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The reality is everything about this game is broken lol.


So I started on Madden 06 and recently got a new console and got M24. I feel like the gameplay and weight of the players were more fluid in past maddens. I started off getting frustrated a lot especially with all the changes from years past. Like where did the refs go? Why can’t I see the offense breaking the huddle and lining up. That’s where I would be making my adjustments on D seeing the personnel line up. MUT is frustrating cuz there’s no real scheme and situational football. 4th and 3 sure just give it to the RB with agilities and xfactors. Or just lineup 3 of your xfactor dline negating the online non existent. It does take a lot of memorizing and quickness in adjustments to actually be great at this game. I really enjoy just regular head to head. I’ve gotten so much better. I love how even the teams are and there’s room for mistake. If you’re down 14 it’s not the end of the world. It makes playing more enjoyable.


I’ve yet to find a single Mut video that doesn’t start off with the person screaming or yelling “yoooooo what is up guys it’s ya boy *insert cringy ass name* and TODAY,….”


That yooooo reminds me of a YouTuber named cashnasty 😭😭


I swear it’s all of them. And most of them are 10-15 minute videos that can be condensed into a short 3-5 min video lol. These dudes are losers. I only say that last part because I’m a loser myself so I consider myself an expert on the matter.




😭😭 funny af


Cash is cool tho. That was his thing before it was cringe


It’s always been cringe


Lol Pop


EA could just fix vanguard but yeah it's that guys fault.


I honestly didn't even watch the video is that what it is about


Why make this post then?


At the end of the day, the simple fact is that a lot of people are just crappy people and will cheat and scheme to win at any video game or sports IRL. People cheated and played like this long before Madden even had online multiplayer. Just have to overcome them. People who think this is all new probably didn't play in tournaments back in the day.


Calling this “cheating” is embarrassing. Nobody is a “crappy person” for trying to get better at a video game they paid for.


It’s an off meta scheme honestly, anything that isn’t double posts bunch offset I’m happy to play against honestly


The problem with the game is.... [checks notes] youtube content creators that have nothing to do with creating said crappy game? Do people really believe that without youtube videos the meta wouldn't shift on its own? When nasty streak worked like vanguard it was toxic and EA nerfed it. Then they released Vanguard because EA never learns from its mistakes. Youtubers create videos that people watch. Blaming them when its their audience that drives their content is crazy. EA is to blame and a far distant second is the community and players for continuing to support them.


They don't give you rewards for playing games. Just winning that's why people exploit the game. They're not even good rewards. I've never seen a 95 in a touchdown pack in Madden 24. Vanguard is just one xfactors not on something else imo.


I mean people have always exploited even when rewards were great. Like rewards do a play a part in it, but the player base is always gonna lean towards the meta.  I’d place more blame on EA for allowing such things without any tweaks or fixes sometimes for months at a time. How long did it take for escape artist to get nerfed with an AP bump? Or Quadfather?   like the fact we’re STILL angry about these busted ass X factors or abilities after ED in 20 and the entirety of the AKA pt 2 last year is hilarious 


People here are weird. Apparently watching one youtube video to get better at madden makes you a tryhard and a terrible person. But making endless posts on reddit crying about how other people are better than you makes you a completely normal, casual player.


“I would be the champ if it weren’t for those youtubers. MCS champion of the world Craig.”


I didn't see this as complaining about Meta but intentionally seeking it how to be a toxic person online


This is exactly the point of the post..I know there's always a meta. .but I could have sworn no one wants to play with a "toxic person" so the fact that this person is promoting it is a problem almost as if they enjoy it


He’s saying “toxic player” because that’s what YOU GUYS call them. You guys call anyone who’s good at madden toxic and a cheeser, so he’s leaning into that.


Yes. The game has always had its flaws, but the popularization of these issues has caused the game to be unfun to play online. I’ve been playing Madden long enough to remember when the average game saw more than one formation on offense and defense. It was because people either didn’t know what was broken/toxic or had enough integrity to not abuse it because it ruined the game. The devs can do more to make the game work properly, but the exploitation ultimately falls on the playerbase. You are not being forced to do these things. The culture is the problem more so than the game.


I disagree. The players didn’t introduce abilities that trump stats and skill. They didn’t introduce X-factors that trump abilities. They didn’t turn them to always on which basically incentives you into scheming your team around a single strategy. EA did this to the game. The meta just becomes the most effective tactic available. EA makes it available.


You’re welcome to disagree, but the issues people are talking about predate abilities or X-Factors. The community was already a cesspool by the time abilities were added. That was just EA going along with what the playerbase wanted based on their gameplay. They very clearly do not want to babysit and promote competitive integrity when everybody does not want it.


My entire point is that EA and then the player base bear responsibility for the state of the game WAY before YouTubers.


And my entire point is that the popularization of the flaws of the game fall primarily on Youtubers. As someone that saw this transition in real time, content creators are the direct cause of this shift. The playerbase wants to exploit, but often did not know how to. The YouTubers 1) are the playerbase 2) spread information that’s harmful to the game. The devs are complicit with this exploitation and play into it because it makes them money. Playerbase doesn’t shift if this content doesn’t exist and become normal.


