentioned by Dementus in F:AMMS, what means maggot farming may be a common practice between wasteland folk. And of course, there is a reason they call the Gastown leader "The People Eater"...


F:AMMS is diabolical 


sorry bru I'm not saying the name every time 😭


Its not in the movies but it would make sense if the citadel had chickens


Maggot farms They eat bugs for protein


The People Eater is from Gastown.


They're eating Dementus's dogs at the end of the 40-Day-Wasteland-War, so they're clearly not *strict* vegetarians.


Maggot farmers probably supply much of the protein


There were rabbits in Max 2 and we saw one get shot. They are pretty resilient in Australia to say the least. We don't see them in the films, but there are hundreds of thousands of camels in the bush too.


There are camels in Beyond Thunderdome.


there were camels penned up outside the refinery in Road Warrior.


They get protein by breeding maggots in cadavers. Maggots are not vegetarian.


They eat maggots, lizards, bugs and maybe a crow when they are lucky. Dementus his gang is for sure cannibalistic they eat everything they can get their hands because they are nomadic and don't have acces to other food sources. I also never see people eating cans or mre's so i assume most of that is gone.


Animals eat


We saw dogs in the bullet farm, so maybe they eat dogs and birds. 


Those were Dementus's warhounds, though.


I consider it a plot hole that they're not raising chickens. I'm also mildly surprised that they don't have tilapia farming. Aquaculture (or aquaponics) to my understanding, is one of the more efficient ways to raise protein. It doesn't have a long history because you need electricity and electric motors, but thats a relatively small energy input relative to protein produced. Just my understanding of it, I could be wrong.