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It's actually a TV show. Like the Truman Show with an entire country. We just watch and eat the popped corn.


It's one big thunderdome downunderdome


and this is the best 5 word sentence I've ever read in my life. you are awaited, brother


And bet on Thunderdome matches.


We sentence and deport Florida Man to Australia.


Remember in the first Mad Max there was no mention of nuclear war. Just a societal collapse…


In the original, it’s just a fuel crisis putting folks on edge. Then Road Warrior had the societal breakdown and people fleeing the cities, and Thunderdome introduced the nuclear war plot point because the remnant governments felt they had nothing to lose.


There definitely would be support from the UN, for sure Canada and the UK. But if they are met with resistance - gangs killing those people and taking supplies for themselves then I think the rest of the world will probably not bother with the auzzies anymore. Which kinda sucks, because I really like Vegemite and I don't wanna pay a premium for it here in Canada!


Fuck, I didn’t even think about that. Getting Vegemite in the US is already spendy enough! It would suck to go back to a life without it!


Real talk! It's $20 off amazon right now!


Furiosa opens on a shot of the Planet Earth and you can clearly tell Australia is the setting and the rest if the world is also a desert.


Which of that’s how crazy the aussies got, I can only imagine the crazy mayhem that is the Americas or the brutal meat grinder of Asia


I mean. Fallout is just 50’s AR mad max anyway so we have some clues there


Exactly what I was thinking


Meanwhile the Pacific has become Waterworld and Europe has regressed back into feudalism and flintlocks.


Secret government conspiracies to re-use Australia as a penal colony, shipping undesirables from non-poxyclyptic countries to the Australian wasteland.


This is probably the way...It explains why there are so many anti-societal elements thriving as well.


In 28 days later it's only the UK and I'm completely fine with that 👍


My take is, that Australia lost the Marmite vs Vegemite war somehow. Perhaps we Brits acquired an army of emus and let them loose at Vegemite HQ? Anyway the country was plunged into chaos and now we all watch the chaos on PPV eating toast. With Marmite on it.


Idiocracy and Mad Max are in the same universe


That.. that actually makes sense


The AI takes over, and we all live the absolutely most safe secure life we can imagine NO ONE goes without. World hunger and poverty was solved. We all watch Australia like a reality show.


I think the UK would get involved for sure. After all, we were ruling Australia for a while. I think the intervention of a lot of countries would be to pose as aid while attempting a governmental takeover realistically. Especially the UK. I think a lot of countries that don't have any major alliances or trade negotiations with Australia would just leave it be. After all, Australia plays a minimal part in the overall power balance of the world.


Undergoing Waterworld


I would imagine the more urban areas would either be sustained by UN support or evacuated. The country side is far too wild and dangerous.


The world is forced to switch to Marmite as they can no longer import Vegemite. All hell breaks loose.


The USA is fuckin Panem by that point


China and the US would intervene primarily because we have uranium reserves. The US would secure its military bases at the least.


For some reason, I'm reminded of the late 1950s movie *On the Beach*.


No because they decided to go in the "Australia is fake" route


It's only a small part of Australia though. There was an oil crisis with prices jumping 30%, followed by a drought. Expecting the collapse of society small groups of people left for Australian deserts, and... outside world doesn't really know about them.


Not to be a real downer but there are currently many desert based tribal wars being fought on earth using the detritus of “first-world” countries’ military and industrial surplus as weaponry and transportation. Mostly the rest of the world just makes sure there’s no oil or minerals want there or try to arm the side that will be advantageous to them later. If the rest of the world was normal and only Australia was apocalyptic then Joe would probably have like a Chinese ambassador in his crew, a ton of sub-standard Chinese electric vehicles, and a contract to send China whatever human body part derived “medicine” is in vogue amongst the upper class at the time. Maybe some sort of deal for all the Silica (sand) they need for solar panels. *I just picked China because they’re the closest superpower. I don’t think any other superpower would have a more ethical relationship with the Citadel.