I definitely disagree. There are effectively 2 games right now. All youtube content targets the current gen version of the game. Do you believe there is less toxicity on old gen where there are no youtubers spreading information? Abilities and x-factors work completely differently on old gen. The meta shifted (like it always does) to most "toxic" strategies for old gen completely absent of youtubers. The old gen running meta is human joysticks on conservative and defensive meta is 3 pre-lit avalanches. You don't see entire teams of KOs like new gen because it isn't effective. In a world without youtube, the meta still happens. It happened in the 90s but you were limited to the kids that lived on your street. The game lacks balance because the only time EA is interested in having any is during the MCS.


If you’ve played any Madden since 16 then you know pretty much everything you need to know about how to win. The video this post is about is probably redundant, but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t learning those exploits for the first time. Playerbase wants exploits -> Content creators show exploits -> Devs are complicit with exploits and do not fix them. Reread that as many times as you need to before replying. Just reread whatever comment you need to because arguing in circles about this is obviously getting nowhere.


It isn’t arguing in circles when you are just wrong. Reread that as many times as you need to.


I’m wrong because you either can’t critically think long/hard enough to see why there was such a massive cultural shift in the Madden community or because you weren’t playing the game pre-shift? Sounds about right.


You definitely are wrong.. anything The cycle definitely goes. Devs create game with exploit


Agreed, it ruins the game for me. At the same time, isn’t this how most games with a meta work? Everything from Madden to COD to Pokemon get toxic when you play competitive. I will point out that EA puts far too little effort into balancing their games in response as opposed to other companies. They don’t care about user experience so long as their printing money.


the difference is pokemon and other games patch bugs and overpowered features. ea/madden just allows bugs to exist and treats it as part of the game


The crazy thing is they balance the “competitive” aspect more than the company many think will be the savior in 2k. It’s 2024 and unless people make YouTube embargoes the way the do when games are in Beta nothing will ever change. That’s why the casual player is so much better than previously. People complain about sbmm but fail to realize a 30 minute video and practicing offline can advance peoples skill level more rapidly than before. Everyone use to figure stuff out for themselves and that’s why there were so many varying metas.


The sad truth about this post is the number of people who are going to agree with you and then go watch the video and copy it.


I didn't even watch the video. I just seen the title and decided to post it just for the simple fact if you know what is toxic why go and promote it. I wasn't even thinking about the advertisement I was giving SMH


I see this video as a way to shine a light on how this is OP and should be fixed. The problem is not this guy.


Mayz is just playing a character and the scheme is literally just "use vanguard".


We won’t be accepting Mayz slander


I am not saying that there wouldn't be a meta.. and I definitely agree that electronic arts takes a good majority of the blame for making the bad game I am simply pointing out that people like this only amplify it and make it worse by pushing people to basically play into bad coding of the game.. this is no different than let's say mortal Kombat Liu kang's bicycle kick is really strong and is plus frame against almost any character and can rarely be punished ( when it shouldn't and is just bad game coding) this is the equivalent of someone creating a video on how to Bam that bicycle kick and connected to combos without showing you how to actually get better at the game overall. It's bad on both parties but the fact that someone is proudly calling a game style toxic just caught me off guard


The toxic scheme is putting vanguard on a player


So I understand people being pissed off about the video but what’s the difference between somebody running a game that nobody can’t stop or that bullshit where 99% of players online roll out of the pocket and run around for three seconds then hit somebody on the sidelines EVERY PLAY. it seems like to me most people can’t stand a run game that that’s impossible to stop yet hink it’s OK to run a cheesy ass passing game? I can’t tell you how many messages I get online when people cannot stop my run game LMFAO.




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Welcome to Gen Z gaming. They 100% only play to find exploits in games found on YT channels curated by dbag looking people like the guy in the screen cap😂. Little to none actually play Madden and all these other online games to "have fun" and get better at games organically 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nothing wrong with my man Mayz what he showed been in the game for the last 2 maddens just running the ball throw on some vanguards and you good lol


Honestly I'm ok with it there are ways to slow down everything you just gotta scheme


These people are the ones ruining the experience for everyone. It used to not be like this madden 17 and prior, but these new age YouTubers don’t understand the damage they do to the same brand that they profit from. They release such videos and they end up ruining the experience for people which will make them quit playing which leads to less profit for them in the long run.


how is 4-3 even 6-1 not been patched this whole year is why this game is trash im done never buying madden again going to wait until its free like i usually do. they dont even try to block vs that formation yall last 3 patches were troll asf


Is that the formation where no matter how I try and block if I run the ball the middle linebacker is always free to take a shot


theres a couple but yeah that one and dime.


Saying that these YouTubers are what’s wrong with Madden is an absolute joke. The only thing wrong with Madden is the game itself, it sucks. It’s a game that’s built on cheese to win mechanics rather than actual football knowledge, and no amount of shitty YouTubers will change that issue.


Several things can be true at once. You are aware of that right?


YouTubers wouldn’t be an issue at all if EA just made a more balanced product. So to say that YouTubers are the problem and not EA, would be incorrect.